Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #W...

By NatalyCanez

440K 13.9K 4.6K

They were like Romeo and Juliet; fated to fall in love or maybe...just fated to fall. Cover made by: @JonasKr... More

Introduction/ Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
*The Fanfiction Awards 2016*
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Important Questions!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Playlist and Song Suggestions
Thoughts and Important Info
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
I Need To Say This
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69.
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
The End
The Fanfiction Awards 2018

Chapter 70

3.2K 108 51
By NatalyCanez


You're the one that I want- Alex and Sierra

Ryder's POV

"Ryder get back here!" Harry says as I rush down the stairs, the thuds of his feet loud and close behind me.

"No, get away!" I laugh, stepping off the staircase before turning into the living room.

My heart is pounding hard in my chest, not because I am tired but by the fun thrill of this game. It's funny how we both changed our mood so quickly, but this is one of the reasons why I love Harry. This is one of the things I love about us. No matter what is going on, how troubled we seem to be, we always know the other will be there to cheer the other person up and if cheering up isn't possible then the person is there for full support. It's just like Harry said; he loves me deeply and I love him deeply, more than anybody else.

We may have our ups and downs but what couple doesn't. We may not be 'normal' but Harry and I are our own version of normal. Besides, normal is highly overrated.

"I've got you!" Harry says just as I feel both of his arms snake around me as I was about to run around the couch.

I squeal as he pulls me back, slamming my back to his chest as he slightly lifts me up off the floor, turning us around.

"Ah- ha ha, Harry!" I laugh, screwing my eyes shut as he dips his face into my neck, kissing and nibbling on my skin, tickling me.

"Harry! Harry stop!" I beg, feeling his small stumble on his chin below my ear. Harry laughs, pressing a kiss on my neck before placing one on my cheek.

"You meanie." I whine, but the smile on my face deceived me as I turn around to face him.

Harry raises his brows, looking amused. "Meanie? What are you six?"

I scowl at him and stick my tongue out.

Harry chuckles, placing one hand in my waist. He shakes his head, looking away from me and after a moment he takes me hand.

"Come here." He says and I furrow my brows confused as he turns around heading towards the back of the living room. My lips part as he leads us towards his large black piano.

Harry sits on the piano bench as soon as we approach it. I look at him confused and questionably, he says nothing but simply scoots further down and pats the empty space beside him. As I sit down, I try to decided if I'm dreaming or not because in all of the time I have been with him I have never heard or seen him play. I know he does because why else would he have a piano in his home? But, I also remember Niall telling me that Harry used to play a lot before when he was little.

Niall mentioned that it was his mom that taught him how to play, I was shocked to hear this because Harry really never talks about his mom and neither does Gemma. In all of the time I have been with Harry, and that I have talked to Gemma, the only time that I have heard of their mom was when Gemma was showing me photographs when we went to visit her. I know there is something more to Harry's mom, I know it's a hard topic for Harry to discuss so when it comes to this subject I don't push my curiosity on to him just like he doesn't when it comes to my mom. It's a nice mutual understanding.

I watch as Harry lifts the shiny polished lid up off the keys, locking it in its place before placing his hands on the keys. He opens and closes his hands a couple of times as if to get the feel of the keys before fully resting his hands down, but not pressing any notes.

I look up at Harry and he is watching me, a pleased smile on his lips. After a second a soft high note rings out as his left hands played a few more notes before adding his right hand adding a contrasting sound.

"I've got chills...they're multiplying." Harry starts to sing softly, my eyes flickering up to him.

Is he really singing the song to my favorite movie?

"And I'm losing control. Cause the power you're supplying..." he says turning to look at me.

"It's electrifying." He wiggles his brows, a grin spreading across his face as he stops playing.

I giggle while playfully nudging him on his shoulder.  Harry looks back down at the keys moving his hands slightly off the keys and nods at me, gesturing me to sing.

Oh, why not?

"You better shape up. 'Cause I need a man. And my heart is set on you." I smile, singing along.
"You better shape up. You better understand.

"To my heart I must be true." I sing with Harry joining me.
"Nothing left... Nothing left for me to do."

"You're the one that I want." I sing looking back over at Harry who smiles, flickering his eyes to me. Oo-oo-oo, honey. The one that I want.Oo-oo-oo, honey. The one that I want."

"Oo-oo-oo, the one I need." I grin and lean forward pressing my lips to his.

After the song was over I stood up from the bench as Harry placed the lid back on the keys. Once he does he shifts on the bench, swinging one leg over the other side so he is straddling it before scooting closer to the edge were I stood.

"I'll fix this. You know that right?" He mutters, reaching out, taking my hand in his.

"Yeah," I nod, brushing his hair back off his forehead. "I know you will."

He smiles, which I gladly return before placing my hand on his shoulder to kiss him once more but cut the kiss off short remembering something I was going to ask him earlier when we were driving from my dad's.

"Harry, I know it's late but would you mind getting changed? I need to go to the store."

"Of course." He nods. "But what for?"

"Um well I need..." I pause, flustered.

He smiles. "Your girl things?"

"Yeah." I mutter sheepishly, feeling my cheeks blush.

Harry chuckles. "No need to be embarrassed love." He says placing his hands on my waist, rubbing circles on my sides with his thumbs."It's me you're talking to. Besides, having periods is a normal thing."

"Oh, I love you." I grin kissing him once more before stepping away so he could stand.

Harry's POV

"Alright babe, is there anything else you need?" I ask, holding the basket out for Ryder so she can toss the packet of pads inside.

"Um..." she ponders, pursuing her lips. "Well we did run out of popcorn."

"Okay, let's go get some popcorn." I smile, grabbing the basket by it's handle before placing my hand in hers.

"And maybe some chocolate?" She asks, shyly.

I chuckle. "Of course." I say leading us down the isle.

After grabbing all the things that Ryder needed and hungrily wanted, I dump the contents on the counter so the cashier could ring them up before placing the basket where it belonged. Walking back over to Ryder I could not help but admire how adorable she looks in a pair of grey sweats and my Green Bay Packers hoodie. She looks so tiny with how baggy the sweater looks on her, especially if she is standing and biting on her thumb nail.

Nail biting is a habit I've grown to know that Ryder does when she is nervous. I also know it's because she saw me place my gun in the waistband of my jeans before we left the house. I know she doesn't like it but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I stand beside Ryder as a couple of people walk into the store, the cool breeze blowing in from outside as the revolving doors open with each person walking in and out. I casually glance at everyone and give a smile to a little boy who is being tugged by his hand by his mother who smiled at me. I turn my head gazing around at the shelves  by the entrance, displaying various chip bags, cases of soda and other types of junk food. My eyes stop wondering however, when I catch a glimpse of a guy talking on his phone, dressed in all black thick winter clothing, wearing a blue cap. This wouldn't have caught my attention because everyone talks on the phone, it's the fact that the person is holding his phone by his ear but is keeping his gaze on us.

For a brief moment, I take in his features and my lips subtly part while my mind starts to make comparisons of someone I used to know. Once the man knows I'm fully watching him, I have no idea if it's my paranoid mind playing tricks, but I see him locking his gray eyed gaze with me mouthing a single word...


My brows furrow and I look away, looking down at Ryder who was handing the cashier the payment for our items. An unsettling feeling washes over me and I step closer to Ryder, wrapping my arm around her waist as casually as I could so she doesn't notice my anxiousness. As I look back up, he is gone, no where in sight and I sag in relief.

"Okay, ready to go?" Ryder says to me, pulling me out of my distracted state. I look down at her and she is smiling at me holding the plastic bag in her hand.

"Yeah. Let's go." I nod, taking the bag from her and give the cashier a brief thank you before wrapping my arm around her and lead us outside to our car.

I keep both hands on the steering wheel as I drove, looking out on the road but my mind was concentrating on my thoughts; trying to figure out who I saw. Then after a moment I realize the only person I know with gray eyes and similar stature.


A chill runs down my spine as my hands automatically tighten around the wheel. My heart plummets knowing that this officially means that he is on our tail.

"Harry, you okay?" Ryder asks me while reaching out placing her hand on my leg, grabbing my attention.

"Yeah." I nod, without looking at her. "I'm just tired."

Ryder says nothing but leans over in her seat to press a kiss on my cheek,making my smile momentarily, and I make a mental note to myself to call Niall as soon as I get home.

Ryder's POV

"Are you sure you can't come have lunch with us?" I ask Harry through the phone as Niall and I walk side by side down the street. His hand, gently, gripping me by my arm so I don't get lost with the crowd of people walking around.

"I wish, but I can't. We are about to start a meeting." Harry replies.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I'm already sitting here in the conference room and people are piling in. A few of my co workers are looking at me funny wondering who the hell I'm talking to."

"My girlfriend." He adds, away from the phone. I let out a small laugh.

"Alright, well I can send you something to eat if you want."

"That would be lovely baby. Now, I have to go. I love you."

"Love you." I reply hanging up.

"How do you not get tired on waiting for me?" I ask Niall as we carry our trash from our deli sandwiches to the trash bin.

"I feel like an undercover cop." He shrugs, smiling.

"Ha, you hate cops." I remind him.

"Not Harry." He says tossing his trash into the bin before grabbing mine and doing the same.

"So what sandwich are you going to get Harry?" He asks, looking up at the large menu on the wall, behind the counter a few feet away.

"I'm thinking of buying him something from somewhere else. He doesn't really like to eat here."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to the bathroom real quick," he says gesturing back with his thumb.

"Here is some money to go buy the cookies you were drooling over." He adds, teasingly, as he take out a folded bill from his pocket.

I laugh. "Thanks."

"No problem." He says as he turns and walks away.

Heading towards the counter by the entrance I stand in line, there were four people in front of me and even though it isn't that many people I roll my eyes, annoyed.

I hate waiting.

Shifting from one feet to the other, I dig out my phone from my purse and decided to send a text to Shawn but before I could begin typing someone speaks behind me, calling my attention.

"You two are way in over your head and you don't even realize it."  A male voice speaks, with an Irish accent. I furrow my brows and lower my hand down with my cellphone, looking over my shoulder.

Right away, the man gives me a closed lip smile. He is tall with storm cloud colored hooded eyes, locking with mine, wearing a blue cap.

"Um, do I know you?" I ask warily.

He shakes his head. "No. Not yet anyways."

I scoff. "Is that some sort of pick up line? I have a boyfriend." I say turning back around as the line in front of me moves forward. I was relieved when the guy didn't say anything, glad the I ended his weird flirting attempt, but as I was about to take a step forward in line he speaks again.

"Your boyfriend has a reputation, sweetheart." He says, his breath hitting my neck, as he mutters by my right ear. My eyes widen when he speaks as I take in a sharp breath, feeling a shiver run through me.

Immediately, I step away, scowling. "What are you-"

"Your boyfriend is an exceptional liar." He interrupts me, keeping his hands shoved into his black jacket pockets. Very noticeably, I feel my heart change it's thumping pace in my chest as this man speaks to me.

I have no idea who is he, but clearly he knows who I am.

Briefly, I glance towards the bathroom hoping for Niall to come back soon.

"You have no idea what is to come for the both of you darling, and I have to say that he doesn't like liars."

"Who is-"

"Just keep that in mind." He says giving me a wink before stepping away from me and turning around.

"Hey Ryder, you didn't get the cookies?" Niall asks after a moment making me look away from the creepy guy stepping out of the door.

"What?" I blink at him. "Oh no,uh...they ran out of  the one's I wanted." I lie.

I'm not going to tell him. Harry has enough to worry about. Besides, I can always tell Harry later if I change my mind.

Niall hums, frowning, briefly looking over to the entrance. "Well, okay then. Let's go."

James' POV

"When will these stupid meetings end? We haven't caught The Sinister why do they have to check up on us?" I asks as Harry and I walk into the room where we make copies and have been spending out last few days in trying to scout this guy down.

The space was once used as a break room, where you could look inside through the windows taking up the top hallway of the wall. All over the few tables were boxes filled with scattered files, evidence bags, maps and any alliances we have of The Sinister's  workers that we know about, along with their criminal records.

"Yeah. Now I missed having lunch out with Ryder and Niall." He replies as we step into the break room.

Turning my head to my left, to the table lined against the wall with a coffee machine, napkins and other paper and plastic eating utensils. I notice a box of pizza with a sticky note, dedicated to Harry.

I smile, grabbing one of the white styrofoam cups before taking the pot out of the coffee machine.

"Well, at least you know Ryder won't let you die of starvation." I say gesturing my with my chin to the pizza box, before I pour some coffee into the cup.

Harry steps beside me, lifting off the sticky note off the brown cardboard box.

"Harry, here is your food. Just as promised." Harry reads. "Love you."

"Aww, how sweet." I smile, taking a sip of my coffee. "So are promises sort of a thing between you guys?"

"Oh shut up." Harry says shoving my shoulder, placing the note on the table.

"Would you like some?" He asks pointing to the box.

I shake my head. "Nah, not really hungry."

"Besides, one of these days those things are going to kill you. You have been eating too much junk food lately."

"Yeah right. I'm healthy as a horse." He replies back as I walk out the door.

I barely manage to take a few steps when suddenly a loud noise echoes out and I am flown against the wall by a strong force. I groan landing on the floor, hearing glass break and fall. Abruptly, the building's fire alarm begins to go off, through the loud ringing in my ears, followed by screaming from different people.

"James! James are you alright!" I hear a voice frantically ask as deliberate and rushed footsteps dash towards me. I open my eyes and I am looking at the roof. I blink turning my head and see all of the windows shattered, turned into glittering pieces on the floor.

My eyes widen and I immediately push through the ache in my body to turn on my side, realizing that a bomb just went off.

Oh no.

"James, are you okay?" The same voice asks as the person helps me up and I quickly register it's Sam from down the hall.

I don't respond as I glance through the open door, seeing papers scattered inside all over the floor.

"Harry." I say, and I can't really decipher how loud my voice is with the ringing, so I try louder.

Is he okay?

"Harry!" I yell, pushing Sam to the side but he still follows me.

"Is he okay?" Another voice asks, a women I think.

"Harry!" I try again, waiting for him to respond as my eyes scan the  messed up room.

I finally spot him, laying face down across the room. Quickly we both rush over to him, kneeling down.

"Argh." Harry cries, holding the sides of his head, as if to block out the loud noises around us.

"Call an ambulance!" Someone shouts down the hall,  barely audible through the alarm.

"They are already coming!" Another voice shouts.

"James! Harry! Are you alright?!" I hear Peter frantically yell behind me and I briefly turn my head seeing him run into the room.

I focus my attention back on Harry who let out a groan as he rolled over on his side, facing us. Thankfully, no major wounds were seen, but there was a cut going across his brow and a few scraps here and there from the broken glass.

"Harry, kid, are you alright?" I ask placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah," he sighs and nods, dropping his hands down, his eyes closed. "Just a rough blow."

"Don't worry. Medics are on the way." I say reassuringly.

"What the hell happened?" Peter asks and I shrug.

"I don't know everything was fine. I was having a coffee and Harry was opening his-" I pause, turning my upper body around looking over at the table spotting  a burned and roughed up opened pizza box.


"Ugh, my head hurts." Harry complains pressing his hands against his temples, his nose scrunching up as he winces.

"Mine does too. Don't worry, help is coming."

Author's Note:

Double update cause I love you all so much! What do you think may happen next? Who do you think Issac is?

Please please do not forget to check out my Twitter: stylesx_angel

Come and say hello I don't bite! :) also tag me if any of you have any fan art cause that would be bloody amazing! Love you!!! Xxxxxx

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