Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #W...

By NatalyCanez

440K 13.9K 4.6K

They were like Romeo and Juliet; fated to fall in love or maybe...just fated to fall. Cover made by: @JonasKr... More

Introduction/ Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
*The Fanfiction Awards 2016*
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Important Questions!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Playlist and Song Suggestions
Thoughts and Important Info
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
I Need To Say This
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 69.
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
The End
The Fanfiction Awards 2018

Chapter 68

2.8K 118 38
By NatalyCanez

Author's Note:

Hey my beautiful readers! How have you all been?

Sorry for the lack of updates, work has been pretty busy but don't worry I am still writing. Thank you again for all of your love and support. You guys are the best!

Please don't forget to tell me your thoughts! Also, I was wondering if you all could comment song  suggestions for me as well, it can be either a song that reminds you of any part of my story or one you just would like me to hear.

Love you all sooooo much! Enjoy!!! Xoxo

P.S: What do you think will happen next? What would you like to happen?

Ryder's POV

"Well...well... look at you." I beam at Harry as I walk into the bedroom. He was standing in front of the full length mirror, shrugging on his leather jacket.

Harry is wearing his signature black look but somehow, this time around, he looked different. He's wearing his usual tight black jeans, and thick boots with the laces tied up only halfway. He has on a casual t-shirt underneath his jacket, with the hem tucked in the front, just enough to show off the buckle of his black matching belt.

Harry looked very sexy, and I don't bother to hide the blush creeping on my cheeks at how my insides clench with desire just by looking at him.

"Is it alright? I mean it is a dinner after all. Do I look to casual? Should I change?" Harry asks, turning to face me, running his hand through his hair to push the middle part back.

"No." I smile, amused, walking over to him. "You look nice. You look like a bad boy."

Harry chuckles. "I've always been a bad boy."

"A very sexy one." I grin, grasping the sides of his jacket, pulling him to me as I tilt my head up and press my lips to his.

Harry smiles against my lips, happily reciprocating my affections. His hands reach out and rest on my waist and I move mine from his jacket and place them on his chest, trailing them down his stomach, feeling every line of muscle as they go. My hands stop at the front of his jeans and just as I grip the buckle, ready to undo his belt, Harry gently pulls away from me.

"Wow wow now, don't start something you can't finish." He says, giving me a wide tooth smile.

I stare up at him and pout out my lower lip. "Why not?"

"Because we are going to Shawn's for dinner remember?" He says, leaning down a little to meet me eyes to eye, while gently squeezing my waist.

"We can be a few minutes late." I suggestively trail, my fingers playing with the silver cross hanging from the chain around his neck before peeking up at him through my lashes.

Harry lets out a breath past his lips shaking his head. "You are so hard to say no to."

I barely had the chance to let out a small giggle before his lips press against mine. I open my mouth to deepen the kiss as my hands move up and weave into his hair while Harry tugged me against him. My fingers pull gently at the roots of his hair as his arms move to wrap around me, our kiss building, getting harder and heavy. Quickly, Harry pulls back just long enough to remove his jacket, carelessly off his body before discarding it onto the floor.

"Ah!" I let out a small yelp as he scoops down and picks me up off the floor, easily wrapping my legs around his waist, pressing my back into the wall.

I barely had time to catch my breath before his mouth was on mine once more, his lips moving hot and feverishly against mine. A chill runs sweetly down my spine as he presses himself into me, holding me in place as he breaks our connected lips and kisses me beneath my jaw, then the side of my neck. My lips part at the sweet sensation and I know we are going to have to make an excuse for our tardiness.

Approaching Shawn's front door, Harry smooths his thumb over the back of my hand as he rings the doorbell. I turn my head and glance up at him as we wait, he looks down at me giving me a wink, making me giggle. His hair looks a bit more tousled than before but he still looks his usual overly handsome-for -his -own good -self. 

I look up as the door clicks open, revealing my dad.

"Ryder," he smiles immediately stepping forward wrapping his arms around me. Harry release my hand so I could hug my father.

"Hey dad." I say as he pulls away and gives Harry a quick hug and pat on his back.

"Hey, Ryder and Harry are here." My dad calls out as I tug Harry along with me into the house, as my dad shuts the door.

"Oh, that's great. I thought you weren't coming." Hannah says as we walk into the kitchen, where Shawn and her were finishing the last details on our dinner.

"I called Shawn to let you guys know we were going to be a bit late. How are you?" I say approaching Hannah, who placed the salad bowl down on the counter to hug me.

"I'm good." She replies and as I pull away, I see Harry shake hands with Shawn by the stove.

"I'm going to go place this at the dinner table." She adds, picking the bowl back up, excusing herself out of the kitchen.

"Why were you two late?" My dad asks from the entry of the kitchen, as I proceed to greet Shawn.

"Car accident on the road. It was pretty intense." I reply, as I wrap my arms around my brother.

"Oh, I bet it was." He mutters in my ear so only I could hear. I casually pat him on the back, telling him to shut up. He chuckles as I release him.

"Well you two aren't really that late. I just took the lasagna out of the oven." Hannah says standing next to my dad. "Come on, let's go eat."

We all follow Hannah out of the kitchen through a narrow arched doorway into the dinning room. Right on the wall by the same entryway, was a tan framed fireplace with a tall mantel. On the next wall, going counter clockwise from the fire place, was a dark hutch, decorated with shiny ceramic vases on its surface and a large thick framed mirror hung on the wall above it. In the center of the room was a dark brown rectangular shaped table with eight  white fabric chairs.

"Can we sit anywhere?" I ask.

"Yes, of course." Shawn replies.

Hannah and Shawn walk around the table and sit in two of the three chairs, with their backs facing the hitch and the small hallway leading into the living room. My Father, Harry and I sit directly across from them with me sitting in the middle.

"Oh, the food looks delicious." I comment, my nose becoming filled with the delicious aroma of the lasagna and homemade garlic bread.

"Thank you." Hannah replies with a smile as Shawn stood up to open the wine bottle. "Please go ahead and help yourselves."

The food was just as delicious and mouthwatering as it smelled. It's been a while since I have had lasagna and Shawn's lasagna has always been my favorite.

"How come you didn't treat me to your lasagna on my birthday?" I ask Shawn as I grab my wine glass and take a sip of the rich red liquid.

"Because we went out." He replies,chewing his food and from the corner of my eyes I see my dad shift awkwardly beside me and I immediately regret bringing that day up.

Shifting a little on my chair, I lean over and press a kiss on my dad's cheek, making him smile.

"Yeah, besides if you haven't gone out then you wouldn't have meet Harry." Shawn points out, pointing at Harry with his fork.

My dad chuckles. "Oh yeah she would. It was bound to happen."

Through out dinner, it was filled with small talk conversation, mostly work related things but my dad and Harry did an excellent job at not bringing The Sinister or Nathan up. However, my mind was doing a poor way of reminding me.

"Ryder would you mind helping me clear the plates and get dessert?" Hannah asks, standing from the table.

"Sure," I nod and stand, collection my dad's and Harry's plates into a pile, along with mine before following Hannah into the kitchen.

"So when are you going to tell my dad?" I ask as I move around the kitchen towards the sink.

"Right now," She smiles, grabbing the tray of chocolate cupcakes from off the cutting board where they were cooling off.

"Here, I'll take them." I kindly offer, after placing the dishes into the sink, reaching out to take the tray from her. 

As Hannah and I walk back into the dinning room, the doorbell rings.

"I'll go get it." Shawn says standing from his chair, while casually rolling the sleeves of his white shirt  up to his elbow as he moves to exit the room. 

I walk and move between my chair and my dad's holding out the tray of cupcakes towards him. He takes one before I turn to face Harry doing the same.

"No thanks baby. Never been that fond of chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting." He says kindly rejecting me, but I can't help but frown.

"You know what? I'll have one." He mutters reaching out, grabbing one from the pile.

"I wasn't fond of coffee before either." He smirks, giving me a wink and I blush setting down the tray in the middle of the table.

A moment later Harry reaches out, wrapping his fingers gently around my wrist and tugs me to sit on his lap.

"You're not having one?" He asks, holding the cupcake in his left hand while the other caresses my waist. I shake my head, smiling.

"No, not fond of chocolate frosting." I reply, grinning playfully at him, trying to keep back my giggle. Harry's eyes widen as he smiles shaking his head before smearing a bit of the frosting off his cupcake and onto my cheek.

"Harry!" I gasp, but I'm still smiling . I glance at my dad who shakes his head, amused, biting into his own cupcake.

"Oh guys, come on. I didn't make those so you could have a food fight." Hannah complains, sitting back down in her chair.

"Sorry Hannah." Harry says to her, his voice smooth like honey as always. I turn my head scanning a table for a napkin but a second after I feel Harry lick at my cheek making me squeal.

"Harry!" I laugh, scrunching up my face making him laugh and he licks the frosting off my cheek.

"Gross." I say, picking up the napkin I spot earlier on the table and wipe at my cheek.

"You know I miss the days where you were scared to even hold her hand around me." My dad interjects, a small smile on his lips but his eyes were slightly narrowed.

"Yeah well I don't." Harry replies, not bothering to look at my dad, but leans forward pressing a kiss on my cheek.

"Oh Hannah, darling, I am-"

All of us turn our heads towards the entry way at a new person stepping into the room. My eyes widen seeing Martha, standing in a classy navy blue dress and black heels.  Her eyes move from Hannah over to my dad, making her stop her sentence.

"Martha?" My dad mutters, confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to congratulate Hannah and Shawn for their pregnancy but-"

"What? You're pregnant!" My dad smiles, moving his attention onto Hannah.

"Yeah, that's why we invited you all over." Shawn interjects stepping back into the room, walking around his mother.

"What are you doing here James?" Martha asks, stepping further into the room.

My dad sets his cupcake down on the table. "You heard our son, he invited me."

"He is my son. Not yours." She counters.

"Yeah well when I married you, I took in your child as my own. Unlike you." My dad smugly retorts while standing from the table.

Oh no.

"Baby,let's get out of here yeah?" Harry whispers to me in my ear and I nod, appreciatively.

We both stand and step away from the table, trying to leave the room before getting pulled into their fight but with our extraordinary luck it had the complete opposite effect.

"What is he doing here?" Martha questions, and I have to look up at her to realize that she was referring to Harry. I furrow my brows.

"He's with Ryder, Martha." My dad replies.

"What?" She blinks, astonished and I have no idea why.

"Mom, don't." Shawn whines, looking at her displeased. "I didn't invite you over to-"

"Are you kidding me James?" She continues, cutting her son off short. "How can you let him be with your daughter after what she did to her? After everything he made her go through."

Oh, now she cares?

"He's a good man, Martha. He loves her deeply."

"Ry, let's go home. You don't need to hear this." Harry says lacing his hand with mine, taking me away from their conversation.

"Yeah, let's go." I agree and he steps forward tugging me along with him past my father. Vaguely, I notice Shawn taking Hannah out of the room as well.

Yeah, she doesn't need the stress.

"How can you defend him?" Martha scowls. "Are you aware that this is the man that has placed her in danger numerous times? Like when one of his friends drugged her and nearly had his way with her at a party?"

I stop in my tracks as my eyes widen, a lump forming in my throat at the disgusted.

"It was an accident Martha."

"But it's his friend." She presses, her lips pulled into a tight line.

"Was his friend. He doesn't talk to him anymore. Right, Harry?" My dad asks, for clarification, turning his head to look at Harry as I do the same.

Harry frowns, moving his eyes to the floor. "I do." He admits, my eyes widening once more at this revelation. "But not for the reasons you think. I'm trying to-"

"You son of a bitch!" My dad hisses and suddenly my grip from Harry's hand vanishes as my dad swiftly charges forward gripping Harry from the front of his shirt.

"I'm only trying to protect her!" Harry defends.

My dad ignores him pushing him back about two steps before turning and shoving Harry's back onto the table, causing it to let out a screech as it moved a bit along the hardwood floor at the impact.

"Dad!" I gasp in horror.

"He tried hurting my daughter you prick!" My dad growls, pulling Harry slightly off the table before slamming him back down. Harry tries to buck my father off him without having to hit him, but he only causes the wine bottle to clash and fall before rolling onto the floor, shattering to pieces.

"What the hell is going on!" Shawn demands stepping into the room at the loud noise. I let out a small scream as my dad pulls his wrist back and punches Harry across the face.

Oh God, what is happening?!

"Dad stop!" I plea, feeling tears building in my eyes as I rush forward, pulling at his arm to try and get him off Harry. A moment later Shawn reaches out and does the same, but he succeeds.

I grasp Harry's hand and help him upright. He remains with his head down as he wipes the blood off the side of his mouth with the back of his hand.

"What the hell are you thinking dad?" Shawn asks as I grasp Harry's cheek and tilt his head so I could look at him. His eyes meet mine and they are sad and filled with remorse and my blood boils at the sight.

I hate this, I hate that Harry is always paying the price for something, even if it is his fault or not.

"What the hell was that for!" I snap, turning and scowling at my father.

"Ryder he-"

"Yes, talking to Zayn was wrong but he probably has a good reason for it! He is not to blame for the anger you have with Martha and your stupid marriage!"

"And you!" I hiss, tears running down my cheeks as I zone in on Martha. "You ruined everything! You are nothing more than a stuck up bitch who is not content with anything in your life, and just because that is true doesn't mean you have to ruin mine!"

"This isn't fair and fighting with Harry isn't going to fix anything dad." I say, looking back at him as he tries to calm his breathing, with Shawn keeping a close proximity towards him.

"You're my dad! I don't care if your married or not! I don't!" I shake my head.

"But what I do care about is you getting along with Harry and being the adult. I shouldn't have to deal
with you two arguing over if Harry is right for me or not, because really the arguments should be about your problems."

"That's what they are, your problems, not mine!" I say pointing at my dad, letting my anger fuel me.

I shake my head. "I love you dad but this isn't fair. This isn't right and you know it."

I scowl, quickly eyeing my dad up and down.

"So go ahead yell at each other but don't expect me to stand here and watch." I whimper quickly walking past my father and Shawn, rushing out of the dinning room.

"Ryder baby, hold on."
Harry calls behind me as I burst through the front door, quickly rushing down the porch steps to our car.

"Baby, wow, wow, wait." Harry says, managing to grab hold of my hand. I allow him to turn me around to face him and when he does he frowns,instinctively wrapping his arms around me. I begin to sob into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I cry pulling back away from him, apologizing for my dad's behavior.

"I'm sorry, he hit you. Are you okay?" I ask, grasping his face in my hands to examine him.

Is no one ever going to get along?

"Shh, I'm fine. Come here." He mutters pulling me back into a tight and safe embrace.

"This isn't fair." I continue to cry.

"I know but we will be okay." He mumbles, pulling back taking hold of my face in his hands, brushing the wet tears off my cheeks with his thumbs. "You know why?"

"Why?" I sniff.

"Because we have each other, princess."

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