Last chapter: Chapter 6: Disco Panic

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You had to run now. There were two set of stairs in each side of the room, both leading to a different balcony under the roof, that had the perfect placement in front of the disco ball. Both you and Eiichi had noticed this, and it was now a race to reach the disco ball first. To your advantage you were a little closer to a set of stairs than Eiichi was. So you set off running, confusing both Starish and Quartet Night, Eiichi doing the same, Heavens quickly understanding why. You knew.
You sprinted up the stairs, taking two steps at a time, which proved to be rather difficult in the tight shorts and long boots. But you had to reach the disco ball first. As you neared the top of the stairs, you saw Eiichi at the other balcony, how did he get up there so fast? Probably because his legs were longer than yours, but in that suit, seriously?
You both stood on a balcony each, catching your breath, staring each other down, this was it, you had to jump.
You backed all the way up to the wall, and set of sprinting towards the edge of the balcony, getting ready to jump over the small fence, that kept people from doing exactly this.
Eiichi did the same, as Starish, Quartet Night and Heavens looked frightened on from the ground, as you both jumped of off the balcony and into the air, both reaching for the disco ball.
You both grabbed the cord, that connected the disco ball to the ceiling, and landed on the big glowing ball. Ending up sitting with your legs clinging to each other, in order not to fall off. It was only now you realised how high up you actually were. As you looked down, you could see Masato, Otoya, Syo and Reiji covering their eyes in pure horror. Ren, Tokiya, Ranmaru and Camus stared wide eyed at you from the ground, clearly scared. Natsuki and Cecil had clung to each other fearing the worst. Ai remained unfazed by the whole situation. Nagi and Yamato stood with their mouth agape. Van peeked through his fingers, not daring to look, but still curious. Eiji had grabbed Shion's sleeve, fearing for his brothers life. Shion and Kira had observed the whole situation, fearing the worst, hoping for the best. Eiichi was known to be daring, but they had never imagined him to do something as stupid and dangerous as this.
The other people at the party, also stared bewildered up at the scene, but figured that it was part of the party, some kind of show, so they partied on.

"Why did they do that?" Reiji asked nervously, only daring to peek through his fingers.
Nagi looked at Starish and Quartet Night with an unamused face.
"Seriously?" He started, "They did it to spice up the party, of course" he finished, sarcasm coating every word.
"Really?" Reiji said wondrous.
"No, you big dork. Your things are in there" Nagi said annoyed, pointing at the disco ball you were currently sitting on.
All of Starish and Quartet Night stared bewildered at Heavens, that was actually pretty smart, that was the last place anyone would expect.
"But how did (y/n) figure that out?" Otoya asked confused.
"Beats me" Yamato said shrugging.
"Well she is rather smart" Camus admitted, the others nodding.
"Or maybe she heard her ringtone or something like that, just a wild guess" Kira said in a knowing tone.
The others mumbled a little then nodded, that was probably more like you.

"Get off!" You yelled at Eiichi trying to swat his hands off the cord.
"What are you doing you crazy freak?! If I fall off I die!" He yelled back at you, grabbing on tighter to the cord.
"Heavens will catch you, don't worry" You reassured mockingly.
"Quit it girlie, I ain't letting you get your stuff back!" He stated, trying to get your hands of the cord.
"Who are you calling crazy when you do the exact same thing, freak?! And I ain't letting go of here until I have our things!" You stated, clinging on to the disco ball.
"Well good luck getting it down and out!" Eiichi said mockingly.
"If you can put stuff in there you can get it out again, even if I have to break it!" You stated matter of factly. You were tired of this game, and now you were so close to your goal, you weren't giving up.
"Wait a moment" you said, looking at Eiichi.
He looked confused at you, what else could he do? You were hanging above the ground on a giant disco ball, what was he supposed to do? Walk off to get a drink?
"What?" He asked annoyed.
"You kidnapped Haruka too, right?" You asked unsure.
"Yes we did, why you ask?" He said confused.
"Is Haruka in this thing too?!" You yelled out in pure disbelief.
Eiichi looked shocked at you and yelled: "Of course not! Do you think we are complete morons?!"
You stared unamused at him and said: "Do you really want me to answer that?"
Eiichi looked at you with narrowed eyes, you really got on his nerves. Well that was one thing solved, that meant she was probably somewhere safe, preferably with Tomochika, but you could think of that at another time.
"Why did you kidnap her?" You asked anyway.
Eiichi looked at you again unamused and said: "She was lonely, you have all been busy lately, so she hasn't had anyone to talk to"
You looked down, he was right, you had all been rather busy, but that wasn't reason enough to kidnap someone.
Eiichi read you face and said: "We also kidnapped her in the hopes, that you would come and get her, so she wouldn't be lonely, you can't just neglect people"
You looked up at him again, a little annoyed and said: "We didn't neglect her, we were just busy, that's not a reason to kidnap people"
"You are right, but we also did it for the fun, I mean, we are sitting on a disco ball, you have to admit that is a little bit funny" Eiichi said, with a cocky smirk.
"I don't find this funny at all, it's actually pretty dangerous and scary!" You said, looking down on the people below you.
"You were the first to throw yourself at this thing" Eiichi said matter of factly.
"Excuse me, at the moment I couldn't think of anything better, and don't act like you aren't sitting here too" You said to the older idol.
He looked away from you, a clear sign that you were right.
"What do we do now?" You asked, a little embarrassed.
Eiichi looked back at you and said: "I don't know, I didn't think this through either"
You looked dumbfounded at him. Did this mean that you were stuck with Eiichi Otori on a giant disco ball in the middle of a party? How did your life come to this?
"It's your fault" you said pouting.
"My fault?!" Eiichi said offended.
"Yes your fault, you were the one who hid our things in here" You said annoyed.
"It was my dad's idea!" He retorted just as annoyed.
"Well buhu for you, because it is certainly not your dad who is stuck here, so it's your fault!" You yelled back the purple eyed man.
Before he got to say anything you both heard a loud 'crack' from above you. As you looked up you could see that a small crack had formed around where the cord, holding the disco ball, was connected with the roof.
Your eyes widened, that couldn't be good.
"Sit completely still" Eiichi said not taking his eyes off the crack.
You did as he said, and didn't move muscle.
Another 'crack' was heard, this time another crack appeared, but it was larger, much larger, and mortar started sprinkling down on you.
This time you looked wide eyed at each other, this was really, really bad.
Another crack appeared in the roof, and it gave a jerk in the disco ball, as it sunk a little, both you and Eiichi let out a squeaky yelp.

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