An Excuse Maybe

By happyfroglegs

2.5K 151 102

After the war, all seems peaceful. Until Antauri gets a telepathic message from a girl imprisoned. Not only t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 12

76 3 7
By happyfroglegs

I'm having fun with this fic and I hope you are too. Now here's more fun!


When everyone rushed to the control panel they saw a hoard of Formless with Skelemandarin leading them. They were right outside the robot.

"How did he-?! All of the Formless at the Vixus lair were destroyed!"Chiro exclaimed.

"He must have made an army while he was in hiding." Antauri said.

Otto gulped.

"That's why he was hiding for so long." He said.

Willow felt cold. He's here, and he's here for her.


A white hot rage burned inside Mandarin. Finally, after all this time he will finally finish him! He snarled at his clones smirk and went up to the control pad.

"Mandarin what are you doing?!" Chiro demanded.

"Finishing him off! What do you think I'm doing?! Going around with MY name, MY identity, and having him claim to be the better Mandarin is revolting!" He growled, his energy tail popping out and pushing random buttons, activating the eye beams.

"Are you out of your cranium you can't put yourself or the baby at risk right now!" Gibson yelled.

"This is the least amount of risk I can take right now, besides hiding, and I will not hide because of a tiny twerp like him!"

The eye beams were fully activated and before the clone could even touch the door. Several beams rained down and began blasting several formless. The clone quickly looked back and began dodging the beams.

"Come on stay still!" Mandarin exclaimed.

Willow looked at him for a second before joining him, activating the missiles.

Mandarin blinked, how did she even learn to do that?! Ah who cares right now!

Skelemandarin kept dodging, his army quickly depleting in numbers.

"That's right take him down!" Sprx cheered, everyone else still a bit nervous and frightened by Mandarin's actions.

The last formless was destroyed by a missile and Skelemandarin was still quickly dodging them.

Both the beams and the missiles finally were on point on him and he wasn't fast enough. They soon collided and exploded, forming a huge cloud of dust and smoke.

"Yes! No more fake ass!" Willow cheered as Amanda hugged her.

Mandarin narrowed his eyes at the screen before he saw a white blur ramming into the robot!

"He's inside!" Antauri exclaimed before a blast was heard behind them.

They all turned and activated their weapons/powers. Skelemandarin popped out of a hole in the floor and glared at them.

"Well...that was certainly rude of you to destroy my army like that, boy!" He growled at Chiro.

"I didn't do it." He said motioning to Mandarin and Willow.

Skelemandarin looked at his original self and froze. If looks could kill, he'd be a pile of dust like Valina was. There he was, and ready to kill him. Mandarin cracked his knuckles and Skelemandarin fought the urge to back up, his breathing labored. His mind screamed at his body to fight him but his legs wouldn't move, they could only shake.

"Wait what's going on?" Nova muttered.

"I think he's scared of him." Sprx whispered.

Skelemandarin gulped.

"N-no matter! I will be taking her and she will be mine once more!" He claimed.

"Yeah in your damn dreams you little freak!" Willow growled, her hands on fire.

Then he noticed his original self's stomach, it was much bigger than before. Why? If memory serves, that body shouldn't gain weight. Skeleton King made sure of that, so what's going on?

Before he could even think more he dodged Nova's attack. He morphed his left hand into a sword and tried to slice at her, before dodging another hit by Sprx. He kicked Sprx from under his feet and hopped over to him, trying to get to Willow.

Before the two can clash, a giant hand smacked Skelemandarin to the wall. Everyone looked at Mandarin, who dusted his hands.

"I told you, raise my hand and that will be it of him." He smirked.

"Mandarin that is still dangerous! Your child-"

"Is fine you hypochondriac." Mandarin sighed.

Willow glanced over at where the clone impacted as he fell to the floor. He got up, wincing slightly.

"I will not be defeated..." He coughed before morphing his hand into a long thick blade.

"By the likes of you!" He shouted, charging at him before Willow's hand met his stomach, making the clone cough harder.

Willow glared at him, so many dark emotions were flowing through her.

"Wow, what happened to that monkey that captured me? You were so strong and scary back then." She said, her voice turning dark.

SkeleMandarin wheezed and felt himself being held by his horns.

"Kinda weak without all your scary powers now aren'tcha?" She growled, still smiling.

A chill went up everyone's spines, Willow was not acting normal.

"" Skelemandarin was thrown to the ground.

Skelemandarin coughed again and then a thought passed through his mind.

What were Gibson and his original self talking about? His child? Wait was it possible that his original self was-? Wait he's not even female-!

Then it clicked. Tabithian! Of course! He was pregnant with a Tabithian! Which means he's basically useless in the line of actual battle! And the child would be most...useful once it's born.

A dark aura pierced Willow as she hovered over him. She sneered.

"Now how about we reunite you with your master?" She said, venom dripping from every word and her eyes glowing a bright red.

He had to escape, he had to rethink his plans! Willow raised a hand, a dark ball of energy forming.

Amanda looked at the others.

"She's starting to loose control! We need to calm her down!" She exclaimed.

Antauri looked over to her.

"But then the clone-!" Sprx began before Antauri rushed over to her.

He hesitated, her aura a pitch black. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held onto her tightly. Everyone froze in shock at his affection. Willow froze as he hugged her, her dark emotions slowly melting away. The amount of shock and powerful dark emotions grew too much for her as she then collapsed, fainted.

"Willow!" Everyone rushed over to her.

Skelemandarin raised himself up, now is his chance! He morphed his hand into a blaster and blasted a hole in the wall. He quickly rushed, limping as he went. He whistled loudly, bringing a large winged beast to him.

"He's getting away!" Jinmay yelled.

Skelemandarin smirked.

"Clearly this isn't the right time for me, I admit. However I will be back for her, Hyperforce." He said.

Before he mounted, he glanced back at his original self.

"Oh and by the way, I will be looking forward to meeting your bastard child."

Mandarin froze, a ping of pain in his heart. Everyone then felt pissed, however a much worse anger was flowing through Mandarin.

"I'm sure it will be just as incompetent as you are. I should make a clone of it too when I have the time." Skelemandarin sneered.

That did it, Mandarin growled and rushed over to him in a blind rage but Skelemandarin was already flying away. Mandarin unleashed missiles from his knuckles but they weren't far enough and only blasted a few feet away.

"We lost him!" Sprx exclaimed.

Antauri placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Sprx, he will be back." He said.

Mandarin kept staring, anger pulsing through him. He then felt a small hand on him and he looked down at Otto. He wrapped his tiny arms around him.

"We'll get him for you. You need to calm down for a while." He said, trying to soothe his best friends anger.

Mandarin blinked before sighing, he has a point. For right now he needs to settle down.

"Let's take her to the med bay." Gibson said as Jinmay picked Willow up. Mandarin felt another arm pulling on him.

"Come on." Chiro said.

"Wait I'm fine!" Mandarin defended.

"You still need to be checked on!" He huffed.

Mandarin groaned and pulled back.

"Then give me a minute!" He said turning on his communicator.

He waited.

"Come on Tilamat.." He huffed.

"Hello?" Tilamat's voice asked.

"Hey it's me can you check on the child?" Mandarin asked.

"Uh sure." Tiamat said, sounding a tad bit concerned.

After a minute of silence he said, "Yeah it's fine, a bit stressed but nothing to get worried about. Why? What happened?"

Mandarin sighed, shooing Chiro and Otto away.


Tilamat sighed.

"I hate it when people do that, fine. Let me guess, the little crap showed up?" Tilamat asked.

Mandarin nodded.

"Yes and he tried to go after Willow but uh she and I quickly showed him what he was up against." He smirked.

"Mandarin you know you're not supposed to be fighting right now-"

"Please I only used the robot's eye beams and I smacked him to the wall. He was too afraid to even fight me." Mandarin snickered.

Tilamat sighed.

"Well it still sounds pretty dangerous I can request a few sentries to come over and keep guard just in case he won't try to hurt you." He said.

Mandarin nodded, sounded good to him.

"Also I got a question that I was going to call you about...have you been eating anything sugary lately?" Tilamat asked.

Mandarin blinked.

"No why?"

Tilamat was silent.

"Mandarin, the baby is going to need sugar! You should be having at least some sweets for it."

"Wait I thought sweets were unhealthy for a infant." Mandarin pipped.

"Yes for normal babies, but Tabithian babies need glucose to help their immune systems. I thought I sent that book to you that explains that." Tilamat said.

Mandarin blinked.

"What book? I didn't find any books that you sent me." He said.

Tilamat was quiet again before groaning.

"It got lost didn't it?"

"Shiiit! I thought-! Whatever I'll fix that, please put some sweets into your palate." Tilamat ordered.

Mandarin blinked.

"Tilamat I can't. I throw up at just the scent of them." He said flatly.

Tilamat then sounded confused.

"W-wait your stomach is sensitive to them? Why didn't you tell me this before I got supplements for that!" Tilamat laughed.

Mandarin's eyes widened.

"You do?"

"Sure! A lot of our patients have sensitive stomachs to sweets and we give them supplements to have them consume and digest them." Tilamat explained.

Mandarin raised an eyebrow.

"Well then...I guess I can have those. I mean for the child of course." He said.

"Good, I'll send a prescription and have the other doctors bring a few bottles for you. You should take them at least once a day." Tilamat chirped.

"That is if you don't loose them."

"Hey don't blame me for the book! It's the dumb packaging agency!"

Mandarin snickered.

"Sure it is."

Tilamat sighed.

"Listen I got to go, but I'll call you later tonight to talk about everything else. You sound kinda happier." Tilamat pointed out.

Mandarin frowned.

"I do?"

"Yeah, I guess those old friends are improving your mood a bit huh?"

Mandarin looked back at everyone else, who was waiting outside the med bay.

"Hush." He grumbled.

Tilamat laughed.

"See you." He said before hanging up.

Mandarin sighed and went over to everyone else.

Everyone improving his mood, psh! As if!


Gibson looked over the data while Willow slept on the medical table. So many things were going through his head while he read it. Antauri walked in.

"How is she?" He asked.

Gibson looked up at him.

"Oh! Well she's fine now, she just needs some rest." Gibson explained, however he

Antauri blinked.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

Gibson hesitated before he spoke.

"W-well I was looking over Willow's vitals and I came across some...interesting information to say the least." He said pulling up Willow's blood information.

The others soon sneaked their way in, wanting to see how Willow was doing.

"You see there's Willow's normal human Dna," Gibson motioned to one strand of dna.

"however I found three smaller strands of Dna in her blood." He breathed.

Antauri frowned a bit.

"What do you mean?" He asked, while everyone else, minus Amanda and Trent, was confused.

Gibson tapped a few buttons and the three strands of Dna came up on the screen.

"She's not just a human. She is half dragon, half wolf, and half demon." He breathed out, causing nearly everyone to gasp.

Another oddity that sent Mandarin's head spinning. How in all that's holy is that even possible!? She can't be four things at once! Was this another thing he had to add to the list of suspicions?!

Amanda looked around.

"Yeah? So? Me and Trent knew this for a while now." She said.

Everyone looked at her.

"What do you mean?" Otto asked.

Trent sat down in a chair.

"Well...I guess it has something to do with her mom and her ancestry but she never really talks about it with me." He said.

"Or me, we just found out about this before she was taken by the other Mandarin." Amanda pointed out.

"And her mom was about to fully talk to her about it too, saying something about knowing your full origins or something." Trent muttered.

Chiro blinked.

"Okay what do you know?" He asked.

"Something about dream givers and magic and whatever I don't know!" Trent huffed, raising his arms in the air.

Amanda looked down.

"Mom was going to talk to me about it too, saying that I'm also like Willow but she didn't get to say how yet." She muttered.

Gibson stepped forward.

"Should we take some blood samples to see what sort of hybrid you are?" He asked.

Amanda shivered and rubbed her arms.

"Uh uh! I hate needles and there's no way anyone is taking my blood!" She shuttered.

Gibson nodded.

"Then a saliva sample would suffice?"

Amanda blinked but sighed.

"Fine, but maybe later. I already got too much on my mind anyway." She said.

Jinmay sat down next to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You know, I'm surprised that Skelemandarin figured out you were pregnant." Nova said, looking up at Mandarin.

"Well he is like me, he is smart enough to put two and two together in a situation like this." Mandarin sighed.

"Which means he'll possibly be a danger to you and the baby." Chiro pointed out.

Before Mandarin could make a rebuttal, Chiro stated, "And no you will not fight him. Smacking him to the wall and having him be near you alone is dangerous enough. You really don't need this kind of stress right now."

Mandarin sighed, loudly.

"Fine, I can suffice. Since I am your prisoner."

"Again you're not our prisoner." Chiro pointed out.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Guys please we shouldn't be arguing right now. Willow needs her rest." Amanda huffed.

Antauri looked back at everyone else.

"She's right. Right now we need to fix the wall and floor and find where Mandarin 2 is hiding. He could come back anytime." He said. Nearly everyone nodded and left.

Mandarin however stayed behind for a minute, looking at the blood samples that were on the desk. He looked around before quickly placing them in his torso armor, that had a quite large storage space. He looked around again before rushing out. It was time he got to the bottom of this Willow debacle.

He thought he heard something behind him but when he turned, Willow was still fast asleep. He blinked and left, the door closing.


Later that night, Willow was still asleep. Gibson said she'll be out for the rest of the night but will be fine in the morning. Mandarin was curled up in bed, grumbling slightly.

He wanted to go out and find him and finish him! However, Chiro was right. He can't risk putting his child in danger, no matter how angry he gets. Still thinking of what his clone said to him was so disgusting! Calling it a bastard child and wanting to clone it? Not even himself when he was evil would have said something so awful!

However it wasn't worth getting angry over, all he needed to do right now is relax and try to go to sleep. He closed his eyes and began to sleep when the door opened. When he opened them, he was surprised to see Otto quietly walking to him.

"Hey." He said softly.

Mandarin blinked and sat up a bit.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

He could swear he saw a faint blush on Otto's face.

"Uhhh I couldn't sleep well so can I..." He gulped before continuing

"Can I sleep here for tonight?" He asked.

Mandarin blinked again.

"Uh sure I don't see why not." He muttered.

As soon as he said this, Otto quickly hopped onto the bed and snuggled under the covers. He snuggled up awfully close to Mandarin, causing the orange monkeys face to feel very warm.

It was a bit before Otto spoke again.

"So are you feeling better?" He asked.

Mandarin sighed.

"I suppose, I still want to find that fake and bash his head in." He growled.

Otto nodded and rested his head on his arms.

"I bet, but like Chiro says you can't fight him right now. You'll get to one day don't worry." Otto chirped.

Mandarin nodded slightly.

Otto snuggled closer.

"So you thought of any names yet?" He asked.

Mandarin looked over another book he forgot to go through. There was a piece of paper on the top of the lid.

"The deceased parents had a list of names they liked and whatever I like I'll pick." Mandarin explained.

Otto frowned.

"But shouldn't you make up and choose the name? Not pick one from a list?" He questioned.

Mandarin raised an eyebrow and his head tilted slightly.

"Otto have you forgotten how terrible I am at naming things? I called the Torso Tank just, 'Tank'. Just ,'Tank'." He said, making Otto giggle.

"Alright true. So is there anything you like?" He asked.

Mandarin looked over the box again.

"Would you believe me that there's a name on the list that is literally, 'Tank'?"

Otto's mouth opened and he started giggling again.

"Seriously?!" He giggled, trying to be quiet.

"I am not joking with you!" Mandarin said, trying to contain his snickers.

Otto settled down a bit.

"The male names are all weird anyway. 'Niro' is the only one I actually like." He huffed.

"That sounds like Chiro!" Otto chirped.

Mandarin was silent.

"I change my mind."

Otto snickered.

"What about girl names?" He asked.

Mandarin thought about it.

"The number one name they had on their list was, 'Lazuli'. I like that one." He muttered.

Otto nodded.

"I like that one too, It's pretty." He breathed.

Mandarin nodded, It did sound really nice.

"I won't know the gender until next month, so we have plenty of time to decide." Mandarin sighed.

Otto nodded and was silent for a minute.

"There's gonna be a party in the park celebrating the day we won the war." He began.

"Sounds like everyone will have fun." Mandarin chirped.

"Wait. I was thinking of talking the team...into bringing you with us." He announced.

Mandarin was silent.

"You mean...I get to go back outside?"

Otto nodded.

"And go to an annoying party with annoying people and have loud music blare in my ears?" Mandarin asked, fake joy in his voice.

Otto snickered, he was making it really hard not to wake up Trent.


"Wooooow I get to go outside! Is my prisoner status finally dropping?! Can that be possible?" He continued until Otto snickered into his pillow.

"But seriously, I want you to go. You've been cooped up in here for so long you need fresh air." Otto sighed.

Mandarin couldn't help but smile, finally someone understands his annoyance other than Willow or her annoying perky sister.

"I guess that would be fine, I mean as long as you are there." Mandarin said before blushing

Where did that come from?! Otto blushed too but snickered.

"Oh don't worry I'll be there. Just in case you get super annoyed and want to scream at people. But I'm gonna have to try super hard in order to convince everyone." Otto said.

Mandarin nodded slightly.

Otto snuggled under the covers a bit more, another thought popping into his mind.

"So uh this is gonna sound kinda weird but are you...perfectly okay with being like this? This whole buff hugeness thing." He said.

Mandarin thought but shrugged, shaking his head slightly.

"I'm fine with it. Why?" He asked.

Otto then grew nervous, not knowing how his mood swings will go.

"Erm I mean if you don't like it we can always try to find a way to get you back to normal- I mean not looking like us or anything I mean you can do whatever you want with your appearance that's totally fine I mean I just don't want you to be unhappy and such you know? Not that I'm assuming you are! Also I'm not saying your appearance now isn't normal or bad by any means I mean I don't think so and I'm screwing up I'm sorry." Otto babbled, feeling himself digging a deep metaphorical hole.

Mandarin snickered.

"Otto please. I'm fine with it, besides my old body was growing weak." He said.

Otto frowned.


"Haven't you noticed I barely used my legs? If at all?" Mandarin inquired.

Otto thought about it but let Mandarin explain.

"I was in prison for so long that my body was beginning to give out. So in a way this body saved me, despite it's...very large problems." Mandarin explained, muttering the last part.

Otto nodded.

"And besides, this body can be very useful. I would especially like to use this in case that fake comes back around. That way I have the upper hand." Mandarin smirked.

Otto sniggered.

"You cheater."

"Battle is not fair Otto." Mandarin piped, making him snigger more.

Otto settled down and rested his head against his chest, unknowingly of course.

"So other than that is there anything else?" Mandarin asked.

"Mm I dunno. I mean I don't mind talking I just might have a hard time coming up with anything." Otto murmured.

Mandarin rested back down.

"Then let's just sleep for now, that is what you came for right?"

Otto nodded and yawned.

"True, well g'night."

"Goodnight, and rest on the pillows so I won't crush you."


Mandarin closed his eyes but felt Otto move downwards.

"Night baby Lazuli...or Lazlo." Otto chirped, patting Mandarin's stomach.


Otto crawled back up to the pillows.

"Ask before you do that!"

"Wait don't I get special permission to touch your stomach?" Otto pointed out, smirking.

"Well...yes but still! And there's no way am I naming my child Lazlo!"

"Aw come on it's cute!"

"No, no it's not." Mandarin huffed.

Otto snickered and snuggled under the covers.


"Good night." Mandarin sighed.

Meanwhile in the other room, a very confused and slightly disturbed Trent heard the whole thing.

"What the hell was that?!" He thought.


So more  Manotto stuff! My favorite otp!! Anyway, thanks for reading!

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