EXO imagines

By dancingxdreaming

1.2M 20.6K 1.3K

They might not be the best but I hope you still like them! and if you request, please write a basic storyline... More

1. Luhan-My Last Wish
2. Suho- Why Me?
3. Chanyeol-Dinner Proposal
4. Baekhyun-Best Boyfriend
5. Sehun-Someone I Rely On
6. Kris-Basketball Practice
7. Kai-Dance Lesson
8.1 Lay-The Accident
8.2 Lay-The Accident (cont.)
9. Chen-Surprise Party
10. D.O-Only My Cooking
11. Tao-Walks on a Beach
12. Xiumin- Flour Fight
13. Chanyeol-Secret Admirer
14. Luhan- Carnival Date
15. Suho - Puppy Love
16. Lay- Birthday Date
17. Chen- Rain Church
18. Kai - I'm Sick
19. Tao - A Sad Movie
20. Baekhyun - Ballet
21. Kris - Christmas Anniversary
22. Xiumin - .
23. D.O - "Drunk"
24. Sehun - Shopping Date
25. Lay - Piano Duet
26. Kris - "Siblings"
27. Tao - Friends to the End
28. Suho - Tickle War
29. Kai - A Bad Dream
30. Chanyeol - Blind Date
31. D.O - Regret Fight (1/2)
31. D.O - Regret Fight (2/2)
32. Luhan - My Song For You
33. Sehun - Christmas Party
34. Xiumin - 'Lil Sis
35. Chen - Frosting Birthday
New years pt. 2
37. Kai - Tea Date
38. Kai - Cheater
39. Kris - My Babies
40. Luhan - My Love?
41. Chanyeol - Because I Love You
42. Sehun - Did My Love Reach You?
43. Xiumin - Luna Cafe
44. My Crazy Life
45. Tao - My Savior
46. Chanyeol - Sweet Sunday
47. Chanyeol - You're Mine
48. Chen - Be My Peter Pan?
49. Sehun/Luhan - Who Will it Be
50. D.O -You're My Star
51. Sehun - Where Did It Begin?
52. Baekhyun - Parent's Consent
53. Chanyeol - My Savior
54. D.O - Someone Loves Me
55. Lay - A Brother You Never Had
56. Tao - Remember Me
56. Baekhyun - I'm Always Here
57. Suho - My Hit List
58. Kai - Unpredictable

36. Baekhyun - Goodbye?

18.9K 367 19
By dancingxdreaming

Okay I'm trying to write every week BUT WORK and laziness is another factor lol but I'm getting there ahaha okay thanks for reading! I love all my readers and also thanks for voting for my stories:) it really makes me feel loved haha okay hope you like this story:D enjoy~


Lying here in the silence. Just thinking. Your boyfriend was sound asleep next to you. It was the last day you and Baekhyun had together. Tomorrow, you were leaving to Canada because your mom had a job transfer. In other words, your family was moving thousands of miles away from your boyfriend. Because it was so sudden you haven't told him that you are leaving tomorrow

"Hey" you whisper. "Baekhyun. I have something important to tell you." You shake him a little. "And it can't wait." Of course, Baekhyun thought you were kidding. Being half awake, he pulls you toward him and hugs you.

In his sleepy voice, he mumbles "mmm later sweetie. You can tell me later." Baekhyun tries to fall back asleep but he feels something wet dripping on his arm. When he realizes they were your tears, he immediately sits up. In an urgent voice he asks, "oh my god ____ what happened? are you okay?" you couldn't hold it any longer so you plop your face in your hands and burst into tears. "Awww" he tries to comfort you "how about a kiss?" Baekhyun tries to place a peck on your forehead but you swat him away.

"NO" you shout. You were a mess. "I don't want a kiss goodnight, Baekhyun." You look somewhere else. Anywhere but your boyfriend so you could calm down a little. "I just wanna stay with you forever. and I don't wanna sleep." You put your palm on your forehead. You sigh and look straight in your boyfriend's eyes. "I don't wanna close my eyes, Baekhyun. Cuz if I do you'll be gone in morning." The tears were coming back. "And all I want to do is to stay with you forever. Forever and always. I-I don't," you tremble a little "i don't want to leave you. Or I'll become a dream." you use your hand to brush your hair back and sigh. you look outside at the night sky. The last night you and Baekhyun will have together--you pictured it a little differently. You sigh again and look back at him. "And I don't want to be a dream. I want to be your world."

Baekhyun chuckles in disbelief. "Wh-what are you talking about _____? I'm going to be here next to you tomorrow. I'll be next to you next year. And even in ten years." He wipes your tears with his thumb. "I'm not going anywhere." You look at him with sincere eyes and hug him.

"Thank you" you whisper.

"Mmm" Baekhyun lies back down and takes you down with him. "Now time to sleep okay?" he looks down at you and you nod. "Good" he smiles and kisses your forehead. "Goodnight baby"

It was 4am. You had to get home by 5 to finish packing. You Couldn't muster up the courage to tell Baekhyun you ere moving because it would have broken your heart if he cried. You surrender. This was definitely a night to remember. You do what you need to and quietly sneak out the his house.


9am and Baekhyun's alarm rings to wake him up. It was a Saturday so it was okay to wake up so late. He stretches and sits up. Baekhyun looks at where he last saw you, but you were missing. The only thing left in your place was a note. Baekhyun picks up the note and slowly started to read it:


Hey Baekhyun:) by the time you read this, I'm probably already in the airport leaving for Canada. I know this is really sudden but my mother had a job transfer to Canada. The past year being your girlfriend was the best. I've made so many special memories that I will cherish forever. They'll never die and they'll always be in my heart. Please understand that I didn't tell you I was moving was for your good. I'll always love you Baekhyun. The days I've spent with you will never be a dream. All those late night talks and all those great dates and anniversaries We spent together will never be forgotten. One day, I hope you can forgive me for what I did. I hope we can still be friends Baekhyun. But if we can't I understand. Thanks again for the great memories. My first love, my last love,

Good bye...


Baekhyun couldn't believe what he was reading. His hands were trembling. He was scared of losing you. Everything happened so fast. He starts crying, but trough the tears he fumbles for his phone and calls you. no one picks up so he calls again. And again. And again. His phone was nearly dead but he kept on calling you. His fifth call was the only call that went through, but those ten seconds before his phone died were priceless.



You were sniffling on the other side of the line and smiling like crazy. "Mhmm I love yo--" the line went blank and your smile fades. "-ou too..."

"Attention passengers. Will seat numbers xx-xx please board." The attendant speaks through her mic. Your family gets up and you take one lady look at your hometown with Baekhyun in it before boarding the plane. You get settled in your seat next to the window. You touch the window. It's cold. Just like your first date with Baekhyun: awkward and a little cold from the autumn winds. you look out he window and think to yourself. Baekhyun. You softly clench your fist. I'll miss you.

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