The Art of Synchronization

By -sabinee

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Sage Whitehead has danced for as long as she could remember--it's always been a passion for her. And when she... More



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By -sabinee

By the fourth day, I had become accustomed to waking up in this unfamiliar place. Today, however, I didn't even want to wake up, but I heard the sound of voices downstairs and decided it was time to end my peaceful slumber. I stretched my muscles out once I woke up, wiping the sleep and the tiredness of last night away. Colby wasn't in bed with me anymore and I inwardly rolled my eyes. I told him to wake me up when he was up, but clearly he missed the memo. His head was probably somewhere else last night, much like how it's been since our whole little fiasco days ago.

Part of me wanted to cower away from Colby after what we did in the front seat of his car in the deserted parking lot of his high school. No one had ever seen me like that, like ever in my life, and no one had put me in the position where I was yearning for something along the same lines to happen yet again. I know I wasn't the only one feeling this way because lately, Colby's been a lot more touch-y feel-y than usual and as much as I wanted to entertain it so bad, I had way too much respect for the roof we were under and the rules given to us by Mrs. Donna. If it had been any other time and any other place, maybe I would've given in to his ways.

But definitely not here.

I got out of bed, placing the house slippers I had bought on my second day here. Mrs. Donna was really particular about walking around barefoot--she thought it was disgusting. I never really paid any mind to it, but she gave this long and length monologue on what diseases we could catch and what diseases we were spreading and in the end, I gave into it and spent twenty dollars on some Victoria Secret house slippers.

If I was going to wear them, I at least wanted them to be cute.

Colby thought it was a waste of money but Tanisha was all for it. She was just like me in a way. I mean, when we got together it was like Bad and Boujee was our soundtrack.

I made my way downstairs and Dominic and Colby were seated on the couch with none other than basketball playing on the TV. Tanisha was singing along loudly to the Beyonce that was playing on the boombox that went almost unnoticeable until I almost tripped over the long ass cord.

"I don't get a goodmorning?" Colby called out, throwing his hands up in the air. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics and proceeded to send a friendly wave in the direction of Dominic who returned it with a salute before turning his attention back towards the game. The frequent smell of breakfast cooking was long gone which led me to think that breakfast was going to be every man for themselves this morning. Mrs. Donna had done a good job as portraying herself as that type of mom, most likely because of the presence of a visitor (me), but she let it be known that it wasn't going to be like this for too long. Actually, by now I would like to think I passed the visitor stage with her. I mean, last night we spent an hour doing laundry together and watching LifeTime movies in the living room. I'm sure I wasn't like a second daughter to her yet, but I was definitely not a stranger.

"So what's the move today?" Tanisha questioned me. I had said goodmorning to everyone by now, and now I was seated on the kitchen table eating Fruit Loops. Tanisha was seated across from me, and though she spoke to me, her face never looked up from her iPhone 6s. She was always sending emails and making business calls on that phone that it would be surprising to see her not using it.

"I don't know. I thought we were just chilling today," I looked up at her expectantly. She gave me a look. "Yeah sure. You can just chill today if you want but I'm going shopping. I have like fifty dollars in coupons from Bloomingdales and so many people I skipped when doing Christmas shopping. You coming or what?"

Who was I to turn down a shopping date?

Besides, the whole purpose of me coming along with Colby to his parents' house was so that I could have a closer bond with his family. Tanisha and I shared similar qualities in a way, so shopping with her couldn't be tedious. So of course, I obliged. In forty five minutes, the two of us were dressed casually enough that we didn't look extra but still managed to look cute enough to go shopping with. Tanisha had her big natural hair out in this cute afro and had cornrowed a small section in the front to make it look a lot more classic. 

I had done a quick roller set on my hair last night, with Mrs. Donna's help, and the result had came out decent enough that I could walk outside without looking crazy.

"And where are you guys going?" Colby questioned, lacing his arms around my waist. At this point, Tanisha was looking around for her keys--the keys that belonged to the navy blue Toyota that was parked in the driveway. All the while that I've been getting dressed, Colby has been watching the game intently and it seemed like now it was coming to an end the way he was caressing me.

"Out--with Sage. Any further questions?" Tanisha spoke, placing her hands on her hips. She looked up from the small basket filled with a plethora amount of keys to give Colby a look filled with attitude. "Where are you guys going?" He asked, his lips fell to my neck and he placed what appeared to be seemingly innocent kisses. Tanisha rolled her eyes at the sudden display of PDA and shook her head. "Out, I already answered that. That's all you need to know." Tanisha spoke. In a matter of seconds, she let out an 'aha!' at the sight of her keys. On the hook of it was a rhinestoned T.

"Damn, all I'm tryna get is a location. For all I know you could be taking her out somewhere to kill her or some shit," Colby placed a fake pout on his face.

Tanisha scoffed.

"Oh please. I actually like Sage. She's cool unlike you." Tanisha slung a messenger bag over her shoulder. "I'm ready when you are." She spoke, beginning her journey towards the front door. "Don't let her fool you, Sage. She's a demon in disguise." Colby assured me and I laughed at his dramatics.

"Well I guess we have even more in common now," I argued. Colby shook his head, his eyes traveling down at my attire. I was dressed casually--a pair of jeans and a sweater--yet Colby had this look in his eyes that made it seem as if I was wearing something more spectacular. I shooed him off.

"Boy bye. I'm not keeping Tanisha waiting for you." I checked to make sure I had my wallet on me before exiting out the front door, saying goodbye to Dominic and Mrs. Donna (who had now taken Colby's place on the couch). The car was heating up and Tanisha was scrolling through her phone looking for the perfect track to play during our car ride. I didn't know how far out the nearest mall was, but I was expecting a pretty lengthy drive. Hopefully Tanisha's music taste was similar to mine, or at least something I could vibe with.

"You ready?" She questioned once I hopped inside the car. I nodded my head buckling up my seatbelt. The sounds of a familiar rap song played through the speakers of her car. Despite the fact that it was winter time, Tanisha rolled down her windows all the way and let her natural hair float around in the breeze. I giggle at Tanisha aesthetic. She would get along so well with Alisha and most definitely Adele. Their personalities and their auras matched significantly and I suppose that's why the two of us vibed so well together.

It was like I was hanging out with one of my friends.

The mall wasn't too far from the house--about a twenty minute drive that would've been a little faster if we weren't met by a small accident just outside of the Deanwood neighborhood.

"This is Northeast D.C. for you," Tanisha announced as we exited the car. The sign Capitol Shopping Plaza was lit up and had a great contrast against the glass like walls of the mall. The mall was packed which possibly had to do with the same reason why we were here, late Christmas shopping. A small amount of snow was falling from the sky and I was hoping a complete downpour wouldn't happen until later. The last thing we needed was to be stuck inside a mall because of some snow. Then again, this wasn't the south where half an inch causes a state of emergency. I'm sure Tanisha has driven her way through snow multiple times.

"You're excited to meet the family on Christmas day?" Tanisha questioned as we entered the warm mall. Shoppers moved left and right in a hurry and some kids whined and trailed behind their parents in agitation.

Christmas dinner was going to be held at one of Colby's Uncle's house. In the beginning I had been a little nervous, but I already held quite a nice connection with Colby's parents and his sister, so I doubt that I would have to worry too much about the others. I nodded my head in response. "Yeah, I'm ready to eat." I admitted. Tanisha nodded her head. "Oh you're going to eat alright. My mother's family loves to cook--that's one of the few things positive about them." Tanisha encouraged. We were walking around the mall now. Tanisha was the one with an agenda so I tried not to venture her towards any other store than the one she was looking for.

Bloomingdales was positioned right next to the food court and the tempting smell of Chinese food drifted towards me. Yes, I just ate, but there was nothing like Chinese food, I'm telling you.

"I have to look for something for Auntie Diane's picky ass." Tanisha muttered, fingering the material of a satin shirt placed towards the entrance of the store.

"What does she like?" I questioned, glancing at the racks around us. The store seemed pretty versatile so whatever this Aunt Diane wanted could possibly be found here at this store.

"Complaining." The response was laced with amusement but I'm sure there was hints of truth in her statement.

"You probably think I'm being rude but just wait until you meet the woman. She's younger than my mom but damn she acts like shes grown. Her and those bad ass kids of hers." Tanisha spoke. She turned around facing me, showing me this cute blouse. It was blue and had a hint of sheerness around the sleeves. I thought it was nice and definitely something I would see my mom or one of my aunts wearing.

"What do you think about this?"

"I think it's nice. Age appropriate, but nice."

"Then it's a no. She's gonna think I'm calling her a prune or something." She placed the shirt back down on the rack. I rose my eyebrow at the statement. I couldn't help but wonder how picky this Aunt Diane was, and whether or not she had an attitude to go along with it.

Eventually we did end up taking the blouse and adding a few pieces of jewelry along with it.

"Do you know what you're getting Colby for Christmas?" Tanisha questioned me. As tempting as it was to sit at the food court, we knew it would be a waste of money. Even though Mrs. Donna was going into her office at the school this morning, she promised that she'd be home on time to make some mac and cheese for us.

"Yeah..." I trailed on. I didn't want to tell anyone just yet. Colby didn't know what I was getting him, and I was hoping to just slip it underneath the tree along with everything else come Christmas Eve.

"Let me guess, something to do with basketball?" Tanisha spoke with a roll of her eyes.

I nodded my head.

"Look, I don't mean to sound bitter or cause issues in your relationship with him but doesn't all that basketball get tiring?" Tanisha shot me a genuine look and I tried to decipher her question. She could be asking so she could report her findings to Colby. Or, she could be asking in an attempt to do just what she said she wasn't--start issues with our relationship. But then again, it could honestly just be a genuine question that she was wondering.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I mean...I feel like I've become kinda accustomed to it--I dance for basketball season. I sometimes wish it didn't take him away from me for so long, and so often." I spoke truthfully. I was down for Colby having his dreams and his ambitions towards basketball, especially after hearing his motives behind it. What I didn't quite like was basketball's ability to become his first priority, sometimes even over me.

Tanisha scoffed.

"It's always basketball in that damn house, I'm telling you. In the beginning it was cute and whatnot, but once he started getting good at it and all the trophies and medals began pouring in, it became somewhat of a headache." Tanisha revealed. "I mean, I went to school for six years to become a lawyer. I've attended all types of seminars and all different types of bees and I've never had the attendance that Colby has had at his basketball games. It's his first year of college and they have people FaceTiming them so they can watch his games."

"I just feel like sometimes I get lost in his accomplishments. I'm 26 and people refer to me as Colby Towers sister." She spoke. At this point, we were just walking around the mall. We had no intentions of going into any store, but I'm sure if we saw something good we would definitely stop and browse around.

I definitely understood where Tanisha was coming from--being a lawyer was a huge accomplishment and I'm sure she wanted all the fame and attention that Colby was getting, but let's face it; anybody would much rather attend a basketball game than go to a debate match.

"I'm sure your parents are proud of you--"

"I know they are, that's not the issue. It's the constant praising that Colby gets and call me childish, but at twenty six all I really want is a 'hey, good job' and I can't even get that." Tanisha let out an aggravated sigh before pausing in front of a store.

"Look at that top," She trailed off, entering into the store.

It was at this point that I realized that Tanisha didn't want the conversation to continue. I'm sure she wasn't telling me all of this so I could give her some advice, but more so so she could just vent. It was just her and Colby in the Towers family and I doubt she really wanted to sit down and tell Colby how she was tired of him and his basketball. Knowing Colby, that most likely wouldn't result in anything positive.

So, I didn't blame her for talking to me, and I definitely wouldn't hold it over her head either.

However, part of me began to wonder if this was just another endless cycle, and if the next person to grow tired was me...

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