SoraMafu Stories~ [Part 3]

By lovejjong

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This is the third soramafu oneshots I'm working on haha~ hope you guys will enjoy it as much as the other two... More

Who Are You (Part 1)
Who Are You (Part 2)
Who Are You (Part 3)
Who Are You (Part 4)
Who Are You (Part 5)
Who Are You (Part 6)
Who Are You (Extra)
Little Space
You Are So Beautiful (Part 1)
You Are So Beautiful (Part 2)
You Are So Beautiful (Part 3)
You Are So Beautiful (Part 4)
Tattoos And Flowers (Part 1)
Tattoo And Flowers (Part 2)
Tattoos And Flowers (Part 3)
Tattoos And Flowers (Part 4)
Tattoos And Flowers (Part 5)
Tattoos And Flowers (Part 6)
Tattoos And Flowers (Part 7)
No, You Are Not (Part 1)
No, You Are Not (Part 2)
No, You Are Not (Part 3)
Happy New Year!
No, You Are Not (Part 5)
Don't Touch Me (OneShot)
No, You Are Not (Part 6)
Mafu's Diary (ONESHOT)
Fangs and Bloody Kisses (Part 1)
Come Here (Part 1)
Come Here (Part 2)
Come Here (Part 3)
Some Action
I Hate Him
Day We Became Us
Hearing Voices
Hit Me Harder
Daddy's Rules
Abusive Relationship [Part 1]
Abandoned Classroom
Sinners and Angels (Part 1)
Abusive Relationship (Part 2)
Sinners and Angels (Part 2)
Abusive Relationship (Part 3)
Sinners and Angels (Part 3)
Colours And Tattoos (Part 1)
Colours and Tattoos (Part 2)
Colours and Tattoos (Part 3)
Colours and Tattoos (Part 4)
Talk Me Down

No, You Are Not (Part 4)

509 20 6
By lovejjong

            Soraru browsed through the clothes on the clothes rack, wrinkling his nose when he saw a totally ugly outfit. "Soraru-kun!" Lon called, and the said male turned towards him. "What?" He asked in a lazy tone, and the blonde smiled cheekily. "Look at this!" She brought up an outfit she picked for Soraru to see, and th a raven-haired male gaped at it.
         "Try it on!" Lon pleaded, and Soraru shook his head. "No- it's totally not my style!" He defended, his arms held out in front of him. He does not want to wear that style, since he is more used to oversized shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets, jeans.... and all that. Basically, he is into comfortable clothes.
          This, however, is the exact opposite. Tight leather pants with a loose checkered jacket, and a black shirt inside. "C'mon! Change your style!" Lon said, pouting. Suzumu moved forward to stand next to Soraru, and smiled. "I'm sure it will look good on you, Sorarun. Try it," he urged, and the raven-haired male finally nodded, feeling pressured from both sides.
            He took the clothes and slouched a little as he waited in line. He glared down at the clothes, unable to believe that he is actually going to wear those. "I'm gonna look like an idiot," he mumbled to himself, handing over the clothes to the salesgirl and getting the number tag. He moved towards the fitting room and went in, texting Lon to inform her which room he is in. He tried the shirt on first, and decided that he rather likes it. He wrinkled his nose at the pants, but pulled it on anyway. 

           He heard Lon calling for him, and sighed. "I'm here," he called out, and opened the door, peeking around. He made sure that there is no one before coming out, flushing. "I feel uncomfortable in these," he whispered, but he was partially lying. The fabric was actually really comfortable, and even though this is a complete 180 turn from his usual style of clothing, he likes the way it looks on him. Lon literally had a mini heart attack when she saw him in it. 
         "Oh my goshhhh, Soraru-kun!!" She squealed happily, clapping her hands. "You look absolutely hot in these!!! That's it, you're buying this, no matter what!" She pushed him back into the room, and he changed back, before making his way out again. She grabbed the clothes from him and handed them to the salesgirl for a new set, smirking at Soraru. "You are going to get clothes that look hot on you, to show Sakata how much he had missed when he broke up with you, got it?" She commanded.
          She paid for the clothes, and practically threw it on Soraru, walking towards the next store. The raven-haired male shared a look with Suzumu, who shrugged and walked behind the blonde.

         At the end of the day, Soraru has a bunch of clothes bought against his will, along with a command -disguised as an innocent wish- from Lon to 'better wear it on the first day or else'. He trudged home, throwing the bags on his bed before laying down. He is so very tired, but he felt better than yesterday. He turned towards the box of makeup and sighed out loud.

"Great. How am I supposed to put the stupid eyeliner on myself?"

A/N : my flu and sore throat is getting really bad and I wanna die bc one of my ear isn't functioning correctly and I just wanna cry right now bc this part is literally shit and I don't think anything I so is good anymore.


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