An Excuse Maybe

By happyfroglegs

2.4K 151 102

After the war, all seems peaceful. Until Antauri gets a telepathic message from a girl imprisoned. Not only t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 4

107 5 7
By happyfroglegs

Mandarin is seriously one of my favorite characters in this show, along with his clone. They're just so fun and interesting (that and I love steroid!Mandarin a bit too much) Please enjoy!


Mandarin was leaving the village and was on his way to Veran knows where. He looked down at the items he bought and sighed a bit, yet another long and uneventful day. Not that he minded, in fact he enjoyed the peace. It's just he wished Tilamat would hurry up and get back and get back to him on how long it would be for him to pick him up.

The team made sure that he wouldn't notice them, despite how huge he was. Chiro shivered, he forgot how disturbing he looked. He then stopped and looked back, causing the team to hide behind a few empty buildings. He blinked before frowning in suspicion before continuing to walk and turn a corner. The team then went over to the corner to find an empty alleyway that lead onto another street. The team grew confused until a huge shadow covered them.

"Y-you!" Mandarin exclaimed.

The team quickly turned to him, weapons out. Mandarin was shocked before he glared harshly at them, all of the old feelings of anger, hatred, and betrayal running back through him. Just seeing Chiro made his blood boil.

"What are you doing here?" He demanded.

Nova snarled. "What are we doing here?! What are you doing here?!" She growled.

Antauri narrowed his eyes at Mandarin, sensing something off with his aura.

"Minding my own business, why? I'm not planning anything if that's the reason why you're stalking me." Mandarin huffed.

Gibson narrowed his eyes.

"Are you sure? Because the last time you said something like that, you ended up betraying us." He said.

Mandarin snarled, about ready to fight them, his old feelings of anger and hate still prevalent. After what they did, there was no way he could forgive them. He popped out his energy tail as the others were ready to square off with him.

"Now again we ask, what are you planning?" Chiro asked.

"I'm not planning anything! If anything I'm trying to get as far away from you as possible, and I will not hesitate to fight you if you don't leave me be." Mandarin growled.

"What, so you can take over another innocent planet?" Jinmay huffed.

"Like I even have the desire to do such things anymore! Maybe I'm no longer evil, did you ever think of that?!" Mandarin snapped.

"Stop lying!" Nova yelled, cracking her knuckles.

Antauri realized where this was leading and got in between them before they attacked.

"Monkey team wait I think he's right! I don't think he is the same as before." He argued.

The monkey team dropped their weapons down a bit, confused.

"What...what are you talking about?" Nova asked.

Antauri turned to Mandarin and stared at him intensly, making the orange monkey very uncomfortable and confused. Who was this? Where was Antauri? By the voice alone he guessed it was him but Antauri's new appearance was rather odd to him.

"Why do you look different?" He asked.

Antauri didn't drop his stare as Chiro cleared his throat.

"It's a uh...rather long story."

Mandarin blinked, unsure if that was supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing. Antauri then floated up to him, staring right into his eyes. Mandarin backed up a bit, feeling even more uncomfortable.

"Antauri you know how I need to have my boundaries respected!" He huffed.

"Just...just give me..."

Antauri then blinked then went silent. This silence went on for nearly a minute before Antauri's eyes softened.

"How?" He questioned, his voice full of emotion.

Mandarin crossed his arms.

"Oh so you noticed, I mean isn't the color of my pupils a clear indicator?" He huffed.

"Now that you mention it they are much lighter." Antauri agreed.

Sprx shook his head, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Wait! Wait! What's going on Antauri?" He asked as Otto lightly gasped.

"Is he on our side again?" Otto asked softly.

Antauri turned to the hopeful Otto and smiled a bit.

"From what I can sense, the corruption in his soul has been cleansed. So yes." He said, receiving a mix of reactions.

Otto looked up at Mandarin and went over to hug him, but Mandarin backed up a bit. Mandarin frowned a bit, causing Otto to drop his arms.

"O-oh I'm sorry I forgot-" Otto began, looking sad.

Nova sighed.

"Don't even try Otto, he's still a massive jerk. Evil or not. " She said, not forgiving him for the training room incident.

Otto turned to her.

"He wasn't always a jerk at times Nova, remember? There were times where he was a huge sweetie." He said.

"Lies!" Mandarin hissed, face flushed.

Nova crossed her arms and averted her gaze, anger bubbling in her chest. Chiro frowned a bit.

"Wait, how is this possible?" He asked Mandarin.

Mandarin paused, gathering his thoughts. He then sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to escape for the moment.

"Well a couple of years ago while I was in prison, I was attempting to escape when I felt terribly sick, almost as if someone force fed me acid." He began, Otto sitting down.

"After a while I had one of the worst cold sweats I've ever felt. I haven't felt that awful ever since I've turned into...well this." Mandarin motioned his body.

Sprx's snout wrinkled.

"Yeah I bet." He said with discuss, causing Otto to frown at him.

"Hey." He huffed, not wanting him to be rude.

Mandarin sighed.

"Anyway, I thought I was going to die that day. Instead what I can only describe as some sort of dark energy vomiting out of my pores and escaping away from me. I'm not sure where it went but after that, all of the dark thoughts and ambitions I had before just..vanished." He explained, causing Gibson to raise an eyebrow.

"Vomiting?" He questioned.

"That's what it felt like."

Antauri thought on it, it sounded plausible but the explanation on it was a little fuzzy to him. Then he lifted his head.

"Wait, did you feel something off with the Power Primate around that time?" He asked Mandarin.

Mandarin's eyes widened.

"Yes! The day before actually."

Chiro's mouth dropped a bit.

"So wait! Does that mean that Skeleton King used his corrupted Power Primate to help bring the Dark One Worm?" He questioned, causing Mandarin to flinch.

Antauri closed his eyes.

"It sounds like that's the most likely scenario."

Mandarin raised an eyebrow.

"Should-should I ask about-?" He began before Sprx held up a hand.

"Don't worry we took care of that, anyway's good to have you back and whatever." He grumbled, scratching the back of his head.

Mandarin frowned and looked around, making sure no one was actually making fun of him.

"Who are you and what have you done with Sprx?" He questioned.

Sprx snickered as Nova stared at the floor, unsure of how to feel. Jinmay nervously tilted her head.

"So what do we do now?" She asked.

Chiro looked up at Mandarin and crossed his arms.

"Well I'm not so sure if he's completely uncorrupted or not.," Otto quickly got up, ready to defend him.

"Chiro please don't-!" He began as Mandarin got ready to fight him just in case.

"So I think it's best if he stays at the robot with us." Chiro decided.

There was a collective outcry of "What?!"

"No, not happening!" Nova exclaimed.

"For once I agree with you! Hairless monkey, if you really think I'm going to go along with an ludicrous idea, you really are clueless!" Mandarin snapped.

Chiro pointed a finger at him and glared.

"Hey it's better than you being here! There would probably be many other aliens that come to this planet and if they've heard of you, they'd try to get you arrested or worse. Besides there are Tabithian forces setting up volunteer villages here, and I bet you don't want to get involved with that, right?" Chiro huffed.

Gibson noticed Mandarin twitch slightly, his eyes looking away for a split second.


Otto smiled.

"I think it's a good idea too, besides we get to have you around again! You missed out on so many things." Otto chirped.

Sprx nodded slightly, as much as he disliked him it was kind of good to actually have him back. Kind of. Jinmay scratched her chin a bit, the only terrible thing this Mandarin did to her was decapitation. Other then that she didn't really have much of an opinion on him, just hated his clone more. So really she didn't have that much of a problem with it either. Nova looked down, she didn't know about this. She still really hated him but...if he's good again....

"You step out of line-!" She threatened.

Mandarin growled.

"I'm telling you I refuse to come back!" He said angrily.

Antauri sighed.

"Mandarin please. It is in everyone's best interest if you came back to Shuggazoom, like Chiro said there are many other lifeforms that have heard of us and you. If they find you here, you won't be safe." He said.

Otto's lip trembled.

"Besides we...we miss you."

Mandarin felt like he was in a fever dream of some sort. This was not happening, he was finally beginning to move on and continue that promise he made. But no, now he was entangled in all of this mess.

"Willow, land the robot at our location. We have another passenger coming with us." Antauri said, using his communicator.

Mandarin backed up, about to escape when he suddenly realized something. They were right...aliens could come for him. However, that doesn't mean that when he gets to Shuggazoom he couldn't just have Tilamat pick him up. He will escape from this, he will fulfill that promise.

"Don't think I'm rejoining or anything, because that will never happen." Mandarin snarled, venom dripping from his words.

Chiro closed his eyes, this guy can't stop being an asshole can't he?

"Who said you would?" He huffed, Otto's shoulders slumping slightly.

Otto knew he probably won't ever rejoin them but he does want that. He wants his best friend back so badly. Mandarin snarled as the robot landed, Willow stepped out as Mandarin turned to her. The two stared at each other as some of the members went inside. Mandarin blinked at what he could only refer to as 'Hot Topic offending woman' and Willow blinked at what she considered 'Monkey Hulk on steroids'.

"Who is that?!" They both ask.

Mandarin huffed lightly as he sat in the command center. Everyone eyed him nervously, unsure of what to do. Sure he was on their side technically, however they were still unsure if they should trust him.

Willow looked at him before looking at Chiro.

"So this is the guy you've been fighting all those years ago? He looks kinda..." She looks back at the hugely muscled primate.

"...gross." She whispered.

Mandarin looked and glared at her slightly. Chiro nodded.

"Yep that's him. We thought the skeletal version of him was the real him but Antauri said that one might be a clone." He explained to her.

Willow nodded, understanding.

Mandarin crossed his arms.

"I can see the boys girlfriend joining this team but you? You I don't recognize." He said, looking right at Willow.

Willow glared. This guy's attitude was really starting to bug her.

"That's because I'm new, buddy!" She snapped.

"I can see that now, but-" Mandarin was about to say something when Nova interrupted him.

"We found her in Mandarin 2's lair a few weeks ago. She said he wanted her for her powers but we got her out before anything happened."

What plans did his faker clone have for a super powered human? Knowing him, probably not good. However Mandarin didn't bother with that as he glanced at Willow.

"And her powers are?" He asked.

Willow looked down a bit.

"She won't tell us, we know she has fire powers but-ow!' Willow smacked Sprx in the back of the head.

"What was that for?!" He asked.

"Don't tell him that! It's none of his business." She huffed.

Mandarin blinked, Alrighty then.

"Sprx she will reveal her past to us in due time. Right now we need to be concerned about what we should do with Mandarin." Antauri said.

"Leaving me back on that planet would be nice." Mandarin grumbled.

Gibson sighed.

"We cannot. That planet is targeted by Tabithian forces and I'm sure you do not want to end up carrying a alien child. Unless..." His face twisted in suspicion. " do happen to be pregnant."

Mandarin frowned and motioned towards his stomach.

"Do I look pregnant to you?" He huffed.

"Well I dunno I mean your abs are starting to-" Sprx was about to finish but he flinched at Mandarin's icy stare.

"That was rhetorical Sprx-77." He growled.

Sprx backed up a bit.

"Wait, pregnant? But he's a guy." Willow said, confused.

"True but Tabithians genetic code and advanced technology can impregnate any gender." Gibson said.

Willow shivered, that sounds way too freaky to her.

"Anyway it's best if you came back to Shuggazoom with us. It wouldn't be safe on that planet anyway." Antauri said.

Mandarin glared

"Then drop me off at Korlan 3! I would be fine there." He huffed.

"No, you need to come back with us. We still aren't ready to trust you to be on your own yet. We still don't know if you're completely uncorrupted or not anyway." Chiro said.

This was ridiculous! They knew he was uncorrupted so why force him to stay?! Mandarin snarled and got up.

"So what am I your prisoner? Your hostage?!" He growled, going over to him.

"Mandarin no."

He ignored Nova as he held Chiro by the scruff of his neck. Everyone took out their weapons.

"Now you listen here, you can take me back to Shuggazoom if you must. However don't think I'm staying for long. Because I will find my robot and I will leave." He said, venom dripping from every word.

He then dropped Chiro to the floor and left the room, using one of the large transportation tubes for when they need to transfer large objects.

Willow helped him up and looked after him.

"What the hell is his problem?" She growled.

Nova sighed.

"He's always been a jerk Willow." She sighed.

"But he wasn't this bad! Not back then at least." Sprx said.

Otto looked after him, his heart aching.

"Well I'm going to give him a piece of my mind! That guy's gotta learn some manners if he's going to stay here." Willow huffed, stomping off.

"Willow wait!"

However she was already gone.

Willow looked around for Mandarin, which isn't hard since he's like ten feet tall.

She then noticed him off to the side, muttering something.

"What do you mean you can't get me out of here?!" He asked.

Willow looked around and gulped before turning invisible and listening in.

"Look the Hyperforce is a much better place for you then Elux is. They'll have more food, resources, and just a better place for you right now. I can even send the other stuff over much easier!" A voice said over Mandarin's communicator.

Mandarin's eyes widened in panic.

"No no no no please do not send any of that to Shuggazoom! They already asked me about my condition I don't need to have their theories...confirmed." He whispered.

Willow frowned and edged closer. Condition? Theories?

The voice sighed.

"Look both of the families entrusted you with this. It's what their deceased children would have wanted. Besides, you can't keep this a secret forever. You're going to have to tell them." He said.

Mandarin groaned and rested his back against the wall.

"Look if you want, if you're still hell bent on getting out of there by my next patient has her baby, I'll try to come and get you." The mysterious voice said.

"And when is that?" Mandarin asked.

"Umm...five more months?"

Mandarin groaned louder.

"I know! I know, but there's not much I can do about it. Think of it like this, you get to bond with your old friends again!"

Mandarin frowned.

"Okay maybe not, I'll call you next week just to give you more information." The voice said.

Mandarin was silent before he muttered, "Thank you."

Willow walked a bit closer, just what was he talking about? Wait was Gibson asked relevant? Was this Mandarin guy really-?

She tripped on a slightly bent tile on the floor and fell face first onto the floor, her invisibility powers disappearing. Mandarin quickly looked over to her and glared. Willow stumbled up.

He looked at his communicator.

"I'll call you later."


He turned off the communicator and turned to Willow.

"N-now you wait!" Willow stuttered, backing up a bit.

"Just what did you hear, brat?" Mandarin asked.

Willow could already see her grave now. She backed up a bit more.

"Not much, ya know just you wanting to leave and s-something about deceased parents." Willow gulped.

Mandarin stepped forward.

"Look I wanted to talk to you about how you acted back there and I overheard you talking to someone." She explained.

Mandarin raised a eyebrow.

"You mean spying." He said bluntly.

Willow gulped.

"Okay maybe but you...I mean..."

Mandarin stared at her a bit more.

"Just...what's going on? I'm sure the monkey team can help." Willow said.

Mandarin glared, his eyes like icy daggers.

"It's none of your business quite frankly-" he began but then he remembered.

"You can't keep it a secret forever..."

Mandarin sighed.

"Never mind." He finally said.

Willow frowned a bit.

"I'll...explain what you heard to the others...when I'm ready to. Right now just isn't a good time." He admitted before walking away.

Willow composed herself and yelled after him, "Wait!"

Mandarin paused and looked back.

"Whatever's going on it''s serious isn't it?" Willow asked.

Mandarin was silent for a second before saying , "Depends on who thinks its more serious."

Then he walked off to a lower part of the robot, wanting to be alone for a while.

Willow placed a hand on her hip and frowned.


Oh yeah..this is where the mpreg warning starts to come into play ummm...I'll explain that in the next chapter but for now uhhh thanks for reading.

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