I'll Be Superhuman (One Direc...

By _Its_Zen_

142K 4.1K 1.7K

You thought you knew One Direction. But everything you heard is just their cover story. These boys are hiding... More

Chapter 1- Harry- Rehearsals
Chapter 2- Harry- The Gunmen
Chapter 3- Louis- Liam Payne
Chapter 4- Louis- The Bully
Chapter 5- Louis- The Invisible Boy
Chapter 6- Liam- Chub Chub
Chapter 7- Liam- Fear
Chapter 8- Liam- Family
Chapter 9- Liam- The Street Dancer
Chapter 10- Liam- Mr. 'I Don't Drink'
Chapter 11- Niall- Head Aches
Chapter 12- Niall- One Year
Chapter 13- Niall
Chapter 14- Niall
Chapter 15- Zayn
Chapter 16- Zayn- Heroin(e)
Chapter 17- Zayn
Chapter 18- Zayn
Chapter 19- Niall
Chapter 20- Liam
Chapter 21- Harry- Busted
Chapter 22- Louis- Gods Among The Mortals
Chapter 23- Niall- Liar
Chapter 25- Liam- RV-T
Chapter 26- Harry- The Debut
Chapter 27-Niall- Mr. X
Chapter 28- Louis- All I Have
Chapter 29- Zayn- A Piece Of The Night
Chapter 30- Zayn- Poision
Chapter 31- Eleanor- Femme Fatale
Chapter 32- One Direction- What They Were Meant For
Chapter 33- One Direction- Six Legged Spider
Chapter 34- One Direction- Jedi Master
Chapter 35- One Direction- Playing Hero
Chapter 36- One Direction- ZAP!
Chapter 37- One Direction- Finale
Chapter 38- One Direction- A Reason To Fight
Epilogue- One Direction- A Twist Of Fate
Author's Note- Zen
Long Time No See

Chapter 24- Liam- A Deadly Game Of Tag

2.6K 103 17
By _Its_Zen_

“Good morning, boys,” Simon said cheerily. He casually paced in front of the group who were all in a straight line, facing him attentively and respectfully.

They stood in the middle of an old airplane hangar almost twenty minutes from HQ and the place was absolutely massive. It was large enough to hold a few good sized plane comfortably. But the only things inside it today were One Direction, Simon, Paul, and some training equipment the two older men had brought from the training room in the sky scraper. The monstrous doors were open on either end and the warm morning light spilled in through the one side and the windows near the top of the curving building. A gentle breeze blew through and brought in fresh air.

“So,” Simon said, clapping his hands together to grab the boys' attention. The sound echoed through the metal structure. “All of you need new weapons.”

The boys made a few questioning sounds and looked around at each other to make sure they heard Simon correctly.

“New weapons?” Harry finally asked. “What's wrong with our old ones?”

Simon gave a dismissive wave. “Too brittle.” He said simply. “You need to upgrade them.”

“Wait, what?” Niall demanded. “What's wrong with my staff?”

“Niall,” Simon sighed. “We are training you boys to defend the world against danger. A glorified pipe line isn't going to stop a terrorist.”

“Yeah it is!” Niall challenged. Liam tensed. He didn't know why Niall was getting so defensive over his staff, but he knew that if his friend continued, he was going to face the wrath of Simon Cowell.

Simon pressed his lips into a line and breathed out of his nose before turning around the weapons rack that was sitting next to Paul. On the rack were two of each of the boys' weapons. Liam couldn't tell which were their old ones and which were their modified versions. The only double that wasn't there was, ironically, Niall's staff.

Simon picked up the blonde's weapon of choice and turned around again to face the boys. Niall instinctively reached out to take it, thinking Simon needed him to use it for a demonstration.

“No,” Simon said firmly, pulling it out of Niall's reach. He held it out to Liam. “Liam, give this as much force as a car running it over.”

Liam hesitated for a second before taking the staff from Simon's hands. Liam grabbed the staff with his hands on either side of the center and carefully bent it. There was a slight creak as the metal bowed under Liam's strength. Niall gasped and tried to reach out and stop Liam, but thought better of it and snatched his hand away. Liam instantly loosened his grip on it and looked up at Simon who nodded.

“Now give it the force of a bomb blowing it up.” Simon ordered. He turned to Niall. “Speaking in terms of terrorists, imagine this is what happens when you throw your staff at one and manage to detonate his weapon.” Everyone knew that wasn't something Niall would do, but they all watched Liam.

Liam himself didn't know how much strength it would take for a bomb to blow up the weapon, but he understood what Simon was trying to get at. The staff was weak. Liam tightened his grip and snapped it as easily as if it were a toothpick. Niall made a pathetic sound and reached out once more.

Liam turned to his friend and held out either end of the staff, giving Niall an apologetic look. “Sorry, mate,” Liam said sympathetically. “But this is pretty fragile.”

Niall was about ready to take the broken weapon when Simon stopped him. “No, Niall,” The man said as if he were scolding a dog. He turned to Zayn. “You're the fire of this bomb.”

Zayn only nodded and took one of the pieces in his hand and concentrated on it. There was a horrible hissing sound as Zayn's hand heated up and the metal started to glow an angry red. In less than a minute, the dark skinned superhero had melted his half of the staff to a molten substance. It dripped through his fingers and sizzled onto the ground. By this point, Niall looked completely crushed as he watched his favorite weapon be destroyed.

Zayn only gave Niall a small apologetic look similar to Liam's before stepping back into his spot next to Harry and Louis. Niall looked from Zayn to Liam to Simon while Zayn absentmindedly picked cooling metal from his skin.

“Here, Niall,” Simon said, pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to the boy. “To replace it.”

Niall looked down at the small metal object. Liam fought off the urge to scoff at it. The thing was less than a foot long! There was no way it was going to replace Niall's weapon!

“What the hell is this?” Niall demanded angrily.

“Twist it,” Simon told him simply.

Niall's eyes hardened, but he did as he was told, taking the pathetic piece of metal in his hands and giving it a grudging twist. There was a metallic click from the weapon and a stunned gasp from the rest of the boys as either end of the staff shot out and elongated in a remarkable resemblance of the one Niall once owned.

“Whoa!” Niall breathed, almost dropping it with surprise.

Simon gave the boy a smile that was almost smug and nodded. “Give it a try.”

Niall examined the staff for a moment before turning it hand over hand in a slow circle. He quickly picked up the pace and soon it was a metallic blur, singing ominously through the air. Niall reached up and grabbed the top of it to stop it quickly.

“Nice,” He said, admiring it thoughtfully. He twisted his wrist so it was parallel to the ground and he balanced it in his palm. “It's lighter,” He said appreciatively, bobbing it a couple times to test the weight.

“And it's virtually indestructible,” Simon told him. “Liam,” He said, nodding to the muscular boy.

Liam and Niall both hesitated. Liam, because he was afraid to break it, and Niall, because he didn't want to see it broken again. Niall nervously handed it over and Liam nervously took it. Liam gripped the staff like he had done with the old one and shot Niall an anxious look before trying to bend it.

Key word: try.

The thing had a lot of resistance to it and Liam had to try harder before Simon lifted his hand, telling him to stop.

Liam grinned and handed it back to a wide eyed Niall.

“Zayn,” Simon said.

Niall smiled a toothy smile before giving the staff over to Zayn. Zayn smirked and took it. “Give it a go, Zayn,” Niall encouraged. “I wanna see this,”

Zayn tried to melt the staff, but he couldn't. His hands were glowing red, but the metal didn't even spark. Zayn let out a breath and held it up to examine it. “Sick,” Zayn said mostly to himself. The shiny surface wasn't even dulled from the heat. Zayn spit on the part where his heated hands had been. “It's not even hot...” He said, amazed. The boy handed it back to Niall.

“And there's one more surprise,” Simon informed the blonde. He took the staff and held it close to Niall's face. “See this?” He asked, pointing to the very center. Niall and the rest of the boys leaned in a little closer to get a better look.

“Yeah, sorta,” Niall said.

Liam squinted and saw what he was talking about. There was a small split in the very middle of the weapon, almost like a hairline fracture. It circled neatly, telling him that it was made that way.

Simon pulled the staff away and placed it in the Irishmen's hands. “When you twisted it the first time, you brought it out to it's full length. When you twist it the other way, it'll retract. If you twist it the same way as you did the first time...” Simon took a step back and looked at the other four boys. “You might want to back up a little,” All of them took a massive step backwards, a little scared of what was about to happen next.

Niall gave the staff another twist and there was a sharp ring of metal on metal. Two blades-one on either side- slashed out of the ends of the staff. They glinted threateningly in the morning light. Niall let out a surprised laugh and tipped the staff so he could get a better look at them. “This is fucking amazing!” Niall laughed. The rest of One Direction surrounded him to get a better look.

The blades weren't that big, but they definitely looked sharp. They had a pointed end and they were jagged looking with teeth like a tiny saw.

“This is going to do some serious damage,” Niall breathed, twisting the staff the other way. There was another sharp ring and the knives retracted back into the staff. Niall twisted it once more and the staff retracted into itself. “Easy to carry, too.” He said, grinning at Simon. “What's next?”

* * *

The boys' new weapons were similar to Niall's: Lighter, stronger, better. They spent most of the day learning how to use them; adjusting to the weight of it and figuring out how much force can be used on it now that they knew it wouldn't break from using too much strength.

Liam had a few fairly new modifications to his weapons, as well. He usually favored his broad sword and Simon knew how much the boy liked it. He improved it by almost squishing two blades together and, when Liam pressed a secret button on the hilt, the two sharp pieces of metal would fan out quickly. Liam used it on one of the test dummies, stabbing it in the stomach and pressing the button. When the blades splayed, it cut the center of the dummy cleanly in half. The top of the stuffed man fell to the side and landed on the concrete floor of the airplane hangar with a sickening thud.

Liam paled and looked at his sword, thinking about what that would to to a real person. He pressed the button and the two blades clicked together into one. He turned the sword over in his palm and examined it before setting it down and grabbing the pair of katanas, which were also modified. They were slim, unlike the broad sword, and sharp. They were great for fighting with one in each hand, but Simon and the team of scientists made it so the katanas could fight as two. Liam only had to place the bottom of the hilts together, twist, and that was enough to activate a strong magnetic attraction between the two, keeping them together until Liam twisted the hilts once more, releasing them.

And Liam did just that when he picked up the two small swords. He connected them at their ends and gave them a small jerk. He felt the magnetic force pulse through them, making the swords hum lightly before dying down to nothing.

“Need some help?” Niall asked, stepping confidently over to Liam's side. Niall held out his hand, a question and an offer to take the conjoined katanas. Liam nodded, smiling, and placed it in the Irish boy's hands. “It's like this,” Niall explained, gently spinning it hand over hand. “Just watch your hands and keep an eye out for the blades so you don't cut yourself.” Niall stopped spinning the swords and held it out for Liam. “You try.”

“Ok,” Liam said, taking the sword back. He carefully turned it over in his hands. “Like this?” He asked, sneaking a quick glance at Niall before turning his attention back to spinning his swords.

“Yeah. Just like that.” Niall assured him. “You're a little clumsy, but you'll get the hang of it.” Niall clapped Liam on the shoulder, jostling his arms and making the katanas slip from Liam's grip. Liam and Niall both tried to make a grab for it, but it clattered to the ground.

“Oops,” Liam giggled, stooping down to pick up the swords.

Niall laughed and patted Liam on the back again. “Like I said, you'll get the hang of it.” He teased.

* * *

They trained for most of the day. They fought with each other as pairs, or they fought as one group, against each other. It was almost like a deadly game of tag. Once someone was given a blow that would seriously injure them in a real fight (they mostly just tapped each other on the head or something when the opportunity arose) they would have to sit down and cheer on whoever was left standing.

Louis had been out first. Liam hadn't gotten a chance to see who had beaten him, but soon after, Liam joined him on the sidelines. Harry had fought very well with him and took him out with a gentle stab to his stomach. Liam watched as Zayn and Niall seemed to form a silent alliance and team up on Harry. He was sitting down with Liam and Louis in no time.

“Ooh, this is gonna be good!” Louis giggled with anticipation. “Niall can get his revenge for Zayn burning him.”

Liam looked at Harry who was squinting slightly and leaning forward just a little towards Zayn and Niall as they squared off.

“What are they thinking?” Liam asked.

Harry blinked once and shook his head, still watching the boys intently. “It's hard to figure out.” Harry said, his voice sounding extra raspy from today's workout. “They both think so loud and quickly. Like... They're analyzing.” Harry lowered his voice, leaning closer to Liam so Niall and Zayn couldn't hear him. He nodded towards Niall who took a step towards Zayn, but quickly jumped back when Zayn made a slashing motion with the blade on his kusarigama.

“Niall's noticed how Zayn always keep his stomach and below open. It's a very easy place for Niall to get a jab at him with the staff, but Zayn is always on high alert and goes on defense mode when Niall tries to make an advance.” Now Harry nodded at Zayn. “And Zayn is thinking-”

Before Harry could finish, Zayn threw the ball end of his weapon at Niall. It wrapped around Niall's staff a few times and Zayn pulled the chain before the blonde had time to think and yanked the staff out of his hands. The metal piece clattered across the ground as it flew towards Zayn. He caught it easily in his hand, untangled it, and dropped the staff behind him, never taking his eyes off of Niall the whole time. He smirked at Niall.

Harry chuckled. “That.” He said. “Zayn's thinking that.”

Now, to someone who had never seen the boys fight against each other before, they would have assumed it was all over for the boy. But Niall had speed and flight on his side. And he was an excellent fighter. But Zayn was good too. And he had his kusarigama and had left Niall weaponless.

“Come on, Niall!” Louis was the first to cheer.

“Yeah, let's go Niall!” Liam cried from across the room.

Niall crouched into his fighting stance and smirked back at Zayn. Liam could feel Niall's self confidence from where he sat. Maybe he had too much of it right now...

Before they could see the outcome of the fight, Simon nearly strutted into the hangar. Because of all of the fun they were having, they hadn't even noticed Paul or Simon had left. He had a massive grin on his face and clapped his hands to get their attention. “Come over here boys,” He said.

Everyone sighed and Niall and Zayn relaxed out of their fighting stances before hurrying over to where Simon stood.

“Now,” Simon said. “I bet you're wondering why I said rehearsals should be held in this airplane hangar today.” He paused for the boys to nod and murmur that they had, in fact, been wondering that. “Well, I know that when you were asked to save the world, you had to get to the entire world somehow. Not all of you can fly, like Niall. So, this hangar is a great place to test your new mode of transportation.”

Off in the distance, all of the boys heard a low rumble slowly approaching the doors to one end of the hangar.

Simon smiled at them. “So let me introduce you to that mode of transportation,”

~Thank you guys so much for all of your support! I really love you so much! I guess I don't really have much to say now besides vote and comment what you think so far! Love you sooooo much!

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