Steel Heart

De duabawrites

454K 20.9K 3.2K

(Crosspost from and A03 under duaba) Tough as nails and a tongue just as sharp, the child of Water 7 w... Mais

Ch 1 - The First Employee of Galley-La
Ch 2 - Dock #1
Ch 3 - Good Customer Service
Ch 4 - Attack on the Franky's House
Ch 5 - Angel Eyes
Ch 6 - The Coming Storm
Ch 7 - A Private Tour of the Puffing Tomd Part 7
Ch 8 - Warehouse #2
Ch 9 - Resilience
Ch 10 - Comrades and Cannons
Ch 11 - the Fear of Swimming
Ch 12 - First Ones in a Fight
Ch 13 - the Courthouse
Ch 14 - the Rooftop
Ch 15 - Entering the Tower of Justice
Ch 16 - Nana vs Kalifa
Ch 17 - Showing Off
Ch 18 - the Dinner Show
Ch 19 - Delivering the Package
Ch 20 - Ready to Fight
Ch 21 - Enough
Ch 22 - Franky's Request
Ch 23 - Family Gatherings
Ch 24 - a Woman, a Pirate, or a Craftsman
Ch 26 - Don't Cry
Ch 27 - Take Off
Ch 28 - Mornings
Ch 29 - Hide & Seek
Ch 30 - Bones
Ch 31 - A Race
Ch 32 - Dinner and a Bath
Ch 33 - Cindry & Ryuma
Ch 34 - Food, Nami, and Shadows
Ch 35 - Nana vs The Straw Hat Zombies
Ch 36 - Absalom
Ch 37 - Milk, Salt, and Ice
Ch 38 - No More Hiding
Ch 39 - Paw vs Glove
Ch 40 - Recovery
Ch 41 - Inspiration
Ch 42 - Weapons Testing
Ch 43 - Mermaids & Flying Fish
Ch 44 - Duvall
Ch 45 - What is Love?
Ch 46 - Flights & Bubbles
Ch 47 - the 12th Rookie
Ch 48 - Diffusion
Ch 49 - The Latest Upgrade
Ch 50 - A Trip
Ch 51 - A Coating
Ch 52 - Legacy
Ch 53 - Hijack
Ch 54 - Alone
Ch 55 - Maiden Island
Ch 56 - the Message
Ch 57 - Girl Talk
Ch 58 - Reunited
Ch 59 - Cool Down
Ch 60 - Separated Again
Ch 61 - Changes
Ch 62 - Trouble in Paradise
Ch 63 - The Tracker
Ch 64 - A Visit to the Palace
Ch 65 - Attack on the Palace
Ch 66 - The Sea Forest
Ch 67 - Battle Mode
Ch 68 - Rumble in Conchcord Plaza
Ch 69 - Bubbles
Ch 70 - Blood & Glory
Ch 71 - Ascension
Ch 72 - Drawing Straws
Ch 73 - the Biscuit Room
Ch 74 - the Switch Up
Ch 75 - Drugged Up
Ch 76 - Meeting the Master
Ch 77 - A Demonstration
Ch 78 - Candy Crush
Ch 79 - Preservation
Ch 80 - Full Responsibility
Ch 81 - Full Responsibility
Ch 82 - First Date
Ch 83 - A Kick in the Head
Ch 84 - How to Be a Robo Sis
Ch 85 - How to Call Dibs
Ch 86 - How to Make a Group Call
Ch 87 - How to Be Hard Boiled
Ch 88 - How to Make a Comeback
Ch 89 - How to Be the Exception
Ch 90 - How to Get Someone's Attention
Ch 91 - How to Use Cola
Ch 92 - How to Conserve Energy
Ch 93 - How to Take a Shortcut
Ch 94 - How to Break Toys
Ch 95 - How to Cut In
Ch 96 - How to Ignite the Flames
Ch 97 - How to Dismantle a Birdcage
Ch 98 - How to Rest
Ch 99 - How to Hope for the Best
Ch 100 - How to Climb to the Top
Ch 101 - How to Prioritize
Ch 102 - How Not to Handle Bad News
Ch 103 - How to Fix a Mess
Ch 104 - How to Accept An Invite
Ch 105 - How to Force a Hand
Ch 106 - How to Have a Heart
Ch 107 - How to Take a Hit
Ch 108 - How to Lie
Ch 109 - How to Make a Family Connection
Ch 110 - How to Focus
Ch 111 - How to Call Bull
Ch 112 - How to Play Pretend
Ch 113 - How to Stay Out of It
Ch 114 - How to Accept Failure
Ch 115 - How to Plan an Assassination
Ch 116 - How to Talk to Sisters

Ch 25 - Craft

5.1K 258 45
De duabawrites

The Straw Hats were having an amazing time and the city of Water 7 were enjoying it just as much. After constant begging and pleas from the children, Nana dragged out her cannons and provided a spectacular display of fireworks for the city. It lit the skies in vibrant colors, creating the perfect backdrop for Sogeking to sing over nine thousand songs that all sounded pretty much the same but everyone was too happy to care.

Franky was leading Chopper and the group in a dance off while Luffy was riding Pygmy all around the pool with a giant skewer of assorted meats in his hands. Zoro was drinking and cheering with a mix of shipwrights and the Franky Family members while Nami and Robin were laying out by the pool.

Nana was enjoying the celebration just as much as the rest of them. She watched as Iceberg lounged next to Granny Kokoro with a drink in their hands and then bursted into laughter when the bikini clad Mozu and Kiwi hugged Paulie tightly just to watch him squirm.

A small crowd of children had gathered around Sanji's chef station and Nana walked over curiously. She watched as he dangled a small cherry in front of their eyes and then he wiggled his eyebrows with a playful smile. He placed his cherry on his cutting board and then raised his knife. His hands blurred around him like a dance of knives, pans, and flames. Nana was enraptured by his performance and so were the kids around him.

I didn't realize what a skilled craftsman he is. Nana thought as he revealed, with a flourish, a five tiered cake made of delicately sliced meats and vegetables. She put her fingers to her lips and let out a loud whistle. "Encore! Encore!"

He looked up from the cake and his eyes lit up when he saw the angel. "Nana-chwan! Come have the first taste."

Nana walked over, pushing some of the kids aside and she leaned over the prep station so she could see all the tools he's working with. "Wow, you did all this with just these things?" She then nodded over to the grill, where he was cooking another round of water-water meat, "How is the grill working for you?"

Sanji blinked back at her. "It works great, Nana-chan. Why do you ask?"

Nana smiled. "It's my responsibility to make sure my products match up to the user's skills."

"Nana-chan, you made this grill?! It's so well made that it could stand up to any of the grills on the Baratie."

Nana folded her arms and tilted her head to the side. "Baratie?"

"Yes, it's the restaurant ship I used to work on before I became a pirate."

Nana's eyes widened. "A whole ship that's a restaurant?! I bet the equipment was state of the art. How many stoves did you guys have? How many customers did you serve in a day?"

Sanji couldn't quite believe it. For the first time since he left the old geezer to become a pirate, not one person had shown that any interest in learning about the ins and outs of running a kitchen. Yes, everyone loved his cooking but no one ever wondered about his process and the effort needed for a single dish.

He spent over an hour chatting to the angel about life as a cook until finally he caught himself lecturing about the importance of kitchen maintenance. "Ah, Nana-chan," he said as he lit a new cigarette, "I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't want to listen to me talk about grease stains."

Nana shook her head. "Not at all! Getting oil off of stainless steel is always a pain in the ass." She then looked curiously at him. "Well, it seemed you were really happy on the Baratie. What made you decide to become a pirate?"

"I want to go to the New World," Sanji replied and then he took a deep breath, "I want to go find the All Blue."

He studied the angel's face closely for any signs of condescension but she just stared curiously back at him. "What's the All Blue?"

"It's a sea of legend," Sanji said slowly, "Where the seas of North, South, East, and West meet. There's fishes from each sea there and you would have all the freshest resources at your fingertips." He paused and looked over at the angel to gauge her reaction. Then he drew back a sharp breath. The angel was looking dreamily out over the pool with a smile on her lips.

"The freshest resources," she marvelled, "Man, if they had something like that for a mechanic... Can you imagine? All the metal and tools I could ever need to make anything I want?!" She turned to Sanji. "I'd be there in a heart beat."

Then she frowned when she saw that he was gaping at her. "What? Did I say something wrong?'

Sanji shook his head and quickly recovered his composure. "No, Nana-chan. It's just...most people don't believe in the All Blue and they think people who believe it are fools...So when I talk about it, it's usually met with laughs and mockery."

Nana looked indignant on his behalf. "What?! Why would they do that? What kind of craftsman would laugh at another's desire to enhance his craft?"

Sanji didn't know what to say. Having his dream accepted right off the bat was already a rarity but to also be recognized and understood? He thought he and old man Zeff were the only two in the world who shared the same mindset but now there was also her.

She beamed at him. "I think your dream is great, Sanji and I really hope I can get to see the All Blue with you."

In that moment she looked as radiant as the sun itself. He was suddenly very aware that her attention was on him and only on him. He felt heat rise up to his cheeks and his pulse quickened.


He stilled and they both turned towards the loud, boisterous Tilestone, who was holding a keg over his head. "The swordsman here says he doesn't believe you can drink this whole keg by yourself!" he roared.

Nana put her hands on her hips and she lifted her chin high. "Watch and learn, gentlemen! Watch and learn," she boasted as she marched towards the drinking group.

Sanji studied the mechanic as she ran off to join the shipwrights in their drinking games with the morimo. It was clear by the way the shipwrights and foremen spoke to her, the way they egged her on, the way they even looked at her, that they viewed her as one of them. Another craftsman...but to Sanji she was more than that. She was an angel and he was falling for her hard.


Nana woke up the next day with excitement and full of energy. She was about to see Tom's Workers build a ship and actually be a part of it. It was a momentous day and if she had a tail like Pygmy, she knew it would be wagging with much fervor. She was disappointed to find that Iceberg was severely hungover from the previous night's celebration so she went to find Franky herself.

Nana and Pygmy raced out of their temporary housing unit and ran towards the Franky's scrapheap. They had only rounded the corner outside the dock when Nana face planted straight into Franky's chest. She fell back onto the floor and clutched her pained nose. The afro twins stood at his side.

"Ow, Nana-brat! What are you doing up so early?" Franky asked, lifting his sunglasses so he can get a better look at her.

"I was going to go find you," she grumbled, "To get a start on the ship."

Franky grinned. "You have a good work ethic but a poor sense of customer service."

"What?" Nana jumped to her feet. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"We're building the ship for the Straw Hat, yeah? Shouldn't we know if they want any specifications on the ship?" Franky asked.

Nana raised an eyebrow. "Is that where you're going? To find Luffy and them?"

"Well, seeing as you're here...Why don't you go and ask them? Get to know your own crew, you know?" Franky suggested.

Nana rolled her eyes but she turned on her heels and started to walk back into Dock #1. "Fine...I'll meet you back at the scrapheap when I find out what they want."

When she got to the Straw Hats' quarters, she was surprised to find that they were all up already with the smell of bacon and eggs wafting in the air. She could hear them yelling even from outside the door.

"Yes! Meat! Meat! Meat!" Luffy cheered.

"Sweet orange juice for the sexy Nami-swan! Delicious coffee for the elegant Robin-chwan!" Sanji called out, "Ah! My lovely ladies are back at my table!"

"Must you be so energetic so early in the morning?," she heard the swordsman growl, "At least let the rest of us have something to drink."

"Get it yourself, morimo!" Sanji shot back, "Or would you get lost between the table and the fridge?!"

Nana heard a chair being pushed back and the distinct sounds of katanas rattling. "Huh?! What the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you trying to start a fight with me?!"


Nana and Pygmy ran into the room. She knocked the swordsman on the head with her hammer before he could even think about pulling out one of his blades and he doubled over the table. "Don't damage Galley-La property. I already patched up this room once. I'm not doing it again," she scolded.

She smiled at the rest of the pirate crew. "Morning, everyone," she greeted.

"Ooh! Nana-chwan," Sanji swooned. He ran back to the stove, "Are you joining us for breakfast? I can make you something."

"I might as well," Nana said with a grin. She pulled up a chair and sat next to Luffy, who was busy trying to steal the bacon from Chopper's plate. She petted Pygmy, who sat dutifully next to her, "I actually came to ask you what you guys wanted on your new ship."

"A dojo," Zoro immediately said.

"A bathroom with no lock!" Sanji yelled.

"A meat locker!" Luffy chimed in.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

All three received a harsh blow to the head by their navigator. "Think before you speak, you idiots! Don't make our ship weird," she ordered before turning to Nana, "I, for one, would like a place for me to draw and store all my maps. And also a place for my tangerine trees."

"I would like a library or at least a quiet place to read...and a little garden, if that's alright," Robin said.

"If I could have an office so that I can see patients and have them rest there, that would be amazing," Chopper chirped.

"Office, library, garden, infirmary," Nana repeated and she pulled out a notebook from her messenger bag to write it all down.

"A gym would be good," Zoro growled.

"I want a comfortable seat," Luffy stated.

Nana looked at him curiously. "A seat?"

"He means the mast head, Nana-chan," Sanji answered, "Luffy likes to sit there when we're out at sea."

"Idiot! That's not what a captain should be requesting from his ship!" Nami yelled, "Shouldn't you say something about the weapons or the size of the ship?!"

Luffy picked his nose. "Meh...I trust Franky and Nana. They know what they're doing."

Nana grinned at her captain's vote of confidence and she turned to Sanji. "What about you?"

"A lock on the fridge and the pantry," Sanji replied solemnly.

"What?!" Luffy cried out, "If you do that then I can't get to the food!"

"That's exactly why I need one!" Sanji snapped.

Nana laughed as she scribbled down everyone's requests. She and Franky clearly had their work cut out for them but they were both determined to give the Straw Hats the best ship they'd ever want.


Over the next few days, Nana worked like a demon possessed. She labored and toiled tirelessly alongside Franky and Iceberg to build the best ship ever to exist. Paulie, Tilestone, and Lulu came to help out too but Franky and Iceberg were always the last ones to sleep and the first ones up. Paulie, Lulu, Tilestone, and Nana could barely keep up with their pace.

It was clear that Tom's Workers were definitely a cut above the rest but everyone was also slightly taken aback by how much Nana was holding her own. She had taken upon herself to personally build the kitchen, the gym, and the bathroom, as well as making most of the weapons. There was a couple that came from Franky's brilliant mind and he enlisted Nana's help on it. However, the actual details of the weapon were kept between the two and Paulie and the others were left in the dark. With all the work loaded onto her, Nana never complained, even though she cursed a lot.

"Ow, Nana-brat, with you as their shipwright, this ship can definitely make it through the New World," Franky said as he inspected her handiwork. They were both standing in the kitchen with Nana standing on top of the counter to install a hooded vent.

"Tch," Nana scoffed as the vent clicked into place, "I didn't sign on to be their shipwright. I signed on to be their mechanic." She shot a knowing look at Franky. "The position is still opened you know."

Franky brushed a hand over the stove and then squatted down to see if it was level. "You think Paulie would want to go with you guys?"

"And give up being the Vice President of Galley-La? Yeah right," Nana said, securing the vent in with some screws, "And you know there's only one shipwright good enough for this ship and it's not me...or even Icy for that matter."

Franky remained silent as he paced around the kitchen, going over every detail to make sure nothing was out of place. Nana jumped off the counter and wiped her footprints off with a towel. She frowned at Franky and put her hands on her hips. Stubborn bastard. I know you want to come with us.

On the last night of work, Nana didn't even sleep. She continued to work on the ship with Franky and Iceberg, even when Paulie, Tilestone, Lulu, and Pygmy fell asleep on the scrap heap.

"Ow, Nana-brat, why don't you take it easy and go to bed? You're not going to have any energy tomorrow when you leave," Franky shouted.

"I'm fine," Nana said as she hammered away at the top of the ship.

"What about you, Bakaberg?" Franky called.

"Why don't you do that?" Iceberg shot back.

Franky grinned. "Sorry, but I'm feeling super energetic!"

Nana watched the sunrise from the edge of the ship. The light touched Water 7's edges little by little. She took a deep breath and stared at the shining waters running down the water fountains from the top of the city. How am I supposed to say goodbye to this?

She gripped the railings and then peeked over the edge to look at Iceberg, who was busy hammering away on the deck below. He felt her stare and he looked up at her. She felt a lump in her throat and immediately backed away from the railing. "Actually, I am feeling a bit tired," she announced loudly and she headed to the lowest deck of the ship, "I think I'm going to check out my new room."

There was a pause in Franky and Iceberg's work but Nana was too tired to notice. She went to the aft and climbed down the stairs to the door that she knew was her workshop. She opened the door and then she stiffened when she saw what was in there.

Iceberg and Franky had somehow managed to recreate her old room. From the hammock to the peg boards, it was all there. The only thing missing were the framed blueprints that were destroyed in the fire. Instead, they hung up a framed picture of a 7 year old Nana with Iceberg holding her certificate of identification, a photo of 9 year old Nana stomping on Paulie's foot, a photo of 10 year old Nana standing in front of the Galley-La company with Iceberg, and finally a picture of 13 year old Nana standing next to her first working cannon with Pygmy by her side.

She walked up the drafting desk in the corner and gasped when she saw a tiny metal figurine. It was rusted and very old. It sat on top of a note that just said 7 Bellis. Her eyes started to fill with tears. "Franky was are a Bakaberg," Nana muttered.

"Oh my..." Iceberg said from the doorway, "I never want to hear you say 'Franky was right' again."

Nana turned around. "Where did you get these photos anyways? I thought all our stuff got burned."

"Those were all Paulie's," Iceberg replied, "I'm not the only person who watched you grow over these years you know."

"I fucking hate goodbyes," Nana muttered as a means to end the conversation before it got too hard.

Iceberg nodded his head, "Then we won't say it."

"Great," Nana said and then suddenly she rushed forward and gave him the hardest hug she had ever given him. She buried her face in his chest and she started to cry. "What if I never come back? What if I come back and you've become a more useless and selfish human being, who never gets any work done?"

"Oh that what you think of me?" Iceberg asked with a sad smile.

"Is Paulie going to make sure you're actually doing some work? Who is going to check the seatrains when Aqua Laguna comes in? Tilestone?" Nana sobbed, "He wouldn't know what to do with the frog catcher! Who is going to keep all the shipwrights in line? Who is going to build all the weapons? Who is going to conduct the interviews for your new secretary? Because god knows you did a piss poor job last time."

"Shhhhhhh, Nana..." Iceberg said as he put a gentle hand on the back of her head as she continued to cry, "It's going to be fine. We're all going to be fine."

"Will I ever see you again?" Nana whimpered.

"I don't know," Iceberg replied honestly, "But I will be seeing you."

"How?" Nana asked.

"When my new office is finished being built, I'm not going to put up the wanted poster of Nico Robin...I'm going to put up this," he said. Iceberg took out a piece of paper from his back pocket and he unfolded it for Nana to see. It was a wanted poster with a picture of her at Enies Lobby. Her face was grim and dirtied by the ash and canonfire from the Buster Call. Her goggles were over her face and the lenses reflected the burning island, making it look like her eyes were on fire.

"Wanted...Dead or Alive...'Cannonball' Nana...75 million bellis if dead...WAIT! 105 million bellis if ALIVE?!" Nana gasped as she looked at the amount, "Why the distinction?!"

"Well," Iceberg said. A contemplative look came over his face, "I can only guess based on what you and Franky have told me but besides gate crashing a highly protected Government island, taking down a member of CP9, personally freeing Nico Robin, injuring the chief of CP9-"

"Psh, that was all Robin and Franky," Nana scoffed.

"Spandam seems like the type of person who would rather say he got taken down by three people than to say he got defeated by his own prisoners and his own weapon," Iceberg said with a shake of head, "But as I was saying...I think the high bounty is because of what you did with your glove."

"Niiiiice," Nana breathed and then her eyes went back to her nickname, "Cannonball?! Why couldn't it be something more badass? Like Metal Thunder...Or Steel Storm."

"Nana...I think you're missing the point," Iceberg said quietly.

She blinked and then sheepishly returned the poster back to Iceberg. "Oh right..."

He tucked it safely back into his pocket and he clasped his hands on her shoulders. "Your actions alone granted you a 75 million bellis bounty, but I believe the extra amount is because of the glove. We both know that Government will do whatever it takes to get their hands on a powerful weapon and the person who could create one. You'll need to be extra careful of who you use it in front of, do you understand?"

Nana nodded solemnly and Iceberg let out a small smile. "With that being said...As your caretaker, I probably shouldn't say that I'll be looking forward to seeing you in newspapers and posters...but I raise some hell so I can see how you're doing, okay?"

Nana snorted, "Yeah. That's pretty much the worst advice you could give to someone," Then she grinned up at him, "But you know what?"


"You did a pretty damn good job raising me," she said before hugging him again. This time she was grinning from ear to ear. "We had a fucking great time together, didn't we?"

"Yeah...Yeah, we did."

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