An Excuse Maybe

By happyfroglegs

2.5K 151 102

After the war, all seems peaceful. Until Antauri gets a telepathic message from a girl imprisoned. Not only t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 24

41 2 0
By happyfroglegs

Ooooh we're getting to my favorite half of the fic. Why? Well it contains some of my favorite chapters and moments...I'll explain when they come up. Enjoy!


As the next few weeks came in, Brittany was becoming impatient. She was supposed to be here for a little while and then go to an audition that was in two weeks. She didn't have much time left and she really wanted to talk to Willow about her origins. But Arwen was getting cold feet and this began to annoy her.

"You have to tell her." She huffed one day.

Arwen sighed and set her brush down.

"I know, believe me I know. I just...I just am not ready to crash the world she knew." She sighed.

Brittany pointed outside, where the robot stood.

"I can get Mandarin to tell her, if you want." She said.

Arwen shook her head and stood up.

"No no that's fine. I'm sorry, I know how badly this audition means to you." She said.

Brittany stepped back as she stood up.

"So when are we gonna tell her then?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Arwen thought on it.

"Perhaps tomorrow? That's my off day and I'll feel less tired then." She said.

Brittany paused but sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Ok fine, I guess we could go with that. You owe me though." She huffed.

Arwen laughed before grabbing her bag, ready for work.

"See you." She said as the two left the house.

Brittany sighed as they parted ways, she may be a sueronian but she is the master of procrastination. Having nothing else to do, she decided to go over to the robot to hang around for a bit. She was surprised to see the place nearly empty, maybe they've gone out for a while?

She looked around for a bit until she went up to the command center and was greeted by loud voices.

"Mandarin! Go out with mee!" Otto cheered, holding onto him.

Mandarin tried to edge away so he could have some room, but Otto clung to him.

"Otto hold on a minute! I already said yes!" Mandarin laughed.

"Then where do ya wanna go?!" Otto said in the same cheering tone.

"I don't know yet, let me think!" Mandarin said as Otto clung to him.

Brittany blinked at the two before her eyes fell on Antauri, who was looking at the long range scanner.

She walked over to him and looked up at the screen.

"So what are you up to?" She asked.

Antauri looked at her before looking back at the screen.

"I was searching for signs of Sage or Mandarin 2...but so far nothing." He sighed, sounding slightly defeated.

Brittany smiled a bit and looked at the screen.

"Don't worry, we'll find them. Hopefully before anymore mess happens." She said.

Antauri nodded as Otto pounced onto Mandarin's chest and began nuzzling him.

"I hope so..."

Brittany looked around.

"Where is Willow and the others? It's almost noon."

"Willow wasn't feeling good so she's laying down for a bit. Everyone else is kinda doing their own thing." Otto chirped before going back to nuzzling and giving Mandarin's face kisses.

She wasn't? She was feeling just fine yesterday. Brittany looked down the tube.

"You don't think it's anything involving Diamanda do you? I mean she hasn't been active in weeks." She said.

Everyone paused and Mandarin placed a finger under his chin. Ever since Diamanda was told of her origins she has been pretty quiet. Is she finally used to the idea of her being a sueronian or was she still so confused? What would this result in?

"Should something?" Otto asked.

Antauri thought on it.

"We should check on her, just in case." He said.

"That does sound like a good idea." Brittany murmured.

Otto hopped down and started to make his way towards the tubes.

"Then let's go! Before anything happens!" He chirped and Antauri and Brittany began to follow him when they looked back at Mandarin.

"Mandarin? Are you coming?" Antauri asked.

Mandarin paused, really not wanting to explain his new situation.

"Give me a few minutes." He said before attempting to heave himself up.

Otto tilted his head.

"You need help?" He asked.

Mandarin shook his head before fully getting up.

"This child has the worst timing for doubling in weight." He huffed as he went to the larger transport tube.

Brittany giggled, feeling kinda sorry for him. Mandarin rubbed his aching back as everyone else went down.


Antauri entered the room first and saw Willow curled up in bed, messing with her phone. She was clearly sweating and she looked much paler than usual.

"Willow? Are you feeling alright?" He asked.

Willow looked up and she struggled to sit up.

"No, I feel terrible. I don't know how it happened, I mean I'm not running a fever or anything. I don't think a illness is going around either." She said, putting a hand to her forehead before Antauri gave her a washcloth.

She dabbed her face with it and sighed.

"So what do you think it is?" Otto asked, hopping onto the bed.

Willow looked at Mandarin and Brittany before looking down and touching her chest.

"I think it's Diamanda again...but she's not trying to take over my body or anything." She said, feeling that Diamanda was in emotional turmoil.

Antauri scooted over to her.

"Then what is it?"

Willow sighed and held her necklace close to her.

"That's what I'd like to know, I can sometimes feel what she's feeling. Right now I sense a lot of confusion and...relief." She said before looking at Antauri straight in the eye, causing the silver monkey to feel very flustered.

"What did you say to her to give me back control? When you tried to reach me?" She asked, sounding serious.

Antauri's throat felt dry, not really wanting to confess what he's been feeling the past few months.

"Erm well I said you can fight her, that you have the strength and determination to do so." He said.

Willow smiled, feeling intense affection.

"Thank you Antauri. That really means alot to me." She said.

Antauri's face turned a bright blue and he cleared his throat.

"No problem. Now would you be able to walk?" He asked.

Willow sighed.

"I'd be a bit weak but I think I can manage. Now what else happened? I didn't want to ask because I know something happened that made Mandarin..." She bit her lip and Mandarin flinched.

Antauri was about to answer when a cell phone started raining. Brittany held up a hand and took out her phone.

She's stepped out and answered it, and before anyone else can say anything the ex mean girl exclaimed, "What?! What do you mean you're postponing the auditions?!"

Everyone turned to her as she was clearly both mad and happy.

"A few months?! But I've been practicing so hard for this! Practice a bit more? Ugh okay maybe I can do that but the others were waiting for this! I understand, thank you." She said before hanging up.

She stepped back in and sighed.

"I'm sorry, had a call." She huffed.

Mandarin tilted his head.

"What was that?" He asked.

Brittany looked towards the others before sighing.

"It's for an audition I've planned to go to in two weeks- or now in four months." She said, crossing her arms.

Willow raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"An audition? For what?" She asked, placing her arms on her knees and her hands under her chin.

Everyone waited intently for the answer.

Brittany nervously looked around knowing that if she answers this, Willow's origins might be touched upon. She had to try and not mention that, but it will be hard as Willow was clearly smart.

"Erm it's for a pop band called, 'Starlights'." She admitted.

Willow's eyes widened, recognizing the title.

"The Sueronian pop band?! But I thought they disbanded years ago!" She exclaimed as the others turned to her.

"You know what a Sueronian is?!" Otto exclaimed, causing Mandarin to clear his throat.

Otto blinked nervously.

"I mean...what's a Sueronian?" He asked as Mandarin sighed.

Willow placed a hand on her chin.

"Well from what I've heard they're like seemingly perfect aliens that seem perfect and super powerful when really they just use these gems to fulfill some sort of storyline they make up and are super attractive. They kinda sound annoying." She snickered, causing Brittany to get slightly peeved.

"She doesn't know any better, don't get angry." Brittany thought to herself.

Willow shrugged.

"But I don't know much about them otherwise, I only heard about them in high school when hunters came to our school." She said and bit her lip.

"Whom I really hate to be honest, I mean yeah they sound annoying, but they don't deserve to get hunted." She muttered and a flicker of hope shone in Brittany.

Willow then whipped her head up, realizing something.

"Wait! Brittany does that mean that...that you are..."


"You're a Sueronian?!" Trent and Amanda 'shockingly' exclaim.

Brittany slightly nodded, hoping that everyone will keep up the act that they just found out about this.

"Y-yes but only half Sueronian." She said as everyone gathered around.

Amanda leaned in.

"So if you're a Sueronian does that mean you got a secret dark side in your backstory?" She asked

Brittany paused but shook her head.

"Nope I don't think I have one." She said.

"What about animal sidekicks? I heard some Sueronians have some!" Trent said.

Brittany placed a hand on her chin.

"Well I do have a...was it a cat or a bunny...was it both?" She questioned herself, barely remembering the storyline she had.

Gibson leaned forward a bit.

"What side of Sueronian culture were you on? The world dominating side or the peaceful kind?" He asked.

"Peaceful. That I can promise you, cutie." Brittany cooed before winking.

Gibson blushed and looked away.

"Brittany stop." Willow sighed.

Brittany laughed.

"I'm sorry but as a relationship Sue I must flirt. It's like breathing." She shrugged.

Otto blinked.

"Relationship Sue?" He asked.

Brittany sat back.

"There are many types of Sueronians out there. There's what we call a 'goth sue', a 'bitch sue', a 'relationship sue', and even a 'God sue' when really they're not." Brittany explained before shrugging.

Nova titled her head.

"Then what type are you?" She asked.

"Oh I'm a combination of type sues I inherited from my mom and her family. I'm a 'angel sue', 'princess sue', 'relationship sue', and 'better than you sue' mix." She explained.

Willow snickered.

"Better than you sue? That sure does fit you to a T." She said.

Brittany narrowed her eyes.


Mandarin sighed a bit in relief. Finally some answers on Sueronians, it took them long enough. Now the question of when they should tell Willow about her bloodline should come into play soon.

Willow then leaned foreword.

"So why didn't you mention this? I mean if you technically had powers all this time you could have just told us." She said.

Brittany placed a hand to her choker and bit her lip.

"Well like you said, there were hunters. They began hunting them for when some Sueronians started conquering planets and my mom and other peaceful Sueronians thought they were safe. However...the hunters got more corrupted and just started hunting them for 'wrecking reality'." She said.

Amanda blinked.

"So you thought we'd snitch on you?" She guessed and Brittany nodded, hiding the other reason why she couldn't tell them.

Willow frowned.

"Okay we wouldn't do that! Yes you were a big bitch but we wouldn't sell you out to hunters. In fact we-!"

"My friends would have found out too! Overtime some of them began to believe the lies the hunters told them. That we're all conquers, wanting to bone everyone in sight, and..." Brittany exclaimed before her voice drifted off.

Willow then felt guilty.

"I'm sorry I didn't know..."

Brittany sighed.

"No it's fine, it's all in the past now anyway." She sighed before Trent scooted over.

"Now about the Starlights, are they really coming back?" He asked.

Brittany nodded, smiling.

"With new members though, the older members have already retired." She said sadly.

Chiro stood up.

"Wait now what is this Starlights?" He asked.

Trent turned around and grinned.

"Only one of my favorite bands ever! They were a group of Sueronian singers that were so over the top with their characters and backstory and their covers of Terran songs, especially the popular AKB songs, were so good! I had to get two jobs in order to buy as many CDs as I can!" Trent fanboyed.

Brittany snickered at his enthusiasm as Willow went over to calm him down. It was true, outside of Terra many of their music groups became very popular, especially AKB48. So cover bands would definitely use those songs to show to other parts of space.

Sprx snickered.

"Sounds like they were a huge thing back then." He snickered.

Trent nodded but frowned.

"They disbanded around the time I was born...something about wanting to leave normal lives or something. I mean I understand why but it'd still be cool to go to one of their concerts." He sighed.

Brittany nodded, it would have been. Then an idea came to her!

"Wait! Online they have a footage of their first concert on Natulis! We can watch a bit of it since there wasn't a lot of footage at first." She said.

Trent whipped himself around, eyes sparkling.

"They performed on Natulis?!" Amanda asked.

"A few times actually." Brittany chirped before pausing and turning to Gibson.

"Wait! Is there some way of the concert being as if we were actually there?" She asked.

Gibson flinched but nodded.

"Sure we can try that." He said before Trent darted over to him and grabbed both of his hands.

"Please! Please I want to see them live so bad!" He begged.

Chiro laughed and pulled him up.

"Don't worry, Gibson and Otto can make that happen." He said as Otto nodded.

Willow has never seen Trent so excited before, it was actually kinda infectious. She looked up at Mandarin.

"That ok with you? I mean I don't know how pregnant people do in concerts so..."

Mandarin sighed.

"I think I'll be fine as long as the volume is lowered. I mean from what I heard the music is gonna sound so upbeat and full of teeny bopper nonsense, I'll only be annoyed." He said.

Willow nodded before looking back at everyone else, who seemed pretty excited to watch a concert. However she began to feel that Brittany knows more than she was speaking about. She decided to leave it, for now.


Oh Willow, if only you knew. Anyway thanks for reading!

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