Vhope smuttt

By RulerOfBusanJM

222K 5K 5.1K

Just a bunch of Vhope smut. ;) More

You're my sin
All I Want For Christmas ( Is To Not Be Sick)
Touch Of Darkness
I Smile Because I Want To ( I Am Your Boy.)
Breath, 숨이 차오르고
Betting Pt 1
Betting Pt 2: The Smutty Smut
Gateway Error ( You're Too Hazardous For My Heart Baby)
Dance For You
His Smile
How To Reach High Notes: A Memoir by Kim Taehyung
One Step Forward For Happiness
Please Stop Teasing
Lately ( I've Been Craving More )
Playboy ( Show Me All Your Secrets )
Do You Like Me Now? ( Do I Turn You On?)
I Lost ( My Mind )
Spring Day Teaser!!!
You Got Me So Excited ( You Got A Magic Power On Me )
Jikook Smuttt book
Please ( Don't Bite )
So You Can See
Bring On The Snow
Time's Almost up!
True Desires
Valentine's Day Vlog
Off To The Races
Hey guys! ❤
Boys In Luv
I'm trying

Toilet Trauma

9.2K 196 161
By RulerOfBusanJM

Creator: Softnugget

Words: 6645

Site: AO3

College can be stressful, but not touching your boyfriend for a long time is stressful, getting interrupted when you finally can is stressful.

Hoseok slammed Taehyung against the closed bedroom door, pinning his hands beside his head and latching his lips along the prominent jawline.
"We've been... So busy lately... I'd forgotten how much... I missed this..." The elder hummed between kisses, rolling those dancer hips of his forward slowly and skilfully, pressing into Taehyung's crotch and drawing a low guttural moan from the vocalist. College exams had been hectic, and with Taehyung taking musical studies and Hoseok taking dancing / performing arts, it had meant the two barely had time to see each other.
"I agree..." Taehyung groaned, biting his lower lip and leaning his head back to give Hoseok more access to his neck. He moved his leg slightly to wedge his knee between the dancer's legs, pressing up and rubbing at the fabric constricting Hoseok's semi - erection. The moan that spilled from the black haired man's lips vibrated into Taehyung's neck and he couldn't supress the shudder that ran through his spine, fingers clenching and nails digging into his palms as he wanted to touch his boyfriend but the strong hands holding his wrists in place were preventing him from doing so. "Hoseok hyung... Please." He whined, eyebrows furrowed and lips pouted.
"Bed." The elder growled, tearing himself away from the smooth skin and almost throwing Taehyung onto the mattress before pouncing upon him, straddling his sides, holding his wrists down again and diving back down to capture the already swelling lips in another toe curling kiss. Taehyung couldn't hold back the smile that broke out on his flushed features, it was less a bashful smile and more of a proud smile. Hoseok in and out of the bedroom were two completely different people and Hoseok in the bedroom was someone only Taehyung got the pleasure of knowing, and he was definitely intending on keeping this person all to himself... Everyone else knew Hoseok as a bubbly, fun and loud individual with a big opinion on respect. However, Taehyung knew the dancer a lot more intimately. To Taehyung, Hoseok was all deep, throaty whispers, hands louder than his voice and that opinion on respect a lot more serious and even sadistic. Though, that was probably Taehyung's favourite part.
"Hoseok." Taehyung breathed when the elder pulled away, mouth twitching into a ghost of a smirk when he felt the grip on his wrists tighten significantly, the man staring down with a dangerously dark glint in his eye and a provocative sneer on his face.
"Hm? Are you speaking informally to me, Kim Taehyung?" Hoseok sang, his voice husky and the melody was low as it hummed under the brunette's skin. His eyes narrowed and his mouth smirked as he lowered his face to hover over Taehyung's, feeling the pulse quicken under his fingertips. "I wouldn't want to have to punish you..." A slender finger lightly scraped over the veins along Taehyung's arm, trailing to the hem of the white shirt and sliding underneath to graze at the subtly toned stomach, loving the way the muscles tensed under his touch no matter how faint it was.
"Maybe I want you to punish me," Taehyung let himself get cocky, playfully smiling, he used his free hand to slip inside Hoseok's jeans and palm him through his boxers slowly, "Daddy." The sharp intake breath definitely didn't go unnoticed as the black haired man stiffened his jaw and (accidently) dug his nails into Taehyung's side but the sting was anything but painful. The couple's sex life was anything but normal, it was something they had sat down and discussed seriously, making all their boundaries known, agreeing on safewords and being honest with each other. The first time they had partaken in anything sort of kink driven sex, Taehyung had asked Hoseok while watching a movie if he felt up to it and with a yes they had sprung into action hesitantly but soon melted into the act, as though it was second nature and the moment they finished and snapped out of the head space, Hoseok spent the rest of the night telling Taehyung how much he loved him, cuddling and treating him extremely gently. Hoseok opened his mouth to retort but before the first syllable could even be uttered there was a loud knock at the door followed by:

"Hyung! Taehyung Hyung! Hoseok Hyung!" It was Jungkook, Taehyung's roommate and their close friend, banging on the door and calling for the couple. Hoseok just sighed deeply and rolled his eyes, staying in the same position.
"What is it Jungkook?" He replied, trying not to get distracted by the lips now sucking on his collarbone and the hand in his pants getting more and more confident.
"We're going out to that restaurant, remember?" The youngest shouted, the annoyance in his voice obvious. "Are you ready?"
"Fuck, I forgot..." Hoseok cursed under his breath, pushing Taehyung off of him with an apologetic smile. "Yeah, we'll be out in a minute!"
"Okay! We'll be waiting in the car, hurry up!" Jungkook finished, the sound of his feet padding against the floor letting the two know he was now gone.
"Sorry, Tae..." Hoseok huffed, sitting up and letting Taehyung move so he too was sitting cross legged on the bed. "We'll do this another time though, yeah?" He smiled, leaning forward to give his boyfriend a peck on the lips, seeing the look of disappointment on his face. "It can't be helped..."
"I know, it's okay!" Taehyung quickly brightened up and sent his trademark rectangular smile to the elder, jumping off the bed and flattening his clothes out. "Like you said, we'll do it another time." He grinned, eyes crinkling sweetly as he leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of the black head of hair. "We should go now." Hoseok nodded in agreement and allowed the man to pull him out of the bedroom, linking their hands together affectionately.

They were all sat around a circular table, starter meals all finished as they waited for the main course, laughing and chatting as usual with a bad joke thrown in every now and then for good measure. Hoseok was wearing a button up white shirt, black trousers and a leather jacket whilst Taehyung was in a normal blue t shirt and some tight skinny jeans.
"I'm just going to go to the toilet." Jungkook said, still smiling widely from something Seokjin had said about the food, he stood up once everyone had acknowledged where he was headed and made his way over to the restroom.
"Hoseok, what did you order again?" Jimin enquired, taking a sip of his coke.
"I got the kimchi stew, I got a text from my mother earlier and I've been craving it since." He joked, elbows on the table and a silly grin on his face. Jimin nodded and returned to his conversation with Yoongi, they were having an argument over who was taller even though it was obviously Yoongi. He flinched when he felt a hand graze his thigh but he put it down to over imagination and returned his focus to the conversation between the group.
"I just don't get it, I ordered garlic bread but it was pretty much just bread soaked in butter... There was hardly any garlic in it!" Seokjin complained, plump lips forming an 'o' shape and eyes as wide as the spoons on the table. Hoseok scoffed at the elder's frustration and flinched yet again when the same hand touched his thigh again, this time he was positive it wasn't his imagination... True to his thoughts, he looked down slyly and saw Taehyung's hand rubbing his thigh up and down gently, fingers edging closer to his groin ever so slowly. He looked at his lover through the corner of his eye and found the brunette with his chin in his hand, smiling ever so innocently at their friends as they talked, he was even laughing along with them and Hoseok found himself having to clear his throat at a fairly hard pinch on his inner thigh.
"Are you okay, hyung?" Jimin asked, eyes a mix of confusion and concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine." The dancer smiled, picking up his glass of water and taking a generous gulp before turning to his boyfriend. "What are you doing?" He whispered, trying to not to make himself too obvious.
"I'm not doing anything, hyung?" Taehyung pouted, eyes big and owlish as he blinked childishly but Hoseok wasn't fooled by the feigned innocence. "Why? Do you want me to do something?" And there it was. Hoseok chuckled and raised an eyebrow at the younger, eyes trained on the delicate hands now tracing over his crotch.
"We're in public, Taehyung..." Hoseok warned, amused by the situation but also keeping his wits about him. Hoseok wasn't angry, he knew Taehyung wouldn't take it too far, he was just teasing, and even though it was seriously turning Hoseok on, neither of them would ever do anything explicit in somewhere public like this, especially with their friends sat right next to them.
"Hmm, I can see that..." The brunette said sarcastically, smiling as though he wasn't giving his boyfriend an erection at the dinner table. "Why? Am I not allowed to touch you in public, Hoseok? Am I being naughty, Hoseok? Am I in trouble, daddy?" Taehyung had leaned incredibly close to Hoseok by this point and was whispering in his ear, pronouncing each word sensuously with a floaty tone. Hoseok didn't realise Taehyung had slipped into that state, but when he heard the 'daddy' fall out of those pink lips, he too found his heart speed up and a wave of arousal course through him. Taehyung smirked in victory when he saw the dancer's hand grip the table cloth tightly and noticed the way his jaw set firmly, eyes beginning to glaze over. Taehyung sat back in his seat before anyone could realise he had even talked to Hoseok, though he kept his hand where it was and was still palming the growing bulge.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Namjoon pressed worriedly, brows furrowed when he saw the sudden mood change in his friend.
"You know what?" He huffed, shaking his head. "I'm actually feeling a bit sick, maybe I ate something off..."
"Oh no, really?" Seokjin frowned, head tilting.
"Yeah... I think I should go home or something..." Hoseok shrugged, running a hand down his face and groaning to mask the actual moan of pleasure as Taehyung's fingers worked their magic. "I don't trust myself to get home alright alone, could you come with me Taehyung?" He lied, eyes narrowing subtly to Taehyung in a way that only the two could notice and Taehyung's whole body drummed in excitement, he pulled his hand away and stood up.
"Yeah, sure hyung!" He beamed, hands on his hips. "I wasn't that hungry anyway..." The two shared a secret look before waving goodbye to the others and walking to the double doors where he knew the toilets were.

They walked into one of the two male restrooms and took a quick look around, there wasn't anyone in sight, nor could they hear anyone and it was pretty late so there were hardly any people in the restaurant besides them anyways.
"What was that, baby?" Hoseok questioned, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as he stared at his boyfriend, all Taehyung could see was the building lust behind those dark orbs.
"Hm? What was what?" The man hummed quietly, smiling innocently. Hoseok strode over to him, each slow footstep causing earthquakes on Taehyung's nerves and he audibly gulped, cheeks heating up. Their faces were barely centimetres apart, the dancer cornering Taehyung like a predator, hand beside the warm face and pressed against the bathroom door while his other hand took hold of Taehyung's - not tightly but not gently.
"I'm not sure I can wait until we get home now, baby... How do you feel about getting fucked in the toilet?" Hoseok brought Taehyung's hand up to his face and pressed a kiss to the knuckles, he looked up at the younger, making sure this was okay and was met with a smirk and eyes dripping in want.
"Yes." Taehyung said breathlessly, biting his bottom lip and pressing his lower body closer to the other.
"Are you going to be a good boy for daddy?" Hoseok teased, curling his finger's around the warm wrist.
"Always, I love you." The vocalist mused, his eyelashes fluttering and a soft gasp escaping his lungs as Hoseok grinded his knee into his crotch.
"I love you too, baby." The black haired man smiled, moving away and pulling Taehyung with him by his wrist.

Hoseok opened the door to the first stall they reached and pulled Taehyung in, pushing him against the door and locking it. Thankfully, the way the toilets were built meant that the doors only had a tiny space between it and the floor so you couldn't see anyone's feet if you were to look under. Taehyung had his head and shoulders leaning against the door, his lower body arched forward slightly while Hoseok stood in front of him and the stall itself was spacious enough for them to move around in if they needed to. Taehyung pushed the leather jacket off of Hoseok's shoulders and pulled the clothing off his arms, throwing it behind the elder onto the floor.
"We can't have sex without lube though, I don't want to hurt you, baby" Hoseok stated, Taehyung ran his fingers playfully across the buttons of his shirt, casually popping one open. Without a word, Taehyung used his other hand to delve into his back pocket where he pulled out a little bottle. Mint scented lube. "You planned this?" The dancer chuckled deeply, taking the small bottle and leaning forward to press their bodies together again. Taehyung bit his lip and nodded.
"Well, planned wouldn't be the right choice of words... Let's say I prepared just in case, I always like to be ready for you, daddy." The brunette wagered, tilting his head slightly and smiling. He grabbed the collar of Hoseok's shirt and pulled him in for a kiss, all teeth, tongues and raspy breaths. He managed to get the dancer's shirt off and on the floor, running his hands all over the defined abs. They were both worked up by now, the heat practically radiating off of them in the small space. "Can I suck you off?" Taehyung said softly when they pulled apart, faces close and lips barely touching. "Please, daddy?" He added, nuzzling his nose into the crick of Hoseok's neck and nipping lightly at the skin. The dancer inhaled sharply, hands tightening on the younger's hips as Taehyung continued to grind their erections together.

Hoseok could only nod, biting his lip and stepping backwards as he watched his little vixen sink to his knees, he dropped the small bottle of lube on top of his shirt. Taehyung stared up, eyes wide, waiting to be told it was okay. Hoseok nodded and Taehyung smiled slightly to himself, he palmed the bulge in Hoseok's jeans and used his teeth to pull the zipper down slowly. He hooked his fingers in the loops around the waist of the trousers and pulled them down so they pooled at his ankles (where he then stepped out and kicked them behind him), there was a small wet patch where pre come had leaked onto the red boxers. Licking his lips, Taehyung stared hungrily as his eyes hooded over and he put his mouth around the erection that was still in the constricting fabric. His tongue licking at the wet patch as he sucked, enjoying the low groans coming from above him. He felt a hand run through his hair and settle on the back of his head, grabbing onto the brunette locks. There was a slight salty taste to the red boxers and the texture on Taehyung's tongue reminded him of when you bite and suck on the sleeve of your hoodie. He moaned against Hoseok's cock, saliva dribbling down his chin, he pulled away and licked along the confined length. Delicate fingers curved under the red material as Taehyung moved away and dragged the boxers down and over the thick thighs that came with intense years of dancing.
"Fuck, baby..." Hoseok breathed, fingers pulling at Taehyung's hair as the boy gave a few kittenish licks, tasting the bitter pre come before stretching his lips over the hot erection. Taehyung bobbed up and down, breathing through his nose as he used his right hand to pump what his mouth didn't reach. He swirled his tongue around the head, teasing the slit and dragging his tongue ever so slowly down the side, his hand holding the girth as he placed chaste kisses on the side of Hoseok's cock. He lightly jerked him off, taking one of the balls into his mouth and sucking. He looked up at the elder with his wide eyes, taking in the man's appearance, his black hair was sticking to his forehead, his head lulling forward to look at Taehyung with glazed eyes and rugged breaths. He swirled his thumb around the tip, pressing into the slit and dragging slowly, eyes now focused on how wet his hand looked. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth as he began pumping quicker before he opened his mouth again and dragged his tongue back up the length and took Hoseok's cock back in his mouth. He moaned wantonly, sending vibrations through the dancer's body who winced and pulled at Taehyung's hair more, there was a slight sting that had the younger moaning even further, eyes almost rolling back into his head. He hollowed his cheeks and bobbed his head up and down fervently, twisting his hand at the base and humming. "Fuck..." Hoseok bit his lip and rocked his hips slightly, looking down at Taehyung who had his eyes closed, completely focused on his current activity.

Taehyung pulled away with a barely audible pop, a trail of saliva and pre come on his chin. He jerked his hand still, looking up at Hoseok as he licked his swollen lips and swallowed the liquid around his mouth. Hoseok stared with a hungry gaze when the vocalist put his lips around the cockhead, sucking and licking the tip with his tongue. Taehyung practically purred in delight, loving the taste and feeling.
"You're such a good boy." Hoseok praised with a low growl, Taehyung smiled and pulled away, the approval sending waves of pleasure through his veins and he kissed along Hoseok's erection to show he was happy.
"Can you fuck my mouth, daddy?" Taehyung mewed.
"Are you sure you deserve my cock in that dirty mouth of yours?" Hoseok questioned, teasing his boyfriend. He pulled Taehyung's head back with the hand still tangled in the man's hair and leaned over him, face hovering over the younger.
"I've been good..." Taehyung whispered, staring into Hoseok's eyes and pleading.
"Of course you have, you're always good for me, baby." Hoseok's lips formed a small smile as he kissed Taehyung softly, moving their mouths together slowly. Hoseok could taste himself on Taehyung's tongue and it riled him up even more, his hand falling from the brunette's hair down to his neck where he curved his fingers around the warm skin and pulled him in to deepen the kiss more. Taehyung groaned, his eyes fluttering shut and breathing calming slightly.

When they pulled away from each other, Taehyung felt himself getting giddy and excited with eagerness.
"Ready?" Hoseok asked, always checking first, Taehyung nodded and shuffled a little on the spot. His knees ached slightly but it didn't bother him, he opened his mouth and felt Hoseok's cock slide between his lips again and he let his jaw go slack and relaxed, placing his hands on the man's hips to steady himself. Hoseok re-tangled his fingers in Taehyung's hair and tugged roughly as he began to thrust his hips forward and backward. "Fuck, baby..." He whispered, knowing he must be tugging hard on Taehyung's scalp but also knowing that the younger loved it. His cock slid in and out of the wet space and he relished in the light scraping of teeth against the skin and the way Taehyung's fingers dug into his bones. He hit the back of Taehyung's throat and he gagged slightly but it was only turning them both on even more, tears pricked his eyes as his gag reflex was abused but it only made him moan louder. His own cock twitched, longing to be touched and he moved one hand downwards to jerk himself off. "Don't touch yourself." Hoseok gasped and Taehyung whimpered, his hand returning to its previous place. "I want you to come from my cock deep in your ass." He knew Taehyung couldn't reply in his current state, so he took the loud whimper as a yes. "Good boy." He acclaimed, panting slightly. Taehyung's head stung with the tight grip Hoseok had on his hair as he pushed him deeper onto his thick girth and Taehyung swallowed the small amounts of bitter liquid that started to leak into his mouth. The feeling of Taehyung's throat contracting and relaxing like that had Hoseok groaning in a stupor. "Fuck, I'm coming, baby." He warned through gritted teeth and with a few more thrusts he buried himself deep in Taehyung's mouth, bending over slightly as he shot his load straight down the younger's throat who swallowed gratefully, the gulping noises resounding loudly throughout the room. He felt Hoseok's cock twitch as came down from his orgasm, pulling out and leaving traces of the white liquid dripping out of Taehyung's mouth. He threw his head back, breathing heavily, and watched as Taehyung wiped his lips with his hand and sucked on his sticky fingers, staring Hoseok straight in the eye as he finished lapping it all up. "Stand up." Taehyung obliged, taking the hand offered to him as he got to his feet, as soon as he was stood up straight Hoseok was attacking his lips.

His hands were pinned against the bathroom door again and he whined as Hoseok stole the air from his lungs, kissing him for the umpteenth time.
"Daddy... Please..." Taehyung whimpered, begging for something.
"What is it, baby?" Hoseok gripped the hem of Taehyung's shirt and pulled it up and over his head, dropping it on the floor next to his boxers and jeans. He nipped and sucked against the prominent collarbones, leaving his marks against the tanned skin. "What do you want?"
"Please touch me..." He choked out, his own clothed erection rubbing against Hoseok's thigh, he didn't realise how much he wanted - needed - to be touched right now, his body was practically screaming. "Please. daddy." Hoseok granted his baby's wish, mouth moving up to Taehyung's neck as he trailed his other hand down to the tight jeans, unbuttoning them and slipping them down just far enough to slip his hand inside Taehyung's briefs. Taehyung shuddered as Hoseok's cold hand met his hot skin, his head banged against the wooden door as he let a stuttered breath out in relief. Hoseok rubbed up and down, at a pace that wasn't fast nor slow but enough to keep Taehyung wanting more. "I really..." He gasped, moaning as Hoseok dug his thumb into the slit hard.
"You really what? Use your words, baby." Hoseok said softly, sucking another hickey in the dip of Taehyung's collarbone.
"I really want you inside me, daddy." Taehyung said quietly, hand curling around the elder's bicep. Hoseok pulled his hand away from the pulsing cock, drawing a small whine that ran short as Taehyung didn't want to complain and annoy Hoseok - even though that was near impossible, the dancer loved him further than the moon and back, which scared him but excited him all at the same time -.
"Put your hands against the door." Taehyung turned around, hands and forearms against the smooth paint as he leaned over, his ass stuck out with the briefs riding down slightly, jeans pooling at his ankles. Hoseok quickly picked the lube up that had gotten lost under the building pile of clothing, when he stood back up he let a hand slide down the curve of Taehyung's back. He spent a few seconds admiring the man in front of him, eyes dark and hungry.
"Hurry..." Taehyung whined, craning his neck to look behind him. He was met with the predatory gaze of Hoseok, an eyebrow raised.
"Are you being impatient?" Hoseok asked, his hand resting at Taehyung's tailbone. "Good boys are patient, Taehyung." His fingers danced along the brunette's spine before pulling the underwear down and settling on one of the round globes, he rubbed once before snapping his hand back and slapping the skin. Taehyung jolted and bit down hard on his lip, suppressing a moan as his toes curled in pleasure. "I would hate it if you weren't being good for me, baby." He caressed the reddening skin briefly before spanking it once more, eyeing the way Taehyung's back arched and his cock twitched.
"I'm sorry, daddy!" He moaned, pushing his ass back into the hand that was now kneading the sensitive skin. "I just need you right now..." Hoseok, pressed his lips softly to the sore spot that was starting to resemble his hand. "I want you so bad." He held back a sob, his entire body aching with the desire to be completely full of nothing but Hoseok.
"I got you, baby." The elder cooed, pressing a kiss on Taehyung's tailbone softly before opening the cap of the lube and pouring some on his fingers. He heard Taehyung sigh in relief and he was glad he stopped when he did, wanting to pleasure his boyfriend - not drive him crazy, well, not that crazy. "Ready?" Taehyung nodded his head fervently, and when Hoseok pushed the first digit inside he let out a huge breath he didn't know he had been holding. "You're sucking me in so tightly... You're so crude." Taehyung pushed back on the digit, not feeling full enough. Hoseok got the message and soon added another finger, giving Taehyung the burn he craved. Hoseok moved his fingers in and out, scissoring to make sure he stretched Taehyung properly (he knew Taehyung liked the pain but Hoseok always made sure it was never uncomfortable). The dancer groaned as Taehyung clenched around him, imagining what it will feel like when it was his dick and not his fingers.
"More..." Taehyung stuttered, the sting already fading and he wanted something bigger.
"Patient, Taehyung." Hoseok warned, voice stern as he curled his fingers against the hot walls, making the younger moan lowly. Hoseok worked his fingers expertly, knowing how to get Taehyung worked up, how to get him begging and make him teeter so close to the edge before pulling back just in time. It was a risky game and Hoseok was always making sure never to break Taehyung, just enough to keep it enjoyable for both of them.
"Daddy... Your fingers are so big..." Taehyung purred as Hoseok entered the third finger, the dull sting really being felt.
"You like my fingers fucking you?" Hoseok thrust the digits in sharply, burying them to the knuckle and pushing against Taehyung's prostate. "Is my baby that slutty?"
"Yes, god yes..." Taehyung huffed, his chest rising and falling at a quick pace as a wave of pleasure and pain shot through his veins, the feeling like nails under the skin but so mind numbingly good that Taehyung could only sigh in bliss. "Only yo-..." The brunette was cut off by his own whimper, Hoseok grazing his prostate and stretching him open. "Only your slut..." The degrading name rolled off his tongue and made him dizzy, it was dirty and raw and he loved it.
"Good boy..." Hoseok smirked, rewarding his baby by pulling his hand away and lathering his already hard again cock in lubricant, jerking himself a few times before positioning himself in front of Taehyung's stretched entrance. "Do you deserve this? Do you deserve daddy's cock?"
"Please! Fuck, please... I deserve it." Taehyung sobbed, wiggling his ass slightly as he felt the wet organ slide between his cheeks teasingly.
"Such a dirty mouth..."

Hoseok slid in slowly, more to aggravate the other than anything else, biting his lip and slanting back to watch himself sink in.
"Shit..." Taehyung puffed, fingers clenching into his palms against the wooden door. Hoseok thrust in a few times lazily and slow before grabbing a fistful of brunette hair and leaning in to whisper into Taehyung's ear.
"How do you want daddy to fuck you then?" His voice was gruff and low, sending vibrations through Taehyung's entire body. "Slow and deep?" He pulled out to the tip before rolling his hips forward and burying himself to the hilt, and all the younger could do was let out a breathy moan. "Hard and fast?" He thrust his cock in once more, the speed making Taehyung jolt forward a little and curl his toes, whimpering at the dull ache in his lower back combined with the pleasure of Hoseok filling him up. "Or both?" Taehyung eyes were fluttered closed and his mouth was hung open, shallow breaths escaping his lips. "Answer me, Taehyung." Taehyung choked out a whine as Hoseok pulled on his hair, the pain making him feel good and there was a cautious beat in his chest. Half of him wanted to answer his boyfriend but the other half wanted to disobey, just to see what would happen. "I'll give you three seconds..." Hoseok sounded like he was humming but there a layer of authority laced in the words that made Taehyung want to give him everything he had. "One..." Taehyung gasped as Hoseok sucked a harsh hickey on his shoulder blade. "Two..." Nails dragged along the brunette's tensed stomach, making him move backwards slightly and causing Hoseok's cock to reach even deeper. His head thumped in a messy rhythm that didn't match the pace of his heart. "Three-."
"I don't know!" Taehyung replied breathlessly, head lulling forward and the muscles in his arm ached from keeping himself upright on the bathroom door. "Any way you want! Just fuck me, please! Please, daddy!" He begged, eyes tightly shut and brows knitted together.
"Good boy." Hoseok whispered, leaving a chaste kiss at the base of the brunette's neck. He could tell Taehyung was being pushed over the edge, wavering so close and he didn't want to push him so Hoseok gave him what he want. With his hands gripping the already bruising hips, Hoseok thrust into Taehyung, looking down at the way his cock disappeared inside the stretched hole.
"Feels so good..." Taehyung moaned, unable to form proper sentences as his head swam and drowned in pleasure. His nails dug into the paint on the door, chipping away at it and his forehead was rubbing against the wood, making it sweaty and probably leaving a red mark on his skin.
"You like that?" Hoseok hummed, the tight heat and friction around his cock sending white hot vibrations through his body, settling under his skin and making the tiny hairs stand up. "You're such a good slut for daddy..."
"Oh god, yes..." Taehyung bit back a sob, he could feel Hoseok's cock just barely grazing his prostate and the anticipation was eating away at him. "Deeper! Fuck... Please." Incoherent pleas tumbled from his lips, his eyelashes wet with tears of ecstasy and his face flushed red. Going along with what he was asked, Hoseok angled himself and continued driving into Taehyung, being rewarded with the cry of pleasure that echoed off the walls when he hit that special bundle of nerves deep inside the younger. "Oh fuck yes... Right there - please!" Taehyung began repeating himself, his words becoming a mantra of pleading and need, his voice was hoarse and it only spurred the dancer on more. Hoseok wanted to please Taehyung, drive him insane with lust, he wanted to spoil Taehyung so much that the only person Taehyung would ever want is Jung Hoseok. With a renewed vigour, Hoseok thrust harder and faster, abusing the brunette's prostate until the only thing falling from his lips was Hoseok's name, breathy moans and small cries of pleasure.

Taehyung's arms shook with strain, his legs wobbling and there was a coiling in his stomach that grew tighter and tighter. Hoseok saw that Taehyung was getting closer and becoming more exhausted so he slid his arms under the vocalist's chest and held him up in case he fell. With the sudden support, Taehyung allowed his arms to go slack, placing his hands over the top of Hoseok's.
"Daddy..." He panted, voice sore and mind thumping. "I need to come..." He announced, a moan ripping from his throat. "Please..." He breathed, feeling Hoseok's fingers dig into his chest. The elder was also nearing his climax, he lowered his head to breathe into Taehyung's neck.
"Come for me, Taehyung." Hoseok kissed the hot skin, his lips tingling at the taste of Taehyung. "Be a good boy and let it out..." He whispered, nipping at Taehyung's shoulder and at a particularly hard thrust to his prostate, Taehyung cried out and spilled over the bathroom door. His body slumped against the wood and Hoseok kept him from falling, thrusting in a few more times before pulling out, pumping his dick a few times and releasing over Taehyung's back.

They stayed still for a few moments, catching their breath, Hoseok admiring just how wrecked Taehyung was and Taehyung too exhausted and thoroughly fucked out to even try and move.
"You okay, sweetie?" Hoseok asked, grabbing some toilet roll and wiping Taehyung's back before anything could dry up and making sure the door was (at least visibly) clean. He quickly jumped into his boxers and jeans, leaving his shirt and Taehyung's clothes on the floor for now. The younger just groaned, eyes shut and lips pursed as he rested his forehead against the wall and tried to stay upright. "Was I too rough?" Hoseok frowned, worried, and pressed a chaste kiss to the blushing cheek, he had to be careful with Taehyung after sessions like this, making sure the younger felt protected and loved, and Hoseok was adamant on making Taehyung know how much he was loved.
"No... No, of course not... It was great..." Taehyung sighed, smiling blissfully as Hoseok pulled him backwards into a hug, resting his chin on his bare shoulder. "So great I can barely think..." He chuckled softly, his voice ragged.
"Okay." Hoseok mused, kissing the blotchy red and bruised hickeys lovingly. "I'm going to dress you now, okay? If I hurt you, just say." The dancer was wary, knowing how sore Taehyung's body must be, as he carefully slipped him into his clothes. Throwing the large blue t shirt back over the brunette's head, Hoseok then finished dressing himself. "You sure you're okay, Tae?" He asked again, eyebrows furrowed as Taehyung winced in pain when he tried to stand up straight.
"I'm fine, stop worrying about me." The younger genuinely smiled, lacing his fingers with Hoseok's who brought their hands up and pressed a kiss to Taehyung's knuckles.
"No, I won't stop worrying about you, silly..." He chuckled, gently pulling Taehyung in for a hug, "I love you, Taehyung." Taehyung pulled back and kissed Hoseok on the lips, a dazed and sleepy look in his eyes.
"I love you too." He mumbled, trying not to yawn. "I'm hungry now though..."
"Should we go back?" Hoseok asked, they hadn't been away long enough for the others to have left yet and he had to admit that he was also a little peckish after such strenuous exercise. Taehyung nodded, yawning, and rested his head against Hoseok's chest, eyes closed. "You know, they're going to suspect something if we come back and you're almost passing out at the table." The dancer scoffed, looking down at Taehyung adoringly. He was always so cute when he was tired.
"But I want to go eat!" The younger whined, pouting into Hoseok's shirt.
"Okay, okay..." He really couldn't deny Taehyung anything, especially when he was in this state, he was incredibly whipped but he didn't mind at all. "But wear my jacket at least to hide all those hickeys."

"Hey, guys, we're back." Hoseok greeted everyone, sitting back down in his seat that he left with Taehyung sitting slowly down beside him wincing a tiny bit but smiling brightly and looking generally awake (well enough so that it wasn't that noticeable).
"Hey, why'd you come back? Aren't you feeling unwell?" Yoongi asked, he was halfway through his own dinner at this point. "Not that I'm chasing you away or anything."
"We decided to come back, I started feeling better and Tae was still hungry." Hoseok lied, everyone believing him however. Taehyung smiled up at his boyfriend, holding his hand under the table as he looked around but something was off.
"Wait..." He said slowly, confused. "Where's Jungkook?"
"No idea, he went to the toilet and hasn't come back. He left his phone here but I didn't want to go check up on him in case he was constipated or something." Namjoon shrugged, blowing on his food before eating it. Hoseok and Taehyung looked at each, slightly horrified.
"Excuse us one second." Taehyung said, still looking at Hoseok as they both bolted out of their seats and sped over to the toilets, Taehyung limping ever so slightly.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung called out when he opened the door, Hoseok trailing after him. "Jungkook are you in here?" There wasn't a reply and so they checked the stall that was locked (next to the one they had been in themselves), and knocked on the door. "Jungkook?"
"Please get me out of here." Was the reply the couple got, they shared a look of confusion before turning back to the stall.
"What?" Hoseok questioned.
"I've been stuck in here for ages, I can't unlock it. It's jammed." Jungkook grunted.
"Were you in there the whole..." Taehyung trailed off.
"So you heard..." Hoseok continued.
"Yes." Jungkook sounded embarrassed, he banged on the door in exasperation.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Taehyung shrieked, looking at Hoseok with a mixture of shock and embarrassment.
"I didn't know what was worse?" Jungkook shouted, "Saying that I'm stuck in the toilet while you two were going at it or just sitting here and hoping you would stop and that someone else would come in after!"
"Are you an idiot?" Hoseok yelped, holding Taehyung's shoulder as the younger looked as though his soul had already left his body. "You should have said something!"
"Yes! I'm an idiot! I know I should have but I wasn't thinking straight! Now can you please get me out of here so we can pretend this never ever happened?"
"Oh my god..."

After great difficulty, Jungkook was freed, Taehyung was mortified and Hoseok didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. They sat down at the table in silence, looking down at the cloth.
"Everything alri-?"
"Jungkook got locked in the toilet!" Taehyung blurted out loudly, not knowing where the words came from or why he said them. Jungkook choked on the air and stared at his friend incredulously.
"Well, they fucked in the toilet!" Jungkook stuttered, pointing fingers at the couple, blushing.
"You listened!" Hoseok replied, staring at Jungkook like he was crazy.
"We know." Seokjin said, looking unfazed as he ate his food, the rest of the group humming agreement, not even bothering to look up at the blushing trio who sank down into their seats in shame.
"I can't believe you have a daddy kink..." The youngest grumbled, arms crossed and cheeks a dusty pink.
"Jeon Jungkook!"

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