That Girl (Eminem fanfiction)

By MeganEminem

42.5K 758 142

Phoebe Sparks is a crazy Eminem fan, she has a huge crush on him and adores all of his music. She goes to al... More

The First Concert
The Morning After Part 1
The Morning After Part 2
Girl's Day
Going On Tour?
On Tour
New Friend
Hanging Out
A Friendly Outting
Meeting Jill
First Date
Will You Be Mine?
The Announcement
Hailie's 16th Part 1
Hailie's 16th Part 2
New Year's Eve Surprise
Wedding Plans
The Wedding
Award Show
Alaina's Graduation
Phoebe's 22nd
Alaina Goes To College
Phoebe Meets Rihanna
Our Family
Baby's 1st Christmas and Hailie's 17th
Chloe's 1st Word
Whitney's 11th Birthday
Hailie's Junior Prom
Vacation Part 1
Vacation Part 2
Chloe's 1st Birthday
Hailie's Senior Homecoming
Date Night
Christmas and Hailie's 18th
Hailie Graduates from High School
Chloe Goes to Preschool
Hailie Visits
Whitney's Junior High Graduation
Spelling Bee
Hailie Gets Married
Chloe's Song
Whitney's High School Graduation
Hailie's Surprise
The Final Straw
Her First Concert?

Chloe's First Steps

367 7 1
By MeganEminem

Eminem's P.O.V.
Today is Hailie and Whitney's last day of school and then they will be on break for the summer.
Me and Phoebe are teaching Chloe how to walk right now and we are hoping that she will catch on fast. Phoebe places Chloe on the ground and
I stand on one side of the room and tell Chloe to come to me. She starts to get up but then she falls down again. Then she gets up and tries again, but she fails. "Marshie" she says and starts crying. Aww I hate it when she cries. I've got a better idea I think to myself. I go over to Chloe, I take her hands in mine and I help her walk.
There we go, I say. Then she lets go of my hands and walks on her own, a bit wobbly,but on her own. She walks over to Phoebe and says "Beebee." Phoebe hugs Chloe. "Good job Chloe" Phoebe says. Then Chloe turns around and walks back over to me and giggles the way she always does. I give her a big hug. My little princess.
Suddenly the front door opens and Hailie and Whitney walk in yelling schools out excitedly.
How was your last day of school? I ask. "It was good" they both say. Chloe walks over to Hailie and says "Hai Hai"
Oh my gosh she's walking Whitney says excitedly. Hailie picks up Chloe and holds her. Chloe tries to play with Hailie's hair, she bats it around with her little hand. She really likes her hair.

"Hey dad I think we should go swimming" Hailie suggests. That's a good idea I say. Phoebe do you want to go swimming with me, Hailie and Whitney? "Sure, just let me put Chloe down for a nap."

We are in the pool swimming around. "I'm so happy that it's summer" Hailie says. "I'm going to be a senior in high school and I can't wait." Yeah... I say as I sigh. "Oh dad I'll always be your little girl." Hailie says and hugs me tight. "Awww" Whitney says and then she splashes me and Hailie. Hey I'm going to get you for that I tell her and I make a big splash that ends up soaking Whitney. She starts laughing really hard.
So I have a surprise for everyone I say. "Oh yeah, what's that?" Phoebe asks. I'm taking us on a summer vacation to California we are going to go on the San Diego Zoo and I'm taking us to DisneyLand. The girls mouths drop open. "Really?" Whitney asks excitedly.
Really I say. "But dad what about fans?" Hailie asks me sounding concerned. I can wear a hoodie I tell her. "Okay" Hailie says, although she still sounds a little worried. "That sounds like a lot of fun" Phoebe says and kisses me on the cheek.
"So when are we going to go?" Whitney asks. Well we are going to get packed up tonight and we'll fly over there tomorrow. I've already got reservations at a hotel. "Yay" Whitney says and happily claps her hands together.

Me and Phoebe are packing our bags for tomorrow and the girls are in bed. "I think this will be a lot of fun" Phoebe tells me. Yeah I agree. I really want to make some special memories especially because Hailie is going to be going to college soon.
Let's watch some tv I say. "Okay" Phoebe agrees. We lay in our bed and watch tv. I can't believe Chloe took her first steps today, I say. "Yeah me too, Chloe is definitely something special" Phoebe replies. "She calls you Marshie, should I start calling you Marshie?" she says giggling. No only Chloe can call me that. "Okay Marshie" she says smiling and lays her head on my chest, then she falls asleep.
Tomorrow is going to be fun I can't wait. Chloe is walking, Hailie is getting ready to be a senior in high school, little Whitney is in fifth grade, and my beautiful Phoebe is right here with me.

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