Animal Kingdom at War with Hu...

By Lukatoji

962 67 43

I was born into an animal family as a human as I was told by my animal parents. I then was ubducted by humans... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Still part of Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The Final Day ( Last chapter )

Chapter 10

25 3 1
By Lukatoji

When we all woke up Zoe and I went on a little walk around the area of our camp. We watch the sun rise we kissed each other and shared how our night went. After that we went back to camp to see that breakfast was ready. We ate hot cereal with brown sugar, strawberry's, banana's, and milk. At breakfast we all talked about how camping has gone so far. Then, we started to pack up and take a few pictures of were we camped and we drove back to campus. When we got there we were greeted by some out campus members on guard duty and went to fill out our report. After that we went outside to shoot some hoops with basketballs. We played five on five. It was fun and team bonding. The other team Zoe, Alex, Sam, john, and Joe won the first time, but then my team Chase, Eric, Craig, Kyle, and I won the next. We called it a tied game but it was fun and something to do with each other. The we all went to the range and shot a lot of targets that we had to start paying to shoot at, but it was a lot of fun. After that we went to the mess hall to go get some lunch and talk about what else we should do for the rest of the day. We ate hotdogs, beans, vegetables, and a glass of chocolate milk. Then we went to our rooms and took a two hour nap. When we woke up we woke up to a alarm going off. The animal kingdom knows were I am now they can attack with all the power and animals they have. I ran out of my room with Zoe's clothes that she gave to me as a present and ran outside. Animals were trying to get through the gate but me and my team with other soldiers shot them down. After a good hour of shooting at animals trying to get in. Ten other people were injured really badly from getting hit by the animals or jumped on.  I went to the armory to buy more ammunition for both of my guns. It cost a lot since a lot of people are buying ammunition, but what ever, I can afford it and I need it to protect everyone even if it will absolutely comes to death. After buying my ammunition for my guns, I headed down to Zoe's room. I nocked on her door, and it opened quickly. She asked me " what's up Sean". I said " not much just wanted to talk about some stuff with you". She let me in her room and told me to come sit with her. She went onto her computer and started looking up a helicopter on google. It had a black and silver paint job on it, along with a machine gun on each side of it. She said " we will be getting one of these in a year or two. I looked at the picture in amazement. It looked really cool and it would be a lot of fun if Zoe and I got to be the first to ride in it. After looking at the cool helicopter picture I said " ok Zoe, now come with me". We went outside and hoped into a truck. I drove and Zoe just watched were we were going. It took an hour to get there but we got to a very nice view. It looked over acres and acres of land. You could see lakes and forests near by. There was the sun setting in the distance, and it just looked so beautiful. Zoe and I sat on the hood of the truck watching the sun set off into the distance and then we kissed. Then we got back into the truck and drove back to campus. When we got back we just both went to our rooms without eating dinner and fell asleep. When I woke up it was dark out and I just walked out of my room, down to Sam's room. I nocked and it opened right away. He looked shocked that I was up and at his door. He asked me " what are you doing"? I said " I was just going to ask if you wanted to come eat breakfast and walk around campus and talk". He gave me a nod and we walked down to the mess hall for some breakfast. We ate some waffles with syrup and butter, with some fruit, and two glasses of milk. Then we both signed up for a mission that did not have a lot of people to do it. So Sam and I ended up have three other people come with us in the hummer. The three people that were put with us were, Mike, Suzy, and Marylu. Once everyone else that signed up for the mission was ready, we moved out. There were four hummers and five people in each one. We started to drive off the campus property. It was really dark, but not to cold to be wearing gloves or a jacket. We are now 45 miles away from campus and we are going 65 mph. We entered a clearing up ahead of the road and slowed down so we won't be surprised attacked. Then, there was a load noise up ahead of the two trucks ahead of us. Then dark figures started moving closer to the convoy. 

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