Come Here (Part 1)

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A/N : contain incest :3

      Soraru stood at the gates of the school, patiently checking his watch. He was supposed to help his father pick his brother up, and it had already been thirsty minutes. He breathed out a sigh, and proceeded to ignore the stares and whispers around him.
        Soon, he saw a familiar albino bounce his way towards him. "Mafu!" He called out, waving, and the albino beamed. "Nii-san!" He shouted back, and Soraru smiles at the younger male.

       He and Mafu are not blood-related. Soraru's father got married to Mafu's mother, making them siblings. However, Soraru can't deny that he have feelings for the younger male. He knows it's forbidden to love his siblings in a slightly sexual but definitely romantic way, but he couldn't help it.
      "Nii-san?" He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a soft, concerned voice, and glanced down Mafu. "Yes?" He asked, bending down to kiss the albino's head. "Aren't we going home?" The albino inquired, and Soraru gave a small nod. "Yeah," he agreed, and tugged Mafu home.

       Once they are back home, Soraru sent Mafu to the bathroom to bath and change his clothes, while the older male cook lunch for the both of them. He spaced out a little, thinking about Mafu and how cute is that male.... until he heard a loud crash and literally whipped his head towards the direction of the sound so fast he almost got whiplash. "MAFU!" He shouted upwards, hearing a soft, muffled grunt. Soraru felt his heart stop. 
    The raven-haired male ran up, and threw the bathroom door open, to see Mafu all tangled up with the curtain from the bathtub. "What are you doing?" he sighed softly, shaking his head at the albino. Mafu pouted cutely, and Soraru realized, with a jolt, that Mafu is still naked. "I wanted to get out, but accidentally tripped." The albino shrugged, and Soraru stumbled back out of the room. "Get dressed," he said, heading back towards the kitchen and finished cooking their lunch.

     Once they finished their lunch, Mafu leaned over and gave Soraru a small peck on the lips, leaving the older male gaping and shocked. "Why do you do that?" he sputtered out, and Mafu blinked innocently. "Amachan says he and Kashitaro-san does it all the time!" He chirped, and Soraru frowned. He will have to tell Kashitaro to teach Amatsuki to not tell Mafu everything. "What did he say?" Soraru inquired, and Mafu beamed. "Amachan says it is something we do if we love each other!" I thought Kashitaro is Amatsuki's brother? Soraru thought, scrunching up his face. "Nii-san, don't do that!" Mafu exclaimed, and Soraru immediately stopped, smiling at Mafu. "Go and do your homework, Mafu," he told the albino, walking to the sink to wash the dishes. "Okay!" He heard Mafu's cheerful voice and smiled.


     Later that night, after he had tucked Mafu away in his bed, Soraru laid in his own bed, a hand scrolling through his feed. He sent Kashitaro a message, and glanced over at Mafu's bed, where the albino is snoring away peacefully.

Sora_0_0 : You kissed AMATSUKI???

KASHINYAA : Yea i love him

Sora_0_0 : you are siblings...

KASHINYAA : you love mafu too there is no wrong in loving someone. anyway, we arent blood related. so i guess its ok. i gtg, amachan is calling  me

      Soraru hissed softly when Kashitaro logged out, but jerked upright when he heard arguing noises downstairs. He walked silently towards Mafu's bed, slipping in, and placing his palms over the albino's ears, all the while keeping both ears tuned to the argument happening downstairs.


A/N : im not back / . \ and im not okay #foreveralone im joining a giveaway so fingers crossed I'll win!


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