The News

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It was just normal day; I got up, came to school. The smell of steel lockers and old books filled the air. My Airpods played my music as I passed by the usual cliques in their respective corners doing their normal useless activities. The band nerds were banding. The debate teams were debating. The drama kids were drama-ing. Just a regular day. Just as I had reached my locker, which had a permanent dent from the time Ricky Hall slammed a freshman into it, I saw a jumping little Asian girl appear out of nowhere. She was my best friend, Jenny. The two of us had been tighter than PB&J since kindergarten. It was when Lilly Rivers wouldn't stop throwing food at me during snack time. Jenny and I bonded in time out after that. It turns out putting bugs in her cot during nap time as an act of revenge didn't sit right with the teacher. Since then, we had always been Nikkie and Jenny: thick as thieves and twice as devious . Every day, she would meet me at my locker and the two of us would chat about whatever crap we could think of. 

Unfortunately, a part of this routine was also Kathrine McDowell. She was the definition of pure evil. Our freshman year, she managed to spread a rumor that got the math teacher fired, convince one of her little minions to sleep with another girl's boyfriend and write my cell phone number on the wall of the boy's bathroom all in the span of a week. From time to time, I still receive dirty text from strange boys at 2:30 in the morning. Other rebellious teens got sent to military school, but Kathrine McDowell had gotten so bad, she got kicked out of military school. For some odd reason, I was her number one target. I think it had something to do with the incident in second grade when Billy Clark gave me a valentine instead of her. She thought she was the hottest thing to come out since sliced bread. Sure she wasn't ugly on the outside. She was your typical blonde haired, blue eyed popular girl that all the guys went crazy for. I guess if a guy needed to settle the whole "Blondes VS. Brunets" argument Kathrine McDowell would be the closing argument. Every morning, she walked past me and every morning she gave me a dirty look.

"Nicole" she said sternly

"Kathrine" I replied to her cutting my eyes.

"Hi Jenny" she said happily waving while she continued her morning "Patrol". Kathrine was always nice to Jenny because her dad was a talent agent and Kathrine had convinced herself that she was the next Brittany Spears.

"Could she be anymore fake?" I asked Jenny angrily as I put my math book in my locker

"Well I feel worse for her boyfriend" Jenny pointed out. I turned my head to see Kathrine making out with her boyfriend, Leo Reynolds, against the lockers.

"Poor guy" I said to Jenny. "She's practically eating him" I said. Sure, Leo was pretty cute, but now that he was with Kathrine McDowell, he was damaged goods. It was truly a shame. Just then I got a text from my mother. That read

"Come STRAIT home. We have something important to talk to you about." It was unsettling, but I knew I had to do just that.

"Everything okay" Jenny asked.

"I'm not sure" I told her. I shrugged my shoulders. "It's probably nothing. You know nothing ever happens at my house" I told her as I made my way to AP English" 

Later that day, When I came home, there was something different about my house. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but even the air was unsettling.

"Mom?" I shouted. "Dad, I'm home" I said as I walked into my house. I found my mother and my father sitting on the couch. She looked at me I knew to sit down. I looked at them. It was so quiet; I could hear the ticking from the grandfather clock.

"Okay, I'm just going to kill the elephant in the room" my father said as he told me one of his crazy expressions. "Nikkie, due to your grandfather's wheeling and dealing, you have to do something for our family". I saw my mother grab my father's hand.

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