A Mindless Twin!!

By C_Perry16

63.7K 596 78


A Mindless Twin!!
meeting for the first time:)
Finally Together
The Sleep Over!
Once Again:/
The tour.
We Going To The Mall.....
One down...Two to go
Gummy Worms
Cyra...and the boys
The date!!!
I dont know what to believe anymore...
so sad
We miss Them
The airport
meeting again
Not A Morning Person
At the Park
I like fried chicken;)
Sorry I haven't wrote in a while
Hate On Cyra Day
I done got shot
come one Cyra..wake the hell up
Jake and Bella
second play date
Jake comes home.
Baby Moments
You are so dead!!!!
unexpected arrival
Update!! Castig Call!

This Nigga again...

1.2K 8 3
By C_Perry16

I havent wrote in this story lately so i'm going to.

I may do a chaper in all my stories i dont know yet.

So Enjoy:)



After we got down recording all our song covers, we all decided to go get something to eat. "Lets go to Texas Road House!!!!" I said hopping up from Rocs lap. Everyone but Ray agreed. 'baby You had tacos yesterday." Cas told him pulling him up. "So..." He whined. 

We all laughed at his childish movements as he stomped his foot to the ground. "Oh I think you'll leave." Prod said walking out the door with Maya. 

We all hopped in the limo and headed to TRH.


"How Many?" The lady at the front desk asked as we walked up. I turned and counte heads, "Um.. 8...yeah 8" i said double checking. She nodded grabbing 8 menus then leading us to a table in the back. There weren't alot of people here so that was good.

She left us at our table and a waiter came up. "Drinks?" He said looking at us. We all ordered our drinks then went back to talking. Me and roc were giving eachother kisses, while everyone else was either cuddling or staring into eachothers eyes like always. "I love you, you know that right?" Roc said pulling away from a kiss.

"Yes, and I love you too!" I said giving him another one. "Good!" He said smiling at me. I looked into his eyes then gave him one last kiss. "UHHHUH!!" I pulled away to find a face i could care less about.



Really this nigga again. I looked at Diggy up and down pulling Cyra closer to me. He was smirking down at Cyra which made me what to punch the hell out of him. "What do you want Diggy?" I said in a harsh tone. "Just coming to see my babygirl." SHe said stroking Cyras cheek. "Get your hands off me." She said slapping his hand away.

He glared at her, raising his hand back up like her was gonna slap her. "I'd like to see you try." I said standing up. Everyone was watching us now, which i didn't care. This bitch was about to hit my babygirl. "Man sit down. Cyra knows she wants me, not some little boy." 

"Um.yeah. i dont think Cyra would want some small dick, messed up hair line chup like you...." Celeste said from Princetons lap. "SO GET TO STEPPIN" Her and Casey said getting up from their spots. Diggy glared at them, then back to Cyra. 

I moved in his way so he couldn't see her, which caused him to look up glaring at me. "Move." He said. "Hell No. SHe is mine." I said. I felt her hands grab ahold of my shirt. She knew i was about to go off, and she was trying to hold me back. "Man whatever. Cyra when you decide your done with this little boy call me." He said walking off. 

I watched his leave till he was out of sight then i turned back to face everyone at the table. "I really dont like him." I said sitting back down by Cyra. SHe moved her head so it was now on my chest. I rubbed her back letting her know i was calm back down. 

She looked up at me giving me a kiss on my cheek,then my jawline,then my neck. she stopped there resting her head in the crock of it. I felt her warm soft breath on it,which sent goose bumps down my spine. I pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head. 

"This had been a crazy day.." Casey said. "Agreed." We all called out.

As soon as our food we got to eating. Prod beening the first to get done, was bugging everyone else for more food. Cyra happily shared hers saying she wasn't hungry. I knew she was lying...i knew she was hungry. It was probably Diggy that caused her to change her attitude all of a sudden.

I watched her from the corner of my eye as she laid her head on the table sighing. I hated seeing y babygirl like this.

Stupid ass Diggy just had to ruin her. Although he just hit her, ti still caused her to act this way. It made me wonder if something like this happened before.....

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