Her Boyfriend is my Fiance'!?

By Edy_Kings

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NIckkie is your average high school student. trying to survive her senior year. She has wonderful parents, a... More

The News
Welcome Home
It's the truth... Kind of
Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say
Birthday Bash
Birthday Crash
It Gets Better
What's Done in the Dark
Center Stage
Curtain Call
Christmas Surprise
One Life
Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back


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By Edy_Kings

Leo's Pov

I hated doing that to her. I felt like there was a boulder in the pit of my stomach. The look of sheer hurt in her eyes when I told her to go home. I knew I would have to make things right with her. It just wasn't the right time yet, but when it was, I would spend the rest of my life trying to make it right. This was too much for me to process right now. I had cut all communication with the outside world so I could just stop and think about my life. I thought back to the day I met Nikkie in 1st grade. It was field day and I had just gotten paired up with PJ for the three legged race. we were so excited to beat the other kids that we took off too fast and I tripped and got a huge gash on my arm. I tried not to cry but Nikkie saw that I was upset and she wrapped her bandanna around it. She even kissed it to make it better. 

"There, now you won't bleed to death" She said smiling with missing teeth. Of course I didn't want PJ to see me being nice to a girl so pushed her down. It was kind of like what I had just done. I had seen her in front of me doing nothing but offer me a life happiness and I pushed her away. 

"Who was at the door" Kat asked.

"Some nobody" I lied. those words felt like dirt in my mouth.

"okay" she didn't ask anything of it and proceeded to look through Pintrist.

"How did I end up here" I mentally asked myself.


*RING* *RING* *RING* My phone was ringing off the hook, but I couldn't bring myself to answer. I knew it was Jenny trying to make sure I was still alive and that I hadn't drowned in a puddle of my own self pity. I felt lost. I had no idea what was next for me. How on earth did I end up here? I questioned why I had been forced to go through any of this. My life was fine before any of this happened. I was on my way through senior year and on to college Before Leo or any of this started. There was a part of me that just wanted to shut it off. I wanted it all to stop hurting so much and get on with my life like it had never happened. I looked at the empty bed space that was once Leo's. I ran my hand across it and the all the memories came flooding back. That first night we shared the bed. The morning I found that little box and I thought my heart would burst. the more I thought of it, the crazier it became. The two of us had moved into this place which was just a couple walls and appliances. Then, and without warning, it became a home. It became our home. I let out a sigh. As long as Kathrine was near him (which was pretty much 24/7 these days) I couldn't get near him and there was no way he was going to answer my text or calls. Just the thought of him with her made me feel sick. *RING* I heard one last time and continued to ignore it. 

The next day I was barely myself. The wheels in my  head had kept turning to come up with a way to rectify my situation. Naturally, I hadn't seen or spoken to Leo or his extra shadow. I was walking down the street when it hit me. From the day I was born, I was meant to be with this guy. Even if I didn't know it, and even if it wasn't my ideal situation, he was engaged to me. It was time that I started acting like it. I wasn't going to let some shrew get in the way of fate. It was time I admitted to myself. I was in love with him. Before I knew it, I had fallen in love with Leo. He added to my peace and joy in a way that I had no idea that I could have. He was the first thing I thought of when I woke up and the last thing I thought of when I was falling asleep at night. In a short time, he had grown to be one of my favorite people. He was one of my best friends and now, with no warning, he was gone and nothing felt quite right without him.  *RING* I felt my phone in my pocket.

"What" I answered Jenny's call finally.

"Oh, so you are alive" she said sternly.

"Look Jen, I really don't feel like..." I started but was cut off.

"Okay, I'm going to stop you right there" she said. "I have a plan" she paused and I could just hear her grinning into the phone. I sniffled and wiped my face.

"I'm listening" I said weakly.

A few days later, Jen and I were at the mall waiting for Kathrine in hopes of exposing her.

"Are you sure we have the right day" I asked. The two of us were sitting incognito at a table in the food court. 

"yes. I have it on good authority that she's here every Thursday at precisely 4:30" Jenny told me. 

"Who told you that anyway" I asked. 

"I can't reveal my sources" she told me but I know she probably just bribed the pretzel guy. Jenny looked down at her watch. "It's go time" she said as she sprung from her seat. She made her way to towards the end of the food court. "Get your phone ready"

"This has to work" I thought. There wasn't any other option. If this didn't do anything else, it would set Leo free. At the very least, his bind to her would be broken and he could live his life free of her. We would be free of her. Just then, Kathrine turned a corner. She spared a second from her phone and saw Jenny walking as she didn't expect to see her. 

"Jenny! Hi" She exclaimed like they were old friends. I could almost hear Jenny's mental eyes rolling. I saw the two of them chatting it up as I discreetly made my way closer to them. "My parents are renting out a club for my next half birthday party. Its going to be a total rager. You have to be there" I over heard. I checked my watch and waited for the secret weapon. With my phone in hand and recording, Eugene came walking around the corner with his hand still in a cast. He was walking past Jenny and Kathrine and stumbled over his own two feet, as he often does. Eugene bumped into Kathrine and out of reflex, reached for something to catch himself. On his way down, he tugged at Kathrine's shirt which ripped off her fake pregnancy belly revealing her flat stomach. She let out a scream as Eugene hit the ground and his soda spilled all over her. I watched with my heart racing not knowing what she would do. Kathrine quickly gathered herself. She looked around and noticed that she had already captured the attention of quite a few strangers. 

"Sorry Kathrine. I'm so clumsy" Eugene said still on the floor. I could almost see the rage fueled smoke coming out of her ears, but I knew she didn't want to look bad yelling at an innocent nerd wearing a cast. At least not in a public setting. She scrambled away as Jenny helped Eugene up. She looked over at me and I nodded.

"Thanks Eugene. Sorry you had to get mixed up in all of this." she said. 

"Happy to help. Nobody ever suspects the nerd in a cast" he said adjusting his glasses. "Send me the video and I'll take care of the rest". I let out a sigh. 

"Eugene, you're the best." I told him before giving him a small peck on the cheek. His glasses began to fog slightly and he smiled. 

A few hours later I was sitting on the couch at home. Waiting. I couldn't even turn on the TV to kill some of the silence. How could I? It was all in Eugene's hands now. I hadn't wanted to send the video out to everyone. I couldn't stand Kathrine, but I didn't want to make Leo look bad by letting it get out to everyone. Just then, I heard keys fumbling in the door nob. I stood up and waited in anticipation. I played with the hem of my shirt for what seemed like an eternity. I licked my lips as I froze in space. The door swung open only to reveal Leo who came bursting in. No words were said. All I saw was him storm towards me and crash his lips into mine. I felt his hands on my hips as I began to meld into his body. He kissed me deeply until he made his way to my neck. I let out a gasp at his touch. I felt him pull me to the couch but not once did he break connection. I felt his hand in my hair just before he pressed his forehead to mine. We sat in silence for a second. 

"I don't know what to say" he chuckled. 

"I tried to tell you. Every day I tried" I told him. "I just couldn't get past her". Leo took my face in his hands. I smiled at his gaze. at that moment, I heard my phone ring at the same time as Leo's. we both looked at each other and back at our phones. Mine said nothing but two words.

"Come home" 

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