Give Your Heart A Break

By breannaleee

77K 2K 191

Payton Scott is an ordinary 19 year old, except for the fact that only a few months ago she found her sister... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter TwentySix

Chapter TwentyFive

1.1K 49 6
By breannaleee


"God Payton, you really should call your mum she's worried about you. She has been calling the academy, Keira and even me non-stop. I've been out searching for you all god damn day, and find you are staying in THIS place? What are you doing Payton, seriously." I spoke quickly, running a frustrated hand through my curls. I had been so god damn worried, I didn't know whether she actually flew back to Australia or if she was just roaming around by herself. Then I find out she is staying in some run-down motel which doesn't exactly make me feel better. It seemed like a place where people I wouldn't want her around would stay.

"How the hell did you find me here?" was all she said as she spoke with wide eyes, shock evident in her face.

"Payton that is not the point, you can't just pack up and leave without telling the people who love you where you are going and what you are doing. You know people actually worry about you, it's not just about you!" Her face changed from shock to angry as soon as the sentence left my mouth making me want to take it back instantly. Although she needed to hear it, she has no idea what she does sometimes and how it can effect other people, she gets too caught up in the moment and doesn't think things through. I wasn't so much as angry with her as I was worried to death about her.

"Oh Im sorry Harry, I have been a little caught up with the last few events to think straight, one of those events was you kissing that girl. Im terribly sorry to make you worry about me." she sneered. 

"You told me you forgave me about that and you know I didn't kiss her she kissed me. But even if I did kiss her it wouldn't of mattered because you broke up with me remember? You broke up with me because you didn't want to get hurt. But you didn't care about hurting me now did you? You are so caught up in your own self, making sure you never get hurt to realise that you can hurt people, just like they hurt your sister." I yelled. I knew that mentioning her sister was a low blow, but it was true. The girl standing before me has broke my heart to pieces multiple times without a care in the world except for herself and yet she is still playing the victim.

Her jaw twitched in anger and her eyes became glassy. "Get out." she spoke lowly.


"GET OUT!" she yelled, pushing at my chest with her small hands.

"Hey is everything alright here?" a guy came running over. He looked about my age and looked at Payton with worried eyes, she looked back with desperate ones. Who the hell was this guy? My anger which was simmering was now boiling as I looked at the pair.

"It's okay Lucas, he was just leaving." Payton spoke up giving 'Lucas' a small smile and nod.

"Lucas? You know him? God you're unbelievable Payton. Whatever, just call your mum and Keira would you?" I said turning on my heel and walking back down the path that had lead to her door, leaving my heart behind, squashed right under her foot like many times before. I pushed my hands into my pocket to protect them from the chilly night air and let the tears roll down my cheeks.


I stared at Harry as he walked away, some part of me wanted to run after him to explain the Lucas was just my current neighbour, but another part of me wanted to make him think Lucas wasn't just my neighbour.

"Hey you okay? Who was that?" Lucas spoke up which made me quickly turn my attention towards him. He was looking at me with big blue worried eyes.

"No one. Come on lets go and start this movie night." I tried my best to smile as I closed my door behind him and started walking over to his. I looked back to see if he was following but he stood in the same spot. "Well come on!" I called out as he snapped his head towards me and smiled before running to catch up.


Charlie was crashed out across our laps as the second movie finished, it was about 9pm and this day seemed to of lasted forever, although I was glad the last few hours I didn't need to think about Harry or that ever present gnawing worry feeling in my gut ever since he walked away. He showed me another side tonight, he stuck up for himself against me, he got mad and frustrated and he definitely showed it. I was in a way glad he did, his true thoughts came out and he spoke words that I didn't know I needed to hear until now. Every word he spoke was true and I was proud he had the guts to say it. Although you couldn't say the same thing about me, I was a coward through and through. I run away when things get tough for my own personal benefit, without thinking of anyone else except for my own self. But I am stubborn just like my father and couldn't admit to Harry that he was right, it was shame ultimately that kept me here and not to go after him. I always thought I was the stronger one in our relationship, because I had that power over myself to not get hurt, to not let people in, but Harry was the opposite, he wore his heart on his sleeve and took a chance on me that he probably knew wouldn't end well. That made him twice the person I am, twice as stronger than me, because he was strong enough to put himself out there to get hurt in return for possible happiness.

"Well we better put this one to bed." Lucas whispered, smiling down at his little sister. I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head and nodded and smiled at Lucas. His face contorted into a frown as he once again looked at me with worried eyes, before picking Charlie up and disappearing into another room to put her down to bed. I sat and picked at my chipped nail polish as I awaited his return, knowing he was going to be asking 21 questions as soon as he got back. I was fighting to control my emotions right now, and felt like this is how I have been feeling for months now, always on the verge of breaking down. I was slowly becoming undone and I was one stitch away from a complete break down.

"Did you want to talk about it?" Lucas said as he sat down back down on the lounge, he was looking at me with such genuine eyes. So many things has happened to this guy and he is still willing to put himself out and help someone. He has not let grief taint his soul and ruin his life, unlike myself. Grief has become my life and I have become such a terrible selfish person in the process. I was poison, every life I came into I poisoned. I didn't want to poison Lucas's. I didn't want to be the one to taint his soul just by being in his life. And with those last few final thoughts, my final stitch came undone and I broke down in a heap of sobs.

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