Lestrade Academy

By LeahKillem

4.4K 249 7

Lestrade Academy consists of two parts with a high fence in between that seperates girls from boys. Each part... More

1. News
2. Last Week
4. Distraction
5. Bruises
6. One More Day
7. Another Strange Event
8. Hospital
9. Unbruised
10. Mpuah
11. Cling
12. Possessive
13. Lovebirds
14. Family
15. Realization
16. Daters
18. Talks
19. Sabrina
20. Lucid
21. Troubles
22. Reunion
23. What They Told Sabrina
24. Moderny
25. Paradise
26. Unexpected
27. Mess
28. Wanted
29. Unlocked
30. I Love You
31. Numby
33. Upcoming
34. Storm
36. Hidden
37. Lost 'n Gone
38. NewsMan
39. End of Some
40. End of All

3. Lestrade High

300 8 0
By LeahKillem

Chapter 3 :

Lestrade High



I had so many colorful words about that school, but I held them in me.

We didn't talk a lot in the way, just listened loudly to our favourite music ever.

We arrived in an hour. He parked in front of the school silver gates, and it looked like a jail. On one side of the fence there were two four-floored buildings standing next to each other; same on the second side.

After exiting the car, Billy and I were hugging like, for 10 minutes.

"See you on monday, then?" I said when I finally pulled out.

"Yea, I'll call you right after I get back."

"Okay. Tell everyone I'll miss them terribly!"


And then we just stood there.

"You gotta go," I reminded.

"I know. But I can't," he said, losing his cheery voice that was always happy.

"Come on, it'll be alright." I jokingly poked his shoulder. "On monday after school we'll get out."

"Sure. Bye, Zo."


And I watched him leaving. I turned to enter my new home, but only then realized I had no idea which one was for girls. And nobody was outside. I looked for windows, but the curtains were closed everywhere. Okay, now it deffinitely looks like a jail.

"Damn," I uttered before I made my way to the left part.

I opened the door with a lot of hope that it was a house for girls. But today's not my lucky day! I opened the door and saw five shirtless boys that stared at me. Hot.

"Uhh, wrong side," I managed to mumble and exited, my cheeks heating up like never before. Although I was already going to the second side, I didn't stop blushing. I entered the second side of the fence, opening and shutting the door carefully.

"Ms. Millery?" I heard a woman, probably in her late 30ies, black hair, not very high. Probably, housekeeper.

"It's me," I answered.

"Welcome to the Lestrade Academy, I hope you'll like it. My name's Martha, I'm the housekeeper of high schoolers. High schoolers are on the fourth floor, I'll lead you."

I nodded and we went upstairs. Four freaking floors with a huge suitcase in my hands. Thanks god, Martha took my bag.

We entered one of the wooden doors and I saw three empty beds.

"Why is there no one?" I asked.

"It's new season here already. We're taking new girls once a year, right now."

Wow, my mom knows when to decide moving me.

"Other girls will come to you soon." She said, "I assume one of your roommates is gonna be the old one, the one that was learning here past years. But the one's new, just like you. You know, I'm not sure. Okay, I'll go back. Choose any bed."

And she exited the room that was big enough for the three of us. All three beds stood in the corners of this darkened room.

"No way," I uttered and moved the metalic bed that stood in front from the door. I moved it to the centre of the wall and sat on it. Okay, not very comfy. In a minute I heard a door opening and saw the blonde girl entering.

"Hi, I'm your roommate," she said and parked on a bed under the window. Sounded British.

"Hi, I'm Zoe. Are you new here?" I stood next to her bed.

"I'm Ellie, and yes. What about you?"

"Me too."

"Is there supposed to be somebody else?" Ellie pointed at the third bed.

"Uh yea. I don't know who."

"Have you been long here?"

"Just came."

"Oh. What do you know about this school?" she suddenly asked. This girl knew how to communicate.

"Well, we can't meet with boys, although I entered their building first."


"Yea, accidentally. Blushed and went out. You can't even meet them outside the school. Umm, if we wanna exit the school territory we have to write the time and place in the book downstairs."


"I don't know. And we can't wear makeup."

"I will."

"I will, too. Oh, and we'll have grey uniforms."

"Yea, I know."

That minute another girl entered the room, brunette.

"Hi, I'm your roommate," she said. She was American.

"I'm Ellie."

"And I'm Zoe."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nina. Are you new here?"

"Yea," we said sametime.

"I'm not," she said. "They sent one old girl in each room so everyone knows the rules and all."

"Great," I mumbled and sat on my bed.

"Where are you from?" Nina asked.

"Where do you think?" I answered at this stupid question.

"Listen girls, today I have to register your full names, birth dates and some more info. So, let's start with Ellie. Full name?"

"Alison Gabriel Fitch."

"Date birth?"

"June 8th, 1997."

"Date place?"

"Brighton, UK. Moved here in second grade."

"Okay, now your parents."

"Esther and John Fitch."

"Your turn, Zoe," she turned to me.

"Zoe Louise Millery, born on May 5th, 1997. In London, Uk. Moved here in my fifth grade. Parents: Catherine and David Millery."

"Good. That's it. You can pack out," Nina informed.

"Nah, I'm too tired," I complained. "Listen, is there nearby any place to have fun?"

"Like what?" she asked.

"Like a night club."

"What? No!" she quickly said.

"Cinema, McDonald's?" I then asked.

"Twenty minutes to town. But for night club you have to drive for 40 minutes."

"Ugh. And what do you do on your free time?"

"There's a library. And you can take some classes."

"Right, take me wherever I need to take classes."

"Right now?"

"Yep," I popped out a P.

"Okay. Ellie, coming?"


We went to the second building on our side. Which by the way, looked exacly like the house. Except there was written "Lestrade School" on the door, instead of "Lestrade House".

On the first floor we met Mary Coleman, that offerred us some classes. I took my hip-hop dancing, just like in NY. Ellie took Tennis and Nina already had her ballet taken. That were additional classes, but for usuals we still had to pick. After that we went back to the bedroom.

"I was interested," I said, "what happens if someone breaks the rule?" I really was interested, since I would brake rules, but I didn't want to get expelled.

Nina started talking as quickly as possible, "Which one? If you wear bright makeup you have to write the special test; if you don't write your name in the book and exit the teritory you will stay two days after lessons; if you break something you'll buy it; if you-"

"Wait," I interrupted her, "just tell me what happens if we hang out with boys."

"You will be banned."

"What is it means?"

"After three bans you'll get expelled from school. Plus, a week staying after lessons."

"That sucks," Ellie said.

"Oh, and one day after lessons for swearing. Here you can swear, but don't let any adults hear you."

"What if I don't wear my uniform?" I asked.

"Three days after lessons. And you can't wear lot's of accesories."

"Lot's of?"

"Maybe a bracelet or two."

"Okay. What if I don't do my homework?"

"Warning. Three warnings mean one ban."

"That is nonsense," Ellie complained.

"You'll get used to it."

"I don't think so," I said and started unpacking my bags. Fortunately, there were three closets in the room. If I had to share that, I'd go mad. Suddenly, my phone rang: Billy.

"Hey," I said and sat on the bed in Indian style.

"Hey, how are you?" I heard his always-cheery voice.

"Umm, took classes. Found hip-hop. Bored. You?"

"Well, I'm scared going next to your house."

"Is it because of my parents?"

"Yea, feels like they don't like me."

"They adore you. They're just upset because I left angry. And I am glad they're upset."

He chuckled. "What else?"

"Uhh, strict rules. Like very strict ones."

"Really? For example?"

"For example if I hang out with a boy from Lestrade Academy I'll be banned, and after three bans I'm expelled from school. And I can't wear accerories."

"That sucks."


"Sharing a room?"

"Yea, two girls."

"You have to have a hard time there."

"Ugh, I know."

"Okay, I gotta go."

"Okay, I'll call you."


And I hung up.

"Boyfriend?" Ellie asked, smiling.

"No, best friend."

"Oh, I thought it was a boy," she replied.

"It is a boy."

"Your best friend is a boy? That sucks."

Umm, sorry? Did I hear her right? Did she just say that my friendship with Billie sucks?

"Really? And why is it?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her as I put my right hand on my hip.

"Who wants a boy best friend? You can't even talk about boys."

"That's probably because I don't want to."

"Are you gay?"

"No, why?"

"You seem to be one."

"You seem to be a bitch."

"People call me that a lot."

"I understand why."

She rolled her eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there," I said and kept on packing out.

Ellie destroyed my impression about her in less than a minute. And I had to live with her.

Suddenly, we heard Martha from the outside the door, "Dinner's ready! Everyone, the dinner is ready. Go to the dining-hall!"

"Dining-hall?" I repeated. Seemed like a school lunch.

Dining-hall was on the first floor from four. It was a huge hall with three long tables, each by the grades. Our table stood in the middle, and I felt myself in Hogwarts, but worse. I sat next to Nina, in front of some ginger-braided girl.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," I replied.

"Are you new here?" She sounded Scottish.

"Yea, you too?"

"Yea, arrived yesterday."

"I arrived this morning. I'm Zoe."

"Karen. Nice to meet you."

"Me too."

Then she introduced me to the two brunette girls on her sides: Lily and Anna.

"Quiet, please!" we heard a woman's voice echoing. I turned my side to see the middle-aged, dark-haired Asian woman. "We will introduce the new students to you, this is why we called the dinner early."

This seemed like a terrible idea, since my stomach was growling from hunger. I stayed quiet. Introducing all the girls from the first grade to twelveth, took twenty minutes. When your name was called, you had to stand up, smile, and sit down.

After we were finally able to start eating, I took one of the weirdest things ever. Seemed to be a meat, but didn't taste like one. All spicy and actually weird, except the fact that it was de-li-ci-ous.

After dinner we went back to our bedrooms and I finished unpacking my stuff, making sure I made this grey room a bit lighter. Especially, after Nina offered to open the windows, which I was thankful for. After that she offered taking us to a walk and showing the rest of the school.

"So," she started as we headed downstairs, "the first floor is for kitchen, dining-hall, and teachers. Plus a few rooms we can't go in."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Martha strongly banns."


"Yea. The second floor is for elementary-schoolers, the third is for the middle school, and the fourth is ours. Let's go to the backyard."

The school's and boarding house's backyards were seperated by a high wall of green brunches. In this backyard we had an absolute freedom. There was a little fountain in the middle, with wooden, long chairs all around. There were all flowers and plants and such stuff. Bad place for a pessimist. Not that I am one, but still. This backyard was huge, really huge. I wasn't even sure if I saw the rest of it.

After that we went to the school building. Mazes. It had four floors, too. Except, the first one consisted of guards rooms, bathrooms, two locker rooms, and three locked classes. As Nina said, nobody ever had any idea what could be there. Except for the teachers, of course. And the other three floors were the same as for our boarding house. The backyard of this school was even wider: with a huge stadium and a training-field. It was all colorful in flowers, too.

"You can't exit the school part before 3pm, when the last bell of the day rings," Nina said. "But if you forgot a book, or need something in the boarding house, you have to take a permission from your class leader."

"Class leader?" Ellie repeated. "Will it be someone from the class?"

Nina chuckled, "No, it's your main teacher."


So, this made me hate this school ever worse.

"And what do you do on weekends?" I asked.

"Study, or we can go to the mediatheque or something."

Okay, I liked mediatheques.

"And where is it?" I asked.

"There's one more floor underneath, there you can find a mediatheque and a regular library."

Hmm, I hope that was the place where I could be all alone.

"Listen, what about visits?" I asked, remembering Billy.

"Your parents have to approve anyone who's not relative, or no creature will be able to visit you. If they stay for a night, there's one room for guests on each floor," Nina answered. This girl really knew everything about the school.

"Okay, and what about a boy visiting me?"

"Well, if he's approved, than he can come anytime, but can never enter your bedroom. Or any other bedrooms."

Okay, we could sit in the backyard.

"Why are you asking, by the way?" she added.

"My friend's coming over on monday."

"It's the one you were talking to?" Ellie asked.

"Yes," I glared at her, searching for a slightest mimic. Nothing.

"Is he cute?" she asked.

"Yes, yes he is."

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you jealous."

"You didn't, we're best friends from the kindergarten."

"Then I'm hoping on meeting him."

"Hope doesn't kill," I said under my breath, meanwhile making sure Ellie heard.

After that we went to the bedroom. Just then I noticed Ellie's collection of high heels, and I swear, I haven't rolled my eyes like this for a long while.

Nina seemed to be an average girl with every meanings. She wasn't addicted to studying, but seemed smart. She was just used to the strict rules of Lestrade School, I could drag her out of it.

"So the light's switching off at 11pm," Nina informed, "but nobody will say anything even if they find you awake at 2am."

"That's a good news," I replied. "Is there Wi-fi?"


"No? Which century is this? How is that possible?"

"Only at the mediatheque, sorry."

"Okay, than I'll be at the mediatheque."

I grabbed my apple notebook and went out. Even though the fence was 20 metres away from each school building (boarding house was even further), I could see the boys joking around in their side. I could joke around with them, too. How insane were the creators of Lestrade Academy? That reminded me of the fact that I had no idea who Lestrade was. I mean, I only knew one, detective Lestrade from the new version of Sherlock Holmes. But I highly doubt it was that Lestrade that I needed.

So right after I find the mediatheque - which takes 15 minutes - I connect to the free Wi-fi and start searching for Lestrade Academy. I found photos, stories, schoolbooks, some projects, list of expelled... But nothing about who Lestrade was. I had to ask Nina.

Well, you know how it happens in the net: once you enter, you can't exit. I sat there for four hours, going back at 8pm.

"Where were you so long?" Nina asked.

"On the net."

"You missed the meal."

"Did I?"

"Yup. It's at 7."

"Okay, I'll know the next time. Listen, who was Lestrade?"

"Umm, I-I don't know," she seemed confused. "I-I've never thought of it before. Probably, who created this school."

"I was searching on the net and I found everything about this school, except Lestrade. I researched Google and the official website of the school - not a single word about Lestrade. Then I tried searching for Lestrade himself, and only found detective Lestrade from Sherlock Holmes."

"Why is it so important?" Ellie asked.

"Because I am curious. And when I didn't find anything about him, her, or whoever it was, my curiosity only became bigger. And I think there has to be something wrong."

Nina stood closer, placing her left hand on my right shoulder and stared me in the eyes. "You are watching too much of TV."

"Come on, I'm serious. I'll try to ask some teachers, and Martha and if I won't get the answer, then I'm calling for help."


"Billy, my best friend. He's a computer genius, able to find and hack anything that has ever been on the net. Even if it's deleted from all the possible files."

"Are you sure it's legal?" Ellie asked.


"Zoe?" Nina said. "You weren't doing this illegally, were you?"

"Actually, we never thought about it. I mean, thought but then dropped. Anyways, what's the matter? He's been doing this from seventh grade, it's okay."

"No, it's not," Ellie answered. "What if police arrests you?"

"I know people."

"What do you mean?" Nina asked.

I wanted to say the truth, that I was held in the police twice. Once for a party with drugs - even if I DIDN'T use any drugs - and second for hacking the school's computer. I just wanted to change salad on wednesday lunch to some pancakes, I swear. In my usual group of friends I wouldn't be ashamed of it. Some of them would even say cool. But these girls were absolutely different. They would panic if I said this, and maybe even sleep in another room because of the fear I'd rip their throats out at nights. So I lied.

"My uncle's a cop," I said and they nodded in understatement.

The next day was completely awful. I had the nightmares about the grey uniforms the whole night long. I spent the whole morning in the library (don't be surprised. I may love to party but it doesn't mean reading's not my life), sitting in one of the lots of corners of bookshelf mazes.

I was reading The Awakener by Amanda EStrong, good book, by the way. All of a sudden, I noticed someone sitting down next to me from my corner of the eye, I didn't even glance at her.

"Hi," I heard a voice from next to me.

"Hi," I replied, not taking an eye off of the book.

"I'm Clary."

I decided I was being too rude, so I looked up at her to see a dark-haired, truly beautiful girl.

"Zoe," I said.

"Nice to meet you," she shook my hand. "Are you new?"

"Uh huh. You?"

"No, I'm old."

"How do you survive it?"

"Survive what?" she asked, all puzzled up.

"Grey uniforms, no accesories, no boys..."

She chuckled, "I grew up here."

"So you wanna say you've never had a boyfriend?"


"And you're glad?"

"I try not to think about it. What about you?"

"I had three boyfriends. But dating them isn't the actual reason of me being cross about all those rules. It's just that the most part of my friends are boys, my best friend is a boy..."

"I understand."

I laughed. "You've never even been in a same class with a boy!"

"Tell me about it."

"About what?"

"Other schools. What are they like?"

This made me sad.

"Well, average schools aren't pensions. You go there at 8am and come home at 3pm. You choose any class, and boys are learning with you. And it's normal to wear as much accesories as you want. And no uniforms - in most of them."

"Than what do you wear?" she asked.

"Anything we want. There's a school cafeteria for having lunch. You know, if you don't have friends lunch's terrible. Because you don't know where to sit."

"You had that problem?"

"Actually, never. You can kiss a boy at school, unless it turns to something dirtier. If it does, you're gonna have a serious trouble."

"You have a South accent. Are you from London or Lancoshire?"



"And you?"


I chuckle, "I know. But America's big."




"I don't know, I've never been there."

Something about the girl was attractive. Not her looks, but herself. She was so friendly and communicative.

"Why are you here?" I ask, trying not so sound rude.

"What do you mean?"

"Here, next to me. What made you to come here?"

"Nothing, I-I just... I don't know, you seemed cute."

"Cute? Me?"

"Okay, I thought you were lonely and decided to cheer you up."

"That is cute. I'm not lonely, I just still can't believe my parents sent me here."

"Why did they?"

"Well, I had problems at last school. And they decided it was because of my group of friends. So they moved me here."

"Sounds bad."

"Uh huh."

"Who's class are you in?" she suddenly asked.

"Umm," I blushed, remembering the name. "Oh! Mrs. Punch."

"Really? You sure? Because I'm in her class, too."

"Good, we're classmates. How many people are there usually in one class?"

"Uhmm, 10-15."


"Yea, why?"

"My last class had more than 25 students."

"Wow, that's a lot. And how much were boys?"

"More than an half."

"Wow. Anyways, which room are you in?"

"409, I think."

"I'm in 402."

I just smiled, having no idea what I could response with. I haven't had a talk like this for a long time. Not that I wanted to, but still.

That night I couldn't fall asleep til 1am. Which was bad, because I had to stand up at 6am to get ready for the school. School. God save me.



Hello people! Are you there? Because I see your cute little eyes reading this story! I am so glad you made it to here without dropping reading.

With these three chapters I made a small description of the situation in the Lestrade Academy. The next chapter's already with lessons. :P

Okay, who else is bored?

Clary's pic on the side!

Anyways, I apologize once more for typos I could make. I am just a human, I make mistakes, okay?

So, I love you guys and I will see your beautiful eyes staring at the next chapter! ^_^ Hopefully :/

Enjoyed? Favourite part? Make sure to comment and let me know! Oh, and vote please:)!



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