Tattoos And Flowers (Part 3)

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      Mafu rushed to catch the train back to his hometown after thirty minutes of rather quick packing at his own apartment. He needs to find his mother and get the truth out from her, even if that means showing up at his parents' house in the middle of the day without telling them first. What is the connection between my wing birthmark and his? Is it even a birthmark? Or is it a soulmate mark? The albino frowned. He knew that the tattoo artist is quite handsome, but he usually has this sour look on his face. Mafu gritted his teeth. There is no way the both of them are soulmates. Come on Mafu, it's probably nothing, he thought. Anyway, there is no harm in asking his mother for confirmation. 

     When he reached his hometown, he unlocked his phone, choosing to call his friend first. "Hello, Amatsuki speaking?" "Amachan, it's Mafu." "Mafu? What's wrong?" "I'm not going to open my shop for a few days, so would you mind sticking a note in front of the shop? I forgot to do that..." Mafu trailed off, his face flushing in embarrassment. To be honest, Mafu have always did this. He is lucky he has a friend like Amatsuki to help him. "I'm really sorry!" He pleaded, and the brunette laughed, a chirpy sound. "It's really okay, Mafu. I'll tape it up tomorrow morning, if it's okay?" "Yup, it's fine!" Mafu agreed, a smile blooming on his face. "Thank you, Amachan." "It's okay. Have fun!"

        Mafu hung up, and called his mother. "Hey mum?" "Yes, Mafu?" "I'm home." As soon as those words left Mafu's lips, he fumbled with his house keys, and tried to open the door. "Mum, the door can't be opened?" "We changed the lock, dear. There is a robber last month and so we decided to change the lock I'm sorry we didn't tell you." 
           Mafu bit his lip and waited for the door to open, a bit hurt that his mother did not call him to inform him about this. Soon, the door swung open and his mother stood in the doorway, a smile brightening up her face. "Mafu! Hug me!" The albino complied, wrapping his arms around her. He smelled cookies. "Were you cooking?" He inquired, and his mother beamed. "I thought you can't recognize your favourite cookies! I baked it, just in time for you to come home. Your mother's instincts are so correct!" She chirped happily, and Mafu laughed.
       "So why did you come?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Ah, about that." Mafu got onto a chair, and started to spin around. "I have a question." "Something that you can't ask over the phone? This must be important." "Mhm," Mafu hummed, before folding up his sleeves.
           "Is this a soulmate mark, mum?" He asked, afraid to hear the answer. His mother smiled fondly. "Yes. Why did you ask? Everyone has a soulmate mark." Mafu felt sick to the stomach. He is scared that Soraru is actually his soulmate. "There is only one?" He asked, and his mother frowned. "What do you mean, Mafu?" She inquired, pouring green tea into a cup and setting it in front of Mafu.
         "Like if let's just say... I saw someone with the exact same mark as mine, does that mean he is my boyfriend..I mean- soulmate." She smirked knowingly. "Oh.. have you found the special one~?" She sang, and Mafu blushed. "No, it's a hypothetical question!" "Whatever you say, son. Anyway... I think so, yeah. If it's an exact same print. Because every person have a different mark, except for their soulmates. Like.... me, for instant. I have a butterfly mark on my ankle and... Your father and I are probably the only ones with this exact mark. Do you get it?"
         Mafu nodded, resting his head on his hand. "Mum, where is dad?" She smiled again. "He is at work, dear. He is going to be so happy when he saw you." She hugged him again before heading over the the kitchen and taking out the baked cookies.


A/N : If you know what I meant, I want a kookie to take away ;))

Okay jk updated 12 midnight hv fun reading this lel I literally hv changed this totally innocent and normal story to some soulmates AU so sorry if you guys are looking for a romance thing /·\



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