Healed (Harry Fanfic)

By NooOneeKnowss

5.5K 164 68

When Isabella loses her closest friend, everything in her life changes. She becomes distant. Her old friends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

155 6 1
By NooOneeKnowss

"Here Anne, take him, distract him or something," I said, quickly giving Caiden to her and rushing her out of the room.

Caiden was frozen in shock at his fathers reaction and didn't notice he was leaving. But I knew when he did he would get upset. Whether it was over Harry's reaction or from not being with me was the question.

After I told Caiden was right, Harry started to throw things. The nice glass bowl I had gotten Anne that she always had filled with M&M's. It had shattered against the wall. The case I got her for Christmas last year, shattered as well. He even took as far as flipping the table before I finally decided to do anything. Since it seemed like the other boys were paralyzed.

I walked up to him and roughly shoved him back, making him fall on the couch. When he tried to get up, anger still in his features, I slapped him. If this was two and a half years ago I might have kissed him. But that was two and a half years ago.

Harry froze in place on the couch. Seeming to get his senses back as he brought his hand to his cheek.

"You slapped me," He whispered.

"Yeah, I did, get over it," I snapped. I grabbed the table and sat it upright, bending down to collect some of the bigger pieces of glass, careful not to hurt myself.

"You didn't tell me we had a kid," He seethed, anger dripping from his words.

He was angry? I slowly stood up from my place and turned to face him. My hands shaking from the anger rolling through me. He had stood up again and the first thing I did was push him. He stumbled back to his previous seat.

"I didn't tell you we had a kid? I didn't tell you?" I shouted incredulously. He flinched at my raise of voice.

"Let me see your god damn phone," I said quietly.

"W-what? No!" He said, surprised at my request.

"Let me see it!" I snapped, sticking my hand out for the device.

Harry hesitantly reached in his pocket and grabbed the iPhone there. He slowly put it in my hand and when I could I snatched it. I unlocked the phone and got to the search and typed my number in. I scoffed when I saw he erased my number. But every miss call from me was there. I scrolled through them before coming to June 22nd. I shoved the device in front of the one who had brown hair and blue eyes. He seemed closest to Harry.

"This is my number," I said calmly and he gave me a slight nod.

"This is the call I gave him, June 22nd, when I found out I was pregnant," I said. The guys eyes widened and he glanced at Harry, who was fiddling with his fingers nervously. I scrolled up until I got to a missed call from myself on March 25th.

"This, this is Caiden's birthday. And I called you, thinking that if you answered out of all the times you didn't, I'd tell you, and let you try and redeem yourself. And if you didn't, that I was done and I would give up and never let you be the dad Caiden's always wanted," I said, tears pricking my eyes as I tossed his phone back.

"And you didn't answer," I whispered, shrugging.

"So don't give me that bullshit because you're the one to blame for absolutely everything that happened to me," I said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked.

I chuckled, shaking my head. There was so much that happened, so much.

"I can't even begin to list things that have happened off," I said, giggling like it was the funniest thing.

"What happened, Isabella," Harry said, anger and worry in his eyes. Anger boiled in my skin as I sent him my best death glare.

"Do. Not. Act like you care, Harry," I said slowly. I was trying to stay calm, aware of my baby boy in the other room. I didn't want him to hear me yelling.

"Tell me damn it," He shouted, standing up and towering over me. Why did he suddenly give a shit? If he had he would have answered my calls or came to see me. But he didn't. So the way he said it, like he cared, it made me snap.

"You want to know what fucking happened Harry!" I screamed in his face.

"I'll tell you what fucking happened, first, Jake died. Second my dad died. Third I found out I was pregnant. That shit all happened in the same day too. They died at the same time, Jake was shot, dad died in a car accident, and them I found out I was pregnant. So I came to Anne, and she was amazing, she let me stay until I had Caiden and then the first year of his life. Unfortunately when I was three months pregnant, I was captured. By none other then your old psychotic drug dealing asshole of a friend. And he raped me! He fucking raped me! Tied me to the bed, stripped me of my clothes and raped me! At least he was decent enough to wear a god damn fucking condom right?" I shouted, laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world.

The guys were standing there shock and pity all over their faces. Harry's and Niall's had paled long ago, mouths open in shock.

"And when I had Caiden, I had to sell my dad's house to get to a place I could afford and then I raised him alone. With Annes help of course. But that's besides the point. None of that's the point though, Harry. The point is you left me. The night before you were going to leave, you took my virginity, told me you loved me, promised you'd call..." I trailed off, zoning out.

"And then you didn't," I whispered, tears leaking from my eyes.

"You just, didn't. Like I was nothing. While you were out there living the god damn fucking dream with all the money you could ever dream of and all these celebrity woman you fucked, while I was here, alone, going through hell. And it was all your fault," I said.

I didn't look up to see their faces. I didn't care. Harry knew, he knew everything now and I was beginning to regret even telling him. He didn't even deserve to know any of that. I shouldn't have let him know that Caiden was his. I shouldn't have come here. I should've left the moment I saw the black car. I should've known it was them. Who else would've it been?

"Let me tell you something, Harry," I said softly, looking up to meet his eyes. I couldn't even begin to decipher the feelings in his eyes.

"If I hadn't been pregnant, if Caiden didn't exist... I wouldn't be alive," I whispered.

Harry shook his head, as if not believing what he was hearing. I couldn't blame him. Everything I said was a lot to take in. But then again, he didn't care and I knew that. He never cared. Everything he ever said or did for me was all a lie.

"No, no, no. You need to let me explain please, give me five minutes, please," He begged, walking toward me. I took steps back until I met the wall. I shook my head.

"No! I don't want to hear your excuses. Everything you'll ever say to me will be a lie!" I cried angrily.

"Listen to me!" He shouted, shutting me up. I was honestly slightly afraid. He had never shouted at me like that before.

"He came to me, Isabella," He whispered, "Zach came to me, and he said, he said," He paused, I was shaking my head, already knowing what he was going to say.

"Listen to me damn it," He said, punching the wall, I froze.

"Zach came to me and he said if I didn't drop my ties with you, if I didn't stop talking to you, if I didn't forget about you, he would come after you. And I know I promised I'd never agree to that, but it was different then!" He said, restraining my wrists when I tried to push him away. I didn't want to believe what he was saying, I knew it was all lies.

It had to be all lies.

"It was different then, I was there to protect you. But I signed a contract. You know you're more important to me than anyone in this world. But I couldn't get out of it. You have to believe me when I say I tried, I did. But I couldn't. So I had no other choice but to agree! If I had known that he would still, that he would..." He trailed off, shaking his head as if he didn't want to believe it himself.

"I wouldn't have agreed and I would have forced you to come with me. And I thought about it the first time but I know you wouldn't have. You would have stayed because of school. If I had known you were pregnant I would have been there! You know I would! I love you, only you, you know that, you have to believe me," He said, shouting now and again, ending the last sentence sounding desperate.

To hear him say he loved me sent my heart fluttering. But my brain and heart were having a battle, hell my brain was battling against itself. It made sense. Everything he said made sense. But everything that happened to me while he was gone was going through my head as well. How he never picked his phone up.

But he was only protecting me when he didn't. How was he supposed to know Zach would come for me anyway. And he said himself that if he's known he would have done it then he would have taken me with him.

I was sobbing by now, and instead of trying to push him away I was clinging onto him. I could tell by the look in his eye, just how incredibly guilty, how sad and how afraid he was.

I shook my head, "You were with other woman," I said.

"They were all publicity stunts, I didn't sleep with any of them. You were always on my mind, the only one. I couldn't do that to you," He whispered, leaning his forehead against mine. I but my lip, and looked at the tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Please," he begged quietly.

"I want one more chance to make up for everything. I want to be a father for Caiden, and I want to be with you. For a long, long time. Let me prove myself to you... Please," He whispered.

I was about to answer him when a small voice beat me to speaking.

"Mommy?" I heard Caiden whisper. I turned to look at my baby boy, who had tear stained cheeks.

I lightly pushed Harry away, but he didn't let go of the hold he had on my hips. I looked up at him, about to tell him to let go, when I saw the way he was looking at Caiden.

Harry was just in complete aw. I was in aw. Harry didn't even know Caiden, he hadn't been there, but the love in his eyes was just as big as mine.

I lightly pushed him towards Caiden, snapping him out if his trance. He looked at me like I was crazy, but I only pushed him towards Caiden again. I gave him an encouraging nod.

"Mommy," Caiden said again, stepping toward me.

Harry hesitantly stepped toward him. Caiden looked at him and then at me again in panic. I just smiled at him and he looked back at Harry who was kneeling down a few steps from him.

Caiden looked at me once more before speaking, "Daddy?" He whispered hesitantly. Afraid of the way Harry would react again. For good reason too.

Harry sucked in a breath, a small smile on his face and he nodded. I watched, holding my breath, waiting for Caiden to do something.

When he did, I didn't expect that reaction.

I watched his little body fly and slam into Harry's arms. He wrapped his little arms around Harry's neck.

Harry was obviously not expecting the reaction either. He was frozen for a second before he wrapped his arms around him too. Caiden nuzzled his head into Harry's neck.

It was truly beautiful.

Now I had both my favorite people in the world.

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