You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy)...

By Ilovecountryboys14

300K 4.8K 161

What happens when Katie finds out she has an arranged marriage to a Son? Who will that Son be? And will she e... More

You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)
You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy ) (Arranged Marriage)

You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)

4.7K 70 3
By Ilovecountryboys14

It's been 2 weeks since I left Tig. Opie had been nice and went back to the apartment and packed me a bag.Today everyone was going to the clubhouse for Miles' patch in party and I'd have to face him again. I was wanting to see him but dreading it. I knew he was going to want to see the boys and I was fine with that. They're his sons after all. I now had a small baby bump showing an it was very visible when I wore tight shirts or tank tops. I'd have to have the twins and myself ready by 6 tonight and it was already 4. While the twins slept I took a short shower then dressed in light colored skinny jeans, which I was surprised still fit, a white tank top, leather jacket, and black biker boots. I stopped wearing dangly earrings because I learned the hard way that Riley likes to tug on them so I just put small diamond ones in and my diamond reaper bracelet from Tig. I put on some foundation to hide the still nasty bruise that covered the side of my face.
I dressed both twins in matching outfits. Harley Davidson onesies, jeans and black shoes. By now it was 5:30 so I put them in their car seats, grabbed the diaper bag and got in the truck. I pulled into SAMCRO at around 5:45. I saw Gemma walk towards the truck and I got out hugging her. She grabbed Kaleb's carrier and I went to the other side to grab Riley's. We walked towards the clubhouse and some of the guys were outside. I followed Gemma inside and I spotted Tig sitting at the bar but Gemma went to set Kaleb's carrier down on the pool table so I set Riley's next to his. Most of the guys rushed over to swoon over them an I just smiled at them all.
Tig started walking over and I just looked down. He picked Riley up since Jax was holding Kaleb. Tara was sitting on one of the couches because was going to pop any day now. Tig started talking to Riley in a baby voice saying how much he missed him. More people started to arrive and Jax gave Kaleb back to me. Some of the random croweaters kept asking if they could hold the babies and finally I snapped. I handed Tig Kaleb and stepped towards the one that was bothering me the most.
"If you ask one more time to hold either of my sons I swear I will slit your throat. Leave bitch." she got a look of fear in her eyes and she walked outside. That's when Miles walked in and everyone cheered for him and the babies started to cry. Tig and I took them into his room and he took out the play pin we kept there. I cradled them both to sleep then placed them in the play pin gently. I stood over them and watched them sleep peacefully but I was interrupted by Tig clearing his throat. I turned slightly and crossed my arms over my chest looking down.
"Katie? Baby please just talk to me. I'm so sorry. I love you and our boys. And the new little one." He said stepping closer.
"Katie... please baby girl."
"I'm not ready to forgive you for what you did."
"I know. I don't expect you to forgive me yet but please come back. I need you and the boys."
"I will but please just give me some time and space."
"Of course." I walked around him and sat on the bed. Riley started fussing and Tig grabbed his pacifier then walked to the play pin putting it in his mouth. He came back over towards me and sat down at the other end of the bed. We didn't look at each other or speak. There was a knock on the door so Tig went to answer it. Opie was standing there and he looked behind Tig at me.
"You alright?"
"She's fine Opie."
"I wasn't asking you." I stood up and walked to stand behind Tig.
"Opie I'm fine. Seriously I am. We were actually about to leave to go get my stuff."
"Oh. You want me to come with you? I'm sure Lyla doesn't mind watching the kids for a while."
"Opie I'll be fine. I'm a big girl." I said slightly laughing. Opie nodded and walked back down the hallway. Tig closed the door and looked at me.
"One mistake and my club turns on me. This is worse than the Gemma and Clay thing." I glared at him and carefully picked up Kaleb setting him in his carrier, careful not to wake him while Tig did the same with Riley. He picked up both the carriers and we walked out the room and through the clubhouse out to the parking lot. I unlocked the truck and helped Tig get the babies in the car. He kissed my forehead but I put my head down so he ended up kissing the top of my head. He sighed and walked to his bike. I got in the truck starting it and pulling out of the parking lot with Tig following. 15 minutes later I parked in Opies driveway and got out of the truck. Tig got off his bike and headed towards me.
"Could you sit in the truck with boys?" he nodded and I headed inside. I packed my and made sure put the boys clothes in there too. I was done packing and headed back outside. I opened the passenger door of the truck and put my bag in there and then Tig got out heading back for his bike. We were home in 20 minutes and Tig grabbed both the carriers while I grabbed my bag and the diaper bag. I grabbed he keys from Tigs pocket and opened the door to the apartment. Daisy was laying on the couch but there was a Rottweiler puppy next to her. I looked at Tig and he gave me a guilty look.
"I found him at a dog fight. I couldn't just leave him to die." I walked to our bedroom and placed my bag down then went into the twins room putting the diaper bag in there. Tig already had them in their cribs so I went back out to the living room and looked down at the small pup on the couch and Tig walked into the room.
"What are we gonna name him?" I asked.
"It's up to you doll."
"Alright. Romeo it is."
"I'm gonna head to bed."
"Alright I'll sleep on the couch." he followed me to the bedroom and hung his cut up on the door. He took off his button down shirt and jeans leaving him in boxers then grabbed his gun heading back to the living room. I checked on the twins then got ready for bed. I had only been asleep for 3 hours when I heard the twins crying loudly and thunder clashing outside. I jumped but got out of bed heading to the babies room. Tig was already in there trying to rock Riley asleep so I picked up Kaleb and headed to the kitchen to make them both a bottle while Tig followed me. I put the right amount of formula in each bottle then added the amount of water needed. I put the caps on them and handed one to Tig. I shook the bottle up, took off the cap then started to feed Kaleb. Immediately the loud cries stopped but the thunder continued. I held Kaleb closer to me as the rain pelted the windows and lightening flashed through the sky. Tig had finished feeding Riley and he had fallen asleep so Tig took him back to their room then came back. Kaleb wouldn't fall asleep even with a full belly. When Tig walked in the room I handed him Kaleb and he fell asleep right away.
"Seriously." Tig smirked and took Kaleb to bed so I went and sat out on the couch. The thunder only got louder and I couldn't believe my children could sleep through it! Tig walked back into the living room sitting in the couch. My stomach growled and Tig laughed at me.
"Hmm I really want some toast covered in peanut butter." I say rubbing my hand over my small bump. Tig got up and headed for the kitchen coming back with a plate of toast that he covered in peanut butter.
"Yummy!" I squealed and took the plate from him and took a bite. It was soo good. He was laughing at me and that's when he rested his hand in my pregnant belly for the first time. I stopped eating and looked at his hand on my stomach. I got uncomfortable and pushed his hand away looking down at my lap. I placed the plate on the table and wrapped my arms around my torso. I couldn't stand to look at him so I stood up and walked back to the bedroom. Once I was comfortable in bed I fell asleep.

*sorry if it was short. I'm running out of ideas.*

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