Little Space

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In which Mafu is a little, and Soraru is his daddy. (NOT SEXUAL TOTALLY FLUFF K) dedicated to AineKo_1018 early bday present hellooooooo I have suddenly an urge to write this (must have read too much lel) anyway enjoyyyy but lol this isn't even supposed to be a series its supposed to be a oneshot but omg it's cute y'all tell me whether this should become a book or not coz goddamn this is some good material omg if I did write stmg like this it's gonna be all cute and fluffy and please tell me whether I should make this into a book or what

               Mafu sat on the couch, hugging a big teddy bear. His eyes were half-shut and a pacifier was hanging off his mouth. Soraru was out, and no one was home.. so the albino decided to go floating to his fluffy little space. He shook his head to keep the drowsiness away, focusing instead on the cartoons playing on the tv.

            His phone rang and he picked it up, playing with the teddy bear's fur. "Mafu?" "Yup?" His voice has a childlike quality to it, and he heard a sigh. "Amachan wants to play with you. Is that okay?" The albino instantly brightened up, red colour dusting his cheeks. "Of course! Mafu will go get ready nao!" He giggled, and hung up. He took his teddy bear and wore a black hoodie over his oversized pink sweater, making sure he looks big and matured enough to drive.
           However,when he reached the parking lot, Mafu got confused. He bit his lips as he stared at his car. "Mafu isn't supposed to drive.." He mumbled to himself, and decided to call Kashitaro back. He dialled the number and the male answered almost immediately. "What's up?" "Mafu isn't supposed to drive," the albino said, pouting. "Daddy says I'm too little." "Hmm then... Can we come over? Amachan wants to play with you, so can we?" Mafu grinned. "Yes! Of course you can!!" He had completely forgotten the list of rules Soraru made for him.

Rule number 5 : Don't let anyone into the house without daddy's permission.

            The doorbell rang and Mafu squealed, running to the door. He opened it without peeking through the peephole, which is another, big no-no on the list.

Rule number 10 : Don't open the door without seeing who is it first.

            Mafu grinned when he saw his friend, instantly hugging him. "Ohmigosh Mafuu!!!!!" Amachan screamed, and Mafu screamed his name as well. Another breach of rules. Kashitaro shook his head and close the door behind them, asking them to go play in the living room and not hurt themselves while they are playing around.

Rule number 3 : Inside voices when you're in the house.

            He logged into an app and messaged Soraru, knowing that the male will be on his break now.

Kashi ;))) : Hey hey
Sora*** : I'm working.
Kashi ;))) : u r working on songs. You're free now. I have a question.
Sora*** : spill
Kashi ;))) : me and amachan are in ur hse
Sora*** : wtf
Kashi ;))) : i thot u knew or smtg, mafu let me in
Sora*** : he is so getting punished.
Kashi ;))) : he is a little. so it's dangerous af. even my amachan doesn't do that.
Sora*** : ik what to do, thx btw. take care of mafu for me. i gtg
Kashi ;))) : bye

[Sora*** had disconnected]

            Kashitaro sighed slowly, turning off his phone and making his way to the both of them. "Mafu, I have a question." The said albino looked up at him, smiling. "Yes, Kashitaro-san?" He asked sweetly. "Did you follow the rules set by your daddy?" "I follow my daddy's rules!" Amatsuki grinned happily.
          The albino looked thoughtful, and he let out a sad huff. "I don't think so..." Kashitaro shook his head in disapproval. "Don't do that again, okay? If you want to invite us, tell Soraru first, got it?" The albino obviously looked saddened, as his shoulders slumped. "Y-yes.."
          Kashitaro smiled and patted his head, earning him a hesitant smile from the albino. "Good boy."


           When Soraru got home, he was instantly tackled by the albino. "Daddy, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't punish me!!" The raven-haired male let out a long sigh before shaking his head. "Mafu. You broke at least three rules today." "I'm sorry-!" Mafu gasped out, tears building up.
           "How much times have I told you to behave yourself?" Mafu looked ashamed, as he whispered, "Ma-many times, daddy.." "So? What can I do to make you listen?" "I won't do it again!" Soraru shook his head, and clapped his hands. Instantly, the albino crawled over to sit on his lap, tears slipping down his cheeks silently.
            "No going out with Amachan or Un:c or Krad for three days." "But-!" "Are you questioning me, baby boy?" Mafu looked shocked before he shook his head, his arms going automatically around Soraru's body. "Never, daddy," he promised, shaking his head. "Good boy," Soraru smiled as he kissed the albino's head. "C'mon. Let's sleep." The albino snuggled up to Soraru, mumbling sleepily, "I love you, daddy. So, so much." The raven-haired male only lets out a chuckle as he nodded.

"Love you too, baby boy."

A/N : So, so? How is it?!!! Do you think this concept can be a cute book? I have a few ideas if it were to be turned into a book, but please do comment your opinions! I'll work on the actual book now! Bam bam~ And also small reminder, next will be like some damn good angst so be prepared-


SoraMafu Stories~ [Part 3]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant