Freak Me Out

By Cheshiresmiless

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Growing up as Liam Payne's little sister wasn't as cracked up as everyone thought. Ask Illianna Payne. Everyo... More

Chapter 1: Normal Routine.
Chapter 2: Fake It.
Chapter 3: Who Cares.
Chapter 4: Adorkableness.
Chapter 5: Who Would've Known?
Chapter 6: The Unexpected.
Chapter 7: My 'Demons'
Chapter 8: My Angel
Chapter 9: Not Just An Angel, But My Guardian Angel
Chapter 10: Roadtrip
Chapter 11: Warming Up
Chapter 12: Hotel Rooms and Identities
Chapter 13: Long Drives, Greasy Foods, & Plane Rides
Chapter 14: Home? More Like A Prison
Chapter 15: The Surprise Visitor
Chapter 17: Frustrations and the Truth
Chapter 18: More of the Truth
Chapter 19: Over Thinking and Long Walks
Chapter 20: The Pier and Tea
Chapter 21: Down Under, Where It's Wetter
Chapter 22: Waking Up in a Hospital Bed.
Chapter 23: Bed Rest and Chick Flicks
Chapter 24: Unexpected Love for Burgers

Chapter 16: Overwhelmed

49 3 0
By Cheshiresmiless

Sunlight was streaming through my half open curtains right into my face. I squinted. Groaning, I rolled over onto my other side, facing the wall. I didn't want to be up yet. I didn't know what time it was, but it was too early for my body. That much I could tell. I gave an unexpected shiver and pulled the blanket up higher. I started to doze off again. When I heard my door creak open. My eyes snapped open. Creak? My door doesn't creak. It's quiet. I was bewildered. I never before could hear my door open. Now, all of a sudden, I could? I didn't get it.
"Illianna...?" Liam.
I sighed. Of course. I just got back from being kidnapped for three whole weeks. It was natural for him to want to check up on me. Especially if we're all each other has left.
"Y-yes." I croaked.
I instantly rolled over onto my back. My voice was almost as rusty as when I first got saved. Weird. I dismissed it as I waited for him to answer. I looked over to see him visibly relax and sigh. He stepped out of the doorway to call down the hall. Very loudly might I add.
"Guys! She's awake finally!"
I flinched. He didn't need to be that loud. Jeez. I covered my ears.
"Ahhh! You don't need to be that loud Liam!"
He looked back at me, puzzled. I just shook my head and slowly sat up. I felt stiff and ached all over. It took quite a bit out of me just to sit up. When I was situated in a comfortable position, all the boys, including Sam, Dean and Cas were in my room. I looked up at them, my eyebrows furrowed. Why are they all so eager to see me? They saw me the night before. I opened my mouth to say something, but Cas shook his head at me and stepped closer to me. 
"Don't talk too much," He sat on the edge of my bed. "I don't want you wasting any energy that you don't need to."
I just nodded. And he lightly touched my temple. I flinched. I didn't realize I was in pain until then. My eyes grew wide and I had to blink away tears. Every single one of my muscles burned and ached, my head was pounding, I felt so stiff, I might as well have been a starched pair of pants. Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming amount of various emotions, and for a second, I thought I heard voices. My eyes grew wide and my mouth fell open. Then, Castiel's voice broke through everything.
I blinked, then looked up at him. "Y-yes?"
"Do you know how long you were out?" There was something about the look he gave me...
"Just the night." My eyebrows furrowed. 
"What was the last thing you remember?" He was speaking calmly and slowly.
"I... I said goodnight to everyone. And came up here to my room. I...." I trailed off. I don't remember getting into bed.
"You what?" 
"I don't remember getting into my bed." I said.
He had this weird look written all over his face while he studied mine. I started to feel the rise of panic. What had happened? Why couldn't I remember getting into bed? I was taking deep breaths, trying not to let the panic rise. 
"You fainted. I came up here, and you were lying on the ground. You had an extreme fever..."
He studied my face for a reaction. I was still breathing deeply. Trying to make sense of things. He sounded like there was more.
"Okay... Does anyone know why?"
"I believe you went into shock and your body couldn't handle it."
"Why do I feel like there's something you're not telling me?"
"Castiel, please." I begged him to tell me. I could handle it.
"You were out... For three days." 
I froze and just stared at him. What? I opened and closed my mouth slowly. That can't be right. I started to shake my head.
"No..." I whispered and closed my eyes. "Not again."
"I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do... But at the moment, my hands are tied. I promise I'll look for something to keep you from blacking out again. In the meantime, you're officially on bed rest. Okay?" 
His eyes searched mine. I was confused for a moment... Then, it hit me. Oh. He was going to help me. He just couldn't right now, not in front of my brother and the other four, without exposing himself. It made sense. I took a deep breath and slowly nodded. He seemed to relax visibly and turned to the others. 
"I believe we should let her rest more. And probably feed her... She looks malnourished." He frowned.
I looked down. If only he knew it was because I did it to myself willingly. I heard the guys scattering, talking about going to go get food, water, extra blankets and whatever else they believed would help. After the five of them left, Dean and Sam instantly shut the door and  pulled up chairs from my desk to sit closer to my bed and Cas. I scrunched up my eyebrows. What were they planning on doing? The three of them shared a long look.
"Guys... What's going on...?" I looked between them.
"Cas is going to make you feel better... And try to explain what really made you pass out."
He sat next to me on my bed again, and slightly leaned closer. I sat still, watching him. He put two of is fingers to my forehead. Just like he did last time. Instantly I felt my body and head relax completely. I sighed and slid down in my bed slightly. I looked up at Cas.
"Thank you... I needed that." I slightly smiled.
"Of course." He smiled back. "Now, I should explain. Why this happened..."
He trailed off when my room door banged open, and in came my brother along with Niall.
"Harry and Louis are making us all lunch, and Zayn went out to go buy an electric heated blanket among other things. But here, drink some water. "
Liam handed me a glass of ice water and hovered over me as I slowly drank it. I knew I had to hide the fact I was better. I was hoping they would leave so I could get the much needed explanation from Castiel. I didn't understand any of it, but I knew it was something important. I tried not to think about it too much. Because then I would start freaking out. Liam and Niall had sat on the floor, talking to Sam and Dean. Cas was just sitting and listening. I was slowly breathing through my nose. I was feeling overwhelmed. And I didn't know what to do.

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