The City (Merome AU)

Von Mickey-Kenzie

27.8K 1K 2.2K

Mitch, more commonly known as Benja, has been wandering the wastelands all of his life. He prefers to work al... Mehr



592 22 69
Von Mickey-Kenzie


"Remember to keep your eyes on your target." I walk over and physically move Jerome's head to look at the makeshift target I made for him to practice with. "And not on me." I took him just outside the city limits to practice shooting a gun. He's not too far into the wasteland to be in any immediate danger, but not too close to the city where we can be fined for anything "wrong."

"But what if you're my target?" He casts a wink at me. I shake my head at his "joke" before shooting an arrow at the target; the arrow hitting directly in the center of it.

"Try aiming for where my arrow is."

"But what if I break it?"

"I have hundreds more. One broken arrow won't hurt me." He looked hesitant before raising the gun and focusing on the target. It is scary how fast he's learning... it's almost as if he was taught this before. No, he couldn't have learned this before. He's city born, right?

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Jerome's gun going off. I watch in amazement as the arrow I just shot is completely destroyed by his bullet. "Did I do it right?" Jerome asks, his eyes squeezed shut. How did he...

"Look for yourself." I try to keep myself from freaking out. How in the world did he do that with his first shot? I didn't even hit the target my first time shooting an arrow! Am I really bad?

"Holy," He looks at the target in awe before looking at the gun in his hands.

"You're a natural," I say with a smile. "It's almost like you've been taught this before."

"Well... kind of." He lowers the gun and looks at me. "Before my father disappeared, he used to teach me how to hold a gun, how to aim, but I've never actually fired one." That explains something. But how did his father know how to shoot a gun?

"If you don't mind me asking, where did your father learn to shoot?" Jerome shrugs and runs a hand through his hair.

"I dunno. He never really talked about that sort of stuff. The only time he really did was briefly when my mom called him 'Wolf,' or something like that. It's been a long time since I've seen him so my memory is a bit fuzzy." Interesting.

"Alright. I think we should stop for today. It's clear that your pretty much an expert at hitting things that aren't moving." I still don't understand how he hit that on his first try.

"Do I hear jealousy in your voice?" He teases, wrapping his arms around me.

"No. I'm not jealous. I'd be jealous if you could do this on your first attempt though." I turn around quickly and shoot an arrow to redirect a knife that was thrown at Jerome's head. Nobody messes with my city-brat...

"You haven't aged a day, Sniper! How is that possible? It's been thirty years!" A man's voice calls from the more open wasteland area. Why does everyone think I'm my father?

"I'm not Sniper," I growl, motioning for Jerome to stand behind me. "He died thirteen years ago."

"Oh? That's too bad. We were good friends." The man steps into view and raises an eyebrow at me. "Was it the coyotes? He always at a knack for getting those critters riled up."

"No. His camp was ambushed in the middle of the night."

"I see. Well, I wish you luck on your travels, Sniper Jr. and companion." Sniper Jr; not the first time I've heard that one. With that, the man turns around and takes his leave. Once he was out of sight, Jerome goes over to pick up the knife.

"He left his-"

"It's yours now." I say with a small smile as I pull my arrow out of the ground.

"Oh, ok."


I smile to myself as I walk away from the two. Little Benja has grown. Last I remember he was just learning to walk. Time flies I guess. My mind goes to the man that was with Benja as I walk father away. The other one looked familiar, but I can't figure out why. Knowing how Sniper works, he's probably one of our ally's kids. It's a shame Benja doesn't know what actually happened to his father. If only he knew... I sigh and shake my head before looking over my shoulder. There is no doubt in my mind that he's going to find out very soon.


As I finish up my paperwork, a small man storms into the room without bothering to knock on the door. Wasteland born. "What do you want, Star?" I look up from the papers to see Star sit down across from me, his face emotionless as ever.

"I just came to tell you that every contract I make has no deadline. I need to wait until the right moment to complete it. Otherwise it'll be a death sentence for the both of us."

"What do you mean by 'the both of us?'"

"It's part of the deal. The same goes for all the other members of the pack. If we get caught in the middle of a contract, we will immediately tell them who gave the contract, what they look like, and where to find them. And in the city, that means death for the both of us. Do I make myself clear?"

"It looks like you know what you're doing. Fine, I accept that. But only on one condition."

"Which is?"

"Who are the members of your 'pack?'"


So this chapter is done.

I wish you all happy holidays! Stay safe, and don't eat too many sweets. Those are Jerome's.


Much luv,


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