The Stage Door (Camren/Normin...

Par WritingByMonroe

110K 3.2K 2.4K

I packed my life away in three suitcases and moved 2,800 miles from my home. This was my dream school. This w... Plus

The Roommate
The Roommate (Part Two)
Striking Up a Friendship
Early Morning Riser
The Question
The Assignment
iHop Revelations
I'll Take Care of You
Painful Disclosure
A Family Home
The Perks of Being Lauren
Green Grass and a Guitar
Higher Ground
Composing the Truth
Where Are You?
Arms Up
She's Breakable
What Did I Do?
A Group of Five
Just Us Three
Teacup Disaster
Operation Norminah
Bows, Dragonflies and Teddy Bears
Truths, Tigers and Seals
Five Girls One Love
You're Not Alone
Girls Helping Girls Helping a Boy
Camz You Feel My Love?
A Dinah and Dancing Date
Ally Bout Us
A Messy Invite
Three Words
Fifth Harmony
The Nightmare
Bad Things
Who Are You?
I Just Wanted To Tell You I Love You
The Night Goes Black
It Happened So Fast
How Do I Fix This?
This Is How It's Supposed To Be
Shower Me With The Truth
You Didn't Even Notice
Bows and Beanies
Bonfire (Part 1)
The Bonfire (Part 2)
Engraved In My Heart Forever
Photos From The Past
Pancake Cravings
Rooftop Nights
Falling Back Together
One Week
The Box

Planet Green Eyes Attacks You

2K 53 24
Par WritingByMonroe

Hi, this is just a semi-fluffy filler while I work on the next chapter. I hope you like it. Leave me pretty comments xo

Lauren POV

Camila, Dinah, and I were sitting in our last class for the day, our Music History teacher giving a lecture on  style periods and aesthetics. I was bored, beyond bored, her voice was monotone and she spoke too fast for most people to actually be able to follow what she said, there were only a few students who were managing to just fine, Camila being one of them. I resigned and set my pencil down on top of my notebook, deciding that I would just get the notes from Camila later. 

My eyes drifted to Camila for a moment as I watched her completely engrossed in the lecture, nodding along and writing wildly and then my eyes fell on Dinah. I had been so concerned with Normani since this morning that I hadn't really taken the time to think about Dinah, it wasn't that I didn't care, I just knew she was in good hands with Camila, but as I sat there watching her my heart ached. She wasn't paying attention to the lesson, in fact she hadn't even removed her notebook from her bag and her desk sat completely empty of anything school related. She was just sitting there, forehead against the wooden desk and hand pulling at her sweater on the table and every once and a while she would bring up one of her hands and wipe at her face with the back of an already wet sleeve. 

She was crying and Dinah was one of the most confident, strong people I had ever met and I knew that for her to not only be crying, but for her to be crying in public meant something was majorly wrong. I knew what had happened and I didn't know how to help and if I was being honest, I wasn't so sure Ally's plan was such a good idea, but we didn't have a back-up so we were going to go through with it, I just hoped it wouldn't explode in front of us.

"I've felt this," Camila had said to me this morning and the words hadn't fully hit me or registered until just now, watching Dinah.   

I sighed and tilted my head to look back at Camila and my mind thought back to the days she had been distant with me, they definitely never lasted as long as Dinah and Normani's misunderstanding, but then my mind went to yesterday and all I could think about was how scared and how sad Camila must have been when she took off after singing me her song and I felt guilty for not realizing how she felt earlier.

The thing about Camila is that she's perfect, she has faults, everyone does, but hers just make her a more immaculate human being in my eyes. She was funny without trying and she was beautiful and smart and she had more talent in the tip of her pinky finger than most people have in their entire bodies. She was caring and kind and warm and she had eyes that were deep and thoughtful and staring right back at me and she was laughing. 

All I could think was "I've been caught." And yet all that came out of my mouth was a mumbled and whispered string of curse words, which just caused Camila to shake her head.

I turned back to my desk and turned to a blank page, scribbling out a note and passing it across the aisle and sliding it onto Camila's desk the second the teacher's back was turned. 


Camila POV

I hate lectures, because my hand never moves as fast as the mouth of the person talking, but I was doing my best. Straight forward bullet points were key. This is something my Dad had told me when I was accepted into the school I was currently sitting inside of. 

"It's like college Camila, it's a high school that runs like a college, so you have to prepare yourself for that. You're not going to have a normal high school career," I smiled at the memory, my Dad had always been my best friend. We were close. He was my hero and I was his princess and that's how things always were with him. I wondered what he would think of Lauren when he met her at the showcase, knowing that my Mom had definitely gone home and told him straight away about our conversation yesterday. I wondered briefly why he hadn't called me, but I resigned to thinking he didn't care and like my Mom, he had suspected; And that's when I felt a pair of eyes on me.

I turned around slowly, taken back slightly, Lauren was zoned out and yet her eyes were locked on me, the colour vivid as the sun hit them through the window and all I could think was, "Holy shit, Lauren from planet green eyes attack you."  I laughed out loud, causing my teacher to send me a glare while I reminded myself to change Lauren's contact name in my phone as soon as I was done class. As soon as I laughed though, Lauren snapped out of her haze and when she did she looked like a small child who had just been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I was about to say something, but Lauren mumbled an inaudible slew of what I was pretty sure were swear words and quickly turned away and began to scribble something down on paper. Before I could even blink twice, her arm was extended and the paper that was now folded in a neat square was being slid onto my desk, I glanced up at our teacher to make sure she hadn't seen and then grabbed the note and held it under my desk, slowly opening it to ensure that there wasn't any crinkling sounds that would bring attention to me. 

My Dearest Most Beautiful Wonderful Camila,

I looked over at Lauren and shook my head reading the first line. I wasn't the most beautiful and I wasn't that wonderful, but when she narrowed her eyes as a warning to my protest I flicked mine back down to the paper. 

I keep watching Dinah and I can't help but think about what you said this morning. I'm sorry I ever made you feel.. That. I promise that for as long as you'll have me you will never feel that again. I like you a lot Camz, I hope you know that. Every bit of you means something incredibly important to me. I know you don't see it, I know you don't understand what I see when I look at you, but I promise one day you will. You are not just my sun, but my whole universe and I know that what we have is rare and special and I wanted you to know that I love waking up next to you in the morning and I love falling asleep to the sound of your heartbeat and I know it's sappy, but it's true. You are my other half, you make me whole. 

Now let's fix Dinah and Mani and make them whole again too. Also do you know what's up with Ally and the drama class boy, I need details and she gives me nothing! Get details Cabello, details!

Forever yours, 

The Moon. 

P.S. See you tonight, by the Ferris Wheel where "Operation Norminah" will commence at promptly 7:00. 

I folded the paper and stuck it in the back pocket of my denim shorts and turned, head tilted and mouthed my reply to Lauren. 

"I will always be yours."

Continuer la Lecture

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