Bad Romance(Book1)

By IWriteThings90

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"It's all just a dream...surrender to it...escape until every inch of your body screams with pleasure." >>Cla... More

Chapter 1-Clarabel
Chapter 2-Day 0
Chapter 3-Stranger Things Have Happened
Chapter 4-Jared
Chapter 5-Late Night
Chapter 6-Ella
Chapter 7-More Meetings
Chapter 8-Running Away
Chapter 9-A Gift
Chapter 10-The Talk
Chapter 12-Stroke of Death
Chapter 13-Anka
Chapter 14-Free?
Chapter 15-Bonding
Chapter 16-Say It Louder
Chapter 17-Lost
Chapter 18-Fashion Week
Chapter 19-A Constant...or Not?
Chapter 20-The Love of a Leto
Chapter 21-Ireland
Chapter 22-Home
Chapter 23-Happy Birthday
Chapter 24-Crash and Burn
Chapter 25-A Lesson in Morals
Chapter 26-Do You Really Want...Me?

Chapter 11-Little Brother

144 9 3
By IWriteThings90

We're so desperate to be understood, that we forget to be understanding...


"We do hope you understand that you will be forbidden to leave the country, for now, Mr. Leto.

Drunk driving is a felony no matter how you put it."

"Yeah, yeah...", I said dismissively.

"You do understand that the obstruction of justice will only make things worse."

"Look man...I do understand. But I didn't do anything."

"You nearly killed a woman."

"That's nonsense. I'd never do that. Good reflexes dude.", I replied wiggling my fingers.

"Mr. Leto! Do you think this is a joke?", asked the police officer visibly irritated.

"I called my brother he will sort everything out...since I can't pay my own bail..."

I called Ella. For some weird reason I thought that she might be the one that will help. I knew she would bring Jared along as well. For some reason I started to like her. She knew exactly what she had to do, when she had to do it. And Jared was very different when he was around her. He was more balanced, more reasonable. I did sometimes liked the way she twitched her nose, and I did sometimes liked the fact that she curled strands of her hair in between her fingers. Was I having other feelings for her?

After about an hour we heard a knock in the door. Another police officer came in and announced my bail was paid.

"See, told you it will be sorted out.", I blurted out to the officer.

"Your driver's license will be suspended.", the other officer added with a grin.

"I don't really care.", I said waving my hand and taking a bow.

Outside an angry Jared and an embarrassed Ella were waiting for me.

"Don't say another word Shan.", started Jared.

"I'm not.", I said going straight to Ella and hugging her.

"Ella, can you manage from here? I need to take my brother home and have a talk with him.", said Jared clearly pissed off.

"Yes, sure...I will go see how my mother is. It's not that..."

"Ok. See you tomorrow.", replied Jared, opening the car door for me to get in.

What was going on? I was a bit hazy, but I wasn't an idiot.

"Did I just see you be rude to Ella?"

"In what way was I rude?", asked Jared.

"You just told her to fuck off. In the polite way. What's up with you two?"

"Shan. I don't wanna talk about it.", she said rubbing his temples as he stopped at a red light.

"Where we goin'?"


Jared was pissed off for some reason. I decided to text Ella to see if everything was okay, since Jared ended the subject so abruptly. She replied almost instantly that everything was fine.

The second we got home I lit myself a cigarette and poured a glass of vodka.

"Seriously you're at it again?!", I heard Jared screaming from behind me.

"And what do you want me to do? Cry? Look little bro, you're pissed for some reason and unless you tell me what's up with you I'm not gonna be able to understand.", I replied trying to sound reasonable.

"What's this?", he said pointing to an open book.

"That, well that is a book.", stating the obvious.

"And why does it say and I quote, 'I hope you enjoy this as much as I did, Ella'?"

"Because Ella recommended me the book. That's why. And she thought it would be cute if she personalized it a bit."

"What is going on here?"

"Nothing.", I said calmly taking a sip from my glass.


"Jared I'm perfectly capable of speaking my mind right now. You like Ella, Ella likes you. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. And I see you're jealous."

"I'm not."

"Little brother, you're just acting silly right now. I don't really know which one of us two had a drink."

"Why are you and Ella keeping things away from me? You asked her not to tell me about what happened today."

"Because I know how you react. Look at you. Do you know the concept of fun anymore? It's been that Irish girl and ever since her you've stopped being you. Lately I see Ella is the only one getting through to your head. I don't mind that. Since she is actually really an intelligent person. But why don't you fucking admit that you like her for a change? That you've liked her from the very second you saw her? Why the fuck don't we talk about that for a change Jared?"

"Because there's nothing going on there!", she screamed, slamming a glass to the kitchen counter.

"Seriously? Then why are you so fucking angry right now, and why do I hear you all the time we meet 'oh Ella sent me this' and 'Ella did that'? Why does your face light up when you see her? Why? Just because?"

"Look this is getting nowhere. I'm going home. Call me when you're sober."

"Yeah run away, like you always do.", I retorted back at him.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower that sobered me up. Just as I was wiping myself dry i heard a knock at my door. I opened the door and Jessie stood in the frame.

"Hey, heard what happened. Are you okay?", she asked concerned.

"I'm fine. Come on in.", I invited her with a wink.

"You were all over the news Shan."

"And guess who is pissed as fuck for that?"

"Jared. Obviously. What's up with him. He never called Anastasia back anymore."

"I have no clue. I can't seem to get to him anymore."

"Well, anyway, it's his choice. I've always told him she's nothing but a shag.", she concluded, pouring herself a tequila shot and downing it in one second.

"I love it when you say 'shag' with that cute British accent of yours."

"You like me cause I take things as they are mister.", she replied poking me with her index finger.

"That too. No complications, just the way I like things to go."

"You'd better put some clothes on. I might jump you."

"Wouldn't mind that you know.", I replied with a grin on my face.

She gave me a big smile and looked at me with her grey eyes. I pulled her closer to me and she happily obliged. She wrapped her arms round me and sat on my lap.

"You went M.I.A. on me too. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, all is good, well, minus my little escapade with the car."

"You look really tense. Is everything okay?"

"Me and Jared went into a fight. It will all be sorted.", I said opening myself up.

"I hope so. You two are really cute together."

She kissed me avidly and I replied back. I slowly took off her clothes and carried her to my bed. Soon after we fell asleep in each other's arms. The next day I woke up to the smell of coffee and fresh bagels.

"Called you a cab as well.", she said happily, taking a bite from a bagel.

"Thanks. You know you look good in my t-shirt.", I replied, giving her a light spank.

I went to the cab and gave him the office address. I had to apologise to Jared. I knew I've overstepped some boundaries and one of us had to be the better man. On my way to his office I didn't see Ella and I started feeling a bit concerned.

Jared was in, staring at some papers. I could tell he was barely focusing on things.

"Hey...I'm sorry...I brought a peace offering.", I said giving him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks I have my own.", he said not even looking at me.

"Are we still on no speaking terms?"

"Have you talked to Ella since yesterday? She is not answering my calls."

"No I haven't. Spent the whole day after you left with Jessie."

"She didn't leave a message that she isn't coming in and she was supposed to come in today to tell me if she sorted out everything with the apartment in Tokyo."

"Maybe something happened? Do I need to remind you that you acted like an ass yesterday with her?"

"What? Oh yeah...", he said with a wave.

"I'm gonna try and call her.", I said pulling out my phone.

Her phone went straight into voicemail.

"Any luck?"

"No. straight to voicemail."

"I'm gonna head to her place. Maybe she overslept or something. Can you tell Jack to check if everything is sorted for Tokyo?"

"Yeah sure. Texting him right now. I'm coming with you."


He looked tired, like he didn't sleep the whole night.

"You look like you have something on your mind."

"I tried calling her the whole night. I know I overreacted yesterday. I wanted to say I'm sorry."

"You really like her don't you?"

"I like being around her. If that qualifies as me liking her then yes, I do like her. But I also hate her in the same time. I hate that I have to thread lightly around her. She is so frail, I'm afraid I might break her."

"She is stronger than you may think."

"What do you mean?", he turned at me.

"Well, given what she has been through..."

"You know too?"

"Of course I know. I knew who she was from the second I saw her. I had my doubts at first of the reasons she came to work here, but they vanished soon enough."

"No you didn't.", he smiled.

"Well, remember when we had lunch with mum? She knew who she was. Well, she had a faint idea. And I went on that lead."

"We're here."

We went to her door and Jared pressed the doorbell. No answer.

"I swear to God that if she doesn't answer this door I will knock it down.", yelled Jared, pressing the doorbell furious.

"We might get arrested. And twice arrested in two days is not the best way to do things. Maybe she is not at home.",I stated the obvious.

Our loud conversation got the attention of the neighbour next door.

"Ella's not home! Are you guys fucking maniacs or what?!", he said angrily.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Do I look like her fucking secretary? And who the hell are you two?"

"We are just two concerned friends man.", I tried replying calmly.

He gave us a weird stare and went back inside his apartment.

"The hospital!", said Jared as if he discovered a relic.

"Ok. Let's go to the hospital then.", I complied.

After another hour drive through the busy L.A. we managed to get to the hospital.

"Hello, we are looking for Ella Pierce. Her mother is here as a patient.", said Jared to the receptionist.

"Mr. Leto! Of course, you know I can't give you any personal information regarding patients. Unless you are family. I'm really sorry about that. By the way I loved your last movie, I do believe that your character was compl..."

"I'm not looking for a patient. I'm looking to see if Ella is here. Please, can you make an exception...for me?", he said giving her a sweet smile.

She blushed violently and started tapping at her computer.

"It shows that she has came to visit yesterday, but I'm not sure if she has left. Maybe the system wasn't updated. I'm really sorry Mr. Leto.", she replied bitting her lip.

"Thank you. I will find my way around. Follow me Shan."

We went up and down the corridors and finally found Ella. She was all dressed in black, her eyes were red and she was pale as a dead body. She was staring into a room where a body was disconnected from the plugs.

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