That Girl (Eminem fanfiction)

By MeganEminem

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Phoebe Sparks is a crazy Eminem fan, she has a huge crush on him and adores all of his music. She goes to al... More

The First Concert
The Morning After Part 1
The Morning After Part 2
Girl's Day
Going On Tour?
On Tour
New Friend
Hanging Out
A Friendly Outting
Meeting Jill
First Date
Will You Be Mine?
The Announcement
Hailie's 16th Part 1
Hailie's 16th Part 2
New Year's Eve Surprise
Wedding Plans
Award Show
Alaina's Graduation
Phoebe's 22nd
Alaina Goes To College
Phoebe Meets Rihanna
Our Family
Baby's 1st Christmas and Hailie's 17th
Chloe's 1st Word
Whitney's 11th Birthday
Hailie's Junior Prom
Chloe's First Steps
Vacation Part 1
Vacation Part 2
Chloe's 1st Birthday
Hailie's Senior Homecoming
Date Night
Christmas and Hailie's 18th
Hailie Graduates from High School
Chloe Goes to Preschool
Hailie Visits
Whitney's Junior High Graduation
Spelling Bee
Hailie Gets Married
Chloe's Song
Whitney's High School Graduation
Hailie's Surprise
The Final Straw
Her First Concert?

The Wedding

678 12 2
By MeganEminem

Phoebe's P.O.V.
Today's the day I become Phoebe Mathers. Marshall Mathers' wife. Jill, Hailie and Alaina are helping me get ready. "Girl I think you should curl your hair" Jill says. Why? I ask. "Because your hair was curled the first time he saw you." That's actually a good idea I say. While Jill curls my hair we all talk about different things. "So Phoebe are you excited to marry my dad?" Hailie asks. Yes absolutely I tell her. "Are you guys having any type of honeymoon?" Jill asks. Well we aren't traveling anywhere I tell her. "Why?" she questions. Because he doesn't want to leave his  surroundings I tell her. "That sucks" No it's okay with me I understand. "Well I guess that is your loss" she says rudely. "What kind of guy doesn't take his wife on a honeymoon?" "Hey! Don't talk about my dad like that" Hailie yells. "Jill why don't you just leave" Alaina says. "Fine" Jill says and storms off. "Sorry for saying that" Alaina tells me. You're fine I say. Jill gets like this sometimes but she's not going to bash Marshall.
I finish curling my hair and then I help the girls into their dresses and I do their makeup. I do Hailie and Alaina's very natural the only thing that is different is that Hailie has light pink colored lipstick and Alaina has crimson red lipstick. Whitney is only wearing a light pink lipgloss. I know Marshall doesn't like Whitney wearing a lot of makeup. Now it's time to do my makeup. I'm wearing pink blush, pink sparkly eyeshadow, black mascara and light black eyeliner. I don't put gloss on because I know Marshall doesn't want lip gloss on him when we kiss. Speaking of Marshall I wonder how he is doing.
Eminem's P.O.V.
I'm so nervous and excited. 50, Dre, Royce, Denaun and Paul are helping me get ready. "Hey don't be nervous man" Dre says patting my back. Do you guys think that Phoebe will leave me once she moves in with me? I ask them worried. "Why would you think that?" 50 asks me. Oh I don't know I feel like I'll mess something up or she'll just get tired of me. "Marshall Phoebe loves you  I really don't think she's the type of girl who would give up on you and you will be a great husband you're a loving kind hearted person" 50 tells me. Really? I ask "of course" he says. Thanks man I appreciate that. 50 gives me a hug "you'll be just fine."
I'm not wearing a tuxedo it's just not my style. I'm wearing a shirt and my cargo pants and red Nikes. I look at my watch and I see that it's almost time for the wedding to begin.
Phoebe's P.O.V.
Jill just walked back into the dressing room and apologized to me and the girls. We accepted her apologies of course.
Jill and Alaina help me get into my dress and I look beautiful. "Are you ready to go?" Yes I am I say happily.

I enter the church and I start to walk down the aisle. Marshall's friends are sitting up front watching. Jill, Hailie and Alaina stand up front and to the side.  My parents aren't in my life so they're not here and Marshall's parents aren't here either.
I get up towards the altar and Marshall is waiting for me. He's so cute. He's not exactly wearing traditional wedding clothes but I'm okay with that I know that it's just his thing to dress like he is. Hey after all it's his wedding too.
"You look beautiful" he tells me. Thank you I say blushing. Me and Marshall both take our vows and we kiss. Everyone cheers and me and Marshall run down the aisle and out the door of the church. Marshall is smiling like crazy I don't think I've ever seen him so happy. I give him a big hug and I whisper in his ear I love you Marshall and I always will. He smiles at me.
We wave at Jill the girls and all of Marshall's friends. Jill is taking the girls to Kim's house so me and Marshall can go back to  our house and we can enjoy ourselves. I've officially moved in but I'm still used to it,I mean it's a huge mansion.
Come on Marshall I say and I grab his hand and pull him to the car. He laughs. What's wrong? I ask him. "Oh nothing it's just funny you're pulling me towards the car the way you always have since our first date." Oh I'm sorry am I hurting you? I ask feeling worried.
No you're fine Phoebe" he tells me. Whew I think. We get into the car and Marshall begins to drive us home. At the stoplight I grab his hand and rub it. He looks at me and gives me a small smile. Then he looks back at the road and continues to drive. Hey Marshall let's go to McDonald's I say. "Why?" he asks. So we can get french fries. "Well, okay" he says. He drives us to the restaurant and I order the french fries. After we leave the drive thru I take a french fry and I say Marshall take a bite and I dangle it in front of him. He starts laughing "I should've known that you would do that." Come on I say. He eats the french fry. Yay! I exclaim clapping my hands. "You're a weirdo" he says smirking. Correction, I'm your weirdo I say smiling. "Yay" he says with exaggerated happiness in his tone. I can't help but giggle a little he sounds so funny. We get home to the house and we go inside. Marshall helps me get out of my dress and I get changed into more comfortable clothes. We both sit on the couch and watch tv. I cuddle up close to him and I wrap my arms around him. My Marshall I whisper. "What did you say?" He asks me. I said my Marshall. "Oh" he says "You're funny Phoebe" I'm so glad that we're married I tell him. "Me too Phoebe, me too."

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