We Fit Together Like Ying And...

By JustYouWaitAndSee

45.5K 689 95

To the human population Savanna's parents died of an unknown cause, but her and her brothers know the truth... More

Our New Home
The Day We Met
Getting Closer To Jacob
Beach Time
There's a fire starting in my heart
The Untold Story Of Pain
The Suppose Date
The Transformation
The After Effect
Getting Away
It Was Only Just A Dream
Her Fault
Micheal and Leah's Plan
Micheal and Leah's Plan Part 2
Just A Kiss
My Best Friend James Levar
The Threat
Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid
I Miss You

The Kiss

2.1K 36 4
By JustYouWaitAndSee

::Savanna's Pov::

Beep! Beep! Beep Beep!

Groaning I rolled over onto my back. Music still blasting in my left ear. Reaching around under the cover I find my Mp3 player. Sighing I turned it off and put if on the charger since it was almost dead. Getting out of bed I stretch, hearing some bones pop. Scratching the back of my neck I walk over to my closet and open it.

Pulling out my black and gray half sleeved shirt, I smiled. There was a picture of a dinosaur on it. Above it the words 'Rawr!!' were in pink letter. Under it the word 'Means' was in yellow and finally bellow that was the words 'I Love You!' were in pink. It was one of my favorite shirts. Looking around for some pants I grab my ripped black faded skinny jeans. Lastly I take out my Zombie Baby Panda Jacket.

Slipping my shirt and jeans on I lay my jacket on my bed and walk into my bathroom. Putting my hair like I always do I smiled as it turned out good without me having to fight it. Taking that as a good sign I put on my black eye shadow. Then my pink eyeliner to match my shirt. Lastly I add some lip gloss and smile. Walking out of the bathroom I look at myself in the full length mirror on the back of my door.

Smiling at my reflection I grabbed my jacket, slipped it on and grabbed my all time favorite book sack. Gir! This was my favorite book sack out of all of the book sacks I've ever have. Putting it on my back I walk over to my dresser by my bed and open my jewelry box. Grabbing my pink and black bracelets I slip them on my arm. Picking up my pink heart necklace I put it on and look for some earrings. Finding my black diamond earrings I put them on.

After that I grab my cell phone and my now half charged Mp3 player. Stuffing them in different pockets I rushed downstairs. Walking into the kitchen I see Micheal and Tyler talking lowly to each other. When I walk in they stop talking. Narrowing my eyes I look between the two.

"You ready Vanna?" Tyler asked me.

"Yeah. Just let me grab a bag of chips and ill meet you outside." He nodded and gabbed his book sack. Walking over to the cabinets I opened one and rummaged around till I found a bag of funyuns. Smiling I close the cabinet and start walking out.

"Savanna." I stopped.

"Yes Micheal?" He sighed.

"You should talk to Jacob." I scoffed.

"Why should I talk to him?"

"Because... You just should." Rolling my eyes I walk out. Tyler leaned against the car, texting on his phone. Shaking my head I walked up to him. Opening the passenger seat I hop in.

"Stop texting and comeon! Id rather not be late for school." Tyler rolled his eyes and got in the car. Starting it up he backed out and started the drive to my doom or better known as La Push High. Thats where He waited.

::Micheal's Pov::

Sighing I listened to the car as it drove away. Vanna when will you learn. Getting up from the table I looked at what time it was. Smiling I walked upstairs. I had 40 minutes to get to Port Angeles for the job interview at this flower shop. Yeah I know, cheesy right, but it was the only thing I could find. Walking into my bathroom I turn the water on. Once It was hot I stepped in. The warm water relaxed my muscles. Stepping out I dried out and went into my room. Opening my drawr I take out a pair of boxers and slip them on. Opening another drawr, taking out a pair of red skinny jeans from it, I slip them on. Scratching my neck I think of what shirt to wear. Thinking it was best not to act fake I walk over to my closet, open it up and pull out my favorite shirt. It has a picture of elmo in a black suit with black hair covering his right eye. Hes holding the vampire puppet that was on sesames street. It also had on a black suit. Above them it said Cupcake Cunt in green letters.

Vanna always did love this shirt. Grabbing some black and gray vans I slip them on. Walking over to my dresser I grab my toast necklace that Vanna bought for me last year. Putting it on I look around for my 3-D Glasses I got at the movie thearter. Smiling I put them on and nodded.Picking up my eyes and my cell phone I walk down the stairs and out the front door, locking it behind me. The car ride from La Push to Port Angeles was sorta long but at the speed I was Im pretty sure it was a shorter ride.

Pulling in front of the flower shop I get out and walk in. The bell chimes, an woman about 23 or so turns around, a small smile on her face.

"Hi. Welcome to Ann's Flower Shop. How may I help you?" I smiled. Wow, shes really pretty. Her short brown hair sat in a ponytail, everytime she moved it bounced. Her slighlty round face complimented the smiled that adorned her face. When I looked in her eyes I smiled bigger. Her dark brown eyes captivated me, held me there. All of a sudden I wanted to make her happy, make all of the pain and sadness I saw in her eyes dissapear. She continued to stare at me which didn't affect me in the slightest bit. Some one cleared their throat. Blinking I looked away from the blushing woman and to the 40 year old woman.

"Ah. You must be Micheal Luka. Am I right?" The smile still on my face I nodded at the woman.

"Im Ann. Why don't you come around back and we'll start your interview."

"Yes mam." Walking over to her I passed by the woman again. As I passed her I purposley brushed my arm against hers. I smiled bigger when she gasped as little tingles of electicty passed between us. Chuckling I walk into the office with the woman.

Mintues went and the interview was finally over. Smiling I shake the womans hand.

"You can start today?" She asked me in a motherly tone. Chuckling I nodded.

"Yes mam I can." She smiled. Just gives me another ecuse to talk to that girl. She was on my mind during the whole interview. I couldn't stop thinking about her. She obviously didn't live in Part Angeles since her skin was so tan which led me to believe that she from either Forks or La Push. Walking back to the front I took in her skin tone and hair color. Yep Definitly from La Push. I smiled at the thought.

"Hi." I said looking at her. Slowly she looked up from her magazine and looked at me. Staring into my eyes I could see the confusion and the shock.

"Uh, hi." Walking over to her I stand beside her.

"Whatcha reading?" Her eyes stayed on her. Narrowing her eyes she looked back down at the magazine.

"I don't know. Something to do with furniture." I chuckled.

"You looking for new furniture." She shook her haed.

"No, I was just bored." I nodded.

"Im Micheal by the way." She nodded.

"Leah." I smiled. Leah. What a beautiful name.

"Thats a really beautiful name." I said, speaking before I could stop myself. She narrowed her eyes again and looked at me. I could see the hesitation in them. She must not get a lot of compliments. Weird. A beautiful girl like her should be use to them.

"Thanks." She whispered, looking down and focusing intently on the magazine. I could see the blush slowly creeping onto her face. Makes her look like shes glowing. I chuckled.

"What?" She asked warily, looking up at me with her eyebrow raised. I shook my head.

"Since im new to this do you think you could teach me how to do everything?" She looked at me for a few more minutes before slowly nodding. Smiling I put my arm around her should in a side hug.

"Thanks." She stiffened under me. Frowning I took my arm off of her. She still had a tense look about her. Sighing I watched her as she moved around the room in a graceful manner, telling me how to do this and where to put the flowers. The whole time she was telling me things I could tell she was still tense from earlier. I don't know what it is about her, but I am going to find out. With that thought in mind I felt myself get determined. I was going to figure Leah out if it was the last thing I did.

::Savanna's Pov::

I was so glad when lunch time came. I had managed to ignore Jacob everytime I saw him or passed by him the hall. Stopping in my tracks I thought about how he ws going to be with Embry and Jared at their table. I was getting closer to Embry and Jared. During P.E we were playing basketball and one of the guys threw the ball at the back of my head, not on purpose of course, but that didn't matter to Embry and Jared. They flipped and people had to hold them back from hurting the guy. They ended up getting detention today. Sighing I opened the door and walked in. People in different groups went quiet as I walked in. Blinking I watched everyone as they leaned over to their friends and whispered something to them, making them laugh. Scoffing I look around for my brother.

I decided that I was going to sit with him. When I found him I smiled. Walking over to his table I took the seat beside him. The table went quiet after I sat down.

"Hay Vanna." Tyler said smiling at me.

"Hay Ty."

"Did you do that work in Mrs. Porter's class?" I scoffed and took a piece of his pizza.

"Nope." He sighed and took the pizza from my hands.

"Hay!" Smiling he bit into it. Crossing my arms I rolled my eyes.

"Dweb." He scoffed. I barley even noticed how quiet everyone still was. The cafeteria went from quiet and whispering back to the loudness that they always were.

"Um excuse me but your in my seat." Looking up I see the girl from 6th hour, the same girl who was with Tyler this morning. Raising my eyebrow I looked at Tyler. He shook his head and looked down.

"Sorry but im sitting here today."

"Um im sorry but thats my seat and your gonna get up." I rolled my eyes. Stanging up I crossed my arms and looked her square in the eyes. The cafeteria went quiet again which really annoyed me.

"Make me." Shocked gasps echoed through the cafeteria. She narrowed her eyes at me and glared.

"I don't know who you think you are, but if I were you id watch how you talk to me." I chuckled.

"Oh yeah and why is that? Oh wait I know. It probably because you think your just the most amazing thing to ever happen right?" She glared at me with such intensity that if looks could kill Id probably be six feet under right now. Having nothing else to say I decide to let her have her chair. Grabbing my book sack off of the back of the chair I push past her and walk out of the door. It ws completly quiet as I walked out. Sighing I walk to my 6th hour class and sit on the ground, my back against some locker. Taking out my Mp3 player I turned it on and put one of the headphones in my ear. N Sync's Gone came on. Smiling softly I think about Jacob. I wonder what hes doing. If hes still hurt about what I told him.

When a part of the song came on that fit perfectly to what I was feeling right now about Jacob I couldn't help but sing it. Colsing my eyes I song along to the song that made my heart scream out in pain.

I've been sitting here

Can't get you off my mind

I've drove myself insane

Wishing I could touch your face

But the truth remains..

Your gone..

I didn't even know some one had stood in front of me until I felt their warm hand on my shoulder.

"Savanna. You okay?" Gasping I looked up to see the perfect face of Jacob Black. His beautiful brown eyes stared into my blue orbs, worry shown in them.

"Vanna?" Blinking I stared up at him, captivated by the beauty of him.

"Okay thats it. Im taking you to the nurse." Snapping out of my trance I jumped up.

"No, im fine." He looked at me. Worry still in his eyes.

"You sure?" I nodded. He smiled softly and sat on the ground. Biting my lip I looked at the spot beside him. Sighing I sat a few feet away from him. Pulling my knees to my chest I hummed along to one of Kelly Clarkson's songs.


"Hmm?" Turning my head to the left I softly gasp. Jacob's face was close to mine, like so close that if I moved my head forward a little id end up kissing those full lips. Biting my lip I looked down at his lips and back up to his eyes. The urge to pull him to me and kiss him like their was no tomorrow almost completly consumed my mind. Jacob smiled at me, his breath tickling against my lips.

"You look beatiful today Vanna." Blushing I looked down.

"T-Thank you." He chuckled.

"Your welcome." He was still so close to me. The lyrics from before played in my head over and over again. I wanted to touch him, to feel his lips against mine. To hold him to me and never let go. Just to have him hold me and make all my fears and worries go away.

"J-Jacob.." He moved closer, placing his hand ontop of mine.

"Yes?" My breath sped up along with my heart. My mind raced. I wanted to kiss him. I knew I did, but should I? Did I want to put him at risk of me one day suddendly losing control. I could change like before and hurt him without even meaning to. Did I really want to put him in danger of the tracker that was still after me and my brothers? At that moment I knew I did. I can protect him. I will protect him! With my mind made up I put an arm around his shoulders. He looked at me midly shocked but amused at the same time. Moving closer before I could stop myself or second guess myself I kissed him.

There we sat. Me and Jacob. On the ground beside our 6th hour class and you know what at that moment I didn't even care if we got caught by teachers or anybody. At that moment all that mattered was me and Jacob.

The kiss was not as I expected it to be. It started off slow and passonaite making me close my eyes in hopes of savoring the moment but then it changed. Jake wrapped a warm arm around my wait and sat me on his lap. Strattling his waist I put both arms around his neck. Grabbing his hair I pulled him closer to me, deeping the kiss. His tounge lightly brushed my bottom lip, begging for entraced. Smiling I denied him. He growled and grabbed my hips, making me gasp. Taking that as an opening he pushed his tounge into my mouth. Together our tounges battled for dominace and in the end he won. I wasn't complaning though. The way his warm hands felt on my sides make me swoon and I was glad for the fact that I was sitting down.

Pulling back I took deep breath of air that I was in great need of. Slowly I opened my eyes. Jacob sat there, panting and a big goofy smile on his face.

"Black! Luka! Get up this second!" Jumping off of Jacob I turned around to see our 6th hour teacher with a furious look on her face. Jake slowly got off of the ground, that dumb lovestruck look still on his face. It actually made me blush, aside from the fact that a teach probably jsut caught us making out.

"H-Hi Mrs.Scarborough." Her face was one of shock and anger.

"Take those headphones out of your ear Miss Luka and after you do that I want you and Mister Black to stay after school for detention." I nodded. Looks like im gonna be hanging out with Jared and Embry today.

"Now. Get into the class."

"Yes mam." Putting my, now dead, Mp3 player in my bag I pick it up and walk into the classroom, Jacob following right behind me. I walk to the back and sit in my desk beside Jake. That look was probably permentally etched onto his face. The rest of the students came in and class started. Taking out my cell phone I made sure no one was looking and texted Tyler.

Hay Ty. I have detention after skool.

Ha! Wat did u do?

Got caught kissing Jake.

Wait... U serious?



I chuckled quietly to myself. He's acting like a excited girl.

I kissed him.

Oh wow! When?

B4 6th hr started.

Lol! Wow. Ill tell micheal tht ur stayin after skool 4 detention.

Mmmk. Ttyl.


Putting my phone back in my pocket I waited for the class to end and for the rest of school to be over with.


"Ohemgee Im so glad school is finally over!" I said walking beside Jacob to detention. He chuckled and put his big warm arm around me.

"Yeah but we still have detention." I nodded.

"Hopefully that'll end quick." He laughed. Opening the door I look around for Embry and Jared. Seeing them in the back I mvoe Jacob's arm off of my shoulder and grab his hand. Dragging him with me to the back of the room with the others.

"Hay guys." I said smiling.

"Hay Vanna...Jake? Uuh what are you guys doing here?" Embry asked confused. I chuckled.

"The teacher caught me and Vanna kissing." Jared and Embry's eyes practically bugged out of their head.

"Seriously!?" I nodded. Blushing under Embry's eyes I looked down. He laughed, very loudly might I add.

"Embry Call! Be quiet!" The teacher yelled walking into the room.

"Everyone take your seats! Detention has now started!" Me and the guys sighed but sat down. The teacher didn't even try to sperate us. The rest of the detention was spent on me and te guys passing notes. They were pretty shocked when they found out that I had kissed Jake and not the other way around. Im actually glad that I did it. I felt so much better now and im pretty sure that Jacob felt the same way. Well atleast I think he did. Does he feel the same way?


Me and the guys walked out of the school, estatic that detention was over. Jared and Embry walked over to Jared's car. Casting goodbye's to me and Jacob. Biting my lip I turned to look at Jake.

"Hay J-J." He looked down at me and raised his eyebrow.


"Do you think I can catch a ride with you?" He smiled.

"Of course." I smiled and took Jacob hand. Following beside him to his car. I blushed when he opened the car door for me. Hopping in I watched him close the door and walk over to the drivers side and get in. He started up the car and drove away from the school. I smiled and fiddled with my fingers. The ride to my house was quiet but not uncomfortable. When he pulled into the driveway I suddednly didn't want to leave. It was getting dark out now and I knew that micheal was probably getting worried. Turning to look at Jacob I gasped softly at the look in his eyes.

"Vanna." He whispered.


"What are you doing this weekend?" I blinked.

"Nothing. Why?" He smiled brightly at me.

"Good cause im taking you to Port Angeles." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What are we going to do?" A mischiveous glint shown in his eyes.

"Thats a secret." I shook my head and chuckled.

"Well I gotta go." He nodded. Before I could get out of the car Jacob grabbed my arm. Turning back to look at him my breath hitched. He was so close to me.

"Bye Vanna." He whispered, his warm breath trickling against my lips. I nodded, suddendly speechless.

"Bye Jake." Smiling he let go of my arm and I got out of the car. Holding onto the door for support I made sure that I wouldnt faint before I walked up to the door, turning around one last time to look at Jake. He sat in his car, watching me with a happy smile on his face. Smiling back I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me. Sighing dreamily I bit my lip and pressed my back to the door.

"Well well well If it isn't Miss getting detention for making out with Jacob Black." Rolling my eyes I glared at Tyler.

"Oh be quiet Ty." He chuckled. Walking into the kitchen I pass by Micheal, who was texting away on his phone like their was no tomorrow. I chuckled.

"Micheal! Your texting some one! Who is it? I bet its a girl!" His cheeks turned bright red. I giggled.

"Oh so im right! Whose the lucky girl?" He smiled up at me.

"Her name's Leah Clearwater. She works at the flower shop that im working at now."

"Aww. Mikey and Leah sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" He rolled his eyes.

"Your one to talk. I heard about you and Jacob." Now it was my turn to blush.

"So you kissed Jake huh?" I nodded.

"Did you like it?" I sighed and put my book sack on the ground. Sitting in the chair in front of Micheal.

"I can't believe im talking to my brother about this but yeah I did. I loved it actually. It just felt so right. Like it was meant to happen." Micheal nodded.

"Well as long as your happy."

"I am. Even if were not dating im happy just by being by him. Its like second nature when im around him. Like I can be myself." He smiled.

"Sounds like you really like him."

"I think I do." He chuckled. Standing up I grab my book sack.

"Well ima go upstairs and do my homework."

"Okay. Im ordering pizza. What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

"Cheese. Duh." Micheal laughed and nodded. Walking up the stairs and into my room I close my door. Throwing my book sack on the bed I decide to take a shower first. After I was done with my shower and had on my favorite areopostale shorts and my mickey mouse sleeveless shirt with some smurf socks, I sat down on my bed and open up my book sack.


Three hours later and I was finally done with my Advanced Chemistry work, my Advanced Gemotry work and my World Geography work. Micheal had brought me 4 slices of pizza hours ago so I was completly stuffed. Putting my work in the books they belong in I get up and put my book sack by the door but not before I take out my cell and my Mp3 player. Turning off my light I walk over to my bed and lay down, plugging my Mp3 player into the charger and turning it on. Putting the headphones in my ear I scroll through my playlists until I find my Three Days Grace one and press play. Pain came on and I smiled. Singing along with it I feel my eyes get heavy. Yawning I pull the cover over me and let the music take me away into a perfect dream of guess who. You guessed right. Jacob Black.

::Jacob Pov::

There I lay. On my bed with a big goofy grin on my face as today's event crossed my mind. Touching my lips I felt giddy. She kissed me. Really kissed me. Sighing in content I turn on my side. Images of Vanna from today came to my mind. The way her ripped skinney jeans not only hugged her body but showed skin. Her perfect figure and her beautiful blue eyes as they stared into mine. Showing complete adortion.

As I thought of Savanna another image slowly crept into my mind. Bella. My heart sped up some. Yes it was true. I still had feelings for Bella but they were different from the way I felt about Savanna. I felt more at peace, more happy around Vanna. Around Bella I felt like I was competing. Even though that leech wasn't here anymore It still felt like he had a claim over her and I was still fighting for her love. Sighing I gritted my teeth. A image of Bella and an image of Vanna. I loved both of them. I knew that now. Even with the imprint I have on Savanna, Bella still has a strong claim on my heart. But who will I choose?


Hiya! Sorry for not updating yesterday I was sick so I couldnt get on the computer! Hope this makes up for it! Lol

And im gonna update one more time just because! :)

Well I hope it was good! Comments are greatly appreciated people! ^_^

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