UtaPri: Disco War

By TheBlackberryKey

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You and the boys of Shining Agency have been victims to a crime, getting your most important item stolen. Whe... More

Chapter 1: Stolen Belongings
Chapter 2: But, why?
Chapter 3: Spandex and heels on wheels
Chapter 4: Just follow the plan guys
Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.1: Hair and makeup
Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.2: Never trust an Otori
Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.3: I want a raise
Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.4: Beware! Drunks and cats on the dancefloor
Last chapter: Chapter 6: Disco Panic

Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.5: The Dance off!

378 20 1
By TheBlackberryKey

Natsuki was known to like cute things. Nagi was known for being rather cute. Natsuki didn't stop himself, when he saw something he found cute. Nagis legs were unfortunately to short to outrun the giant blonde. The chase had ended in Natsuki throwing himself at the short idol, throwing him up in the air, swinging him around and finally putting him down again.
"What are you doing you big dork?!" Nagi yelled at Natsuki as soon as his feet made contact with floor again.
"Ah, I'm so sorry, you were just so cute that I couldn't help myself" Natsuki said smiling.
Nagi scoffed at the tall blonde.
After a some time of silence between the two, Nagi said: "So aren't there something you would like to know?"
Natsuki looked confused at the young boy and asked: "Like what?"
Nagi sighed deeply and face palmed.
"Like where you stuff is" he said slowly and annoyed.
A light switched on in Natsuki's mind, and he said: "Oh yeah, I totally forgot that, I was so busy looking for the others, that I completely forgot our main goal"
Nagi sighed once more, was this guy for real?
"I wasn't gonna tell you anyway" The young idol said.
"Then why did you ask?" Natsuki asked dumbfounded.
Nagi was silent for a while, thinking his answer over, he had meant to tease the big dork, but with him being so oblivious, it was almost impossible.
"It doesn't matter" He finally said. "What is more important is why you are wearing those ugly ass glasses" He continued, referring to your pink flower patterned reading glasses, Natsuki was wearing due to his own being stolen.
"I mean I thought we stole yours" Nagi said confused.
"You did, but (y/n) was so kind to lend me these" Natsuki explained.
Nagi looked skeptically at the older idol.
"Can you even see anything with these?" Nagi said grabbing the glasses to look through the glass himself, he was certain that Natsuki used stronger glasses than this. But he never got an answer, because as he looked away from the glasses again, he didn't see Natsuki. Or it was his body and he looked just like him, but he was different somehow, his eyes were much colder.
"What the..." Nagi started, but was cut off by a fist slamming into the wall behind him. Nagi's eyes widened and he stared at the hole in the wall. Who was this guy?
The blonde leaned down against him and said: "Don't mock Natsuki" in a threatening voice.
Nagi gulped and stared at the man before him, and somehow got uttered: "Wh...who are you?"
The blonde stood up straight, looked directly at Nagi and said: "Satsuki, I'm the protector of Natsuki's emotions"
Nagi's face was filled with confusion, what was this, and how did it happen? Then it hit him, Natsuki had changed when he took his glasses, so maybe if he put them back on he would become normal again. It was worth a try. Nagi took the glasses in both hand and lunged towards Satsuki, but he was too short.
"Don't even think about it midget" Satsuki said coldly, smirking a little at Nagis failed attempt to turn him back.
Nagi looked up at the tall idol with a sour face, did he just call him midget? This guy was seriously a bully.
"I don't want you to talk to Natsuki again, you are too mean and unknowing, got it?" Satsuki said looking down at Nagi.
This made all feelings of fear and nervousness disappear from Nagis body, and they were replaced with anger instead.
"Ok, first of all, it was Natsuki who lunged himself at me, I wouldn't have talked to him otherwise" Nagi said, the last bit was a lie, it had been his plan from the start to tease the older idol, but that was not the point now.
"Second of all, I don't care who you are, nobody calls me a midget and get away with it" Nagi continued, earning an amused look from Satsuki.
"An third of all! Let us make a competition! If I win, I get to put your glasses back on" Nagi stated, pointing a finger at Satsuki.
"And if I win?" Satsuki asked intrigued.
"If you win, I tell you where your stuff is" Nagi said.
"Pfft, like I care about that" Satsuki said waving a hand at Nagi, "You gotta find a better prize" he stated.
"Ok then, you don't like the prize, but don't you think that Natsuki would be really sad and hurt if you never found your things, and knowing that he could have found them? I think he would be devastated" Nagi teased.
Satsuki's expression changed from non-caring too annoyed, the brat was right.
"Ok, then, it's a deal. What's the competition?" Satsuki asked defeated.
Nagi smirked and said: "I'm glad you asked. Since we are at a disco party, I thought we could compete with each other at dancing disco"
Satsuki's face turned into one of disgust, and he said: "And who should judge us?"
Nagi shrugged and turned around himself: "The audience" he said, referring to all the people in the room.
Satsuki stared around the room for a while, sighed and finally gave in with a: "fine"
Nagi smirked in triumph, this was perfect, there was no way Satsuki could win at this, he seemed to be a too awkward person for this.
Nagi made his way to the dancefloor swaying his hips to the beat of "Night Fever", with Satsuki following suit, with a growl plastered on his face.
The two idols soon owned the dance floor. Nagi had started out with an iconic move, 'the hustle' this was surely gonna put the taller idol out of competition, considering everything. But Nagi had underestimated Satsuki, as he answered with a 'the Russians are coming' pointing his knees towards each other, then away.
Nagi was taken aback by the move, as it was rather hard, and very well done, but he couldn't let that get him down, he had to win.
Nagi made the 'Giddy down' showing that just because he was small, he could still roll with the big guys.
Satsuki continued with a classic: 'the Disco point' pointing his index finger towards the floor, then towards the ceiling while rocking his hips.
People around them had slowly begun to look at them and their sick disco moves, no doubt they were professional dancers.
The two kept going with different moves back and forth between them till the song ended, but the fight was far from over, as the audience seemed to clap at them both. This was gonna be tougher than expected.

"Quit whining" You said in an annoyed tone.
"But the suit is tight and it itches" Reiji whine out.
"Don't you think I know that? I'm wearing one too" You answered.
Reiji looked at you, unable to think of a comeback, he remained quite.
"I'm tired" Cecil said.
The young boy had decided to stay with you after he stumbled upon you. Rather that than being alone, even if it meant being with his strict senpai, Camus.
"We all are" you answered, trying not to snap.
"It's late, and we still don't have a clue to where our things are" Cecil continued.
"I know, I know, but we have to keep looking" you answered tiredly.
You all continued walking, and riding, until you spotted something, or rather someone you knew.
"Tokiyaaa, Otoyaaa" you called out to your fellow idols who were sitting on a chair each at a table. You all rushed to them.
"What are you doing?" Ranmaru asked, unamused that they were sitting down.
"I think it's better if we explain that later" Tokiya said, referring to his and Otoya's missing clothes.
You all nodded catching the drift.
"Yo haven't had any luck either?" Reiji asked, trying not to laugh at his juniors.
They both shook their heads. This wild goose chase seemed to get more and more hopeless.
You had searched almost everywhere, and there were still no sign of anything, not even Haruka or Tomochika. Just the thought of what might had happened to them made you shiver.
Suddenly you heard a voice call out: "Lady!" You only knew one person who called you, or any other girl, that. Ren.
You turned around to see the tall orange haired boy running towards you, with Masato following.
As they came to a halt, Ren asked: "Found anything?"
You all shook your heads.
"And you?" You asked, already knowing the answer.
"No" Masato said sadly.
You all stood in silence for a moment, thinking what you might have missed. Otoya was the one to break the silence: "So what's up with the horse?"
You all stared at him, then at Camus and Alexander.
"Don't mind the horse, but why are you two half naked?" Ren asked Otoya and Tokiya.
They both grew red faced, and you decided to say: "Let's talk about all of this when we get home and out of here"
The others nodded, the sooner you could get out, the better. You had already spent three hours, searching for your things, and you were all tired and just wanted to go home.
"We won't get anywhere by just standing here" Tokiya stated.
"You're right, let's look around some more" You said.
Just as you were about to turn around, you spotted Syo on the dancefloor, this time he was alone, no Yamato in sight.
"Syooo" you called out to him waving.
He spotted you and ran up to you.
"What are you guys doing?" He asked confused.
You all kind of shrugged, you hadn't given up, but you didn't know where to look.
"Nevermind" he started, "Where is Natsuki?" He asked.
Now that you thought about it, Natsuki was the only one of you who weren't there, had Heavens kidnapped him too? No that would be stupid.
"I think I found him, or at least his body" Ranmaru spoke up.
You all looked confused at the eye patched idol, what did he mean with 'his body'?
You all turned your heads in the direction Ranmaru was facing, and saw to your surprise, Natsuki in his sparkling yellow disco suit on the dancefloor, dancing, with Nagi, from Heavens.
"Ranmaru is right" Syo started. "That's not Natsuki. That's Satsuki" He said what you all feared, how did that happen, and why was he dancing? Satsuki, dancing, that was unheard of!
"Maybe we should take care of that first" Otoya suggested. You all nodded in agreement.
"Anyone got a pair of glasses?" Syo asked. You pulled out a pair of reading glasses, from God knows where, and handed them to Syo. He took them reluctantly.
"What?" You asked, "I need them to read" you explained. Syo just gave you a weird expression, and started to walk towards Satsuki.
"Wait, why am I doing this?" He asked.
"Because you are the shortest and sneakiest" Reiji encouraged.
"I'm not short" Syo growled, and continued towards Satsuki, it was better to get it over with, than argue.
He had to maneuver through a crowd of people who were clapping and cheering on the two dancing idols, just like with him and Yamato, just way more energetic. He finally got through the mass of people, and was ready to put the glasses on Satsuki. Just as he was about to, Nagi looked straight at him, that made Satsuki turn around, but it was too late, Syo clashed the glasses on to Natsuki's face, and he was back to normal.
"What happened?" Natsuki asked confused, "Why are all these people around us?" He asked looking around.
"I'll explain later, just come" Syo said, trying to lead Natsuki away from Nagi.
"Hey! What do you think you are doing?" Nagi started "We were having a competition here" he finished.
Syo turned around to look at Nagi: "What?" He asked in confusion.
"Me and the tall one there, were having a dance off!" Nagi explained. "You can't just come in here and take him away, that's cheating, I demand a rematch" he stated.
Syo and Natsuki both looked utterly confused.
"That's right, you can't just step in between a competition, that's unfair we will need you to dance again" a voice from the crowd said, but it sounded familiar.
"What is going on here?" You had squished yourself through the crowd and were now standing beside Syo.
"We want a rematch, with all of you" the voice from the crowd said.
You looked confused around you. Quartet Night and the remaining members of Starish had gathered up behind you. Camus had dismounted Alexander, and the poor horse were now left to himself at the sideline.
"Who is talking?" You asked, gazing out at the crowd, it was hard to see anything with the smoke and shifting lights.
"I'm a little sad that you can't recognise my voice, (y/n)" the voice said from behind Nagi.
As you all looked closer, it all made sense. It was Eiichi, with the rest of Heavens beside him.
"You bastards" Camus said.
"Where are our stuff?" Tokiya asked.
"Not so fast you guys" Eiichi started. "Let's sort this out on a good manner" he continued.
"What are you suggesting?" Masato asked reluctantly.
"I already said it. We want a rematch, with all of you dancing. All of you against all of us, sounds fair, right?" Eiichi said, triumphantly.
You turned around to look at the boys, this might be your only chance to finally find your things, and you weren't gonna let it slip. They all took a look at your face, and nodded at you. When you eyes looked like that, there was no stopping you. They were filled with determination.
"Bring it on, Otori" you said, looking at Eiichi.
Eiichi smirked, then laughed and said: "Perfect"
Smoke began to arise around all of you as the song "Don't stop til you get enough" began playing.

Heavens started out with doing the 'face wave' linking their hands in front of their face, and doing a wave like move with them, also swaying their hips to the beat.
The turn turned to you and you went for the 'Groovey one-two' making sure that your hands were correctly extended.
Heavens made a classic move 'the pointing finger' were you stretch your arm infront of you and point around you, in beat to the music.
You all did a classic move too 'the rolling arms' rolling your arms around each other, while bending your knees and following the music.
People around you were going crazy and started dancing themselves, this was a total dance off. You wished you had had your phone to film it, half of these boys would never do anything like this. You still wondered how Shining had got them to wear those horrendous outfits. Seeing Ranmaru and Camus bending their knees and swaying their hips were priceless. Ai dancing with such an emotionless face was pure gold, he normally didn't smile much, but at least there were some sort of life in his eyes, but not now. Reiji, Natsuki and Otoya seemed to enjoy themselves, actually having fun. You couldn't really make out how Ren, Cecil and Syo were feeling, some kind of mixture of wanting to die, and actually having a bit of fun. But you were dead sure that Masato and Tokiya just wanted to leave and never speak of this again, masato looked like he was about to cry, and Tokiya's face was bright red. And you, you were actually having quite fun, despite the situation, but after this dance off was done, you were never dancing disco again.
The song came to an end, and you all stood still for a few seconds, till the first sounds of "YMCA" started playing. There was no doubt of what you all had to dance, everybody knew the moves for this iconic dance. You all got read in position and stuck your hands up in a 'Y' formation as they sang 'Y', an 'M' formation as they sang 'M', a 'C' formation as they sang 'C' and an 'A' formation as they sang 'A'. The song continued with you all doing the classic moves to the song, and some other disco moves as the 'Disco finger' and 'the rolling arms'. You tried not to laugh to much at Kira and Yamato's facial expressions. You probably weren't the only ones who had been dragged into this crazy dance. Nagi seemed rather cool with it all, it was after all him who had started it. Eiji and Van also seemed to enjoy the dancing, it was rather fun to be honest. And Eiichi was definitely enjoying himself, he was sure they were gonna win, but you weren't backing down.
As 'YMCA' faded out, the familiar beat of 'Disco Inferno' started playing.
You looked back at the others, before the known 'burn baby burn' was said, and they all nodded.
Disco wasn't an art you had practiced too much, but you had one move that was sure to knock Heavens off their high horse. But you had to save it for the end.
As the song progressed, you all did various dance move, such as 'the scuba diver' waving your hand vertically in front of you face while going down, and up again. The 'peace fingers' were used to, running two fingers forming the classic 'peace' sign, vertically in front of your eyes.
The song had almost reached its end, and as you heard the last 'burn baby burn' being sung, you went rocked your hips and went down in a split. Maybe not very disco like, but enough to make the crowd go wild, and Heavens drop their jaws.
The song ended, and you got up from the floor smirking at Heavens. Starish and Quartet Night clapped behind you, and you turned around to bow at them.
"Got anything better?" You turned around asking Heavens.
"I think she got us on this one" Van said rather impressed.
Eiichi gave him an irritated look, this wasn't over yet.
"Very impressive (y/n), but there are still more songs on the playlist" Eiichi said.
"Oh come on, you can't be serious, you can't top that, at least not in that suit" Reiji said, pointing at the tight disco suit everyone were wearing.
"Sorry, but we decide when the competition ends" Eiichi stated mockingly.
You all sighed loudly, there were no way out of this, but you had to keep going, you simply had to.

As you all readied for the next dance, you heard a familiar sound coming from above you. Upon looking up, there of course weren't anything but the ceiling and the giant disco ball dangling and sparkling from a cord, but the sound kept being there. You were sure you had heard it before, but you couldn't quite remember where. Upon listening closer, it sounded like a ringtone, and then you heard the familiar words: "What's the sitch?" Spoken by Kim possible, and you only knew one person with that ringtone. You.
It all made sense now, your things had been right above your heads the whole time, literally.
They were all in the disco ball. As realisation hit you, you looked at the disco ball, then for the easiest way up there, and then you made eye contact with Eiichi. He was on to you, and it was now a race between the two of you to reach the disco ball.

So I found most of the references to the 'disco moves' here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/leonoraepstein/19-disco-moves-that-could-beat-someone-up?utm_term=.psEABZGmZ#.ucmXB03Y0

I didn't how else to describe them, but hope you like the chapter!

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