Colours and Tattoos (Part 4)

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       Mafu pulls the hat over his eyes, trying to cover the bright blush that had spread all over his cheeks. Amatsuki walks next to him, swinging their hands together in a cheerful manner. Hashiyan had already graduated, much to his displeasure, he had wanted to stay with Amatsuki in school, however his age does not permit it. Instead, he was stuck in a cafe -not that the cafe wasn't good, it was beyond expectations, actually- while waiting for his college entrance exams' results. And Kashitaro... well, he was probably working his ass off. He is quite a high ranking officer, after all.

        "Hey, look, don't worry about this," Amatsuki whispered in Mafu's ears, making the male flinch. He thought that he wouldn't get caught, but unfortunately, he did.

      "Mafumafu, take off that hat." The said male flinched again, his eyes filling with shame as he did as ordered, his nimble fingers trembling. When he finally takes it off, the teacher screeches, and the students stared at him with wide eyes. The good student all year long actually dyed his hair!
        Mafu stared at Amatsuki with pleading eyes, and the brunette stood up, his hand raised in the air. "Sensei, Mafu's soulmate did this," he said, and the teacher's stern gaze turned pitying. "I'm sorry, Mafu, you still have to go detention. Remember to dye your hair back, okay?" Mafu gave a shameful, curt nod, his gaze cast to the floor.
        After school, he took his bag and left the class, after telling Amatsuki to take notes for him. They have extra class, after all. He walked towards the detention room, pushing the door open with a loud bang. He earned the attention of the teacher inside, whom chastised him about it, but Mafu could care less, he was that pissed. Before sitting down, he stuffed the hat back onto his head.
          After a few minutes, the door slammed open again, this time by a senior. His walk was confident, and he sat down next to Mafu, propping his long legs up the desk. The teacher yelled at him to take those dirty shoes off the table right now, but the male just turned his head towards Mafu and smiled.

      The albino felt his heart stop slightly, his eyes flying wide as he saw the boy's hair colour. "Eh-" he called out towards the other male. The said male turned back to him, an eyebrow raised, but the moment was spoiled by the teacher yanking his hat out.

      The senior's eyes widened as well when his eyes landed on his hair. The same shade of blue, with the same bright blue highlights. His lips lifted in a bright smile, and he shifted a little to push Mafu's hair back. "I like it on you," he said huskily, and Mafu's face lit up in a bright red colour.
       "W-what is your name, senpai?" He whispered, and Soraru smirked lightly. "Soraru," was all he said, his hand going to ruffle his hair. "Don't change that colour, sunshine. It looks good on you." Just then, both of them felt something spark, Mafu feeling something tingling on his arm. He pulled his sleeve up at the same time Soraru place a hand over his neck, both of then feeling something.
        Soraru barked out a laugh when he saw Mafu's arm. "Sunshine, your tattoo, it's pretty." Mafu glanced down at the said tattoo, his eyes brightening when his eyes landed on Soraru's neck tattoo. "It's the same," he whispered, and Soraru nods, leaning in to whisper into Mafu's ear. "I guess so," he said slowly, and laughed lightly.

        When detention ends, they walked out together, hands laced together and Soraru whispering softly in Mafu's ear and the albino giggling softly at the bad jokes the older male made.

       It wasn't much, but they both have each other, and knowing that they are soulmates and connected made them much, much happier than being alone.

A/N : sorry for the bad ending w btw I have a small announcement.

*****I will most probably be deleting my previous soramafu oneshots, yeah. Sorry bout that.


SoraMafu Stories~ [Part 3]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt