An Excuse Maybe

By happyfroglegs

2.5K 151 102

After the war, all seems peaceful. Until Antauri gets a telepathic message from a girl imprisoned. Not only t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 3

109 4 4
By happyfroglegs

Sorry if the last chapter was super long, anyway! Chapter 3! I really love this chapter because'll see, you'll see.


When they landed on Elux, the team entered out of the robot. The blue and green landscape was truly beautiful to look at and especially at night. Chiro looked at Gibson.

"You said the mining site was..?"

Gibson pointed to an area a few feet away from them.

"It's right over there, it'll take an hour or two but after that we'll be good to go." He said with a smile.

Sprx then saw something out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey what's that over there?" He questioned.

Everyone turned to where Sprx was pointing at and saw what seemed to be several small buildings and tents. Antauri's eyes lit up.

"Of course, Elux is a merchant planet. life forms from all over come here to find products for cheap prices." He said.

Willow crossed her arms and smiled.

"So it's like one big flea market huh? Sounds like fun." She commented.

Otto grinned and turned to the others.

"Let's check it out! There could be a popcorn machine in there!" He said excitedly.

Gibson scoffed.

"Otto I doubt they have something like that there. Still it would be nice." He said, muttering the last part.

Chiro smiled a bit, kind of wanting to go over there.

"Let's go and check it out, it might be fun."

Otto hopped in place, ready to go, when he stopped and looked at Gibson.

"Wait do you need any help?" He asked, receiving Gibson raising a hand.

"Don't worry about it, I can get the minerals just fine. I do have these after all." Gibson said, transforming his hand into his drill.

Otto frowned a bit.

"But I don't want you to be by yourself..." He muttered.

Gibson smiled and patted the green monkey's shoulder.

"You'll be right over there, it's not a far walk from here. Besides if you need me I'll be right here, you should go have fun for a little while." He said.

Otto grinned widely and nearly tackled Gibson to the ground, making the others laugh a bit. The team then walked over to the village, Willow already thinking of things to buy for her new room with her birthday money. When they got there, it was pretty crowded for the most part.

"Hey! Do you want beaded necklaces?! Only for seven ceros!"

"Terran pistachios here! Available at an affordable price!"

"I have couches ready to go!"

The aura of the place was exciting, merchant tents of various colors and shapes held various items on display. It was cheery, nearly borderline annoyingly peppy. Chiro looked around a bit.

"Alright team, let's stick together until we get somewhere where it's not as crowded." He suggested.

The team agreed and walked around the area. The team was looking through various items and tents, with Willow purchasing things she needed for her bedroom and Otto buying random crap just because it looked fun. Sprx snickered as he held up a drink hat.

"Hey Antauri, you could use another one of these." He snickered.

Antauri was about to frown but went over to the drink hat and stared at it. He turned to the merchant selling it.

"I would like to purchase this." He said, receiving a snicker from Sprx.

"Here you go dearies, twenty two pounds of Glorx sludge for each of you." An old but sweet voice said.

Antauri and Sprx turned to a tent near them, with two aliens purchasing a bag of purple fluid. The aliens had light pink almost fluid like skin with hair that seemed to be apart of their skin, given their color.

"Thank you very much ma'am, we will definitely use this for the first few Tabithian infants born." One alien said.

"Oh it's no problem at all! You said the sludge wouldn't be here until a few weeks, it's the least I could do for the little things." An older mouse looking alien said.

"Tabithian? Tabithians are here?" Sprx whispered as the others came over.

"Who are the Tabithians?" Willow asked.

Antauri looked back up at her.

"The Tabithians are a race of aliens that use surrogates to repopulate,"

Willow looked at the two aliens, still talking to the merchant

"They used to repopulate by their own means, both genders being able to get pregnant, until one day they became sterile somehow. In a panic they started to find non human-surrogates in order to keep their species alive. Sometimes using force." Antauri said, closing his eyes at the last sentence.

The team looked at him worriedly.

"Th-then what are they doing here?! Finding potential surrogates?!" Nova questioned angrily.

Antauri looked at the Tabithian's uniforms closely.

"I don't think so, by their uniforms I'm guessing they're part of the volunteering program. Where surrogates volunteer to carry Tabithian children."

The team sighed in relief at that. Willow then looked at Chiro worriedly.

"Shouldn't you guys be trying to stop Tabithians that force people to get pregnant? I mean this sounds like something you'd get involved in." She said.

"From what I've heard in the galactic news, there's a growing political uprising against the technique of forcing people. Besides even if we do get involved, it would take a long time for the leaders of Tabithia to change their minds because of us." Chiro sighed.

Willow nodded a bit. The two Tabithians soon left the merchant and went away, chatting amongst themselves. Willow watched them, still sort of cautious. They didn't seem mean but Willow wasn't too sure. They walked over to the merchant's table. The mouse alien looked up and smiled.

"Oh! The Hyperforce! What can I do for you today dearies?" She asked.

Chiro glanced at where the Tabithians left.

"Um yes, we were curious why the Tabithians were purchasing um..."

"Glorx sludge? They're basically baby formula for newborn Tabithians." The mouse alien briefly said.

Chiro nodded as Antauri stepped forward.

"Is it possible they're here looking for volunteers?" He asked.

The mouse alien snickered a bit.

"Curious today aren't we? Well they're actually setting up a few volunteer villages and hospitals around here. They said this planet has the right conditions for it." She explained.

The team turned to each other a bit, well that answers one question. The mouse alien then sighed.

"However, since they're staring out things are going to be a bit rough for the next few months. So I think that's why they're looking at this planet. Just until they can get more resources." She said.

Then the merchant next to her table peeked his head out.

"But! It's good for business!" He pointed out.

The mouse alien nodded.

"It is but it's still going to be hard for them." She said.

Chiro nodded a bit. That was all he needed to know.

"So! Is there anything else I can do for you?"

The team began to look around a bit more, carrying their purchased items with them. Willow looked over at a tent with several books. She turned to the others.

"Hey guys I'm gonna look over here." She said before going over to the tent.

Antauri nodded as the team looked over a bunch of swords, they looked very varied. Suddenly Antauri tensed up as he felt a very familiar and unwelcomed presence near them.

"Are you sure this would be alright?" A gruff voice asked.

"Of course! Tilamat said this is what you needed for now." Another voice said.

The team tensed up and looked to where the source of the voice was. There near them was an enormous monster like being. He had large bulging muscles, barely any purple armor, spikes along his back, and when he turned a bit they could see a monkey head way too small for his body. He also had huge ginger eyebrows, mustache,long ponytail, and beard. Nova dropped her bags as the team was frozen.

"Bu-but!?" Jinmay gasped.

"How is that possible?! We just saw Mandarin-!" Sprx began.

"Why is he back to looking like-?" Antauri began until his eyes widened.

"Wait...that Mandarin we've been fighting in the war...was that a clone?" He pondered aloud.

The team looked at each other before pondering about this too. The last time they saw Mandarin looking like this, it was when he failed to clone Chiro. Then the next time they fought Mandarin was when he was all shrunk down and in bone armor. So the idea of that Mandarin being a clone and this being the original was very plausible. Otto peeked behind Chiro, watching him. He was purchasing something and didn't seemed to be harming anyone. The overly muscled monkey turned and began to walk away, minding his own business. Chiro turned to the others.

"Let's go after him, he may still be planning something." He said softly, having almost everyone nod in response.

Otto looked at Mandarin as he went over to another tent.

"I dunno guys I mean..something's different about him." Otto muttered.

Antauri nodded, but it still wouldn't hurt to follow him just in case.

Willow walked back over to them, glancing at where Mandarin went.

"Hey guys, why were you looking at that big guy all intensely?" She asked.

The team was silent before Antauri turned to her.

"Willow it may be best if you went back to the robot for a while." He advised.

"Wha-why?" She asked.

Antauri watched as Mandarin purchased a huge water bottle. If their suspicions of Mandarin causing trouble are true, then Willow would be in trouble.

"Because this is someone who we once fought with and...he might hurt you if our suspicions are correct." He said.

Willow flinched and looked over at him. She could fight him, but he did look pretty menacing. And gross.

"I...I guess I could, just let me know if anything goes south." She said before looking over her shoulder and and going back to the robot.

Antauri turned on his communicator.

"Gibson are you about done mining? Good because we might need your help with something."


*Points at Mandarin loudly* There he is! My precious babe! Yes he's in this fic and ooh boy do I have plans for him!

I hope you enjoyed and see you in Chapter 4.

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