That One Summer

By RedSkittles_29

226K 6.1K 1.4K

"I don't think we've met," He holds a hand out, "I'm Chase Matthews, the 3rd" He announces grandly. "And I... More

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OCD and New jobs
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First Dates and Delayed Gratification pt. 2

Fake Girlfriends and Triple Dates

9.5K 189 37
By RedSkittles_29

CHASE- June 1 2015: 11:00 am

The next morning, I see Jamie sleeping on the couch. I wake him up.

"How was the date?" I ask him.

"It was awesome!" He exclaims, suddenly awakened.

"Dude, keep it down, you'll wake her up!" I hit him on the head, gesturing to my bedroom.

"Wake who up?" Jamie's eyes suddenly get wider, "Dude, did you actually hook up with Skye's friend?"

"Nah, man. I wish. This chick's name is Eliza... or something."

"What are you gonna do about her?" He asks.

"Well, I'm going to study hall. When she wakes up and sees I'm not here, she'll get the message and leave." I say, heading for the door.

"I'm gonna go get breakfast with Skye." Jamie says.

"But you just went out with her last night." I say.

"Aw... You getting jealous? It's okay; I still have time for you, bud." He says, ruffling his hand through my hair.

"Get away from me." I say, rushing to fix my hair.

KAT- 11:02 am

"Sooo... How was the date?" I ask Skye the next morning.

"It was great." She smiles.

"We went to the movies. But we weren't paying that much attention to the movie, if you know what I mean..." She snickers.

Chloe scoffs.

"Anyway, I have a coffee date with him this morning." Skye says.

"And I have to go meet with Josh to discuss what we're gonna do over the summer break." Chloe adds.

Josh is Chloe's very good-looking Nigerian boyfriend. They've been dating for about 2 years and they always fight, makeup, make out, then fight again, but everyone knows that they would never break up. Josh is this cool, mellow guy, the same as Chloe. He loves everybody, which is the total opposite of Chloe, because Chloe hates people, so they kind of balance each other out. In their own way. Whatever that means.

I suddenly come up with a great idea.

"Hey, Skye... Why don't you and Jamie and Chloe and Josh double da--"

Chloe shoots me a fierce glare that stops me.

"Never mind." I mumble.

Now. What am I, a single, bored, 21 year old university student supposed to do on the weekend on her free time?

Study, of course.

I'm wearing a short, white denim skirt and a maroon knit cardigan with pockets and a black tank top underneath.

"Dude, no wonder Chase is so into you, you look like a frikken model!" Skye blurts out.

"Yeah right..." I try to hide a smile.

"No seriously, you're hot. I'm jealous." She trails on.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but you are a frikken model!" I yell at her.

"Okay, we're all frikken models," I hear Chloe pipe up from the couch, licking off Cheeto crumbs from her arm, "Enough of all this."

I chuckle.

"I'm gonna go shower." Skye announces, walking away.

"I'll be back for lunch." I tell Chloe, already halfway out the door.

^ ^ ^

"Tan 70°= x/4..." Professor Needles' weary, monotone voice mumbled on and on.

I'm trying my best not to doze off while writing notes and pretending to listen. The exams are very near and it's just killing me, I barely get any sleep. I have a 4.2 grade point average and I intend to keep it that way if I want to stay in this beautiful college and keep studying pre-med, so I can graduate and go to Loma Linda and study to be a brain surgeon. That means I CANNOT SLEEP.

I start looking around to keep my mind off of Prof. Needles' monotone voice and falling asleep. I look across the room, around the room, out the window.. Nice weather today, then I finally looked up to the balcony.

That's when I see him. The rich brat.

And I'm caught off guard when I see him staring right at me.

Then he winks.

I suddenly remember why he looked a little familiar. He was the disgusting pig trying to bite the busty brunette's face off.


I turn around and look straight forward.

I did not have any trouble falling asleep anymore.

^ ^ ^

Just as I'm exiting the auditorium, I come face to face with the bitter, crotch stain, witch of a girl named Alison.

Ugh. Alison.

Alison has always hated me from day one of college.

I really don't know why, but she's always had a thing against me. She's not popular or anything, in fact, everyone hates her. It's not like she's heart-stopping beautiful or something, she's normal looking. She just thinks she's better than everybody.

"Well, look what the leper cat dragged in." She closes in and spits on me.

"Don't piss me off today, I'm running out of places to hide bodies." I say, looking down at her.

"I always knew you were the type of person who would kill someone then drag them into their cave to do weird stuff on them." She replies, "Weirdo".

"Look, the earth is full. Go home." I say, tired and hungry. I start walking away, she follows me.

"I heard you hooked up with my boyfriend. Stay away from him." She says to my face.

"About him.. I'm worried.." I put on a mock concerned face, "I think he might be batting for the other team."

"Yeah, right. You're just trying to steal him." She scoffs.

"Please.. I actually called him gay once, and he hit me with his purse! You should really keep him in check." I tell her.

"At least I have one, ass butt."

"Clever. Really. Having no boyfriend is better than having a gay one. And even if he was straight, he sure as hell doesn't like you for your 'sparkling personality'." I reply.

"I know you're just jealous of me because I'm the girl every girl wants to be, every guy wants to be with." She says.

"Well obviously, you have delusions of adequacy." I tell her.

A look of confusion flashes briefly on her face as she pauses to figure out what I just said meant.

I smirk.

"I can almost hear the gears grinding inside your head." I say.

"You're so condescending." She says, smiling a little. Probably proud she used such a 'big word'.

"Condescending?" I snort, "Do you even know what that means?" I ask, "I'm only condescending because you give me a reason to be."

She bares her teeth up in an ugly glare.

"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Goodbye." I say, turning on my heel and walking away.

I need some lunch, pronto.

I really don't know what Alison was talking about. I didn't hook up with anybody. I've never hooked up with anybody. But of course, nobody knows that but Chloe. She's the only one that knows I'm a virgin. I intend to stay that way until I'm married.

^ ^ ^

When I get back to my dorm room, I see Skye lying on her bed with her iPad on her incredibly flat stomach.

"Hey girlie." She greets me.

"What'cha doin'?" I ask her, plopping down on the spot on the bed beside her.

"Oh, just checking out pictures of Jamie on Facebook."

I join her and look at his pictures with her.

"Wow, it looks like he travels a lot." I say.

"Yeah, apparently, he's really close friends with Chase. They're like brothers." She replies.

There were some pictures of him in really exotic, places like Aruba and Italy. And a few really random pictures. One of Chase in a Santa Claus costume, riding a horse in front of Target. Another with Josh dressed as a modern caveman to what looks like a Halloween party. He's wearing a towel, Adidas slippers, and instead of a wooden club, he's holding a metal baseball bat. Funny. One of both of them snuggling up to the Ronald McDonald clown statue. And then a few with both of them photo bombing at family reunions, parties, and even in one wedding picture. They look like fun. Then I see the most recent photo. It's of Skye and Jamie sharing a colorful Popsicle.

"Skye!" I didn't know you guys were this serious already!" I squeal.

"We are?" She asks.

"Well, you had better be if you're swapping spit like that." I tell her.

"We met just yesterday; it can't possibly be that serious yet." She says.

Her phone vibrates.

"It's him." She says, looking up.

"Well, speak of the devil."

"He wants us all, Chloe and her boyfriend and you, to come for dinner tomorrow." She tells me, reading the text. "Oh, kinda like a triple date!"

"It depends..." I say, hesitant.


"Who's gonna be there..." I complete.

"Well, you know, Jamie and Chase, duh. Chase is paying, obviously because he's the only billionaire among us. Unless you know any other billionaire that would be willing to pay."

"Then I don't wanna go." I say, standing up and putting my bag away.

"Why not?" Skye asks me.

"Uh... Because Chase is a stupid jerk and he's just gonna keep annoying me." I say, "And I know you and Chloe aren't gonna listen to me and you're gonna try setting both of us up together."

"Why not, though? He's hot, you're hot. He's funny, you're funny." She says.

"He's not funny; he's ignorant, cocky, and a stupid skirt chaser." I say.

"I didn't know you had such strong feelings for him..." She says, "I guess bad feelings are better than no feelings at all..." She smirks.

"No. They really aren't. Promise me you and Chloe are not gonna try to set us up..." I beg, returning to the bed and kneeling on it.

"I will... If you promise me you'll come to dinner tomorrow." Skye says slyly.

"Uh. No. I thought I just said that." I say.

"Then I'm gonna keep trying my ultimate best to set you guys up." She says, her voice teasing.

"You're kidding, right?" I ask her.

"No. Not at all." She says her voice suddenly serious.

I breathe out a deep sigh.

"You know, I don't fancy you that much right about now." I say, frowning.

"You're coming?" She asks excitedly.

"Well, ya basically blackmailed me into coming." I say.

"I only learn from the best." She says, nudging me.

CHASE- 9:04 pm

When I get home from study hall, I place my bag on the floor by my desk and walk into my bedroom to change and get ready to shower.

I don't hear any voices or noise, so I'm guessing Jamie's out, probably with Skye.

I take off my towel and get ready to enter the shower when I see a reflection in the mirror.


I jump, letting out a rather highly pitched scream- one that I'm not proud of- when I see her and quickly grab my towel and wrap it around my hip.

"Eliza! Y-you're still here! W-why are you still here?" I ask her, completely startled.

"Well... I had nothing to do today, so I thought I'd hang out here 'til you came back home." She walks closer.

"You waited for me? Through an 18 hour study period...?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She giggles.

I see her wearing my varsity football jacket.

"And you somehow figured out how to get the limited edition football varsity jacket I bolted on the 12 foot wall! With nails and frames and everything!" I say, surprised and looking at her in the jacket.

"I was cold." She giggles again, hugging the jacket close to her body.


This girl's psycho.

"So! What do you wanna do now?" She asks excitedly.

"I was thinking of just taking a quick shower, then sleeping." I say.

"Oh." She pouts.

"Unless you want to do something else..." I suggest.

"Sure!" She says, "Let's watch Marley & Me!" She heads into my room.

Oh no, what have I done?

^ ^ ^

10 minutes into the movie, Eliza pauses it.

"Tinkle time!" She says, and then disappears into the washroom.

Just as she leaves, Jamie walks in.

Oh, thank God.

"Dude, dude. guess who's still here?" I whisper fiercely at him when he gets in.

"Who?" He also whispers.

"Eliza!" I almost yell.

"No way." He says, "She didn't leave?"

"No, apparently, she doesn't have anything better to do. But I do; sleep!" I whisper, "Dude, help me get rid of her."

"Okay, wait here." He says, leaving.

Where the hell would I go? Don't you play games with me, Jamie.

15 minutes later, Jamie appears again, except with Skye. What exactly is he doing?

"Chase! I've been looking for you all day!" Skye says.

She comes over, wedges herself between Eliza and I and plants a huge kiss on me.

Okay, what the hell?

I nudge her off, utterly confused.

Why the hell is she kissing me? And in front of Jamie? Why doesn't Jamie care?

"Who is she?" Skye demands.

"What?" I ask, clearly confused.

"Chase Mathews the 3rd, who is this girl?" Skye asks. I'm still confused. "Are you cheating on me, your girlfriend?" She winks.

Oh! Good job, my man, Jamie.

"No! Of course not! Skye, my girlfriend, she's just here to uh... study. She was just leaving, right?" I say, looking at Eliza.

She blinks, confused.

I start leading her to the door.

She leans over and whispers to me, "Does this mean you're not gonna call me?"

"I'm afraid so." I whisper back.

As soon as the door was shut, I turn back to Jamie.

"Thanks, bro, I owe you one. I owe you both one." I tell them.

"Damn straight, you do, nobody gets to kiss my girl like that except me." Jamie replies.

"Aw, babe..." Skye says, getting closer to Jamie.

Then they both involve in a gross lip lock.

"Get a room!" I groan, looking away.

"We are in a room." Jamie replies.

"Well get a different room."

^ ^ ^

CHASE-June 2: 7pm

"So elephant PJ girl's coming?" I ask Jamie as we get ready for dinner at this fancy restaurant called Duchies'.

I'm wearing my dark blue denim shirt rolled up at the sleeves and my khaki colored pants and chukka shoes. I style my hair the way I usually do.

"Yep, why? You can never get enough rejection?" He asks.

"Oh, shut up, man. There's just something about her. She acts like I don't even exist."

"Yeah, tell me about it. Maybe it might be easier to go after someone who actually likes you." He offers.

"Oh, trust me, she likes me."

KAT: 7:10pm

"Can't wait for dinner, I'm starving." Chloe says.

"I know! So on our way, we're picking Josh up, right?" I ask.

"Yuh huh."

When Skye comes out of her bedroom and sees me, she stops and looks at me, smiling.

"What?" I ask her, self-conscious.

"Kat, you look gorgeous!" She exclaims.

"Really? You think so?" I ask her, looking down at what I was wearing.

I'm wearing a black peplum dress with Christian Louboutin black peep-toe ankle boots and painted my nails red. I put my hair in a messy high bun.

"Yeah... I wonder why you look so nice..." Chloe says.

"Because it's a fancy restaurant, I don't wanna go underdressed..." I say.

"Yeah... Sure..." Skye says.

"What are you hinting at?" I ask them.

"I just thought maybe you were dressing up for Mister Matthews..." Skye clears her throat.

"Well maybe you should stop thinking, because it might get you in some serious trouble."

Chloe chuckles.

"You too." I shoot at her. "Both of you," I look at them, "Don't get any stupid ideas"

"Yes ma'am..."

"And you both look stunning." I tell them.

Chloe does a little whirl.

"Why, thank you."

Chloe's wearing a short, lacy, peach summer dress with beige wedge ankle boots. Her legs look already tan and fab. Skye's wearing a purple silk top with a black mini skirt. She paired that with a hot pair of blue pumps.

The doorbell rings. They're here.

CHASE: 8pm

We're now at Duchies', we've all ordered and eaten and dessert in on the way. We're all having an awesome time.

PJ girl's actually quite funny (I still haven't learnt her name). And also very smart. I found out we have the same G.P.A.

Chloe and Josh are, well interesting.

Whenever Skye and Jamie aren't on their own, giggling and making out, they can also be entertaining.

I also found out that that PJ girl cannot talk without using actions. If you were to tie her hands behind her back, she wouldn't be able to talk.

Skye starts telling everyone a very unusual story of one of her photo shoots for this foreign fashion company. I just can't keep my eyes off of PJ girl, she looks stunning. Her dress shows off her long and tan legs.

"And then they brought in this green tiger, I swear, these..." Skye continues.

I'm still staring at PJ girl, when suddenly; she turns in my direction and shoots me a scorching glare.

I lean closer to her, with a teasing smile on my face, trying to start conversation.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you didn't like me." I raise an eyebrow, smirking.

She also leans in, with a glare on her face, "I don't."

Well damn.

I lean back on my chair, bringing up a cup of my coffee to my mouth.

KAT: 9pm

"Pssst.." I hiss quietly, trying to get Skye's attention. When I finally do, I signal for her and Chloe to meet me in the ladies washroom.

"What is it?" Chloe asks as soon as she gets into the washroom.

"The idiot's staring at me."

"And...?" Skye asks, fixing her makeup in the mirror.

"Well, I don't like it."

"Oh Kat, just take it as a compliment and move on. He likes you." Chloe says.

"I don't like him, though."

"I never said you did."

I glare at Chloe, but she doesn't see me.

"I never should have come to this thing anyway." I groan. "I think I'm gonna leave."

"What?" Skye turns around suddenly, smudging lipstick on her cheek, "Don't be such a KJ!" She groans.

"What do you have against the guy, anyway?" Chloe asks me.

"I've already told you guys more than enough times. And it's not just him, I'm just not having that much of a good time." I groan, "I just wanna go home, take a hot shower, settle down and study for mid-terms."

Skye sighs, "Okay, we'll go get our stuff," She says, wiping her cheek.

"No no no, you guys can continue, I'll just call a cab." I tell them

"It's okay, we can come." Chloe says.

"Please. Really. I just need quiet to study." I say.

"Fine but feel free to call us if you need anything." Skye says.

I head back to the table to pay for my food.

"This was nice, guys, but I'm gonna get going. I need to study for exams." I tell them all at the table.

"You're leaving already?" Jamie asks.

"Yeah." I signal for the check but Chase grabs it from me before I can pay.

"I've got this." He tells me.

"It's okay." I say.

"No, please. Let me." He insists.

"Really, I've got it." I tell him, standing up. I pay the waiter and start walking out.

"At least let me drive you home." Chase follows me, grabbing his jacket and keys.

"No, I've already called a taxi." I tell him, about to walk out of the restaurant.

"I never actually got your name..." Chase says.

"Kat." I say.

"Oh, as in Katherine?" He asks stupidly.

"No, as in Jennifer Lopez." I say sarcastically, walking away.

KAT: 10 pm

As soon as I get to my dorm, I jump into the shower.

After about 20 min, I finally get out of the shower and start getting ready for an all-night study. I get comfy and start with my AP Calculus when I hear someone knock on the door.

That's weird. Skye and Chloe told me they'll be home late. Around 12 am. Maybe they're early.

I open the door, and to my surprise, it wasn't Skye or Chloe.


Evan was my boyfriend from high school. He was my boyfriend for 3 years, from grade 10 to 12. Everybody thought that we would end up getting married and probably move to one suburban house in Colorado Springs to start a life together.

Boy, were they wrong.

We were planning to go to the same university together, but 2 weeks before we were supposed to travel together to SGU, I caught him cheating on me with non-other than- Laura Delaurentis. Laura was the A-class ass wipe, skank bag of our school. She's always been flirting with him. And it was so obvious that something was going to happen between them. I really should have seen it coming.

He then broke up with me for Laura and told me that he was going to a different college with her instead. It's taking me all my might not to shut the door in his face right now. I loved him so much, and he hurt me so badly. It took me ages to even be able to hear his name, let alone see his face.

"Hey." He says.

"What do you want?" I ask him, tense.

"Can I uh... Come in?" He asks me.

There's silence for a moment.

"Okay." I finally say.

He comes in and sits beside me on my bed.

"I took a vacation from school to come see you. I've always been thinking about you." He says slowly. "Even when I was with Laura, I couldn't stop thinking of you."


"We broke up. Laura and I." He pauses, waiting for me to say something but I just stare straight ahead. What exactly does he want me to say, anyway?

"Look, I'm really sorry for the way I treated you when we were dating." He sighs, "I came here to ask for a second chance."

"Ha." I laugh sarcastically, "What makes you think that I'll give you a second chance after what you did to me?"

"Because I've changed. Really. I was a stupid jerk when I cheated on you."

"Yeah, tell me about it." I interrupt.

"I didn't know what I had until I lost it. You mean everything to me," He tries holding my hand. I take it away. "Please give me a second chance, Kat." He says, his eyes pleading.


"You don't have to answer me right at this moment. Just call me when you're ready."

"Okay." I say drily.

He starts moving slowly closer and closer to me until I can feel his breath on my lips. I see his mouth open a bit, as he starts coming in for a kiss. This moment made me so weak, because it has been forever since I've felt this familiar feeling. It has been so long since I've been in close proximity like this with a guy. I almost find myself giving in. Before our lips could touch, however, I fight my body and quickly stand up from the bed, head towards the door, and hold it open for him. He looks at me for a while, then gets up and heads out the door.

I stand there, still staring at the door where he just left a couple of seconds ago. I exhale a long, deep breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

A flourish of emotions come over me; hurt, regret, confusion, and relief.

I actually really missed him.

Obviously, I'm not gonna be able to study after that.

Skye and Chloe get home around 12 am, making loads of noise.

"How was dinner?" I ask them.


"We missed you."

"Guess who just paid me an unwelcomed visit?" I start.

"Who?" Chloe and Skye ask me simultaneously.


"Evan?" Chloe asks, her eyes gaping.

"Evan." I confirm.

There's silence for a while. Then Skye breaks it.

''Who's uh.. Evan?'' She asks.

I explain everything to her.

''Wow, he sounds like a real dic--''

''Well he's not.'' I say before Skye can complete her sentence. ''Trust me, he's changed. I think I'm gonna get back together with him.'' I tell them both.

''Are you sure that's what you want? I'm not sure that's a good idea... I mean, the guy cheated on you.'' Chloe says uncertainly.

''I know what I'm doing. He really has changed.'' I tell them, "Plus I really did miss him. And those blue eyes..." I sigh.

We all fall asleep at around 2 am, talking about it all.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please feel free to comment and vote!

Peace, love, and cupcakes to all :)

Banner of Chase included... Hot damn.
*drools onto keyboard* *laptop short-circuits*

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