That Girl (Eminem fanfiction)

By MeganEminem

42.5K 758 142

Phoebe Sparks is a crazy Eminem fan, she has a huge crush on him and adores all of his music. She goes to al... More

The First Concert
The Morning After Part 1
The Morning After Part 2
Girl's Day
Going On Tour?
On Tour
New Friend
Hanging Out
A Friendly Outting
Meeting Jill
First Date
Will You Be Mine?
The Announcement
Hailie's 16th Part 1
Hailie's 16th Part 2
New Year's Eve Surprise
Wedding Plans
The Wedding
Award Show
Phoebe's 22nd
Alaina Goes To College
Phoebe Meets Rihanna
Our Family
Baby's 1st Christmas and Hailie's 17th
Chloe's 1st Word
Whitney's 11th Birthday
Hailie's Junior Prom
Chloe's First Steps
Vacation Part 1
Vacation Part 2
Chloe's 1st Birthday
Hailie's Senior Homecoming
Date Night
Christmas and Hailie's 18th
Hailie Graduates from High School
Chloe Goes to Preschool
Hailie Visits
Whitney's Junior High Graduation
Spelling Bee
Hailie Gets Married
Chloe's Song
Whitney's High School Graduation
Hailie's Surprise
The Final Straw
Her First Concert?

Alaina's Graduation

701 13 1
By MeganEminem

Phoebe's P.O.V.
Alaina turned eighteen two weeks ago. We had a big birthday party at the house. Her friends came over even Kim came over. Today is another special day for Alaina. She is graduating from high school today and she's very excited. "Hey mom" she says walking down the stairs. Mom, I'm still getting used to that title and I love it. I love the girls with all my heart but I really hope me and Marshall can have a child some day. You look nice Alaina I say complementing her. "Thank you so much" she says smiling. Are you ready to graduate? "Yes!" she says excitedly.
Marshall comes walking down the stairs. "Hey uncle" Alaina says. "Hey Lainey" he responds. Alright let's get going. Hailie! Whitney! I yell. The girls run downstairs. We all get in the car and Marshall starts driving.
Eminem's P.O.V.
I'm so excited for Alaina but at the same time I'm a little sad because she will be going off to college soon. "Are you excited Lainey?" Hailie asks. "Yes I'm very excited" Alaina tells her.
We get to the high school. Hailie also goes to this high school but she just finished her sophomore year.
We all get out of the car and Kim comes up behind Alaina and gives her a hug. "Hey sweetie" she says smiling. Then she looks at me and Phoebe and her smile drops. "Hello Marshall, Phoebe"
"Hi Kim" Phoebe says happily while smiling at her. "Ugh..." Kim mutters. Then she walks away with Alaina to take her where she has to go, Hailie and Whitney follow behind her.
Be right there! I yell to the girls.
I look at Phoebe and start laughing. "What's wrong?" she asks me. The way you said hi to Kim and waved all sweet that's funny. "Why? I was just trying to be nice." I think this is one of those moments where I truly see how kind and amazing Phoebe is.
I know you were I tell her and I hug her.
Alright we should probably catch up to the girls now. We walk up to the area where Alaina is supposed to walk.
Hailie runs up to me and says "Alaina wanted me to ask you if we could get ice cream after the ceremony." Did you ask mom? "Which one?" Hailie asks. I can't help but burst out laughing at that question. Kim, your mom Kim I tell her. "No but I can ask her" she says and runs over to Kim. I look at Phoebe, which one I repeat and laugh. "Well she thinks of Kim and me as her mom which is understandable" she tells me. Yeah I guess you're right.
Hailie comes running back and tells us that Kim said that she's ok with all of us going out for ice cream after the ceremony.
We are watching each student come on stage to receive their diploma and finally it's Alaina's turn. "Alaina Marie Mathers" Alaina walks up and accepts her certificate. "Yay Alaina!" Phoebe yells. Alaina flashes a smile to the audience and then returns to her seat on stage.
After the ceremony as promised me Phoebe, Kim, Hailie, Alaina and Whitney went out to get ice cream.
"Hey dad, can I call uncle Nate and ask him if he wants to meet us at the ice cream place to celebrate?" Hailie asks. That's actually a really good idea Hailie. Hailie calls Nate and he says that he will meet us for ice cream.
We get to the ice cream place and we all get different things. I get vanilla ice cream with hot fudge on top. Phoebe gets an Oreo cheesecake blizzard, Phoebe loves cheesecake. She once told me that she ate nine pieces of cheesecake in twenty minutes. Kim got a vanilla sundae with strawberry syrup on it. Hailie got a hot fudge sundae with a cherry on top. Alaina,Whitney and Nate all got cherry dilly bars. We all sit and talk and surprisingly there was no drama which was great.
Eventually it was time for everyone to part ways. Me and Phoebe go home together, the girls go with Kim for the night and Nate goes to his girlfriends house. We get in the car and I start driving "that was really fun" Phoebe tells me. Yeah it was, my girls are growing up so fast. "Marshall" she says and then pauses. What's up sweetie? Well I was wondering, would you want to have a child with me?" You know I can't believe I've never thought of this before I think to myself. I mean we haven't ever had sex, but I would love to have a child with Phoebe.
"Well what do you think?" she asks me nervously. I would love to have a child with you. A big smile comes on her face "yay!" she says and claps her hands together. You're adorable Phoebe I hope our child is as positive and sweet as you. "Awww thanks Marshall that means the world to me." She reaches over and hugs me. "You're so warm and cuddly" she tells me. "You know you'll be my first" she tells me. What do you mean? I ask her. "I mean I've never actually, you know, done it..." Oh I say and I laugh. You'll be fine I tell her. "Okay" she says and smiles.
We finally get home and we are both exhausted so we crash on the couch and eventually we fall asleep.

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