Protecting Emily

By Wolfgirl54

30.8K 767 126

Blame Styles. I mean, I don't blame Harry for the death of my mother or sister or the fact I had a few psycho... More

Protecting Emily
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Contest!! -Closed-
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Part 1
Chapter 30 Part 2

Chapter 28

481 19 4
By Wolfgirl54

Early update because I love you!

Every time I read this chapter it takes my breath away and leaves me in this state of mind that's beyond words! I kinda wanna keep it short at the end and you'll see why(:

Remember to vote and comment your thoughts!


“I should be over all the butterflies! I’m into you! I’m into you! And baby even on the worst night, I’m into you! I’m into you! Let them wonder how we got this far! Cuz I don’t really need to wonder at all. Yeah after all this time, I’m still into you.” I belted out, studying for my history test at noon.

I flipped the page.

“Holy shit!”

I jumped.

“You scared me!” I hissed at Harry.

“Emily- you can sing!” He said in shock.

“Yeah and?”

“I’ve never heard you sing before! Damn Emily!” He gaped.

“I’m not that good.” I shook my head, turning down the radio.

“You’re right.” he nodded. I scoffed. “You’re brilliant! Emily why didn’t you ever tell me you could sing like that?!”

“Never thought it was important.”

“Important?!” He shook his head and pulled out his phone.

“What are you doing?” “Calling Leeroy. He’s gotta see this.”

*  *  *

If this idiot makes me sing in front of one more person!

“You need to come on tour with us!” Zayn shouted.

I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah I’ll just run that by my dad that I’ll be going on tour with six guys. Nice try idiots.” I rolled my eyes. So unrealistic.

The boys were quiet for a while.

“I got it!” Leeroy jumped up.

I raised an eyebrow.

“We’ll be back in a month for that arena we showed you earlier this week. Open for us.” Leeroy suggested.

I pursed my lips.

I’d never really sang in front of anybody.

“Please baby.” Harry squeezed my hands.

“Please do it. I may not know you that well but- girl you’ve got a voice.” Emily nodded, clutching onto Niall.

I smiled at her.

“I don’t know guys.”

“A month. Gives you a month to think about it.” Leeroy said, standing up.

“A month.” I nodded. I didn’t even know if I would do it.

I’ve never really sang in front of anyone outside my family. Never did it cross my mind to sing in front of anyone for a job.

“Speaking of going, time to leave lads.” Leeroy said.

I frowned.

“I never got my date!” I pouted.

Harry frowned. “It’s my fault.”

I shook my head. It was his fault yes but I didn’t want him to feel guilty.

“You just wanted to give me a shot. Not everyone can have what you do Haz. I’ll see you in a month.” I pressed my lips to his.

“You’re not coming to the airport with us?” He frowned.

I bit my lip.

“I’ve got a history test.”

He frowned.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I hugged him. Here goes another month.

Harry kissed me with all his might, despite our friends are watching.

“Harry we really have to go now.”

He sighed.

“I’ll text you and call you and skype whenever I can okay?” He caressed my face.

I nodded.

I smiled up at him. “Go live it up rock-star.” I nudged him.

He smiled and took a fedora I hadn’t seen off the counter and placed it on.

I grabbed it and threw it across the room.

“Take that shit off your head.” I shook my head.

He smiled and ran a hand through his hair.

“See you soon.” He waved as the boys piled out.

“By the way,” Emily stopped before she left with Niall. She pushed up her glasses. “I hope Niall and I can have the love you two have some day.”

I smiled. “Thanks. I’ll see you around.” She nodded and smiled, following Niall out. Guess us girls can’t be a bitch all the time?

Huh. She was a basketball player? If she hadn’t wore her jersey I would have never known. Makes sense though. Niall is obsessed with basketball.

I grabbed the stupid fedora from the living room and put it on my head.

Sure I hated the thing on Harry, or just the thing in general, but I wanted one more thing of Harry’s before he left.

Someone knocked at the door.

I hurried to open it.

When I did, a pair of lips landed on mine. One of those sweet kisses that makes you wanna curl your toes up and die from being so happy.

“I forgot to do that… again. Nice hat by the way.” Harry winked.

I blushed.

“I love you.” He pecked me again before running back to the car honking at him.

I smiled and waved.

I really fell for Harold Styles didn’t I?

*  *  *

‘How was the test babe?’

I smiled when I read this.

‘Aced it’

‘That’s my girl. We’re getting on a plane now. First stop Detroit. I love you Em. No matter what.’

‘Love you too be safe xx’

*  *  *

“How do you guys trust the boys while they leave?” Emily asked.

We were all at Starbucks talking over hot chocolate.

“We’re not used to this yet but; I don’t know it just happens.” Liz spoke up.

I looked down at my phone.

I didn’t want to comment on trust. I’m not saying I don’t trust Harry; I’m saying he hasn’t talked to me in two weeks.

I’ve tried.

I’ve talked to all the boys but Harry. Whenever I asked about him they avoided the subject and figured out a way to cut our conversation short.

It's like half of me isn't here anymore.

“Emily? You’ve been quiet.” Eleanor poked me.

I looked up.

“Sorry. Just um- distracted lately.” I shrugged.

It was a lie. My online classes- ahead. Dad- well he’s out to dinner with whatsherface.

I tugged at the French braid I did earlier.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Liz joked, sipping on her drink. "What?! No!" I clairfied. I had my period last week. Plus Harry and I were always safe.

“Well what’s up? Have you talked to Harry?” Perrie asked, running a hand through her practically white hair.

Do I lie?

“Yeah a bit.” I nodded. It wasn’t really a lie.

“I should call him now actually.” I excused myself. Maybe I’m looking too much into this.

I dialed Harry as I walked outside into the cloudy April day. It was slightly chilly but not bad.

A few rings turned into many more.

‘Hey it’s Harry. Leave a message after the tone.’


That’s all that I’ve been getting.

I let out a shaky breath.

“Hey… it’s me. Calling for the millionth time I guess.” I looked down at my feet as I felt my back hit the stone wall of Starbucks. I swallowed the lump in my throat and put aside the anxiety in my chest.

“I just miss you. You’re busy I get that. I just- I talk to the boys about you and-” I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

“I just- I just can’t help but think something’s wrong. Call me back… I love-” Beep. “This message has been recorded. To repeat this message press one. To delete this message, press two.”

My shaky fingers did a weird dance around the screen.

I quickly hit a two before shoving the phone in my pocket.

I looked around.

An old couple walking. A girl and her mom in the car, blasting music. The girls laughing in Starbucks.

I pulled out my phone and set a group text to them.

‘Feeling sick. Sorry had to bail. See you guys soon.’

I started walking away.

Ten minutes of walking could probably do me good.

Small towns aren’t so bad. Everything is walk-able.

I walked closer to a newsstand.

The boys were always in the sight of paps. Maybe I’d actually know something about my boyfriend.

I walked up and hugged my jacket more.

I walked up.

“What can I get you?” an man in around his 60’s said.

“Um, I’m just looking first.” I said.

He nodded and went back to eating a hotdog.


I looked around the booth.

A familiar face caught my eye.

“Can I see that one?” I pointed to one so far up I had to squint before I made out the name ‘Harry Styles’.

He stepped up on a stool and grabbed one, tossing it down.

I saw Harry… and Kendall Jenner.

I gulped.

It’s nothing.

I handed the man three dollars.


He tipped his hat as I walked with the magazine.

‘Harry Styles out with Ms. Jenner!’

I gulped. The title could go both ways. Maybe she was doing their fashion for the shows? Maybe Harry wanted a designer opinion? It couldn't be the way it sounded.

I opened it to page 72.

A few pictures with Harry and Kendall were snapped but nothing serious.

I scanned over the article.

‘Teen heartthrob, Harry Styles, is already getting used to Hollywood! We’ve spotted him out three times with Ms. Jenner since he’s been here in LA working on their album while doing a mall tour.

Band mates like Niall Horan and Liam Payne didn’t comment on the relationship. But Louis and Zayn did. “Complete rubbish!” They agreed.

But that’s not all. Secret source tells us that Harry has been out on a few dates with Kendall over the past two weeks. Sources from the boys hometown has also informed us Harry left a girl back home!

“Emily is great. She really makes Harry happy.” Niall beamed in the first interview. Harry stayed quiet on the comment. Now when anyone brings up the mysterious Emily none of the boys respond.

What could this mean? Only that Harry and Emily are DONE! And now he’s rebounding with Kendall. Secret sources have also told us he’ll start getting pretty intimate with Kendall before they have to leave wherever they are.

Sounds like Harry’s moved on! Hendall? We ship it! We’re glad that Harry’s finally happy.

When we finally got the chance to ask Harry he seemed to be glowing. “She’s really nice. We have fun. She’s a bit boring but nonetheless.”

We were shocked to hear Harry call Jenner boring! But when we talked to Kendall she brushed it off. “He’s just a giant kid. He’s a gentleman though. Made my first time worth it.” Yep you heard it first. Harry was Kendall’s first! Neither have confirmed nor denied the relationship. But with all this fuss, I think it’s safe to say Hendall isn’t going anywhere! ’

Finally happy huh? I threw the magazine down and started running.

My mind was racing more than my legs.

How could this happen?

Why did this happen?

Was it me?

When I reached the house I literally collapsed on my bathroom floor.

As much as I didn’t want to, I sobbed.

I had no one… again.

I can’t believe I’m going through this again.

I was dour* to be dour. If that made sense.

I thought back to all the good memories.

Was it just a façade until he found someone more- normal and experienced and better looking?

When he whispered goodnight when we first met. When he got mad about me dating Louis. When we first kissed. Our first date.

But one memory stood out the most.

Fell in love, with you in my passenger seat.

I looked at Harry in shock.

“Did you-” he slid a hand up my cheek and pulled me close.

“I love you Emily.” He whispered.

I gulped.

“You…love me?”

“I fell in love with you probably the first day I met you.”

Then his text before he left… ‘I love you Em. No matter what.’

Did he lie to me?

I wanted to get sick.

But I couldn’t. I needed to lie down.

But what I just really need is Harry bursting into the room and tell me it’s all lies. But he’s too busy with his new toy Kendall. Stupid models.


*Dour: Severe or unfriendly: severe or gloomy, and unfriendly and unresponisve toward others. Determined: girmly and stubbornly determined.

Dour to be dour: Determined to be gloomy, unresponisve, and unfriendly.


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