Healed (Harry Fanfic)

By NooOneeKnowss

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When Isabella loses her closest friend, everything in her life changes. She becomes distant. Her old friends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

155 7 5
By NooOneeKnowss

Three Years Later (Counting the three months)

"Mommy," A tiny voice whispered before there was poking in my cheek. I bit back my smile and pretended to be asleep. The voice whined, poking my cheek over and over and over again. I jumped up snatching the little boys body lightly placing him on the bed before I began tickling him. He squealed in surprise, giggling wildly as I continued my tickling assault.

"Mommy, s-stop!" Caiden cried through his giggles. I stopped, letting the poor boy catch his breath. Caiden was my two and three month year old baby boy. I had him in exactly the ninth month of my pregnancy. Giving birth was excruciatingly painful, but it was worth it when I set my eyes on my baby boy for the first time. I absolutely loved him to death.

I had stayed with Anne for the first year of his life. After I managed to save enough up for a nice, small apartment. I ended up selling my old house, considering it was left in my dads will to give it to Jake and then me. That helped with buying the apartment. I didn't bother with renting it. It was Caiden and I's home and it made my heart swell every time I thought that.

I was glad Caiden had his grandmother, considering he didn't have either grandfather, no uncles or aunts, and no father. It hurt every time to think that but it was the sad truth. I tried calling Harry again after I had Caiden, but like expected he didn't answer. I gave up that time for sure. I haven't tried to call him in two years. And every time I heard he was with someone new on the news I mentally shot him in the head. There he was living the life, while he didn't know he had a son. And I'd like to keep it that way. He didn't deserve to know.

I didn't listen to One Direction music, I refused. I never wanted to hear his voice again. As for Niall, he called maybe twice in that last two years. And even though it was only twice, it meant a lot to me. It meant he thought about me and that made me happy. But I didn't tell him I had a kid. No one needed to know. Just Kale and Anne.

I had gotten a new job as a book editor. It payed very well and I loved it. It was something I always wanted to do. Despite me not going to college, the COO there was very impressed with my work and hired me. I couldn't have been happier. Nothing has happened so far in the last two years and I could only hope it stayed that way. After what Zach had done, I started taking boxing classes. I have been since I gave birth to Caiden. I was happily in shape and could at least protect my boy if it came down to it.

"Grandma called," Caiden said, playing with my hair that was draped over his face. He was so cute, a spitting image of Harry. The curls around his head framing his face. Which consisted of chubby cheeks and full lips that came from me. He got Harry's eyes that were slightly more blue. All in all he was the most handsome boy I'd ever seen.

"She did?" I said, sitting down and pulling him on my lap. I was used to Caiden answering the phone. He figured out how to do that a little over a month ago. Only Anne and Kale called me so there was no harm in him answering. He was a smart little bugger for two years.

"Yeah she wants us to come over at three," He said, looking up at me with his big eyes. I leaned down, pecking his little lips causing his nose to scrunch up in a adorable way. Something I loved that he did. Anne asked us to visit at least three times a week. She absolutely adored Caiden, probably more than I did. He was a well mannered child but shy around people he didn't know too.

"Sounds good, are you hungry?" I asked, knowing he wasn't up much earlier than I was. I could tell by the way his curly hair was sticking up in every which way. Caiden eagerly nodded, asking politely for a bowl of his favorite cereal, Captain Crunch. I cooked both of us up a bowl and we sat down in the living room. We watched SpongeBob together until about 1:30.

"Come on bud, you need a bath," I said, scooping him into my arms. I set him down on the counter in the bathroom and began his bath, making sure to fill it with a ton of bubbles. I had taken a shower the night before, so it was only Caiden who was getting a cleaning today. I scrubbed his head of curls good before pulling him out of the bath. After I dried him, I was about to pick him up when he dashed out of the bathroom, naked as the day he was born.

"Caiden!" I called, running after him, "At least let me put your underwear on!" I cried, chuckling. I snatched him up, causing him to squeal. I slipped his underwear on before letting him dash off again. His curls bouncing with each little step. I looked at my strange child before venturing off to get myself ready.

I blow dried my hair, leaving it in it's natural waves that I had died a cherry red. I put on a light amount of make up that consisted of eyeliner and mascara along with a light pink lip gloss. I went to my room and picked out an outfit for Caiden and I. I wore black leather skinny jeans that on the inside didn't feel like leather at all. I wore them with a white shirt tucked into the belt in the front with a jean button up shirt over it. I pulled on my black ankle boot high heels. For Caiden I chose some khaki skinny jeans with a gray hoodie, a beanie and his favorite pair of vans.

After I got us dressed it was 2 which game enough time to stop at the mall to pick something up for Anne. Every once in a while I got a gift for Anne. To try and make up for everything she's done and still does for me. I could never make up for it, but I try. When we got to the mall it was slightly packed as always. I held Caiden close to me, ignoring him when he asked if he could walk. I wouldn't take the chance of him getting stolen.

Lost in my thoughts I bumped into someone. I looked up into a pair of sunglasses clad with a beanie with blonde sticking out here and there. I said a quick sorry before making my way. I felt them grab my arm and I looked back, slightly afraid, Caiden cowering into me. I gave the person a weird look before yanking my arm. Just as they were getting dragged away by another person wearing a similar outfit.

Carrying on looking for her favorite store, I couldn't help but think who the heck was he? Why had he grabbed me? Was he going to say something? I shook the thoughts, it didn't matter, I'd probably never see him again. And even if I did, I probably wouldn't recognize him. It took me a good forty-five minutes to find a great gift for Anne. It was a simple Pandora bracelet with a couple of meaningless charms.

By the time we got to Anne's it was 2:50. I furrowed my eyebrows at the unfamiliar black car in the drive way. Maybe Gemma was visiting again, but she never had that car before and it was really random. I knew for a fact the car wasn't Kale's, he hated black. I got out of the car, grabbing Caiden and the small Pandora bag before walking inside. I didn't bother knocking, I never did anymore.

As I walked closer to the living room, I could hear voices.

"Look, I'm glad you stopped by and I missed you, but you need to leave," I heard Anne say. I frowned, was Anne in trouble? Who was here and why was she asking them to leave?

"Anne?" I asked, walking into the living room. I looked at her first, her eyes wide with shock, her mouth moving up and down. I scanned the rest of the room, and nearly choked to death. The Pandora bag fell my grasp and landed on the floor. I looked over at Anne with wide, horrified eyes.

"I swear I didn't know they were coming, I was just trying to get them to leave," Anne rushed out quickly. I couldn't speak, I was desperately trying to stay calm. I didn't want to freak out about this. It was bound to happen sometime.

"Mommy?" Caiden's familiar voice asked. And at that moment, I wished I wasn't there. Or at least that Caiden wasn't with me. I hesitantly looked over at the five boys spread out on the couches, looking slightly surprised at what Caiden had called me.

"How old are you?" One of them blurted, an arrow tattoo on his arm catching my eye as he covered his mouth in shock. I didn't answer, I just continued to stare at him. He looked away from my eyes and fidgeted in his seat. He didn't need to know how old I was. I didn't even know him.

"I think I should go," I said, turning around to leave when a familiar voice stopped me.

"Isabella?" A Irish accent asked. I froze at the door.

"What?" Another voice asked, sending shivers up and down my spine. I cursed in my head at the affect he still had on me.

"Anne, please take Caiden to another room for a minute," I said, turning around and handing him over.

"No, mommy!" He cried, reaching out to me. I knew he didn't feel comfortable with all the people he didn't know in the room. And the look he was giving me cut through my heart. I leaned over kissing his forehead and assured him everything was okay.

After they left, I turned around to face the blonde headed boy, who was now standing. I ran a severely shaking hand through my hand and stood there looking at him. He had grown and he had definitely gotten more handsome. His hair styled up instead of its usual shagginess. He wore a blue t- shirt and khaki skinny jeans with white supras.

"Hey Niall," I whispered. The moment the words left my lips I was being suffocated in his famous hug. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his shoulder and burst into tears. I cried into his shoulder while he rubbed my back comfortingly. I felt him kiss my hair and that only made me cry harder.

"I missed you so much," I said through my sobs, making him squeeze me tighter.

"Y-you barely called," I choked out.

"I know, I know, I'm so sorry," Niall whispered, pulling back from the hug. He took my cheeks into his hands and wiped the tears from my face. He took a second to just look at me, a small smile on his face. I could see the guilt and sorrow in his eyes and it made me regret pointing it out. But I didn't say anything because I wanted to hear what he had to say.

"We were always just so busy and I wanted to call you but they rarely let me. It was do this and then do this, but I tried every time I could. And when we were on vacation, I just wanted to spend time with my family, and I know that's no excuse. I'm just so sorry," He said all in one rush. I grabbed his hands that were still on my cheeks and held them. His apology was shit, but the look in his eyes told me how completely guilty and sorry he was. How he wished he called me more. And who could possibly look at Niall and stay mad at him?

"It's okay, I forgive you," I breath. A smile broke out over his features and he brought me into another hug.

"Would someone care to explain what the hell is going on?" The guy with the arrow tattoo asked. Niall ignored him though and instead pulled back to look at me again. A confused and slightly worried look on his face.

"You had a kid?" He whispered. I simply nodded. I could trust Niall, and if anyone deserved to know it was Niall.

"When?" He asked, "How come you didn't tell me?" He breathed.

"About two years ago, and because you barely called Niall, and when you did, I only got a few words in," I said, a frown forming on my face. He couldn't honestly think this was my fault.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been there. Is it..." He trailed off, looking to his left toward where Harry was sitting, but I didn't look. I looked down at our shoes but nodded. He took a sharp intake of breath but said nothing. Something must of snapped in him, because he suddenly had harry by the scruff of his shirt.

"You're such an asshole," Niall shouted right in Harry's face, causing Harry to flinch.

"I can't believe I fucking helped you! I should have told her every fucking last thing you did, everything you said, but I didn't because I was idiotic. But this, I can't even explain how angry and how much of an asshole you are! You don't deserve, you never did, Harry, never. Leaving her was the best thing you ever did, because at least she got away from an asshole like you," Niall spat, every word causing Harry to flinch. The other boys were trying to pry Niall off, but it was almost like he was a statue.

"Are you not going to stop him," Zayn cried incredulously. But just as he spoke the words Niall roughly shoved Harry back on the couch.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" The last one to speak shouted, standing in front of Harry.

"Mommy?" A tiny voice squeaked. I looked over towards the door to see my baby boy with tear stained cheeks. I frowned, why had he been crying?

"He wouldn't stop crying for you," Anne sighed, sounding defeated. I nodded and squatted down. Caiden pushed his little legs and ran into my arms. I stood up, brushing the curls from his face. I wiped the excess tears from his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"What's the matter, my love?" I asked him, taking a seat on the only chair in the living room.

"Who are they mommy?" He tried to whisper, but it was obvious they all heard. I pursed my lips, about to answer when he cut me off.

"Is one of them my daddy?" He asked, sounding slightly excited. I looked over his little head and connected eyes with Harry for the first time. Harry's eyes widened in shock when he saw me look at him. I was debating on whether or not to tell Caiden. I decided to, the boy deserved to know. And I wanted to see Harry's reaction.

"Yes, one of them is," I said, looking down at the boy who eyes brightened significantly, "Why don't you tell me who you think it is," I said, turning him to face all the boys. Every single one of them followed Niall's gaze toward Harry, including Caiden. He lifted his baby finger and pointed at Harry, who looked like a deer in headlights. Eyes wide and shocked.

"He has my hair," Caiden said, jumping in my lap. I chuckled at his reason for Harry being his dad, even though it was indeed correct.

"Am I right?" Caiden asked impatiently. I looked over at Harry who was almost looking at me pleadingly to say no and it made anger flare inside of me.

"Yes, Caiden, you're right," I said, watching Harry jump up from his seat with an angry look on his face.

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