An Excuse Maybe

By happyfroglegs

2.5K 151 102

After the war, all seems peaceful. Until Antauri gets a telepathic message from a girl imprisoned. Not only t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 14

56 4 0
By happyfroglegs

Dang! My longest chapter to date! Well that's until...aaw well you'll see soon
enough. So enjoy!
"Are you crazy?! The citizens will freak!" Sprx exclaimed.

"But guys if we just explain to everyone he's on our side they'll be fine!" Otto said, trying to convince the others.

Mandarin listened in from the med bay, Trent having injured himself.

"What are they talking about?" He asked.

"Otto's trying to get them to allow me to go outside and go to this celebration tomorrow." Mandarin muttered.

Trent blinked and tried to look out but he couldn't see far enough.

"Okay but how are we gonna explain that he's pregnant?" Nova asked.

Otto shrugged.

"Just explain what he told us." He said.

"I don't know Otto, I mean it's still really soon." Gibson muttered.

Otto looked back at the med bay.

"Guys he needs to go back outside, he's gonna get tired of being in here all the time and what are we gonna do about Lazuli when she's born?" Otto asked.

"Lazuli?" Jinmay asked.

"It's one of the names for the baby- anyway! Please guys?" Otto begged.

Everyone was silent.

"I think it's a good idea for him to go."

Everyone looked to see Willow, Amanda, and Arwen.

"What do you mean?" Antauri asked Willow.

Willow shrugged.

"When it rained yesterday and he went out, he was actually kind of happy. I mean he didn't smile or anything nor do I ever see him smile but still. I think he misses the outside, he just doesn't want to admit it." She explained.

Amanda nodded.

"And he needs to experience rain more often...that's just me." She piped.

Arwen looked around and shrugged.

"I just got here so I don't know the whole story." She said.

The Hyperforce thought it over.

Otto gripped his knees.

"Just trust him..." He breathed.

Everyone continued to think.

"Well...I guess it wouldn't hurt." Chiro said.

The three felt very happy.

"But! He's staying with Otto most of the night." Antauri added.

They heard loud groaning coming from the med bay.

"I'm not five!" Mandarin yelled.

"Just let it go for one night." Willow told him.

Mandarin grumbled.

"Besides you get to stay with mee!" Otto said running into the med bay and hugging his knees.

Mandarin was about to protest but then thought it over.

"I guess that's fine." Mandarin said.

Amanda rolled her eyes.

"Yeah after sleeping in your bed I bet it is." She muttered, causing Willow to give her a really confused look.

"Oh they slept in the same bed last night."

Willow's mouth opened and she looked at Mandarin, eyes wide.

"I still don't understand why that's so shocking." Mandarin sighed.

"Aww that's sweet. You two must be really close right?" Arwen asked.

Otto crawled up on his arm.

"Yep!" He chirped, making Mandarin sigh.

"M-mom what if they were doing other things?" Amanda whispered.

Arwen blinked.

"Oh honey I doubt that. Anyway I haven't been to a party in...decades! So I wouldn't mind going if that's alright?" Arwen asked.

Jinmay nodded.

"Sure! It's going to be fun." She said.

"There's gonna be games, and food, and rides, and karaoke contests, and all sorts of stuff." Chiro said.

Arwen stretched.

"That does sound fun! I'll try to catch up when I get my unpacking done." She said.

Mandarin sighed.

Tommorow night was going to be hell. However, if Otto was going to be there it probably won't be so bad.
As the next day rolled around and everyone was getting ready, Willow was walking down the hall.

Then she was grabbed from behind and dragged into a room.

"What the hell?!"

She then saw her sister and Jinmay holding up various forms of makeup and she saw a black dress sitting on a chair.

"I think it's about time you looked nice for a party...and a boy." Amanda giggled.

"What are you-?! Hey! Get that out of my eye! Let me do it!" Willow yelled.

After fifteen minutes of makeovers and yelling, Willow was lead out by Jinmay. She was all gussied up, wearing a black dress with a purple belt and wearing some makeup.

"Remind kill you later." She growled at the two.

Amanda shrugged.

"Well come on! It's time to go!" She said, pushing Willow.

"Don't push me!" She said before bumping into Antauri.

Antauri floated back a bit.

"I'm so sorry!" Willow said quickly.

Antauri collected himself before smiling.

"No you're fine, I was on my way to the exit." He said before fully looking over Willow's outfit.

He was taken by her beauty and found it hard to speak .

"Well...I'll see you three down there." He said before going off.

Willow's face was a bright red. This night was going to be a interesting one.
As everyone left the robot and made their way to the celebration, Mandarin was hesitant to leave.

"What's up?" Otto asked.

"The music's loud." Mandarin grumbled.

Otto blinked but snickered and grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out.

"Come on! It'll be fine!" He wheezed, trying to pull as hard as he could.

But Mandarin didn't seem to budge. He blinked and looked outside. The citizens were greeting the Hyperforce and looked so happy.

"Are they explaining to them about me right now?" He asked.

Otto stopped pulling and looked outside.

"I dunno, I can go ask them real quick. Stay here." He said before running out and pulling Chiro aside and talked to him. Chiro nodded before turning back to the others.

Otto ran back inside, panting a bit.

"They're...talking to them...about it now." He panted.

Mandarin looked back outside. The citizens seemed happy but then their happy expressions turned to worry and fear. Chiro then began to assure them of Mandarin's reformation and that he wouldn't harm them. Some of them looked a bit assured but the others still looked scared.

Mandarin continued to watch until he felt Otto push on his legs.

"Come on! I wanna take you to the games so I can win you something!" Otto wheezed.

"Don't push my legs to get me out though!" Mandarin snapped, causing him to leave the robot, Otto still pushing.

"It's fun time!" Otto said.

"Otto please I can walk by my own-!" But he was already outside and the citizens were deathly quiet.

Mandarin looked back and forth between them before looking back down at Otto. There was a sense of awkwardness in the air.

"Now you can take me there but I don't need to be pushed or pulled on." Mandarin huffed, wanting to get as far away from this situation as possible.

Otto nodded.

"Sounds fair. Now come on I'm gonna get you something awesome! There's raffles we can win too!" Otto cheered before running off.

"Otto the chances of winning one of those things is very unlikely!" Mandarin huffed before following.

"Still gonna try!"

The citizens and Hyperforce were silent.

"Uh Chiro, didn't he look uh...kind of fat to you?" BT asked.

Chiro laughed nervously.

"Yeah about that..."
Willow was with Antauri. The two were talking about philosophy and life in the universe. It felt good to know that they both have common interests, despite their contrasting personalities.

"Willow I do know a bookstore nearby that has a lot of information on known wizards." Antauri said.

Willow's head perked up.

"That sounds really good to me. Maybe we can stop by there and head back here?" She asked.

Antauri nodded and got up.

"Then why don't we stop by? No one will notice we're gone for too long." He said.

Willow nodded and followed him, blushing all the way.

What the two didn't notice was that there were three people watching them.

"Why are we doing this?" Chiro asked.

Amanda smirked.

"Don't you want to know what happens?" She asked.

"Well I mean- yes, but aren't we gonna get caught?" Chiro questioned.

"Don't worry I got my invisibility spell! We'll be fine."

Sprx nodded.

"Then let's go while we still have the time!" He said and the three followed suit.

Meanwhile, Otto nibbled on his candy while Mandarin put one of his prizes in his storage. He was worried about the blood sample, but then remembered they were at home in a desk drawer. So thankfully nothing will get crushed as Otto kept winning prize after prize.

"I told you! I'm the best prize winner here!" Otto chirped.

Mandarin sighed.

"I didn't exactly deny it but that was impressive." He admitted.

Otto hopped next to him.

"And you can give some of the stuffed animals to the baby too." He pointed out

Mandarin nodded, that he could.

Otto was silent for a bit, thinking on something.

"So I want to ask you, you want to go somewhere for dinner?" He asked.

Mandarin blinked and looked around.

"Aren't we surrounded by food stands?"

Otto shook his head.

"No I mean an actual restaurant. I mean we don't have to go to an inside one but I want to take you somewhere since it's been so long since you've been out here." Otto explained.

Mandarin blinked and thought on it. Well, it wouldn't hurt too much, despite the many people that gave fearful glances at him and a lot more cowering in fear at the sight of him. However if Otto was there it would be less awkward.

"I guess it's fine, but won't the others know we're gone?" He asked.

Otto flung his arm a bit.

"Nah we'll be back in time. C'mon their dinner menu is just starting!" He said, running off and having Mandarin follow him.

Behind a shooting ring, Gibson was fuming. He refused to have someone as temperamental and unpleasant as Mandarin date his brother! He just couldn't deal with that monkey ruining his innocence! He just couldn't!

"If you do anything to him Mandarin I swear-!"

"Why am I here?" Trent asked, uncomfortable with following them

"Because I need someone to be my alibi."

"We don't even know if they're dating! They might just be hanging out!" Trent said.

Gibson gripped the edge of the wooden plank.

"They're not dating now, I know that." Gibson sighed. "But I can see how Otto looks at him, how the two act around each other, how close they are. They even slept in the same bed together. They're going down the same path as Willow and Antauri, faster even!" He continued.

He looked down.

"I just...I just don't want Mandarin hurting him. Otto is my brother and I don't want his heart broken."

Trent stared for a minute.

"You sound more like his father than his friend."

Gibson closed his eyes and sighed.

"I know I do...but I can't help it."

Trent sighed.

"I don't think it's right to control his relationships, Otto can fall in love with whoever he wants."

Gibson nodded, biting his lip.

"However if you're still so hopped up on following him and seeing what happens I guess it's fine. I mean it would be kinda interesting." Trent said, smirking a bit.

Gibson glanced at him before looking ahead. Just in case anything happened...

"Let's hurry."
Willow's emotions were in a tizzy as she walked side by side with Antauri. She didn't really know what to say to him at this point, it felt they were more on a date than an actual trip to the bookstore. Which was kind of silly since she was talking to him just fine before.

"So I take it you're enjoying the festivities?" Antauri finally asked.

Willow looked at him and nodded.

"Y-yeah it's kind of nice." She muttered.

Antauri nodded.

"I personally prefer something a bit more quiet but I do enjoy events like this too." He said.

Willow nodded then thought of something.

"So Antauri, I was thinking of something. What do you think you'll look like if you were a human?" Willow asked, trying to sound casual.

Antauri placed a hand on his chin.

"I have never thought of that to be perfectly honest, nor did I have any interest in it."

Willow's head kind of dipped a bit.

"However I don't see why that wouldn't be an interesting exploration." Antauri pointed out.

Willow glanced up.

"Then what do you think you'd look like?" She asked.

Antauri tilted his head.

"I'm not sure, the possibilities are endless after all."

Willow nodded.

"What do you think?" He asked.

Willow's face turned a bright red.

From behind some bushes, Amanda snickered.

"Well,answer him Willow." She muttered.

Willow continued to blush.

"Erm I'm guessing you with a ponytail or something." She muttered.

Antauri nodded, interested.

"Dark skin...s-steel blue eyes...uniform like Chiro's..." Willow went on.

"Muscled, handsome, and is just as amazing on the outside as you are on the inside." Willow thought, hoping to God that Antauri wasn't listening in.

Antauri nodded.

"That is an interesting look at it. Maybe we should ask everyone else on what they would think. It might be fun." He said.

Willow nodded and smiled.

Amanda and Sprx giggled hard while Chiro was generally confused.

"I don't get it, it does sound like fun." He said.

"Kid, just look at how they act around each other! It's so obvious they like each other!" Sprx snickered.

Chiro looked at him to Willow and Antauri. He chuckled.

They kinda are.
Otto sat down at the table outside while Mandarin awkwardly sat down in front of him, not even using the chair. The restaurant itself wasn't super busy because of the celebration, but the people that are there quickly headed inside and stared fearfully outside.

Otto quickly grabbed the menu and looked through it, his eyes locked on the hamburgers.

"So what do you want?" Otto asked.

Mandarin looked up and looked over.

"Huh? Oh hold on." He said before looking through the menu, using one finger to flip the pages.

Everyone was inside and petrified with fear.

"Alize go out there and take their order!" The manager quietly snapped.

"Wha-why me?!"

"Because Otto of the Hyperforce is out there and someone has to go out there and take his order!"

"But the original Mandarin is out there!"

"Yes but he doesn't look like he's harming anyone and if Otto is there then maybe it's fine." Another person pointed out.

Alize shook before she felt her manager push her out.

"Go!" She said before slamming and locking the door, despite the poor girl banging on the door.

She stopped and looked over to the two, who were quietly conversing.

She slowly walked over to them, her hands shaking.

"Erm h-hello, w-what drinks would you l-like this evening?" She asked, trying to not look like she's terrified.

Otto looked up.

"I want a Star Breath soda please!" He chirped.

The waitress nodded, then she had to face the inevitable as she slowly turned to Mandarin, who looked over the menu. He awkwardly looked up, clearly nervous.

"Water." He simply said.

Otto frowned.

"Wait! You sure? Because we can always put in milk too!"

Mandarin looked at him.

"Otto please that won't be necessary." He said.

"It's fine, you need the calcium!"

"But I don't want to have you pay for so much." Mandarin argued.

Otto reached over and touched his hand.

"Don't worry about it, I got this. Besides we usually get food here for that okay though?" He asked the waitress nervously.

Not wanting to anger Mandarin, Alize quickly nodded.

"Oh sure i-it's fine." She said.

Otto turned to Mandarin and smiled.

"See? So have as much as you need." He chirped.

Mandarin looked at him then looked back down, not really in sheer awkwardness but at his stomach. It's all for his child.

"Then I guess it's fine." He sighed.

Alize scribbled on the pad quickly. She then shakily nodded.

"I-I'll be right back with them." She said before beginning to go back inside.

Otto stood on his chair.

"You don't have to be afraid of him! He's more scared of you than you are of him!" He yelled.

Alize stopped.

"That is untrue!" Mandarin huffed.

"He's may be a big awkward jerk butt at first but he's really sweet!" Otto continued.

"No I am not!"

Otto leaned back.

"And he is a super cutie!" He squealed.

Mandarin's face turned a bright red and he hid himself.

"Veran please!"

Alize turned back and looked at the two. She felt her nerves calming down before nodding and going back inside. She then collapsed to the floor, letting out a huge yell of relief as everyone clapped for her.

Gibson watched all of this from nearby.

"He called Mandarin cute, Gibson." Trent pipes up.

"I know shh!"
Willow looked through the books, her mind racing through the information. She was having a hard time picking a specific book.

Antauri was nearby, reading through the philosophy books.

Chiro, Sprx, and Amanda were in a few aisles away from them.

"This is boring!" Amanda groaned.

"Well what'd you expect? We're in a bookstore." Sprx huffed.

Chiro bit his lip, he didn't like this. He didn't like spying on them like this. As much as he loves a good prank, spying on someone's date isn't settling well with him.

"Maybe we should...spice it up? Maybe get them both to the romance section or...?"

Amanda shrugged.

"Maybe but how are we gonna do that?" She said.

Sprx thought on it.

"Hmm true, what do you think we should do kid? Kid?"

Chiro was talking to Willow, saying how he wanted to pick up a book for Jinmay or some lame excuse.

The two spies fell to the floor in shock.

"What is he doing?!" Amanda whispered.

Willow didn't seem pissed, in fact she seems happy to see him.

"So what book do you need?" She asked.

"She wanted to pick up some sort of drama but she didn't give me the title." Chiro sighed.

Willow laughed.

"Well good luck with that because I don't know how to find one, besides you should get back to the party. Me and Antauri will be back soon." She said.

Chiro nodded, completely outing himself of this whole spying thing.

"Alright you two have fun." He said before leaving.

Amanda and Sprx were speechless.

"He just bailed on us!" Sprx huffed.

Amanda shook her head.

"No matter! We can still get through this! With or without him." She said.

" are we going to spice this up?" She wondered.

Sprx shrugged.

Antauri floated over to Willow, a book in hand.

"Willow I think you would like this. It's over star demons and the history of them." Antauri said.

Willow's eyes lit up as she looked through it.

"It's really interesting! You want to pick these up and get back to the party?" She asked.

Antauri nodded.

"Sounds good to me." He said before the two went to the checkout counter.

Sprx and Amanda looked at each other before following them. They must keep this up!
"How is your pasta?" Otto asked.

Mandarin swallowed.

"It's actually not that terrible." He said.

Otto smiled.

"That's good!"

Mandarin looked ahead and saw the tip of Gibson's helmet and rolled his eyes. Gibson is a terrible spy.

"I think we have some...spies." He whispered to Otto.

Otto got concerned and began to look around but Mandarin shushed him.

"It's Gibson."

Otto frowned, confused.

"Why is Gibson spying on us?" He asked quietly.

Mandarin shrugged.

"Not sure, but let's just let it go for now. I'm sure he doesn't mean any harm." Mandarin chirped before continuing to eat.

Otto blinked but nodded.

"O...okay." He said before continuing to chomp on his burger.

Otto then thought of something. Mandarin looked kinda lonely over there...

Otto smiled and moved his plate and cup over and scooted right next to Mandarin, which made Gibson nearly explode.

"What are you doing?"

"You looked like you needed someone to sit next to!" Otto cooed.

Gibson growled, pissed at the fact that Mandarin was now much closer to Otto now!

"Dude calm down or we'll get seen!" Trent whispered.

Otto snuggled up next to him.

"So after this we can go back to the party and see if we won any raffles." Otto chirped.

Mandarin rolled his eyes.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, those are really hard to win." He sighed.

Otto bopped his nose with his tail.

"You need to be more positive."

"I'm being realistic Otto."

Otto stuck his tongue out and continued to drink his soda. Everyone continued to watch from the inside, their fear dissipating slowly as they keep watching.
Mandarin wasn't harming anyone or doing anything particularly evil...that and Otto was so close to him. So maybe he really has turned good. They also noticed his belly was larger than before...but they really didn't want to say anything to trigger his wrath.

Gibson and Trent kept watching. Gibson was beginning to feel different than before. Mandarin didn't seem to do anything at all to Otto that would piss him fact he seemed to treat Otto really nicely. That and Otto just looked so happy being next to him. Gibson smiled, perhaps for once he was wrong.

Otto hopped up.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." He said before going inside.

Mandarin looked around before looking at the bush where Gibson and Trent were hiding at.

Gibson turned to Trent.

"We should probably go back." He said.

"Why? This is getting good." Trent said looking at him.

"Well they probably want some alone time anyway. That and Chiro would begin to question where we were." Gibson sighed.

"Oh no stay, I'm sure Chiro wouldn't mind."

The two looked up and screamed when they saw Mandarin smirking at them.

"We're sorry!" Trent whined as the two sat at the table.

Mandarin rolled his eyes.

"Please I'm not going to do anything. Do you realize the trouble I would get in if I even laid a finger on you?"

Gibson and Trent looked at each other. That was true...

"Wait how did you find out we were here?" Trent asked.

"I saw Gibson's helmet from here." Mandarin said before sipping his milk.

Gibson groaned, crap of course he would see him! He's ten feet tall!

Mandarin shook his head, smirking.

"I swear when I saw you two it was like..." He held a hand to his mouth as he starting snickering.

"It was like you two were middle school children so invested on who had a crush on who!" He said before laughing.

Trent frowned while Gibson was just confused.

"It's not funny."

"It is to me!" Mandarin snickered before calming down.

Gibson tilted his head a bit.

"So you're not mad?" He asked.

Mandarin picked up his water.

"Not really no, should I?" He asked, and eyebrow raised.

This caused the two to shake their heads quickly.

"No no no no no it's fine!" Gibson wheezed.

Mandarin snickered.

"I only jest. Anyway I don't see why I should be mad, I mean you two were possibly just curious or concerned." Mandarin said before sipping his water.

Trent and Gibson looked at each other. It looks like they're off the hook.

"Otto and I are almost done here anyway. We'll be back over at the celebration soon."

The two nodded and the door opened behind them. Otto stood there for a second before putting a hand on his cheek.

"Wha-?! Gibson and Trent?! What are you doing here?!" He asked, trying to sound surprised.

Mandarin waved a hand.

"Otto they have already been caught." He said.

Otto slumped a bit.

"Oh." He said.

He ran up to the others and the two finished their meal before leaving. Gibson looked down and then at the two. Otto wanted to crawl into Mandarin's shoulder but he was protesting.

He smiled a bit.

"I guess I can trust you with Otto...but don't push it!" He thought.

Meanwhile, Amanda and Sprx panted, they lost Willow and Antauri a while now and they couldn't find the two anywhere.

"You think we should have teamed up with Chiro and left?" Amanda asked.

Sprx sighed.

"I have no idea, I think this spying plan was a complete failure." He said.

"What spying plan?"

They quickly turned to see Antauri and Willow.

Antauri frowned slightly.

"Why were you spying on us?" He asked.

With Antauri they knew they would just get scolded at, but when they looked at Willow she had a red aura around her. The two gulped, they were dead.

"Scatter!" Amanda yelled and the two bolted for the celebration.

Antauri blinked.

"Wait a second!" He called out but Willow was already ahead of him, murder in her eyes.

He closed his eyes and sighed, not again.
Jinmay, Nova, Chiro, and Arwen were all hanging out near the stage, watching people sing as they enjoyed themselves.

Nova then saw Gibson, Trent, Mandarin, and Otto join them.

"Hey where were you guys?" She asked with a smile.

"At dinner." Otto said, hopping off Mandarin's shoulder.

"How was that?" Jinmay asked.

"It was great, I mean these two came later." Mandarin motioned to Gibson and Trent.

Jinmay nodded.

"Well we should find Willow and Antauri, the raffle prize winning will be coming up and I'm sure they'd like to be apart of it." Chiro said.

Everyone agreed and everyone jumped when they heard Amanda yell and hide behind Arwen.

"Mommy save me! Willow's gone crazy again!" She whined.

Arwen sighed.

"Oh no, what'd you do now?" She asked as Sprx hid himself in a trash can.

Willow stomped over, while Antauri tried to console her.

"You two are so dead!" She growled, face red.

When she was about to beat the hell out of Sprx and Amanda she was picked up by Mandarin.


"Calm yourself, you don't need to resort to violence." He sighed.

Everyone froze slightly.
Willow tried really hard to wriggle out of his grasp.

Chiro laughed nervously.

"Come on Mandarin you don't have to do that."

Mandarin frowned.

"Oh and if I did this would you react the same way?" He asked.

"Well no but-"

"They spied on me and Antauri." Willow huffed.

Mandarin looked at her.

"And what they did was wrong too but you cannot hit them over it. Two wrongs don't make a right." He sighed.

Willow glared at him, which normally would send shivers down a person's spine but Mandarin only sighed.

"I'll only let you down if you won't hurt them." He said.

Willow thought it over but sighed.

"Fine, but I don't see you not doing the same thing if you were in my position." She huffed.

Oh honey you have no idea.

Then he placed her down and she glared at Amanda.

"Amanda what do you say?" Arwen asked.

"Sorry for spying on you." Amanda grumbled.

Her mom sighed.

"Well now that excitements over, let's have some more fun!" She said as nearly everyone agreed.

Mandarin sat down as the Hyperforce got onto the stage to announce the winners. Otto went over to him and patted his head.

"You're doing good." He chirped before joining everyone else.

The citizens cheered as the Hyperforce came onto the stage.
However there were quite a few citizens that were iffy on Mandarin being there.

Chiro looked around.

"Everyone! I know it's still a hard time getting use to him being around. But I swear he won't harm anyone."

"Anyone good." Mandarin piped up.

Chiro sighed.

"Anyone good. Even though the clone is at large we will find him and finish this once and for all!" He declared, causing everyone to cheer.

Mandarin continued to watch them.

"Any questions before we get started?" Nova asked.

A few hands went up.

"So uh he's pregnant with a Tabithian right? If that's the case then how did it all happen? What about the parents?" One citizen asked.

Everyone tensed up.

"U-uh that's a bit of a long story..." Chiro muttered.

Gibson looked at Mandarin, wanting him to come up.

"I am not getting up, just make it short and simple." Mandarin told them.

Gibson nodded.

"For now let's just say he's doing a favor for a family that's...gone through a tragedy." Gibson said.

Everyone then started talking quietly as Mandarin gripped the wood of the stage a bit. Arwen looked at him and realized what happened.

"Oh...the parents?" She asked and Mandarin nodded slightly.

Arwen placed her hand on his arm, feeling terrible for him.

The citizens wanted to ask more but felt that it would be best to just keep it quiet for now.

"Anything other questions?" Chiro asked.

No one else seemed to raise their hand after that.

He smiled.

"Then let's get started!"
Soon after the festivities were over and everyone trudged off to bed, with Otto bringing home one of the prizes which was an array of gift cards. Willow yawned and was about to go to her room when she saw Antauri come up to her.

"I hope you had a nice time at the celebration tonight." He said.

Willow nodded.

"Yeah it was fun." She said.

Antauri then pulled out a fantasy book and handed it to her. There were images of castles, dragons, elves and all sorts of other creatures.

"I figured since you love magic so much you would like this." He said, hiding the growing blush on his face.

Willow was speechless as she took the present.

"Thank you.." She said.

She looked through the pages and smiled.

"This looks really cool." She said.

Antauri nodded.

"I'm glad you like it. Goodnight to you." He said going to his room.

Willow stepped forward, holding the book to her chest. She wanted to talk to him more but he was already in his room.

She sighed and looked at the book again. Willow then remembered, this title had a lot of romance in it! She looked at Antauri's room.

What did this mean?
Dates upon dates and crap! Ah, at least they didn't have to think of Skelemandarin for a while. Thanks for reading!

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One night during the Skeleton King war, a baby monkey was dropped off to the foot of the robot...then two more...then another...then another....then...
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Six months after half of life returned, two acquaintances team up to fight a group of radicals who feel life was better during the Blip. A young wom...
1.8K 32 7
Years ago, the monkey team was quested with guarding a powerful relic from the evils of the skeleton king. However, one of the allies betrayed them w...