The Damage Has Been Done (Mar...

By AndrewOrAndy

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Mark, or better known as Markiplier, and his friends have found themselves stuck in a post-apocalyptic world... More

The Damage Has Been Done
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Medical Supplies
Chapter 3: Close Call
Chapter 4: Tom's Brotherly Love
Chapter 6: High School Reunion
Chapter 7: New Recruits
Chapter 8: Convincing The Others
Chapter 9: One Infected
Chapter 10: Is Mark Infected?
Chapter 11: Chicago Bound
Chapter 12: On My Way
Chapter 13: Human Straggler
Chapter 14: Finding Fragments of Hope
Chapter 15: Welcome to Indiana
Chapter 16: Group of Three Cafe
Chapter 17: Off to College
Chapter 18: Hey Old Friend
Chapter 19: Conflicts And Memories
Chapter 20: Kid At Wits End
Chapter 21: Another Day Another Infestation
Chapter 22: Close To Catching You
Chapter 23: We Aren't The Last
Chapter 24: Newbie #1
Chapter 25: Markiplier's Last Words
Chapter 26: Read It And Weep
Chapter 27: Project Fischbach
Author's Note
Chapter 28: Wake Up Call
Chapter 29: Specialist Trujillo/Broken Hearted Girl
Chapter 30: I'm Trying Here
Chapter 31: I Tried To Save Him
Chapter 32: How Did You Find Me? (Introduction)
Chapter 32: How Did You Find Me?
Chapter 33: The Golden Voice In Times Of Need
Chapter 34: When Evil Rises (Sneak Peek!)

Chapter 5: Helping Us All

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By AndrewOrAndy

Tom's POV. (A/N. Yup, perspective change!)

Mark woke up gasping for air and was doing what seemed to be crying. I wasn't going to have the infected outside hear him, so I held one arm around him and put my hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. I told Mark he was okay, that whatever woke him up was just a hellish dream and he was fine. We hid down on the floorboards and heard a few of the monsters make their way, only feet apart from us, around the car and keep walking off. I kept one arm around my baby brother the whole time to keep him calm, and thankfully it worked in my favor.

When he asked where everyone else was I told him what happened when I saw the walking freaks and I said that our friends would be just fine if they listened to what I told them to do. After a while of listening to the zombie-like creatures walk around the parkinglot, Mark had fallen asleep under my protective watch. Soon after that, I did too. I never left Mark's side the entire night.

When the break of day made its way through the windows of the car, Mark and I woke up and looked to see if there was any of those monstrous things still making themselves at home in the parkinglot. There were none and we both agreed to go check on the others. Mark and I stepped out of the car and went over to Wade and Molly first. Mark tapped on the door and Wade came out to talk to us.

"Hey, what's going on?" Wade asked.

"Tom and I came over to see if you and Molly were okay. How's her arm?" Mark asked.

"Um, it didn't look bad. I thought it was better than yesterday. At least looked the part. But, yeah, we're okay, thanks. You guys check on Bob and Mandy?"

"Just about to," I said.

"Alright. You want me to put everything together so we can get moving?" Mark nodded before we walked over to Bob and Mandy's car.

"Hey Bob!" Mark slightly shouted. He was asleep and that surely woke him up.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bob asked, stepping out of the car.

"It's 5:30 Bob. We've gotta fix up everything and go. I told you last night that we would keep moving at the crack of dawn. And... Oh look! There's dawn!" Mark pointed to the side of the parkinglot where the sun was rising. "And what's the time- yep, it's the crack of it," Mark said sarcastically. "C'mon bud, let's go. Wake up Mandy."

"Whatever, funny guy. Be that way. Aren't we going to eat something before we go?"

Mark's POV.

"Damn. Forgot about that whole 'food' situation... Fine. Wake up Mandy and get Wade and Molly and come over to mine and Tom's car. We'll have something for you guys."

Everyone came over to mine and Tom's car and they all grabbed something to eat. There wasn't much left to choose from, so eventually we'd have to stop somewhere and loot a store. An idea popped into my head as we were all sitting around, debating on how much longer we could procrastinate our moving forward. I wanted to know where all of this started. Not how, I knew that already. But where was in my interest.

"Tom?" I asked.


"Where did this all start out?"

"Uh, a pill. I thought you-"

"Not how. I meant where. As in, what state, what city, what country?"

"Oh. I'm not sure where. I think it started in Illinois. Chicago, I think it was."

"Who started it?"

"Some guy named Dr. Veltache."

"Where does he live?"

"You think I know all of that? I only figured out who and where. Not where the guy lives. Why do you want to know all of this?"

"I wanna find him."

"Who?" Molly asked.

"The guy! The guy who started all of this! That Dr. Veltache guy! If we can find him, the douche bag that started this, I'm sure we could figure out how to end it. Some sort of- a sort of cure. A antibiotic for the ones who've been bitten! Before they turn into one of the infected! Th-that's possible, right? Right? Guys?" They all looked at me as if I was insane, some sort of idiot.

"Mark," Tom said, grabbing my attention toward him. "We don't know where he lives. Let alone if he's alive. How do you know if we could end this all? The 'turning'? How would that even work?"

"I don't know, but would it kill us all to try? Molly's arm could heal, we could fix those who were bit or scratched or contaminated before something happened to them. We could gather survivors and have them take the meds to other states and cities! All we have to do is find the doctor guy!"

"That's never going to work," I heard Wade mumble to himself.

"Excuse me? What do you mean that it'll never work? It can! It's possible!"

"Okay, first off, trying to find that doctor could kill us. Despite what you just said. Second, how in the hell are us six going to find one guy in the entire city of Chicago? Do we even know if he's alive or if he hasn't left there? Lastly, how would we even begin to cook up an antidote? Mark, c'mon man, this idea isn't going to work. There's little to no possibility that we'll find any survivors before the infected do. Let alone enough to dispatch through the entire U.S. to give medicine to people. Sorry bro. I just don't see it." That put down us all. Damn it Wade. You and your goddamn pessimistic attitude. Love the guy like my own blood, but some days I just want to whack him upside the head.

"You want survivors? We go back to that high school. The people I ran into there, they're alive and well. Well enough to have tried to kill me. Have you seen my hand? The slash in my palm they tried to infect me with? We can get them to help us if you so desperately want survivors to help you see my plan of action fall into place."

"Quit it you two!" Molly yelled. Wade looked at her in amazement. She never yelled at us when we bickered like an old married couple. "Mark has a good idea! How dare you doubt it!" Yes! Thank you! "How do you know how many survivors are around? It's only been two days Wade. If we found people in time, we could probably figure this out, collectively."

"Well," Bob chimed in. "we could try, couldn't we? I mean, sure, it's not concrete, but we could actually try if we all put our minds to it. How far away do you think we are from the school?"

"I think, an hour and a half. But, we took the long way around. If we took the highway, the most direct routes, we could make it there in a half hour tops. Right, Tom?"

"I don't know. I'm sure there's a whole bunch of people trying to get out of Cincinnati still. Traffic could kill us, in terms of time management."

"So we go the long way! Okay then!"

"Mark," Bob said. "we already went back into town once. Are you sure its not going to set us back? If we want to find this guy or whatever, we can't waste any time with it."

"I'm with Molly and Mark on this one," Mandy added in. Now it's three versus three. "They have a really good idea. I mean, are we really sure this will work with only six of us? If there's more, we have an advantage. Our odds increase."

"I'm not saying it's a bad idea Mandy. But, we need all the time we can muster up."

"We backtracked once, sure. But that was three hours. And it was for Tom. This is half the time, and were getting over twice the amount of people," Molly said, reassuringly.

"This isn't just to help me," I said. "It'll be helping us all. The kid who was there, she knew me. Markiplier. I left the kid to fend for herself. Fans are the exact people I promised to never abandon. But that's not my point. My point is, if we can get her and her group, we have a shot."

They all finally agreed to go back. It took a strong fifteen minutes to get them to go with me. It took Molly, Mandy and I versus Wade, Bob and Tom in the debate. But the whole three on three situation worked out. Since Wade and Bob weren't about to let their girlfriends go out alone. And Tom wouldn't let me go without him either. Now, I just need to pray like crazy that the people back at the high school were okay.

(A/N. Heyyo, my fabulous readers! So, what do you think of the story so far? If you like it, don't be afraid to vote or comment! Even add this to your reading list or library! If there's anything I can do to make the chapter(s) better, let me know in the comments! I will also answer any questions you may have and I gladly take suggestions for future chapters as well! So, until the next part, Buh~Bye!!! *waves frantically* ~Melynda! Aka Luxor.)

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