Tattoo And Flowers (Part 2)

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         Mafu closed the flower shop early, running out after he locked the shop. Soraru, who was sitting outside as always, frowned. That albino never close his shop early. Did something happen? He thought, fingering the daffodils softly. He wanted go follow that florist, but when he stood up, a girl walked in with a warm smile. Shit, Soraru groaned in annoyance.
         It is a girl that had been in love with Soraru since ages. That raven-haired was not interested in her name- she said it once and he forgot all about it. "Soraru-kun!" She sang and Soraru rolled his eyes. "What?" He snapped and the girl gasped. "Is that a way to treat your favourite customer?" To be honest, Soraru would rather close the shop and follow Mafu instead of being stuck with this girl.
            "You're not my favourite," he stated bluntly. Oh, why can't someone like Lon or Suzumu come in now? Just then, a male walked in with a bright smile. "Sorarun!" He shouted, and Soraru sighed mentally. Speak of the devil. Suzumu is here, and he has got the idea to get the girl off his back.
          Soraru casually slung his arm around Suzumu's shoulder, earning him a confused look from the both of them. "Sorarun?" Suzumu asked, at the same time the girl asked, "Soraru-kun?" "Did I forget to tell you? I'm dating him," the raven-haired male said casually, leaning in to kiss Suzumu's cheek. The said male scrunched up his face, a look that tells Soraru he is in deep shit later.

          "How could you?! I thought we have something special!" The girl shouted furiously and Suzumu smirked. "Girl, stay away from my boy." Ah, so he is playing along. Soraru nodded and rested his head on his friend's shoulder. "Yeah." The girl fumed for a while, before storming out.
          "What's that for, ah seriously, you scared the shit out of me," Suzumu shook his head, hitting Soraru on the shoulder. "Sorry," Soraru replied, before keeping the flowers in a vase, and pouring the water in. "Why are you here?" "Ah, you closing down the shop so fast? That's not like you." There were a few seconds before he noticed the vase of flowers, and he grinned so brightly, Soraru is having problems staring at that male.

           "Ohhhhh~? What are these flowers for?" Suzumu teased. He had known the tattoo artist's crush on the florist opposite his shop for a long time now. "I went to his shop," Soraru said, smiling when he remembered that angelic albino, how innocent he looked. The sheer beauty of that male had stolen his breath away the very first time he had laid his eyes on him. "And?" Suzumu prompted, and the raven-haired male scowled. "He hates me, I just know it. It's either that or that guy is terrified of me. He couldn't stop shaking, and that smile of his is so obviously fake." Suzumu frowned. "But who will ever hate you? You are literally the kindest person on Earth! You feed stray cats!" Soraru sighed. Leave it to his best friend to only notice the good things about his attitude, and never the bad attributes of his.

         "Suzumu. I have tattoos. That is literally the first thing people see about me, and assume I'm some gangster or thug. Secondly, I have a bad temper. Don't even try to tell me I'm wrong- you told me that yourself. Third, I am a lazy ass. I quote that from you, so if you try to contradict me I'll slap your face. I'm serious." He watched as his best friend pout and stick his tongue out at him. "Fine. Is he shocked that you know the flower's name?" He gestured at the flowers, and Soraru blushed. "Geez, Suzumu. Why are you even asking so much? It's just one encounter." "Fine! Whatever. I came for a tattoo. Temporary." 

        Soraru sighed again. "You are a tattoo artist here, go tattoo yourself or some shit." "I can't! It is not for me!" Suzumu whined. "Who is it for?" The tattoo artist inquired lazily, twirling his pen. "My brother." Soraru furrowed his brow. "What does he want." Suzumu shrugged, before answering. "I don't know. Some marks, you know, Luke those swirling types? The one he has now is erased."
          Soraru took one from behind the counter and handed it over to his friend, before extending his opened hand towards him. "What?" Suzumu asked, and Soraru smirked. "Pay me, dumbass." Suzumu scolded and dropped the money on his hand, before twisting away from Soraru. "I have to go now, sorry for not being able to stay longer!" He shouted, and disappeared through the doors. Soraru turned back towards the flower shop, a curse already finding its way to his lips.

There goes my hundredth attempt to follow and talk to that angelic florist.

A/N : Is this series good? Ugh idk anymore btw the other soramafu fic is coming out plz wait for it


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