Broken Hearts & Souls (WWE)

By ReigningMoxleys

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Broken Hearts & Souls (WWE)
Chapter 1 (Elizabeth)
Chapter 2 (Dean)
Chapter 3 (Elizabeth)
Chapter 4 (Dean)
Chapter 5 (Eva & Elizabeth)
Chapter 6 (Dean)
Chapter 7 (Elizabeth)
Chapter 8 {Dean}
Chapter 9 {AJ}
Chapter 10 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 11 (Elizabeth)
Chapter 12 (Elizabeth)
Chapter 13 (Dean & Elizabeth)
Chapter 14 {Dean} Part One
Chapter 14 {Dean} Part Two
Chapter 15 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 16 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 17 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 19 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 20 {Dean & Elizabeth}
Chapter 21 {Dean & Secret Admirer}
Chapter 22 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 23 {Elizabeth & Dean}
Chapter 24 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 25 {Dean}
Chapter 26 {Dean}
Chapter 27 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 28 {Elizabeth & Eva}
Chapter 29 { Roman & Secret Admirer}
Chapter 30 {Elizabeth & Dean}
Chapter 31 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 32 {Eva & Dean}
Chapter 33 {Elizabeth & Dean}
Chapter 34 {Elizabeth & Dean}
Chapter 35 {Elizabeth & Dean}
Chapter 36 {Elizabeth}
Chapter 37 {Elizabeth, Seth, and Dean}

Chapter 18 {Anonymous & Dean}

421 25 3
By ReigningMoxleys

I walked out of a class as soon as the bell rang. I rubbed my arm as i watched her from a distance. She is just so beautiful. I can't wait to have her in my arms. I just need the perfect timing. 

  I know most of you people thought I was a fake person but no. I am very much real. I am her secret admirer. this is no joke what so ever. She deserves happiness and I want to give that to her.That night in the hospital was nice. Scratch that, it was perfect. I just want to taste her sweet lips again. It makes me happy that she wears the necklace I gave her on a daily basis. It makes me feel special. I just want to be with her and show off the beautiful sweet heart she is. Only if she will let me.

  Right now, I know she is mad at me. Last night was a sad conversation. I cheered her up a bit but I did nothing but piss her off againn. What am I supposed to do? I can't tell her my name or show her my face. It will just Ruin thee plan and screw everything up. I need to find subtle ways for her to forgive and understand me.

  i will show her my true indentity soon enough. I actually have a set date and I believe that will be perfect timing. All I have to worry about is keeping her interested. Now that Dolph is in the picture. It will be very much harder. Him, out of all people, whyy does that cocky bastard have to come in. I swear he irritates the shit out of me.

  I shivered at the thought.

  I leaned against the wall and just looked at her as she conversed with AJ and soon enough Eva came up to the scenee.

  Everything seemed like it was going in slow motion as I watched her. She smiled that gorgeous smile of hers. Then she ran her hand over mouth and let out a cute giggle. I smiled softly to myself as I watched her. i soon snapped out of it and then went to my locker to get my books.

  I got my books and walked to class. I walked past Elizabeth as if I wasn't thinking about her every perfection three minutes ago. I walked into class and I sat down in class and waited patiently for the bell to ring.



  I walked into Script class. and went to the back of the classroom as always and I kicked my feet up on the desk and rested my hands behind my hand. I watched as everyone else looked eager to be here and some others are just trying to pass time. SOmeone in particular just irritates me at the moment. "Lazy ass" A voice spoke out. I moved my feet to see Seth smirking. I chuckled and I removed my feet.

  'Something I happen to be good at" I said slouching in my chair. I looked around the classroom and then back at Seth. "Where is Roman?"

  Seth just shrugged. "Either late as always, cut school, or just not here i dunno" He said looking at his phone. I looked to see his was play subway surfers.

  "You and that game I swear" I said shaking my head. I think he is seriously addicted to that game. He looked up me and just shrugged.

  "IF you actually took the time to download and play it you would see how fun it really is asshole!" I just chuckled and looked at the ceiling.

  "Not worth my time" I said shrugging. He shrugged as well.

  "Suit yourself" He said giving his full attention to the game. I laughed and I leaned forward on the desk and rested the side of my face on my knuckle. Soon enough the bell rang and three other students wallked in.

  Which happened tp ne Elizabeth, Aj and Eva. Seth looked up in amusement. "Well look what the cat dragged in" He muttered. I chuckled and looked over at the three of them. Aj was the first to look over to where Seth and I were. She looked at me and grimaced and then rolled her eyes and looked away. I grunted in frustration. I swear on everything she frustrates me. I just want to put her in her place. But that just won't matter. She will never stop running her mouth.

  I then looked at Eva and admired her. She is the tough one to crack. Matter of a fact, I still like her. I like her more than any other whore in this school. She isn't one though. She is the first one to not come up to . I had to approach her and she shut me down. It hurt but I didn't give up. I never experienced rejection before. Coming from her, it hurts. But I have to stop it for now since she is so hung up on Elizabeth.

  I looked at her from her gorgeous eyes, her bright, fiery red hair down past her shoulders. I just want to run my hand through it and just hold her.Sounds cheesy I know. I have a soft spot for her. If only she would give me a chance. Which I highly doubt she would because I have been a jerk to her multiple times, she told me to rot in hell at the hospital and the fact that I messed with Elizabeth one to many times...for all I know she probably hates me to the core now.

   If I apologize it won't mean shit to her so what will I do now? I know I am not giving up on her. She is the one that I want and I get what I want. NO if's, and's or but's about it. Soon enough I need to start brainstorming.

  "Dean...Dean....Dean.......Jonathan!!" I was snapped out my thoughts, feeling very irritated.

  'What do you want Seth!, Damn!" I snapped. He just smirked at me and shook his head.

 By the way Jonathan is my real name, but Dean is like a second name for me. No one else knows that Jonathan is my real name besides, Roman, Seth and Aj.

    Seth stared at me with amusement. "You staring at Eva pretty hard don't you think. I mean I know you want her and all but I didn't think you would make it so obvious." He teased.I just rolled my eyes and slouched in my seat. Seth chuckled and turned around in his seat and did his own thing.

   I shook my head and I looked over there again but this time I looked at Elizabeth. She was loking down in her notebook either drawing or writing something down. I studied her a bit. Only thing I like about her is her long shiny hair and her big eyes. I looked away before she noticed I was looking at her.

  I then felt stares and I turned my head to see her looking at me. We had a bit of a staring contest. She was the first one to break away from the stare. She had a look on her face that I couldn't quite read. I sighed and put my head down to fall asleep as soon as the teacher walked in.


{What do you think of this chapter?}

{It took me a minute to think of this chapter, I just had to put her secret admirer in for a bit. There will be more of him. I just wanted you guys to know that her secret admirer actually likes her and what not. I was going to tell you before but I wanted you guys to find out for yourself. So all you have to worry about now is when he will reveal him self and who it is.}

{Who do you think irritates Dean in the class?}


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