Who Are You (Part 4)

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         Mafu took in a deep breath. "It is Soraru-san." Kashitaro was confused. How could the raven-haired male do this. "No, not him! I mean.... he is normal... then suddenly he is this violent person who slaps me and punch me and forces me to say that I hate Soraru-san."
            Kashitaro looked thoughtful. "Should you leave him?" Mafu's eyes widened and he shook his head. "No! He...he is my only light. I can't be-break up with him!" Tears started to well up in his eyes. "I know but..." The older male shook his head. "It's dangerous being with a person like that. You'll be in serious danger, Mafu." "I know.. But I can't..."
            "Are you going to try to find out what happened to him?" Kashitaro inquired and Mafu nodded. "I'm going to see Suzumu-san tomorrow." "Look. I'll just follow you, to make sure you are safe, okay?" Mafu nodded. He wanted Soraru's arms around him, but the last time they had touched, the raven-haired male is threatening him.

              "I wanted Soraru-san back," he whimpered, and Kashitaro hugged him. "It's okay... you will be fine.." Mafu couldn't hold in his tears and sobbed.


            The next day, Amatsuki left for his recording -with Soraru- leaving only Kashitaro and Mafu alone. Mafu was worried about Amatsuki being with Soraru, but Kashitaro assured him that it -hopefully- won't happen. "Mafu-kun. Shall we go now?" Mafu gulped and nodded, taking Kashitaro's outstretched hand.

            "Suzumu-san..." The said male smiled up at them, gesturing for them to take the seats in front of him. "Mafu-chan! Where is Sorarun?" Kashitaro answered for the speechless albino, "He isn't free. Since Amachan isn't free too, I came with Mafu-kun." "Ah!" Suzumu grinned warmly at them.
            "So why do you wanna talk to me for?" "It's about Soraru-san." He frowned. "Is Sorarun being an asshole?" Kashitaro shook his head, a little shocked at Suzumu is using such words.

           "He is acting weird..." "How weird?" Suzumu inquired, and Mafu teared up. "He beats me at night..." He rubbed at the bruises on his arms. "What?" Suzumu looks positively pissed off. "Who would hit you?" "He acts very different at night... He doesn't refer to himself as 'me' but uses 'Soraru' instead." "Ah, I had been expecting this.." Suzumu shook his head.
            "I should have told you earlier, Mafu-chan, but Sorarun has multiple personality disorder. Sometimes....He gets like this.. and we don't know what to do," Suzumu laid his hands on the table, looking defeated. "He doesn't know about this." He glanced up again to meet Mafu's crimson red eyes. "You should leave him," he whispered quietly, closing his eyes slowly.
             Mafu's eyes started to water as well. "I can't do that!" He cried out. He came for a solution, not to accept the reality and be forced to break up with the only male he knew he will ever love. "Isn't there another way?" Suzumu shook his head. "You can force him to go to a psychiatrist, but I don't know whether the other him will come out or not."

              ".....Suzumu? Mafu?...Kashitaro?"

A/N : I'm excited for MAMA 2016... So triple updates? Love me or fight me www another update is coming soooooon (maybe like right after this ppl)


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