Bumping Into The Mafia (Book...

By FluffyShit

156K 4.6K 519

~ CURRENTLY REWRITING ~ Meet Eva Cipriano, a girl with nothing but her work to keep her busy. She's not afrai... More



8K 277 19
By FluffyShit


"Alexander!" I yell and hear his heavy feet pad towards the floor. He pushes the door open and holds a pistol in his hand.

"Shh." He holds his finger to his lips and closes the door behind him. He sits on the little space at the end of the bathtub and stares at the closed door. More gunshots ring through the house, making every cell in my body jump. I hear a scream, then a yell. Then silence.

"What's happening?" I ask frightened. Alexander's looks at me and sighs.

"I don't know. But whatever it is, you're safe wi-" the bedroom door slams open and he immediately shuts up. He leans closer to me.

"If anyone tries coming in here. Hide under the bubbles." He whispers and I nod my head. Outside I can hear footsteps, and low murmurs.

"I know you're in here Alexander! Just give me Eva!" Niccolo's voice yells, muffled by the door. My heart races, why is he trying to get me? Is he trying to save me?

"Nicco-" I start to scream his name but Alexander slams his hand onto my mouth. Silencing me. I try and push his hand away, but he's too strong. The door handle to the bathroom jiggles and Alexander lets go of my mouth. He stands up and points the gun at my head. Seconds later the door busts open and Niccolo falls through the shattered wood onto the floor. He makes a quick recovery and stands up. Pointing his gun at Alexander.

"Drop it or she dies." Alexander growls, pushing the barrel of the gun harder into my head. And he said he wouldn't hurt me. What a fucking liar.

"You wouldn't kill her. I know all about your little plan. And it's not going to work! So. Give me Eva. And I let you live. Don't give me Eva, and well. I guess we'll just have to see who can pull the trigger first." My eyes go wide at his words and my mouth goes dry. Fear courses through my veins, making my body shake.

"If you kill me. You really think that the two of you will make it out alive? Eva can only use one arm. And neither of you mean nothing to my family without me alive." Alexander reasons with him. Honestly making a sound argument.

"Drop your gun. And I'll drop mine." Alexander says. Pulling his gun inches away from my head. Niccolo lowers his gun to his side and I let out a sigh of relief. Nobody is dying today.

I stare at Niccolo as his eyes dart back and forth between me and Alexander. His nostrils flare and he lowers his head just a little.

"No." He mumbles. I watch the events unfold in what seems like slow motion. Niccolo raises his gun but just milliseconds after I flinch at the sound of a gunshot. I watch as Niccolo's body falls backwards and the bullet gears through his chest, blood splattering all over the sink, the counter. And the mirror.

"No!" I scream and jump out of the bathtub. I lean over his body, and grab his shirt. Squeezing it in my fists.

"G-get.. out.. of.." Niccolo coughs and I watch as he chokes on his own blood, some of it gurgling out. Eventually it stops and his eyes stare soullessly at me. I whimper, swiping my hand over his eyes lids to close them. I feel a towel being placed over my body as I tremble, staring at Niccolo's dead body.

"Eva, I'm sorry. I tried getting him to not shoot. But you saw it, he was going to shoot me." Alexander's voice mumbles from behind me, it sounds like I'm standing in the middle of a tunnel and his voice is coming from both ends. I sit up. Grabbing the towel and look up at him. Once I'm sitting up, my head spins and I feel myself falling backwards.


My eyes slowly blink open and I take in my surroundings. A dim orange glow highlights the ceiling as I turn to the left. I stare at the source of the light, the sunset. My eyes throb and I squeeze them shut.

"Oh good you're awake." A quiet voices mumbles from somewhere in the room. I open my eyes to see Alexander standing in the door frame.

"What.." I pause. Feelings my head throb profusely.

"What happened?" I croak out and touch the back of my head.

"I wouldn't." He says as I hiss in pain once my hand touches my head.

"You uh, you fainted. And when you fell backwards you hit the back of your head on the corner of the tub." He explains as I look at the tiny dots of blood on my fingers.

"I'm bleeding." I mumble and squint my eyes as black speckles take over my vision.

"Oh, I. I don't, I don't feel so good." I choke up, feeling my stomach twist and turn. My body goes limp and I fall backwards. My head hitting the soft pillow. I flinch in pain however.

"Eva? Are you okay?" Alexander asks worriedly. Moments later I feel the bed dip and turn to my left to see Alexander sitting on the bed. Reaching for my face. I weakly smack away his hand, barely brushing him.

"I'm fine." I say, watching the colors of the sunset changing on the ceiling.

"I'm gonna go get the doctor." He tells me as he rushes out of the room. I giggle, watching him half run is funny. He looks funny.

"So pretty." I softly say while staring at the ceiling. I just lay there, staring at nothing with a smile on my face.

"Miss Eva?" A voice calls from my right. I look over that way and see a young man standing next to Alexander.

"Eva this is the doctor. You can call him Johnson. Or doctor Johnson." Alexander says and I struggle to sit up. I eventually get up, propping myself up against the head board.

"What's up doc?" I snort and look out the window, staring and the reflection of the sunset in the pool.

"I see the pain medication has kicked in. How about I get a look at that wound." The doctor says and I stare at him while he walks towards me.

"Lean forward please." He mumbles, placing his hand on my chest, under my collarbone, supporting me. I feel the pressure of him touching my head, but I don't feel the pain. This is great!

"Well. It looks like you might've torn a couple stitches in your sleep. I'm gonna need to restitch it. Alexander. Bring her to my office, I wouldn't want to get blood all over your guys' bed." The doctor says walking away and patting Alexander's shoulder.

"Come on Eva. We're gonna follow doctor Johnson." Alexander says, reaching out his arms and pulling me off the bed. I lose my balance and hold onto his forearms tightly. I eventually gain my balance and feel the drugs swirling through my bloodstream.

"Are you okay to walk?" Alexander asks and I nod my head. He holds my waist as we walk side by side out the door. I see the doctor and smile.

"Wait up doc! You're just the guy I need!" I yell after him, trying to hurry up my pace. However, Alexander holds my tightly and keeps me next to him.

"Careful there. Don't worry. We're meeting him in his office." He says to me as I glare up at him. I turn to the side and push him away from me.

"I don't need your help Alexander. All you do is either get me hurt, or get my friends killed. I hate you." I snap, leaning against the wall for support. He crosses his arms and sighs.

"Niccolo wasn't yo-"

"Don't say his name! He may have not been my friend. But he was something to me! He was kind, believe it or not. He never would've hurt me. And he cared about me. And now he's dead. All because of you. I wish I was dead already. We both know it's gonna happen anyways." I roll my eyes at him. Feeling an unnatural amount of anger.

"Eva I'm sorry I killed Niccolo. But it was either him or me." He says apologetically.

"Well I wish it was you!" I stomp my foot and turn around, walking away.

"Eva stop, you're gonna fall down." Alexander calls after me.

"Just leave me alone you monster!" I yell, feeling the speckles coming back into my vision. My stomach turns and twists and I lose all strength. My body slides down the wall and I slump over on the floor. I look up to see two Alexander's waving in and out of each other, eventually becoming one.

"Want some help now?" He asks and I feel bile rise up to my throat.

"Oh, oh god." I gag, getting on my hands and knees.

"No don't throw up here." Alexander groans and picks me up. He takes me back into the room, and into the bathroom. He lets me down in front of the toilet and I hunch over it. My stomach clenches hard with each dry heave I have. Each one getting more intense as the longer it goes on. Eventually my body just starts convulsing. I fall backwards, hitting my head once again. And then, nothing.



I watch as Eva is bent over the toilet. Constantly dry heaving. I watch as her entire body tenses up and loosens and tenses up seconds after each other. Then she stops for a few seconds, I watch her breathing slow down and then I just see her entire body shake as she falls backwards. She hits her head on the floor and continues seizing up.

"Oh god!" I yell falling to my knees, turning her into her side.

"Help! Help! Someone get the doctor!" I shout, panic filling my body. I stare as white foam spills out of her mouth. And I stare at the little pool of blood building on the other side.She must be having a bad reaction to the medication. Somethings not right.

"Help!" I scream one more time. Her convulsions slow down and eventually stop, except for the occasional jerk. I scoop her up into my arms and carefully make my way to the doctors office.

"Johnson help! She, she was dry heaving. And then she fell backwards and started seizing." I babble on as he jumps to his feet.

"Quickly. Get her on the table. I need to get her vitals, and get an iv in her. I need to flush her system of the medication. I knew it was a risk giving pain medication to someone with a head injury. But I never expected her to have a seizure." He says mindlessly as he hooks a bunch of different things up to Eva. I watch as he quickly sets up some kinda of iv and then pushes the needle into her vain.

"Alexander, I need your help. I need you to go to that cabinet over there and I need gauze, sutures, and some forceps." He orders me like I know what the fuck he's taking about. I rush to the cabinet grabbing all kinds of gauze. I see a little package that says sutures on it and grab that.

"What the hell is a forcep?" I ask and hand him the first stuff. "It's like if a pair of pliers wanted to be tweezers." He explains and I open the drawers and grab something out.

"This?" I ask and he nods his head holding his hand out.

"Okay. You may not wanna watch this." He says under his breath as he takes off the initial bandage, now soaked in blood. The gash is torn open and blood is just streaming out of it. I watch at the doctor washes the blood away and then packs on a few pieces of gauze. He holds it there tightly and I turn around. Pacing the room.

What does this mean? What went so wrong to cause her to have a seizure? Oh god I hope she gets better. She's one of the only people I can tolerate in this hell-hole.

Hey guys. Long time no chapter. Right? Haha. Anyways, well. In recent months I dropped out of college. I'm currently working on going to trade school. So that's fun. And yeah, life's been decent. But super stressful. And honestly, I rarely have time to write. But I'm trying!

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Much love to you all! Xoxo

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