Tattoos And Flowers (Part 1)

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            Mafu sat in front of his flower shop, smiling at the customer that just entered his shop. It was no one other than Amatsuki, Mafu's best friend. "Mafu-chan!" The brunette called with a happy grin. "Hey, Amachan!'' the albino laughed. They shared a hug, until Amatsvki pulled away and stared at the shop opposite Mafu's. "Um...Mafu-chan... that guy is glaring at me-!" "Who?" The albino turned, glaring at the male said by Amatsuki. There is no way in hell that he would let anyone look at his customers that way! His customers will all run off!
             However, when Mafu saw that male that Amatsuki had indicated, he felt his soul scream in fright. That guy is the owner of the tattoo shop opposite him, and Amatsuki was right, he is glaring at them. The albino began to shake and tremble. Why is he glaring at us? Mafu thought, and bit his lip. If he had remembered correctly, that guy is Soraru, right?
          Anyway, that Soraru, is the owner of the tattoo shop opposite his flower shop, and he had heard that he is a really cold person. Not to mention his tattoos that really freak Mafu out.  "Amachan... why is he glaring at us?" He whispered, and the said male looked offended. "How would I know?" He asked, his voice laced with sarcasm, before his phone beeped.
         He took it out and glanced at it, breaking out in a smile. "Mafu, I have to go. Kashi and Hashiyan are calling me." Mafu pouted. "But I'm really alone." Amatsuki laughed before hugging Mafu again. "I'll call you soon. Get me one of the bouquets, yeah? I'm already here anyway." Mafu nodded and have him the bouquet he thought suited Amatsuki and his two boyfriends. The brunette paid him and walked out with a cheerful goodbye.
            The absence of that male made the whole shop lonely again. Mafu slumped on the stool, before returning to his work just now. There are a lot of flowers waiting to be wrapped, and the albino begun wrapping them in colorful wrappers, matching the colours together so that they can be pretty, colourful bouquets.
         He hummed under his breath, a smile on his face. He heard the bell hung on the door chime and looked up, a greeting already past his lips. "Good morning, what can I get you..." He trailed off, cheerfulness replaced by cold dread when he saw who walked in.
          It was a male, with raven-coloured hair, and startling blue eyes. His lips were pursed together, his eyes narrowed. The tattoos on his arm swirled and stopped at his neck. Mafu was curious, and terrified, as to why this person is here. He is also curious as to what are the tattoos on his body are, but kept that question to himself.
           "H-how can I he-help you?" Mafu stuttered out, his eyes glued to the flowers. He heard a click of the tongue, and shuddered. He can't seem to stop his hands from shaking when he spoke, he noticed in annoyance. "Look up at me when I'm talking, idiot." Irritated, Mafu glared up at the male, his eyes snagging on the tattoo of a wing on his neck.
         "I need a bouquet of flowers. Preferably...with some daffodils in it?" Mafu was so astonished that he knew so much of flowers that he gaped at Soraru for a few minutes. When the raven-haired clicked his tongue, Mafu shook himself mentally and smiled. He is still your customer, Mafu, he reminded himself, and started to search for the correct flowers to match with daffodils.
          When he finished, he handed the bouquet of flowers to Soraru, who paid him. The albino also noticed that the tattoos twirling around Soraru's arm are actually vines. He mentally reminded himself to check what's the meaning of vines. "Thank you," Soraru smiled at him, before turning and pushing open the door.

        Mafu stood in the shop, his face flaming. He placed a hand on his racing heart, thinking, what the hell is that feeling? He felt like he had been running for ages. With trembling hands, he unlocked his phone and checked the meaning of vines.

"Vines are a great way to express connection, evolution and so much more in skin art. These dear plants wing their way through symbolic history. They are so much more than pretty tendrils tattooed around arms or ankles. Their twirl with symbolic meaning. Part of vine tattoo meaning comes from their biological stature."

       "How about wings...?" Mafu frowned to himself and bit his lips, refreshing the website and typing in 'what is the meaning of wings tattoo'.

"Wing tattoo designs often have inspirational or spiritual symbolism for the wearer. In many myths, for examples, wings have to be earned. On the other hand, wings allow birds and insects to fly in nature."

        Wait... Mafu pulled up the sleeve of his shirt, seeing a birthmark of a wing on his bicep. His wing doesn't look like a tattoo... more to marked in his birth.. don't tell me...?!

A/N : This series may be longer than I thought w

Owh btw some rant here, sorry I'm ranting in my chapters I'll stop like around next week or so. So I woke up in the morning feeling okay, listening to the usual hip-hop songs and stuff, then my sibling just told me  'get off me fatso' and I get that I'm insensitive and all that but do they really have to say that? I mean my self-esteem is already in the shit level and they just don't get how this simple fucking sentence actually meant to me. It hurts, and idk what to do about this. I feel like throwing myself under the bus now so damn myself.


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