Mind Reader

By bbbronte

12.6K 125 61


Mind Reader (1)
Mind Reader (2)
Mind Reader (4)
Mind Reader (5)
Mind Reader (6)
Mind Reader (7)
Mind Reader (8)
Mind Reader (Character Profiles)
Mind Reader (9)
Mind Reader (10)
Mind Reader (11)
Mind Reader (12)
Mind Reader (13)
Mind Reader (14)
Mind Reader (15)
Mind Reader (16)
Mind Reader (17)
Mind Reader (18)

Mind Reader (3)

723 9 3
By bbbronte

Chapter 3

I hit my head against the locker with a 'bang' Another, 'bang', another 'bang!'.

"doesn't that hurt?" he chuckled. I turned my head to see Lukas leaning on the locker beside me smirking.

"Mmmm" I grumbled. Not in the mood right now.

"i heard about your little accident in maths. Its funny b-" he cut himself off as he saw the look on my face "uh, never mind". I glared at him then relaxed a bit. Why take it out on him? He didn't do anything wrong!

"I'm sorry Lukas" I sighed. He smiled and pulled me into a bear hug. I wrapped my arms around his back and nestled my head into his neck. He was surprisingly short for his age. Only a bit taller than me. Suddenly we heard cat calls and whistles behind us,

"YO! Get a room!"

I looked around and saw Kyle Lamb. The notorious Player of Preston High. He was wearing the typical football uniform with Nike Airs. I have to admit he is mighty fine looking, but on the inside, he is a complete ass whole. Treats girls like crap. I hate his guts more than anything in the world. I blushed and stepped away from Lukas, looking anywhere but his eyes. Unfortunately Lukas decided to keep his hands around my waist, only making it more awkward. We were best friends and I wanted to keep it that way. He was pretty good looking, with black spiky hair and naturally tanned skin, he would be perfect for a girl.. just not me.

"What, you two nerds going out?" Kyle said

"and how would that be any of your business?" Lukas said loudly, so loud infact that heads began to turn.

I gaped at him. What did he just say?? "We aren't going out kyle. Now shove off" I said matter of factly.

Now that put an end to that conversation. I turned on my heel and headed towards the main doors. It was already a quarter past 3. I don't want abby waiting any longer. I hurried down the steps and crossed the road to the primary school. I saw abby immediately. She was laughing and smiling, but it was odd. There wasn't anybody around? I walked faster to catch up to her when a figure stepped out behind a tree and ran for Abby, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. OH MY GOD! I yelled in my head. I started to run, sprint, as fast as I can.

"ABBY!" I yelled. They didn't hear me. "ABBY!" I cried one more time. No no no I can't lose her. "ABBY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She heard me. She turned her little head and waved at me. I came to a stop behind them panting like crazy.

"What the HELL do you think your doing?" I yelled in between breaths. The man turned abruptly, still carrying Abby, who was smiling.

Oh wow. The man before me was..was gorgeous! He looked in his mid 20's with brown/reddish hair and glowing grey eyes that were huge! His skin was pale, but not sickening pale and the lopsided grin on his face made me want to melt. But when he saw me, the grin faded. He blinked at me, lost at words.

"I'm sorry?" he asked, his voice like an angels

I glowered at him, my eyes burning. "I SAID what the hell are you doing with my sister?!"

He looked at Abby, then at me "Oh CRAP" he said loudly, dropping Abby on her feet and stuck out his hand "I'm so sorry, my name is Ryan Anderson, I'm Abbys teacher" the lopsided grin was back.

My stomach did little flips. No snap out of it Alissa. Hes so old!

"Oh, im sorry. I didn't know..I.." I stumbled over my words

"No, no. its okay, I should be the one apologizing. Seeing an older man carrying your sister must have gotten you worried. Not the best move I say" he chuckled and looked deep into my eyes "What's your name?" he asked, all jokes gone.

"Alissa, Alissa-"

"Heart. Yes I know" he smiled down at Abby. Who was sitting on the floor

"Can we go now?" she asked. I bent down and picked her up. God she is getting heavy. Ryan, I mean Mr Anderson must be pretty built to be able to hold her up. I found my self gazing at his arms, which were uncovered below the shoulders. The rolled up shirt he was wearing really flattered him. I shook my head.

"Um, sorry. Yeah, we better go" I mumbled. "bye, thanks for staying with her until I came" I turned and walked away.

"Wait!" he called. I turned around surprised by his eagerness. "It..was nice to meet you Alissa."

I nodded, not sure what else to do and strode away. Thinking, the whole time, on what I could do to see him again..

"Alissa? My interview is coming wup" she said, miss pronouncing up. Wait, interviews? With her teacher? Mr Anderson? YES!

I smiled to my self. Next time I see him, I will be braking all rules. I'm definitely searching that head of his.

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