That Girl (Eminem fanfiction)

By MeganEminem

42.5K 758 142

Phoebe Sparks is a crazy Eminem fan, she has a huge crush on him and adores all of his music. She goes to al... More

The First Concert
The Morning After Part 1
The Morning After Part 2
Girl's Day
Going On Tour?
On Tour
New Friend
Hanging Out
A Friendly Outting
Meeting Jill
First Date
Will You Be Mine?
The Announcement
Hailie's 16th Part 1
Hailie's 16th Part 2
New Year's Eve Surprise
Wedding Plans
The Wedding
Award Show
Alaina's Graduation
Phoebe's 22nd
Alaina Goes To College
Phoebe Meets Rihanna
Our Family
Baby's 1st Christmas and Hailie's 17th
Chloe's 1st Word
Whitney's 11th Birthday
Hailie's Junior Prom
Chloe's First Steps
Vacation Part 1
Vacation Part 2
Chloe's 1st Birthday
Hailie's Senior Homecoming
Christmas and Hailie's 18th
Hailie Graduates from High School
Chloe Goes to Preschool
Hailie Visits
Whitney's Junior High Graduation
Spelling Bee
Hailie Gets Married
Chloe's Song
Whitney's High School Graduation
Hailie's Surprise
The Final Straw
Her First Concert?

Date Night

338 7 2
By MeganEminem

Phoebe's P.O.V.
I'm really excited because tonight me and Marshall are going to have a date night. The last one we had was before Chloe was born. Hailie is going to watch Whitney and Chloe for us.
Hailie is helping me get ready, she's become so amazing with doing makeup I mean she's better at it than me and Jill and we've had a lot of practice. I guess she's just a fast learner, but that doesn't surprise me after all her dad is the most crazy perfectionist ever and he picks up on things quickly as well.
"How about some blue eyeshadow?" Hailie suggests. "That sounds pretty but won't that be a little too much for a date?" I ask her feeling concerned. "No I don't think so, I mean I can make it look nice plus dad's favorite color is blue" she says. Well she makes a good point so I decide to agree with her and she continues to do my makeup.
"Do you think I should curl my hair?" I ask Hailie. "Yeah I think that would be a great idea, dad likes it when your hair is curly and I have to admit you do look really pretty when your hair is curled" she says nicely. "Awww thanks Hailie" I say blushing. "I have a question though" she says suddenly. "Oh yeah what's that?" I ask. "How come you keep dying your hair blonde? I mean when I first met you your hair was brown."
"Well I guess I just got used to having it this way" I tell her.
I guess I've never really thought of it before I think to myself.
"Well I think you look pretty as a blonde but I think your original color fits you a lot nicer" she tells me. Then she quickly says "I don't mean to sound rude though."
I think she was really afraid that I was going to be offended.
"No that's ok Hailie" I tell her reassuringly. "I might just have to dye my hair brown again."
"You're not mad?" Hailie asks. "No of course not sweetheart" I tell her. "Okay, good" she says smiling.
Eminem's P.O.V.
I've been feeling really happy inside lately it just seems like everything is so perfect. My family is happy and together. Since I've been a little kid there's been two things that I've always wanted, to be able to listen to and make music and to have a big happy family.
So tonight I'm taking Phoebe on a date. I'm taking her to SkateLand which I know she will be super excited about because the last time I wanted to take her roller skating she couldn't because she was pregnant.
*oink oink* Chloe's pig comes running up to me and Chloe comes following behind it.
"Marshie Pinky is hungry" Chloe says to me. "Chloe Pinky is always hungry I think he can wait for a little while" I tell her. Chloe makes a pouty face at me but I'm not falling for it. "Chloe go play with Pinky, don't make me think about eating him" I tell her. "Silly Marshie you don't eat piggys" Chloe tells me.

Phoebe just came down the stairs and of course she looks stunning. She's wearing a pink crop top and a pair of jeans with tennis shoes. Her hair is curled her makeup looks perfect and she has big dangly hoop earrings on.
"Wow Phoebe you look perfect" I compliment her. "Awww thanks Marshall" she says and kisses me on the cheek. I like it when she does that.

We are in the car now and I'm driving.
"So where are we going?" she asks me.
"We are going to SkateLand" I tell her.
"Really? Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" she squeals.
That's my Phoebe I think to myself.
"I don't mean to be a total fangirl but before I met you I always dreamed of getting to do something like this with you" she tells me.
I laugh, "Oh I love you Phoebe" I say.
"I love you too Marshall."

We arrive at the rink and the parking lot is empty because I rented the entire place out for the night.
I open the passenger seat door for Phoebe and I help her out of the car.
"Are you ready?" I ask her.
"Yep" she replies.
We get inside and we lace up our skates and we skate out onto the rink. The Dj turns on a song it sounds awfully familiar and then I realize why, it's my song "lose yourself."
"Is this supposed to be a joke!" I yell.
Suddenly the Dj comes over the loudspeaker and says "sorry Mr. Mathers would you like me to change the song?"
"Well duh... I don't want to listen to myself rap when I'm on a date with my wife."
"Oh come Marshall or shall I say Eminem." The way she said Eminem irritates me.
"You know what Phoebe I'm trying to do something nice for you!" I say a lot louder than I meant to. At this point not only is Phoebe looking at me horrified but all the other workers in the building are too.
"I'm sorry Phoebe I didn't mean to yell, I'm so sorry baby please don't be mad" I beg her.
"It's okay Marshall I understand" she tells me. This response was actually surprising I thought she was going to be pissed.
"Come on" she says taking my hand in hers. We skate around the rink together and we listen to hip hop music but nothing by me and after we got done skating we shared some nachos from the little food stand that they have.

We ended up having a really enjoyable night. I'm pretty proud of myself.

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