That Girl (Eminem fanfiction)

By MeganEminem

42.5K 758 142

Phoebe Sparks is a crazy Eminem fan, she has a huge crush on him and adores all of his music. She goes to al... More

The First Concert
The Morning After Part 1
The Morning After Part 2
Girl's Day
Going On Tour?
On Tour
New Friend
Hanging Out
A Friendly Outting
Meeting Jill
First Date
Will You Be Mine?
The Announcement
Hailie's 16th Part 1
Hailie's 16th Part 2
New Year's Eve Surprise
Wedding Plans
The Wedding
Award Show
Alaina's Graduation
Phoebe's 22nd
Alaina Goes To College
Phoebe Meets Rihanna
Our Family
Baby's 1st Christmas and Hailie's 17th
Chloe's 1st Word
Whitney's 11th Birthday
Hailie's Junior Prom
Chloe's First Steps
Vacation Part 1
Chloe's 1st Birthday
Hailie's Senior Homecoming
Date Night
Christmas and Hailie's 18th
Hailie Graduates from High School
Chloe Goes to Preschool
Hailie Visits
Whitney's Junior High Graduation
Spelling Bee
Hailie Gets Married
Chloe's Song
Whitney's High School Graduation
Hailie's Surprise
The Final Straw
Her First Concert?

Vacation Part 2

267 6 4
By MeganEminem

Eminem's P.O.V.
"Marshall wake up sweetie" I hear Phoebe whisper in my ear. "It's time to get breakfast. I'm tired, I groan. "Daddy come on!" Whitney yells. "We have to go meet Goofy." "Meet Goofy!" Chloe says giggling. "See Chloe gets it" Hailie chimes in. Alright I'm getting up I say as I sit up in the bed and stretch. Give me five minutes. I walk into the hotel bathroom to get dressed I'm just wearing my usual white t shirt and sweatpants with my red kangol hat. To be quite honest I'm more excited about my girls and Phoebe being excited than me actually just being excited about going out for breakfast.
Alright ladies I'm ready to go. My bodyguard walks to the restaurant with us and we all sit down. The waitress takes our drink orders. I get a Diet Coke since they didn't serve Red Bull. Hailie, Whitney and Chloe order apple juice and Phoebe orders Dr. Pepper. "Daddy look it's Goofy!" Whitney squeals. "Come on Chloe" Whitney grabs Chloe's little hand and leads her to Goofy. "Hi Goofy I'm Whitney and this is my little sister Chloe" "say hi Chloe." "Hi" Chloe says shyly. Here let me take a picture I say. Hailie go stand with your sisters. "Really dad? I'm a little too old for that" Hailie complains. Hailie please, for me I say cracking a smile. "Okay" she says sighing.
I take a picture of the girls, my little princesses. "Hey dad why don't I take a picture of you and Phoebe with Goofy" Hailie offers. "That would actually be really nice Hailie" Phoebe says smiling. "Come on Marshall" Phoebe says grabbing my hand. "Smile" Hailie says sweetly. I put my arm around Phoebe and I give the camera a small smile. Then Phoebe kisses me on the cheek and Hailie takes a picture. "Awww that's so sweet" Whitney says.

We finished eating our breakfast then we packed our bags and boarded the jet for San Diego. "Daddy do you think we can see the giraffes?" Whitney asks. Absolutely not I tell her. "Why?" Whitney questions. "Dad's afraid of giraffes Whit" Hailie tells her. "Why are you afraid of giraffes daddy?" I just don't like their necks they creep me out I say flatly. "Don't forget the owls dad" Hailie says laughing. Those things are terrifying how can you guys not be afraid of those?

We arrive at the Zoo and Whitney wants to make sure she gets to see as many animals as possible. We first go and see the crocodiles and then we walk to see the hippos. "Chloe this is a hippopotamus, can you say hippopotamus?" Whitney says trying to teach Chloe a new word. "Hippo- pot-amus" she says stuttering trying to get the word out. Good job Chloe I tell her. We continue to walk and we come across a souvenir shop. "Can we go inside daddy?" Whitney asks. Sure thing sweetie. We walk inside the shop and it's filled with stuffed animals. "Piggy" Chloe shouts excitedly while pointing at a stuffed pig. She runs over to it, picks it up and cuddles it in her arms. Do you want the piggy Chloe? I ask. "Yes" she says clapping her hands together happily. "Can I get a stuffed panda bear daddy?" Whitney asks. Of course princess. Do you want anything Hailie? "No I'm okay thanks though" Hailie replies. Alright I say sadly my little girl isn't so little anymore. I buy the stuffed animals and we go back to sightseeing. "Can we please see the giraffes daddy?" Whitney begs. "Come on Marshall I'll be right there with you" Phoebe says taking my hand in hers. Oh alright I say. We walk towards the giraffes and all three girls run over to look at them. "You sure you don't want to take a closer look Marshall?" Yes I'm sure I say squeezing her hand tightly. After the girls look at the giraffes we look at the pandas. Whitney is in love with pandas. After we look at the pandas we eat lunch. We all get hotdogs and potato chips simple but still delicious. We finish eating and then we look around for a while longer. "Daddy my feet hurt" Whitney says complaining. "Mine are hurting too dad" Hailie adds in. Alright well let's get going then I say. With that we would head back to the jet so we can go home.

We are on the jet. Did everyone have fun? I ask. "Yes" everyone says simultaneously. Good I'm glad I say smiling. I think I did a pretty good job.

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