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A/N : yay I decided to sit my ass down and write some salty angst shit enjoy ppl this is a beautiful oneshot y'all enjoy okay w

    The first time Soraru had ever seen the albino, he had been lost. It was love at first sight. But he put it away, given up on it because he knew that the love will never be returned. Mafu was his best friend, almost always there with him. But the raven-haired male knew that the albino liked another male.

        His name was Amatsuki. He have the brightest smile, though not as bright as Mafu's in Soraru's opinion, with brown hair and highlights that complimented his looks. However, Soraru also know that Mafu's crush is one-sided- Amatsuki likes Soraru's friend, Kashitaro. Soraru had not wanted to tell Mafu because he doesn't want to be the one that hurt him.

         It has been two years since Soraru had started loving Mafu, and every day, his love just kept growing and growing. He can't stop this overflowing feelings he have for his best friend, and he despised it.

          Soraru have eating disorder. He would eat the food brought to him by Suzumu and Lon.... wait till they go home, and vomit all of it back up. There are times that he would be sit on the floor of his bathroom, a hand curling against his flat stomach, and hurl the remaining contents of his stomach into the toilet until he feels sharp pain in his stomach.
         There are times that he would look at himself, half-naked, in the full body mirror someone bought for him, and think, how ugly am I? How thin am I? He would stare at the figure standing in front of him, and touch his bony arms, tears dripping down his cheeks even before he can get a hold of himself.
          He would wake up, and feel like shit. He would think of Mafu, with his silky white hair, his bloodred eyes that always manage to steal his breath away, and everything will be okay.

For a minute.

       Then everything comes crashing down again, and the fact that Mafu likes Amatsuki made everything worse.


        One day, he was walking with Suzumu, when he saw something that he cannot get out of his mind. Never. Mafu was standing in front of Amatsuki, hands balled into fists, and the brunette was staring at Mafu, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. Suzumu frowned at the unusual sight, but Soraru knew what was happening.

Mafu is confessing to Amatsuki.

       Soraru felt sick to his stomach. He had anticipated this, but not in front of him, not so fast. "Suzumu, you go on first. I'll call you later or something," he told the male, who frowned. "But, lunch-" "-I'll take lunch, okay?" Suzumu stared at him, worried, but sighed and nodded in the end. Soraru walked nearer towards the pair of males, trying his best to keep out of their sights. When he reached the listening distance, he leaned against the pillar and closed his eyes.

        "I like you , Amachan." Those four words had never felt like a death sentence before. Until now. Soraru blinked his eyes to clear the tears blurring his eyesight, and glared at the ground. "I'm sorry, Mafu. I- I like someone else." Kashitaro. He heard Mafu's voice then, thick with tears, as he asked, "C-can we still be friends?" He stammered a little when he asked that question, and Soraru felt his heart break at the sadness he could detect from the albino. "Of course, Mafu. Come here." Soraru can assume that they are hugging, and when he heard footsteps leaving, he slid down, letting tears drip silently down his cheeks.

         "Soraru-san?" The said male flinched and looked up, tears still in his eyes, to see Mafu. The albino's eyes was red from crying, and he was still rubbing his hand against it. Soraru fights the urge to kiss the tears away, wrapping Mafu in an embrace until he stops crying. But, Soraru realized, he was probably too thin to even hug Mafu without hurting him. Just this morning, he felt Suzumu flinch slightly when the male hugged him from behind, because he hugged too tight and came in contact with Soraru's sharp hip bone.

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