An Excuse Maybe

By happyfroglegs

2.5K 151 102

After the war, all seems peaceful. Until Antauri gets a telepathic message from a girl imprisoned. Not only t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 8

81 5 2
By happyfroglegs

Yeah this story is gonna be super long, I'm giving you a heads up right now. Also you know one of the fun things of writing a forced sue fic? Putting in songs that you like! So it gives me an excuse to put in my idol trash music so fun times for everyone Don't worry the lyrics will be in English.

Beyond the Stars belongs to AKB48 and Snowing In Venice (Even though I just mention the title) belongs to Elizaveta and I don't own the lyrics and suchs


The robot dropped by the park later that night.

"This way you two can still watch Antauri floor everyone." Sprx said, patting Antauri's arm.

Antauri blushed a bit.

"I am not that good Sprx."

"You are and you know it!" Sprx laughed.

Willow blinked.

"Antauri you can sing?" She asked.

Antauri blushed harder.

"Well I mean..."

"He looks so cute when he blushes...wait what the hell am I even saying?!" Willow thought before blushing as well.

"Are you kidding he's awesome! Mandarin on the other hand..." Sprx said before grimacing.

Mandarin looked up from reading and glared.

"Hey I'm not even involved in this conversation so don't bring me into this." Mandarin huffed.

Sprx shrugged.

"I'm just saying."

Nova stretched.

"Well come on we gotta go before it starts." She said and nearly everyone filed out of the robot, Willow's anxiety rising.

"Have fun." Gibson said to them.

Mandarin felt Otto softly touch his arm before he left.

Mandarin blinked before getting up and going back downstairs.

"I'm going to be in my room for a while." He huffed.

"Alright, Gibson said as he turned on the screen to watch the karaoke event.

He then looked back at where Mandarin left.


"That was Leeanna singing 'Sparkling Diamonds'!" The announcer cheered as everyone clapped.

Willow looked to the Hyperforce, Nova and Sprx went before and Otto just sang before the last contestant.

Antauri on the other hand hasn't gone yet, neither has Willow.

"Who's next?!" The announcer called out.

Willow bit her lip, praying that no one asks her. She refuses to sing, she refuses.

"How about you young lady?"

The spotlight then shone on her and Willow froze. God damn it!

"Willow! Go on up!" Jinmay said.

"B-but!" Willow stuttered before sighing.

There was no way out of it, she got up and made her way towards the stage. She gulped as she made her song choice, anxiety filling her every being. She picked a song that her mother used to sing all the time when she was little, and she loved it dearly.

"What's your name miss?" The announcer asked.


"This is Willow singing, 'Across the stars' by super popular Terran band Akb48!"

Willow stepped up to the microphone and exhaled. She then began.

"Somewhere inside your heart
Lies a single star..."
Everyone was immediately floored by her voice. She sounds amazing!

"That's where the person who you're destined to be with
Lives, that's what I was taught..."
She sung, feeling a bit less nervous.

She remembered the times her mom would sing this song to her, whenever she would get scared or came home crying from bullies. The more that Willow began to sing, the more confident she became.

"When I feel sad, I
Turn my telescope
Towards the sky
And search for the love
That I haven't yet laid eyes on..."

Back at the robot Gibson was just as floored as the audience was. All he could do really was watch, not moving an inch. Mandarin however was working on the nursery and could only hear the singing from above. It's not that he didn't like it, he just wasn't as floored as anyone else.

"If that far-off someone
Notices me here,
It'll cross through time..."

Mandarin placed another nail in the crib.

"Hmm so that's one of her many talents..." He muttered.

Willow's fear soon depleted and her eyes then trailed to Antauri, who was in awe.

"I'll be here, you can depend on it
Even if I lower my gaze,
It's not that I'm rejecting you
I'm just awkward, that's all. Even if you've forgotten about me
Surely when coincidences
And chance pile up,
I'm bound to be able to meet you."

Then whatever was kept dormant in Willow swelled through her as her confidence showed fully and her voice soared.

"No matter how long it takes, I'll be here
Even if I'm growing anxious,
It's not that I'm losing hope,
I'm dreaming a dream, that's all..."

Memories of what happened to her from when she was a kid to now flashed in her mind, and that was all she kept her mind on. However Antauri's image then shone in her mind.

"No matter how long it takes, I'll have faith
Even if I'm all on my own,
I'll be reborn into a completely different person
Than who I was yesterday..."
Willow continued.

"I never expected her to be this good!" Jinmay whispered.

"Yeah..." Nova sighed.

"Antauri you have some severe competition." Otto whispered to Antauri.

Antauri didn't say anything, all his attention was on Willow.

"I'll be here, you can depend on it
Even if I lower my gaze,
It's not that I'm rejecting you
I'm just awkward, that's all..."

Willow was now full into this now, wondering why she was ever so scared to begin with. Her focus wasn't on the memories she had anymore, but now was full on Antauri and his focus was on her.

"Have no doubt, I'm waiting for you
Even if you've forgotten about me
Surely when coincidences
And chance pile up,
I'm bound to be able to meet you..."

"Willow.." Antauri breathed.

"I'm bound to meet you."

They both knew at that moment. They were falling in love.

The song ended and she was met with a thunderous applause and cheers. Willo gave a quick bow and rushed back to her seat and placed her hands in her face.

"You all are so dead." She whined, bluffing.

Nova lightly punched her arm.

"Come on! You were amazing!" She said.

"Yeah I didn't know you had a set of pipes!" Chiro complimented.

Willow held back a smile, that was kinda fun.

Antauri tried to hold back a blush but for some reason his face flushed. Why did he feel this way towards her, and a human none the less?

"Alrighty! Who's next?"

Antauri felt Otto pushing him.

"Go on!" Sprx snickered.

Antauri sighed and got up.

"I guess I will." He said, going over to the stage.

Antauri then started singing a song called, "Snow in Venice."

"Jeez he is good!" Chiro commented, laying back.

"Told ya." Sprx smirked.

Willow stared, listening. His voice, it was like listening to dark chocolate and silk. She was almost hypnotized by his voice. She didn't even notice Jinmay shake her shoulder.

"Willow? Willow? He's done." Jinmay said as Antauri sat back down.

Willow blinked before looking at her.

"Oh...right." She said, her cheeks a light pink.


Mandarin grumbled as he looked over the instructions and then at the crib before messing with it again. He's been at this for hours now and he's finally almost finished with it.

"Almost there, I just need put a nail in the wall and it should be good to hang it up." Mandarin sighed.

"Busy I take it?"

Mandarin nearly messed up the whole crib before turning to Gibson.

Gibson walked in, looking around the room.

"What are you-?"

"Usually the parents would create a nursery back on their planet, are you just creating a floor model?" Gibson asked.

Mandarin went cold. How did he-?! Then again Gibson was smart as hell, so really it shouldn't be surprising.

"I guess my symptoms were pretty obvious?" Mandarin questioned.

Gibson nodded.

"I figured it out after a few weeks, your constant morning sickness and mood swings were a bit of a giveaway after I asked about the Tabithians. That and I'm surprised no one else figured it out by the size of your abdomen." Gibson chirped sitting down.

Mandarin frowned at the comment but knew to keep his mouth shut.

"I'm surprised too, I guess they're too busy focusing on their newest teammate instead of me." Mandarin huffed.

Gibson shrugged.

"That is a possibility, she does happen to have a lot of mystery surrounding her." He said.

No kidding. Mandarin put down the crib and fully turned to him. Gibson leaned forward, his eyes suddenly lighting up.

"I think both of your situations happen to be very interesting. I'm very interested in this as well." He said, smiling.

Mandarin blinked, he seemed very giddy by this. Not weirded out by his pregnancy at all. Unlike a few weeks back.

"I mean humans can't get pregnant by Tabithians, nor can cisgender males by any chance! So there wasn't any way that it possibility could have been looked into. But now I can actually witness it! The amount of research I will have will be incredible!" Gibson squealed.

Mandarin frowned, kind of peeved that his situation was taken as a meer research experiment. He knew Gibson was awfully curious, but his giddiness and lack of sensitivity just bothered him for some reason.

"Is there an actual reason why you're here? Or are you going to perform tests on me for your research?" He growled.

Gibson realized he went a bit far and coughed. He looked back at Mandarin with guilt.

"I'm sorry, you're right. That's not what I'm here for, I'm here to ask if you were going to tell anyone else about this?" Gibson asked.

Mandarin went silent for a moment. He remembered his conversation with Otto earlier in the day.

"I do plan to by tomorrow, though Veran knows what they'll have planned for Willow that day." Mandarin answered.

Gibson nodded then looked at his scanner for any plans.

"As far as I know I haven't heard of any plans tomorrow, then again you can tell them at any time. Or I could do it for you-"

Mandarin raised a hand.

"No I can do it myself, I'm self sufficient." He huffed.

Gibson smiled and set down the scanner.

"Alright then, I hope it goes over well then." He said.

Mandarin nodded, agreeing.

"Yes but don't hold me back if Sprx says something completely stupid."

"I can imagine he will but please refrain from violence. Now do you want something to drink?"


"We're home!" Otto yelled, as everyone piled in.

Mandarin and Gibson were sitting across from each other, drinks next to them. Gibson was excitedly talking to Mandarin while he sipped his milk.

"And I heard Tabithians are born with sharp teeth but they learn to smooth them out so we'll need to-" Gibson then noticed everyone coming in and quickly changed the subject.

"Oh you look like you all had fun." He said, Mandarin shifting slightly.

Chiro blinked but smiled.

"Yeah it was awesome!" He chirped.

"Did you hear Willow and Antauri?! They were amazing!" Otto said, running up to them.

Everyone was still hung on what Gibson was talking about.

"I did, I'm not sure about Mandarin but..."

"I heard don't worry, so singing is one of your many talents I take it?" Mandarin asked Willow, smirking.

"I'm not good at everything shush." Willow huffed, but smirked back.

Sprx clenched his fists. Okay that's enough!

"Gibson, what were you talking about with Mandarin?" He asked.

"Sprx..." Nova warned but Sprx ignored her.

"And why did you bring up Tabithians?"

Mandarin and Gibson looked at each other.

"Mandarin was curious about them and I was just telling him-"

Sprx stepped forward.

"Then why did you say 'we'll need to'? We'll need to what?" He asked.

Willow turned to him.

"Sprx seriously! That's between them!" She said.

"No! I'm tired of him keeping secrets from us!" Sprx exclaimed, feelings of hurt and anger clear on his face.

Flashbacks of what Otto said earlier played in Mandarin's mind. Antauri looked at Mandarin.

"Mandarin, if the Tabithians are involved we need to know if they are. It isn't safe to hide something like this from us." Antauri explained.

Mandarin looked at them all. They all had serious looks on their faces and Willow eyed him nervously. He sighed, it was now or never.

"Fine, yes the Tabithians are involved." Mandarin admitted.

The message didn't get to them at first but then it sunk in.

"Oh my god." Jinmay put a hand over her mouth.

Nova blinked.

"Does...does that mean you're pregnant? W-with one of those Tabithians right now?" She questioned, feeling incredibly disturbed.

Mandarin crossed his arms.

"My symptoms would make sense now would it?"

Nova put her hands on her face, eyes wide.

"Oh boy." She wheezed.

Antauri was indeed shocked, however it wasn't like he had a feeling or sensed something within Mandarin. It was just his mind was on other things admittedly. That and he wanted to respect Mandarin's feelings until he was ready to tell them. However now it was becoming more and more dangerous if they can't figure out how to keep him and the child safe. He could only hover next to Chiro and nod slightly.

Sprx just stood there, frozen.

"You said yourself you didn't want me to keep secrets, now I admitted to this one." Mandarin pointed out, shrugging.

Sprx blinked again before falling to his knees. Pregnant...his ex leader's pregnant.

"Holy mother of Shuggazoom." He breathed, trying to take all of this in.

Chiro was unbelievably confused.

"Wait how? I mean yeah I guess Tabithians can make any gender pregnant is it know?" Chiro asked.

Mandarin frowned a bit.

"A c-section comes to mind." He said.

Chiro nodded slightly, no doubt creeped out.

Sprx then looked back up.

"Wait they didn't force you did they?" He asked, frowning.

Mandarin shook his head.

"No they didn't, I volunteered." He explained.

Willow stepped forward.

"Okay yeah but why? Why do you want to volunteer to carry a alien baby that isn't even yours?" She asked.

Mandarin flinched at the last part and grimaced.

Everyone quickly realized and a sense of dread filled the air.

"O-oh we didn't-" Willow began but Mandarin sighed.

"No it's fine. The parents of the child are no longer alive." He admitted.

"Mandarin..." Otto muttered before trying to go over to him.

"It's fine, I mean I'm not even sure how they died. I've only met one of their relatives before hand while hiding out on their planet and she mentioned them a few times before. Then one night, she went over to me should have seen how distraught she was." Mandarin sighed, laughing slightly.

The sense of dread grew thicker and Otto hopped up next to him.

"The parents only just put in their genetics in for someone to have their child. The family said they needed someone to carry the child for them to at least have some sort of parent to look after them. They knew it's what their children would have wanted." Mandarin explained.

That and they wanted at least one of their family members to make it. But everyone knew that already.

"So you decided to volunteer to basically carry and raise the baby." Chiro said.

Mandarin nodded.

"Basically yes." He said.

Sprx snickered.

"No offense Mandarin, but you and parenting ain't a good mix." He snickered.

Mandarin glared but Nova elbowed him.

"Yes I know that but it's the least I could do for them." He huffed.

Antauri smiled.

"That is an awfully kind gesture of you." He pointed out.

Mandarin flinched and looked off to the side, face flushed slightly. He then felt Otto's arms wrap around him.

"You're such a sweetie." Otto chirped.

"No I am not. I am literal darkness." Mandarin huffed.

"How are you even gonna make sure you don't crush the kid with your giant hands?" Willow asked.

"Don't remind me of that, I'm already worried about it enough."

"Still I feel so bad for the parents. I mean the poor little thing will never..." Jinmay bit her lip.

Willow looked down. She lost her father at a young age, this poor kid lost their parents and it wasn't even born yet. Hell it was barely conceived!

"Don't worry! The baby will be not only in the hands of the Hyperforce but in the caring hands of Mandarin." Otto chirped.

"Greaaat." Sprx sighed at the last part.

Mandarin was ready to protest, saying that he was going to leave in a few months anyway. However, at that point he knew they wouldn't let him leave even more, he was even more stuck than before. Then why did he not mind it as much as before?

"Well it's good that we know this now. Because if Mandarin 2 is after Willow, he might be a danger to you." Chiro said, looking a bit worried.

Mandarin raised an eyebrow and his lip curled.

"Are you kidding me? I can destroy that little fake easily. All I have to do is raise my hand and that'll be it of him." He huffed, throwing his hand down a bit.

Antauri floated over to him.

"He could still have large formless with him. He wouldn't come unprepared if he has to deal with you. It wouldn't be safe to fight anyway." He cautioned.

Mandarin thought on it. He could still take him down, no matter what formless he has. However given his condition, Antauri does make a point.

"I could still fight him." He huffed.

Antauri sighed.

"After the child is born." He said.

Mandarin pouted a bit but Otto snuggled with him a bit more.

"Is the baby gonna be a monkey or just an alien?" Otto asked, smiling.

"An alien, at least as far as I know." Mandarin replied.

"Is it gonna be all gross and weird looking?" Sprx asked, plopping down next to him.

"No it'll look like other Tabithians." He said.

"That and the babies are like wild animals when they're first born." Gibson chimed in.

"Is it kicking yet?" Nova asked, also going over.

"No, and no you may not touch!" Mandarin huffed, smacking Sprx's hand away.

"Otto is!"

"Well he's Otto..."

"So he gets special treatment?!"

"Would you two please!" Chiro sighed.

Willow laughed and admired the sight before her.

"Amanda, Trent, you two need to be here soon. This place and these people truly are..." She thought

Mandarin was both visually annoyed by everyone and a bit happy by the warm attention.

"Amazing." She breathed out the last part.


So now everyone knows that not only is Mandarin preggers and he got knocked up for a family, but that Willow is a killer singer! Thanks for reading! 

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