Lestrade Academy

By LeahKillem

4.7K 253 7

Lestrade Academy consists of two parts with a high fence in between that seperates girls from boys. Each part... More

1. News
2. Last Week
3. Lestrade High
5. Bruises
6. One More Day
7. Another Strange Event
8. Hospital
9. Unbruised
10. Mpuah
11. Cling
12. Possessive
13. Lovebirds
14. Family
15. Realization
16. Daters
18. Talks
19. Sabrina
20. Lucid
21. Troubles
22. Reunion
23. What They Told Sabrina
24. Moderny
25. Paradise
26. Unexpected
27. Mess
28. Wanted
29. Unlocked
30. I Love You
31. Numby
33. Upcoming
34. Storm
36. Hidden
37. Lost 'n Gone
38. NewsMan
39. End of Some
40. End of All

4. Distraction

229 9 0
By LeahKillem

Chapter 4 :




That night I couldn't fall asleep til 1am. Which was bad, because I had to stand up at 6am to get ready for the school. School. God save me.

The next morning the most annoying alarm sound woke me up: One Direction. And I surely knew it wasn't my alarm since I've never listened to their songs and was never going to. I lift my head to see Ellie, making alarm's sound even louder. So this is the little demon that made my ears throw up. She quickly jumped up, opening all the windows: typical morning person. Something I didn't like in her. I just liked nothing in her. She disguisted me every time we were near.

"Morning!" she yelled.

"Shut the fuck up this bullshit!" I yelled from under my pillow, since I was a morning person. Make sure to note the sarcasm.

"That was rude," she commented. "Wake up guys! It's school time!"

"Ellie, if you are not turning the music off I swear, I will do something I will regret very much, sitting in the jail cage."

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed," she sang along.

I just stood up, making my way to her alarm. I turned it off, hugged it and laid back. I saw Ellie rolling her eyes and entering the bathroom. One Direction made me ashamed of being British.

After ten minutes I managed to lift my head, seeing Nina already in her uniform, combing her hair. I slowly stood up, in the laziest way possible, and banged on Ellie's door.

"What?" she called out.

"Are you gonna stay there awhile? You're sharing a room, remember?"

"Five minutes!"

"I know what a girl's five minutes mean! Hurry up!"

I made a bun with my messy hair to hide under the shower cup. Right after Ellie exited, I jumped in, not caring if Nina waited, too. I quickly showered not wetting my hair, since I got no time for this in the morning. After that I took my disguisting uniform on with my black slaves and black boots. I sat in front of a mirror, grabbing cosmetics.

"No makeup, remember?" Nina reminded.

"Uhh, look at that face," I pointed at my face. "This is the face that desperately needs makeup."

"You look well."

"Yea, especially my pale skin, rosey cheeks and forehead, blue bags under my eyes and redness on my nose. Don't tell me I look well, I have a mirror!"

She rolled her eyes and I started taking my makeup on. I took not much, just a foundation, a concealer, eyeliner pencil in silver and a mascara. Well, plus some lip balm. It looked absolutely natural.

"What are you doing with your hair today?" Ellie asked, curling hers.

"What would I do?" I asked, my natural hair was already done. I had that blonde hair with some black fake mixings that I loved.

"I don't know. Are you really gonna go out like this?"

"If you have an opinion about me, please raise your hand. And then put it over your mouth."

"Shut up."

"Do me a favor, shut yourself up first."

"I'm not going to-"

"Hey, you two!" Nina cut us off. "Shut up and finish your looks. The breakfast's in ten minutes."

I took some bracelets and a necklace on, completing my look with removing a tie. I smile at myself, then quickly frown. I can't smile before 9am. I can't even trust anyone who smiles before 9am!

I grabbed my green backpack and made my way to the dining-hall with Nina and Ellie. Everybody seemed to be having fun. Everybody. Was I the first not-morning-person attending this school?

After filling my stomach we went to the school, arriving 15 minutes earlier the first bell.

Ellie and Nina rushed somewhere, leaving me lost in the school mazes.

"Zoe!" I heard someone yell and I turned to see Clary coming towards me. I felt so relieved I had a guide.

"Hey," I said and politely smiled.

"Hey. How are you doing?"

"Um, sleepy and lazy. You?"

"The same. Except I'm not sleepy."

"Why is it? It's not even 8!"

She chuckled, "I know. So, the first class of ours is English."

"Is it?"

"Yep. Let's go," she grabbed my arm and led me somewhere. After five minutes we were standing in front of a door that said 417, Mrs Punch. We entered the class, seeing 12-14 desks and two people except us. She introduced me to everyone that was entering the classroom, like I remembered at least one. Soon, Mrs. Punch joined us and the bell rang. She needed no effort, the class was already perfectly quiet, with Clary next to me.

"Hello, girls!" Mrs. Punch cheered up. She was in her middle 50ies, low and obese, with her circle-shaped glasses fitting weirdly on her nose.

"Hello, Mrs. Punch," the class said and I only cought up to the last letters.

"I wanted to introduce you our new students, class! Let's meet Annabel Meredith Jane Hopes."

The blonde-braided girl stood up. She was nothing like pretty. Braces even worsened the situation.

"Lucinda Marie Williams," Mrs. Punch then said. Lucinda was a brunette girl, pretty enough, but her eyes. She had those weird eyes when you don't understand what makes them look this ugly, they just are ugly. "And lastly, Zoe Louise Millery." Then I stood up, forcefully smiled and sat back.

I nervously glanced at Clary, seeing her lifting her thumbs, relaxing me a little. To be honest I had no idea what made me nervous, it just felt like I didn't belong here, like I was a third wheel. Like this school was nothing like the place I had to be in. I had the panic setting through. But then I remembered I was gonna see Billy today, so I quickly calmed down.

"Before starting our lesson, I wanted to tell you about the events of the school," the teacher spoke warmly, "for the new stundents we decided to have a little play in the near future."

A play? Really?

"Every single new student has to attend castings for a play. For the old ones it depends on you, you can attend, or not attend. But for new students this is a duty."

Damn, I'm screwed. I honestly hate plays, but on the other hand it could be a great distraction, so maybe... maybe I will try it.

"The play will be in one of the classes, we are currently choosing the biggest," she said, "this is going to be Cinderella play."

Cinderella. You got to be kidding me- ohh wait! I need a charming prince, I need a boy!

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Zoe?" Mrs. Punch turned to me.

"Will we play with boys?"

"Yes," she said and I grinned, "this play includes the both parts of the school. And will be in two months. Today you will register in casting lists, which will be tomorrow. And new students might not worry at all, since their names are already in the list. And if you won't get the role in the play, you'll be automatically registered as a volunteer. Some of you will work on decorations, some on costumes..."

The rest of the lesson was blurry, since I used my insider-boring-booster, that automatically turned off sounds whenever it got boring.

After the bell I felt relieved as never before. Clary and I headed to our next class, Physics. Physics sucks. After there was music lesson, then maths...

After the last bell I was literally running to the boarding house, not even waiting for Ellie and Nina. I changed into black jeans, sneakers, a purple top and a black leather jacket.

I immediatelly called Billy.

"Hey," I heard his voice through my phone. His voice was always so glad.

"Hey bud, what are you doing?"

"On my way."

"Which will end in..."

"...in 20 minutes. I'll park in ftont of gates, and text you."

"Okay. Miss you."

"Miss you, too. See ya."

"See ya," and with that I ended the call, collapsing on my bed when Nina and Ellie entered.

"So is your best friend coming today?" Ellie asked.

"Yes, and you are not invited. By the way, when do I have to come back?"

"Before 10pm," Nina answered.

"What if I say I stayed with my family?"

"They'll call and check on your family."

"Ugh," I groaned and searched for mom in contacts.

"Hello?" she said as she picked up.

"Hey mom, it's me."

"Hi, Zoe. How are you going?"

"Normal. Listen, I need for you to do something for me."

"And what is it?"

"Today I'm gonna hang out with Billy, and I want you to call to my school and tell them that I will be held at night."

There was a long pause before she spoke. "Why?"

"Because I want to hang out with my best friend. Please, mom."

"Then I'll make sure you went home at 1am."

"2am, mom."



"Fine. But no later. Deal?"

"Okay, I'll be there at two. And don't forget to call, Billy's about to come."


And I hung up. I felt so relieved. I turned to girls that wore their usual outfits. Nina was in jeans and a top, and Ellie wore high heels, a short skirt and a top with bows. She was so... pink.

"Are you gonna be out so late?" Nina asked.

"It's early for me."

"And when do you go home?" she then asked.

"If it's just a having-fun than I'm home at 3-3:30, but if it's a birthday party or something I'm out til 5."

"And your parents agree?"

"They have to."

"I'm coming with you," Ellie said.

I gave her a death glare.

"Not all the time, of course," she said, "before 10."

"Nope. I gotta go." I said and went out.

"Wait for me!" I heard Ellie's heels knocking at a floor.

"No, go back," I said, going on my way not even looking at her direction. She'd be such a bug if I took her with me.

"No, I'm coming with you."

"No, you are not."

I reached the first floor, writing my name in the book, next to 3:40, and the mall. The place I was going was nothing like a mall, but I could lie.

When I exited the school gates I saw the Billy's car slowly approaching. Aaand... there we go, he's here. He exited the car and I ran to him, giving him a huge bear hug.

"Hey," he said.

I chuckled, "hey."

"I missed you, Zo," he whispered in my shoulder.

"So did I."

"Are you guys sure you're not dating?" I heard Ellie.

"Ellie!" I pulled out from Billy to yell at her. "I told you to stay in the room."

"I wanna have fun!" she complained.

"Go have fun with your friends, we are not taking you with us."

"Yes, yes you do."

"Ellie if you won't go back to your room, I swear you won't live a-" I was interrupted by Billy.

"Whoa whoa, calm down. Who is she?"

"My roommate. Ellie, Billy."

Ellie smiled, while Billy nodded.

"And what's the problem?" Billy asked. Damn, I missed this kid.

"She wants to come with us."

"So what?"

"She's that prom princess that bugs."

"Ouch, I see. Okay, we'll take her and just drop her near."

Ellie loudly cleared her throat, "I am here!"

"We know," Billy and I replied sametime.

"Fine," I said. "Make no sound!" I warned Ellie and sat in the front seat.

"So," Ellie leaned close to the driver's seat from the behind, so her face was next to Billy's. "Where are you from?"

"Uhh, London," he seemed a little confused. "Zoe and I grew up together."

"I see. And when she moved, you did, too?"

"Well, she made her parents move because I was moving."

"Oh. And you are sure you are not dating?"

"Umm... Yea, pretty sure."

"Cool then, I have a chance," and with that she pressed to her seat.

Billy shot me a questioned look, I just shrugged in answer.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"The best club in the city!" Billy glanced at me to see my glad expression before turning his gaze back to the road.

"Sounds great. But I am hungry, since I missed a meal for you, boy. So we will have to stop at McDonald's before the club."

He sighed. "You are not possible."

"I am possible, I'm just hungry."

He just laughed.

"I'm hungry, too," we heard Ellie. I chose to ignore her, thinking I'd look bad in a prisoner's uniform. Even worse than in Lestrade Academy's.

"Uhh, Billy?" I said, remembering the play.


"We have a play at school. Every single new student has to go casting."


"Guess what play this is."

"What?" he joyfully smiled.


I was staring at him to catch a look on his face, when he burst out laughing. Suddenly, he almost made a car wreck with another car.

"Careful, dear," I said in a low voice.

"Cinderella? No way! Oh I have to see that! Imagine yourself in a cinderella's dress, kissing a Prince Charming."

I laughed. "That's the good part, we'll have to work with boys."

"She's addicted to boys," Ellie informed Billie, like he didn't know it already.

I shot glare at Ellie, ignoring her like Billy did.

It wasn't like I was making out/hanging out with every boy on the road. I just got better with them, felt more free to reveal secrets knowing they don't have a girl's talkative mouth. They are also a better friends, since they don't betray, unlikely girls. And I am glad I can't talk about boys with them, because then I'd make imagination sink into my life, waiting for that Prince Charming that would be perfect... and would never come. Boys were also a problems, too. They almost hit the shit outta my first boyfriend when he broke up with me. The next two's were okay, since I was the leaving one.

Soon, we stopped at McDonald's.

"Heads up, wallets down, all the moneys out," Billy said and excited the car before neither of us did.

As we entered McDonald's someone ran against me, sending me to fall down. I was ready to swear it all out loud, but somewhy held in myself. If it was a girl, I swear, I would make her regret hurrying to wherever she was going. As you already could notice, I'm that one from the easily annoyed's.

"Dude," I heard Billy's voice before he turned to me and helped me up.

I lifted my head to see a boy. Black hair, light eyes, high, hot, sexy...

"What the heck?" I yelled at him, throwing my hands in the air.

"Sorry blondie, I didn't mean to," he said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I shot one of my death glares at him, balling fists to my sides.

"I'm Nick," he offered his hand to shake. Really? Guys were shaking in fear from that glare. Did I- did I do something wrong? Fists, enemy eyes... Why is he offering meeting?

At first I looked at his hand, my brows jumping up, then I looked in his eyes. I wanted to snap and yell at him so badly, but instead I shook his hand, "Zoe."

What the heck is wrong with me? I would make him regret he was even born, back there in NY. But right now I didn't feel like abusing him. I just didn't care, he knew my name and he'd fade away as soon as one of us exited McDonald's.

I felt the surprised stare Billy was giving me. I understood him, I couldn't believe what I did, too. It was just that I couldn't be a bitch with someone that was being nice to me.

Suddenly, the lights all over McDonald's flickered and the whole building went dark.

"What happened?" I found myself asking. I've never seen anything like that. Sure, it was still lightened around since it was day, but all the other lights and lamps experienced a little explosion as they turned black and turned off.

"I don't know," answered Billy, looking around like I did, and like Ellie and Nick did.

We stood there for like, five minutes before the McDonald's workers came with high wooden stairs and started changing all the lamps.

"Um, sorry?" I went closer to one of the workers, "What happened?"

"There were problems with the power," he replied, "And I think we need a lot more help. You can stay here, of course, if all the changings won't bother you."

"Nah, I'm too hungry," I said and went back to my friends. Well, a friend, a roommate, and a stranger.

"Are you being often here?" Nick all of a sudden, asked.

I crossed my hands over my chest and narrowed my eyes at him. "Since today, yes."

"So do I," Billy stepped forward. I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back next to me.

"Okay, hoping to see you," he quickly said and exited McDonald's.

"I don't think so," I mumbled to myself.

"Zoe? Is that you?" I heard Billy.

I looked at him, just as curious as him. "I hope so."

"Who wants food?" Ellie exclaimed, moving to one of the workers.

With my huge burger, small fries and a giant chocolate milkshake I felt complete.

At 6pm we were already at a night club.

"And what are we gonna do here?" Ellie shouted over music as the three of us approached the bar.

"Three shots," I shouted at a barmen. He winked and gave us three shots. "Three..." I started counting down.

"Two..." Billy worked with me.

"One!" I yelled and the three of us drank a shot like nothing. Well, I thought that all the three of us did it. "Ellie, why aren't you drinking?" I asked her.

"Isn't it illegal?"

"No, just drop it and drink."

And she drank. And her face was irresistible as I burst out laughing, Billy with me. After we calmed down, we ordered one more shot for the each of us and made our way to the dance floor. Those two shots made enough for me to stay funny and happy the whole night, although I wasn't drunk. Unlikely Ellie, who was already drunk as I am after five shots. Billy was making a great fun about her, and she didn't notice.

"Amy and Scott will join us soon!" I heard the shouting Billy.

"Why you didn't tell me earlier?"

"I kind of forgot. They already have to be here! Let's go for a search?"

"What about Ellie?"

"She'll have fun on her own!"

I laughed at her and we started searching for Amy and Scott.

"Amy!" I shouted as I saw familiar ginger hair, making my way towards her.

"Zoe!" she screamed and hugged me. "I swear, the classes are so much more boring without you!"

"I swear, Lestrade High is so much worse than all the NY schools put together! Where's Scott, by the way?"

"Over there!"

I looked at where she was pointing and saw a black-haired boy flirting with a high blondie.

"Scott!" I called out. He quickly forgot about the blondie and rushed towards us. Me, to be sure. Hugging me til the rest. "Scott..." I blurted out. "You are hurting me..."

"Uh, sorry," he quickly pulled out. "It's been three days, seemed like three weeks!"

"Guys, you are so cute!" I said. "I am going to dance! Who's with me?" They all roared in answer as we went back to Ellie, introducing everyone to her.

"Damn, gotta go!" I told Billy as I noticed it was 1:30.

"I'll drive you!"

"Of course, you will! Where's Ellie?"

"The last time I saw her she was dancing with a stranger."

"Oh..." Like it explained something. I found her after five minutes, yelling goodbyes to Amy and Scott, and hurrying to the car.

"Why did we leave? I was having fun," Ellie complained.

"Ellie, you had to be back two hours and an half ago!" I said.

"I am screwed!" she quickly awaked.

It was almost two when Billy parked the car. After our goodbyes and hugs, Ellie and I exited the car, quietly opening the gate that scruched. As we closed it behind us, I heard a whistle coming from my left. I looked at the boy's side, seeing a boy outside.

"Aren't you late, blondie?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked closer at him, realizing it was Nick. Nick from McDonald's.

I made a "shh" sign as noticibly as possible, so he could understand it in this terrible darkness.

"What, hiding something?" he yelled.

I threw my hands up at him, with beggy eyes that he couldn't see since we were too far away from each other, and it was too dark.

"Please!" I hissed.

"Please what?" he yelled even louder. I hate this guy. I was so angry with him, I could beat him up with my fingernails. I would have problems if he didn't shut up!

Suddenly, a flickering sound drag me out of my thoughts, it was a street light turning off. I quietly swore under my breath.

Suddenly, we heard someone clearing her throat loudly. Martha.

"Someone has huge problems!" I heard her clearly as she approached us. "Where have you been?"

"I-I... My mom called, I could be out til 2am," was all I could say.

"It's exacly 2am. You maybe survived, but you, Ms. Fitch?" she turned to Ellie.

She lost her voice, unable to defend herself. So I spoke for her, "She's been with someone with an approval. Doesn't it make some sense?" I smiled hopefully.

"No, not at all," she said.

"Martha, please," I begged. "It was the first time and we're all nervous about the new school. And we didn't even do anything bad, just were hanging out with friends, I promise."

"I'm alright with you, Zoe," she said, "but Ellie is late for three hours! Three hours are a lot."

"Martha, please," I kept on. "We promise it will never happen again!"

"If you didn't do anything bad, then why can't she stand still?" Martha pointed at Ellie.

As a clever genius as I am, I immediately knew what to say. "Because she's not used to being up this late. Please, Martha. Just forgive us this one time. I promise, this was the last time we're ever late."


"Yes! Yes! A pinky promise! Really!"

"Okay, and go to sleep. Now."

Man, I adored this woman. Before entering the house, I saw Nick, still staring our way. I stuck my tongue at him, hoping he'd see and went inside with Ellie.



There we go, guys!

You like it? Comment.

You hate it? Comment.

Just let me know what you think about this chapter and the story itself.

So, I decided to stop publishing before I have done 10 chapters (this is 4th). So, I promise it won't take long, a week-no more.

I apologize for hurting Directioners. I am a Directioner, too. I just decided that Zoe would hate them. Don't hate me. Pinky promise? Ohh, you're so cute!

Okay, what do you think about Nick? His picture's on the side!


Do you like the character? Or maybe don't?

I'm letting my best friends to read the chapter before publishing. And they immediately said that Nick and Zoe were gonna date. I mean, why? Just because they bumped in McDonald's and he made Zoe troubles? Maybe it's beginning of a great friendship! Maybe he even replaces Billy! Do you think it's possible? Or maybe he really will date Zoe. I don't know! I'm just an author *evil smirk*!

Ps. Sorry for any typos (if made)!

I love you guys! I love each of you that reads my story! I really have a big thoughts about it. And targets. Honestly, this is my favourite story of mine. I just like writing it more than any others and your opinion would be nice.

I am already staring the new chapter guys! Since you all worth my whole night! :**

So, don't forget to vote/comment and see you next time! Well, text you. Yea, it sounds better.

Text ya!



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